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Lunar 3


What the hell ever happened to it. Wasn't game arts suppossedly working on this? Also the rerelease of Lunar 2: Eternal blue.... how different is it from the original? I played through Lunar: Silver Star Story complete and it was different enough to keep my interest. Is this the same for the PSX special of part 2 a few years ago?


It's Lunar 2 with ninjas on fire and they are speeding down hallways and um they are doing a lot of stuff.

Helo thar buy it


I'm pretty sure we don't have to say "probably" anymore.

If you have to qualify it, I'd use "almost absolutely certainly" or something like that.



Cimarron said:
oh well... Could somebody answer my question about PSX Lunar 2?
lunar 2 on PS sucks.

it's actually missing content (dungeons) that were in the sega CD version. it was a worse port to saturn than the lunar SSS was, and then a worse port from saturn to playstation, resulting in crap. crappity crap.

i am also not a fan of its characters or story, but if you are, you might like the CG-tacular anime sequences.

so it's fairly different, but IMO it also kind of stinks.


ferricide said:
lunar 2 on PS sucks.

it's actually missing content (dungeons) that were in the sega CD version. it was a worse port to saturn than the lunar SSS was, and then a worse port from saturn to playstation, resulting in crap. crappity crap.

i am also not a fan of its characters or story, but if you are, you might like the CG-tacular anime sequences.

so it's fairly different, but IMO it also kind of stinks.

Yeah, my sentiments exactly, only mine can be spread to all Game Arts titles


madara said:
Not sure. That and Dark Cloud 3 are playing quiet game.

The difference being that Dark Cloud 3 has been all but announced, whereas Lunar 3 is a rumor almost 10 years old at this point.



Actually, Dark Cloud 3 was announced by SCEA irrc... it's probably on the backburner while Level 5 works full time on getting DQVIII done.


jarrod said:
Actually, Dark Cloud 3 was announced by SCEA irrc... it's probably on the backburner while Level 5 works full time on getting DQVIII done.

Nah, they haven't announced it yet. We thought they were gonna, but it was a mixup with code-names, the game we were thinking was Dark Cloud 3 was actually God of War. The old working title for God of War was "Dark Odyssey," which sounded for all the world like a sequel to Dark Chronicle, but no dice.

If you go to the Level 5 website, though, the teaser art for their "Next RPG" has an SCEI copyright indicator on it, so it ain't exactly hard to do the math.



WarPig said:
Nah, they haven't announced it yet. We thought they were gonna, but it was a mixup with code-names, the game we were thinking was Dark Cloud 3 was actually God of War.
No, not the Dark Odyssey thing... I mean SCEA actually announced "Dark Cloud 3" as coming for PS2. I thought they did it at E3?


I didn't ever see anything like that. It would be just like SCEA to throw that into the back of their press binder and not bother to mention it to anyone, though.



Just looked it up... it wasn't officially announced per se, but leaked via SCEA's website last E3 (the same time we found out Champions: Return to Arms, Cold Fear and some others). So no, it hasn't been "officially" announced yet. :/


jarrod said:
Just looked it up... it wasn't officially announced per se, but leaked via SCEA's website last E3 (the same time we found out Champions: Return to Arms, Cold Fear and some others). So no, it hasn't been "officially" announced yet. :/

Ah, so that was it. Man, I love SCEA. Whatta bunch of maroons.



What the hell do you say about the Lunar games at this point? They're old. They're pretty boring. They have some okay dialogue and nice cinemas. PSX Silver Star Story has the most unbelievably shit endgame in RPG history. Woo-ha. Next game, please.




"Tasteless boor. You obviously have no appreciation for the fine rpg classics or yesteryear.... Under 25 no doubt...."


lunar 2 is not and never has been an RPG classic, IMO. what a letdown that game was back in the sega CD games. technically excellent; ultra crappy characters and story compared to the original.


Cimarron said:
"Tasteless boor. You obviously have no appreciation for the fine rpg classics or yesteryear.... Under 25 no doubt...."

