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M. Night Shymalan's New Sci-Film (Written By GARY WHITTA)

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Beardz said:
Somewhere out there Gary Whitta is out of breath laughing so hard at this pic.
Big Baybee said:
Just watched Karate Kid on Netflix last night. It was a really good movie. Wasn't expecting that. But was there a reason why they kept the title "Karate" Kid?

Name recognition, mostly. Almost everybody has at least heard of the original movie, even if they haven't seen it.


Sometimes you don't need to reinvent the wheel. I'm the troll you deserve, but not the troll you need. Some men just wanna watch the world take the bait.


Summary Man said:
Name recognition, mostly. Almost everybody has at least heard of the original movie, even if they haven't seen it.


But in addition, the story was basically copy and pasted from the original. They obviously had to change the martial arts style to Kung Fu, but the:

1) new kid on the block (son of a single mom mind you),
2) bullied by the star pupils of an aggressive asshat martial arts instructor
3) who agrees to keep the bullies from beating the new kid up if he competes in a tournament
4) and learns from a custodian with a dark past who happens to be a master himself
5) all the while winning the heart of a local girl

.. all point by point story elements stolen from the original.. all that's missing is a shower curtain halloween costume, douchebags in skeleton costumes and a crane kick... oh and classic 80s muzak.


Solo said:
Sometimes you don't need to reinvent the wheel. I'm the troll you deserve, but not the troll you need. Some men just wanna watch the world take the bait.

You should do heel turns more often.

Trolo > Solo


Meus Renaissance said:
Thread sucks. Why are people being so mean spirited? smh

I don't really know. Gary's had one movie made. It was decent (I liked it), had good/not great success. Had his hand in the Akira adaptation - which is epic in its own rite - and may forever be the guy responsible for "Travis"/whitewashing a Japanese story (even if it's not true - and I'm not sure I would have made a different decision if I was writing it, btw).

I think that (Travis) coupled with the overwhelming Shyamalan hate.. that probably covers it.

In other news, NeoGAF is composed primarily of acrid bile.


Incredibly Naive
I'll wait for it to come out to make judgement. I know the guy can direct, there's no way you just get that lucky. TLA was just a disaster on all levels though... hopefully that one woke him up.


_dementia said:
Karate Kid was okay. Have you seen it?
Okay is all it was. By the end of the movie I felt attachment for neither the boy or the master like I did in the first. Not to mention I found both performances to not be memorable. Oddly enough I enjoyed the mom character.

I guess this could be partly to blame on the young age of the character in the movie, and my resulting inability to really relate/find drama in it.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
Wow, this thread.

But I thought the twist in The Book of Eli was decent so I'm cautiously optimistic about this. And the Karate Kid was overall, decent, so Jayden starring in it isn't a huge worry for me.
I thought the twist in Eli kinda sucked. It made an already abnormally talented character into Super Jesus. It made sense, but stretched things a bit too far.


Kenak said:
I thought the twist in Eli kinda sucked. It made an already abnormally talented character into Super Jesus. It made sense, but stretched things a bit too far.
The problem with the twist is I guessed it from the poster. Glasses like those ain't subtle.

I was glad in the end though. Having a twist just cheapens the overall movie. Being able to ignore it made me enjoy the movie more.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Congrats to Gary for his work!

That being said, I will never watch another M. Night directed film ever. It being a Jaden vehicle doesn't help either.

I still wish Gary well though. =D

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Messypandas said:
Suprised Will Smith even entertained the idea of working Shaymalan. VERY suprised
It's a step down for him, but a step up for his untalented kid whose career he is trying to launch. Has to take one for the family, I guess.

dmshaposv said:
btw this thread is already quite big, but has anyone made a "whitta needs ze money for apple products" jab yet?
No, but I heard the working title for the movie is 'The App-ening'
Holy shit, what are the odds? Not so bad I guess...congrats to Gary. I hope this film will be Shyamalan's redemption, but I have to admit I don't have much confidence in him these days.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Meus Renaissance said:
Thread sucks. Why are people being so mean spirited? smh

They jelly. In they minds they could do better. In they word processor however, words languish in empty space. So they jelly.


Solo said:
Sometimes you don't need to reinvent the wheel. I'm the troll you deserve, but not the troll you need. Some men just wanna watch the world take the bait.
This made me laugh. Well played, good sir.
OuterWorldVoice said:
They jelly. In they minds they could do better. In they word processor however, words languish in empty space. So they jelly.
Hmmmm your avatar reminds of the remake project Will Smith is rumoured to be doing with Spielberg...

I'll leave it at that for the good of the thread.


I enjoyed "The Book of Eli". Dialogue was cool. Was it Whitta's idea to include "Ring My Bell" in the movie? I lol'ed hard at that. :)

What was Shyamalan's last sci-fi film? Signs? It's been a while since I've seen it but I really liked it. I know The Happening gets shit on but I feel that Shyamalan can still build some tension in his scenes.

I haven't seen enough of Jaden Smith to have a strong opinion on him. All I've seen him in is in The Day The Earth Stood Still. He was ok in that.


Super Member
The Smiths? Shyamalan?

does that mean GAF is part of the problem? :-(

I enjoyed The Pursuit of Happyness


dave is ok said:
I thought the twist of The Last Airbender was that tiny bit of dialogue that wasn't exposition.

According to Roger Ebert, the twist was going to be this:

"The story takes place in the future, after Man has devastated the planet and survives in the form of beings with magical powers allowing them to influence earth, water and fire. These warring factions are held in uneasy harmony by the Avatar, but the Avatar has disappeared, and Earth lives in a state of constant turmoil caused by the warlike Firebenders."

I don't see why in the world he would say something like that.


I... what... I don't even

I'm so conflicted.

I want to see Gary Whitta do well.

But the tireless push to make Jaden Smith a star annoys me to the point where I don't like him. And I don't like Shyamalan at all. So they must fail.

This is a no win situation.
FStop7 said:
I... what... I don't even

I'm so conflicted.

I want to see Gary Whitta do well.

But the tireless push to make Jaden Smith a star annoys me to the point where I don't like him. And I don't like Shyamalan at all. So they must fail.

This is a no win situation.

My niece looks exactly like Jaden Smith. It's weird.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I liked all Shyamalan films except Lady in the Water and those I haven't seen (everything after Lady in the Water). If their quality is comparable to The Village I might even watch them.

Haters eat shit.
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