There's been tons of sequels but I don't think this moment/climax has ever been topped.
Why was it so good?
Because it had everything. It was truly exciting. It ended in a way you didn't expect.
It wasn't just 2 force users dueling and then one guy winning because of some dubious thing like "having the high ground". It felt earned. It didn't feel like deus ex machina.
The hero relied on his skills, his friends (Han swooping in to save the day is still the best "yeessssss" moment in all of SW), and just a little bit of the Force to carry him to victory.
Seems like every SW movie after the first tried to replicate the trench run ending but just couldn't one-up it. ROTJ came close, though.
Why was it so good?
Because it had everything. It was truly exciting. It ended in a way you didn't expect.
It wasn't just 2 force users dueling and then one guy winning because of some dubious thing like "having the high ground". It felt earned. It didn't feel like deus ex machina.
The hero relied on his skills, his friends (Han swooping in to save the day is still the best "yeessssss" moment in all of SW), and just a little bit of the Force to carry him to victory.
Seems like every SW movie after the first tried to replicate the trench run ending but just couldn't one-up it. ROTJ came close, though.