The nicest thing that can be said about the Lunar games in 2004 is that they haven't aged as badly as the Ys games.


Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
It's very easy to paint such a critical view on these games nearly a decade later, and I wouldn't dispute anything ferricide or DFS openly state. However if you DO have the marginal propensity to revisit a relic like Lunar 2 in 32-bit form, you'll get a largely inoffensive fantasy yarn with colorful characters, vibrant artwork, and a soundtrack that is easy for the ears to digest. The grind of combat and exploration itself was plodding even 6-years ago, only the truly dedicated could profit from the game portions.

The remake is more or less the same with a PSX coat of paint, some slight changes to the melodrama, but I don't recall such a savage alteration as ferricide states(though it has been so long) On the record, I always preferred Lunar 2 myself.
WarPig said:
The nicest thing that can be said about the Lunar games in 2004 is that they haven't aged as badly as the Ys games.
That depends. :p Ys I-II's arcadey action is easier for me to take these days than traditional-RPG slog, and the music is more to my taste. Most of those dungeons are pretty damn sloppy and painful these days, though. And was Ys III ever good? The first two certainly look better these days than, say, Sorcerian.


Brandon F said:
The grind of combat and exploration itself was plodding even 6-years ago, only the truly dedicated could profit from the game portions.

Actually, what I enjoyed about the Lunar games the most was the positioning aspect in battles. It's almost like an SRPG in that sense, where positioning matters because of the area of effect spells. That being said, I liked Lunar SSS far more than Lunar 2 EB in terms of the actual game. The stupid run button was an incredible irritation for me.

I played the SS version of both for what it's worth.


jiji said:
That depends. :p Ys I-II's arcadey action is easier for me to take these days than traditional-RPG slog, and the music is more to my taste.

See, I couldn't do that Hydlide jazz even six-seven years ago, let alone now. It amazes me that it took them three games to master the notion of an "attack" button. The music's nice, though, that is true. The one part of the series that holds up.

Ys III I thought was good in, like, 1992, but I liked a lot of stupid shit when I was a teenager, so I don't see as how I oughta trust that opinion.



The ghost of Dreamcast past
The battle system in the Lunar games utilized character positioning for strategy and played out at a nice pace. Two-Five provided an epic musical score, the graphics were sharp, and the character Ghaleon is one of the most memorable around.


Lazy8s said:
The battle system in the Lunar games utilized character positioning for strategy and played out at a nice pace.

What strategy? Unless you're talking about having to move Kyle in front of enemies to use his worthless fireball thing that only went in a straight line


The ghost of Dreamcast past
There was a range of movement for characters and a range of influence for some attacks. A character with low health could be retreated to the back where an enemy couldn't reach on a single turn, or some characters could fail an attack if they ended up spending their range trying to get close enough. Sometimes a character could also be out of range of certain magics/specials depending on where they were positioned on the field.

... hadn't noticed Tsubaki already addressed this above.


Brandon F said:
It's very easy to paint such a critical view on these games nearly a decade later, and I wouldn't dispute anything ferricide or DFS openly state.
for the record, i bought lunar 2 the day it came out in the US (god, i had it preordered for a year, or something) and that's my opinion from when it first came out. never liked it, never will.
I liked it okay. And I totally had Starbucks with Noriyuki Iwadare once. You better believe I asked if he was doing the music for Lunar 3 or what.


Kobun Heat said:
I liked it okay. And I totally had Starbucks with Noriyuki Iwadare once. You better believe I asked if he was doing the music for Lunar 3 or what.
you should've asked him "hey, mr. iawadare, could you do us a favor and actually compose some *new* battle music already? jesus christ!" and then you should have poured his latte in his lap and run away.


ferricide said:
for the record, i bought lunar 2 the day it came out in the US (god, i had it preordered for a year, or something) and that's my opinion from when it first came out. never liked it, never will.
I can do nothing but agree with this man.

Also, I really loved Lunar: SSS back whenever it came out, but I'm afraid to go back and play it again now that I'm all jaded and stuff. Especially after the sour taste of Lunar 2.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Lunar 2 really was that bad? I never got around to buying it, actually today I was thinking about getting a copy... 1 was pretty cool, it started off horrible (having never played the SEGA CD version) but it got a lot better as it went on.


djtiesto said:
Lunar 2 really was that bad? I never got around to buying it, actually today I was thinking about getting a copy... 1 was pretty cool, it started off horrible (having never played the SEGA CD version) but it got a lot better as it went on.
totally objectively, lunar 2 actually *looks worse* than lunar 1 on PS1. it's less upgraded from its 16 bit incarnation, has hella screen tearing and (since it's based on a rather shitty saturn port) has stuff like fake transparencies. very, very yucky.

IMO the story and characters lack most of what made the first one's interesting. there's one good thing about the story --
the return of ghaleon
-- everything else is so much more basic and stupid. the new characters aren't anywhere near as likable as the original cast and most of the subplots are dumb. all in all, a big fat mess of a boring game.


Mrbob said:
More Dark Cloud 3 talk and less Lunar 3 talk is needed.
dark cloud 3 talk is "nobody knows when sony is really gonna announce it." =P

boy, i hope it's less tedious than the last one. =P


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
ferricide said:
dark cloud 3 talk is "nobody knows when sony is really gonna announce it." =P

boy, i hope it's less tedious than the last one. =P

My heart breaks when someone says they don't love Dark Cloud 2...stop hurting me. :(

Gamestop has Dark Cloud 3 listed, surely that is all the confirmation you could possibly need. :lol



Grizzlyjin said:
My heart breaks when someone says they don't love Dark Cloud 2...stop hurting me. :(
heh, can't help it.

that's definitely a game where i gave it a good score because i could see how it deserved it, but i didn't really like it at all. is that the opposite of the paper mario defense? =O


Unconfirmed Member
The Prime Director said:
You BETTER not be talking about Grandia.....
Grandia is an inferior series compared to Lunar.

It's battle system is WAAAAAY better (obviously...Lunar isn't exactly the most advanced in that area), but everything else about the game(s) is decidedly and markedly inferior to Lunar.

Oh, and Post #2,000. :D


Lunar SSSC WAS a better game than Lunar: EB but to call part 2 trash is silly. It was a fun game. Good story, fun battles and GREAT music. Head and shoulders over the drivel that was DC IMHO. 10 years from now more folks will have fond memories of Lunar than Dark Cloud i bet.

Ranger X

Must be an alien or something but i LOVE Lunar series (and when it came out it was ahead of it's time) and also LOVE Dark Cloud 2. Can't wait for the third.

Screw the generated dungeons hate. DC2 rock hard as an action-rpg ("rpg adventure" for the douche bags) and it's so shocking full of great gameplay!


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
DC2 had some *AMAZING* elements behind it... I loved the fishing, golf (Spheda), town building, etc... but there were a few annoyances with the game - the first thing would be the boring, repetitive dungeons... For the sequel, Instead of random dungeons, put in some actual level design and puzzles to solve, and I'll be set. DC2 was such an improvement over the first game, that I have a feeling 3 will be amazing... Definitely the closest we're gonna get to a new Actraiser for a while :D


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Some of the negative impressions of the Lunars come from SNES holdouts or PlayStation kiddies who first experienced the series in the 32-bit era. Coming from the releases when they originated on the SEGA CD, the games definitely played well for Japanese console RPGs of their time. When the 32-bit era rolled around, players of the original games moved on to the next evolution in dynamic combat for the genre when Grandia came out for Saturn.

If a Lunar 3 were to be made, it wouldn't imply an outdated fighting system; GameArts's progress in that area should just be continued -- since they already moved beyond random battles, one of the next steps could be to have battles take place directly on the world terrain, even when its multi-tiered and uneven, and not on a separate battle field.
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