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M. Night Shymalan's New Sci-Film (Written By GARY WHITTA)

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Bish loves my games!
Hey, who here would like to be a millionaire? Because that's what Gary is probably going to be after this movie (if he isn't already). Anyone arguing Gary shouldn't have taken this gig is an idiot.
NYR said:
Too bad we don't have a history of bad movies to base our presumptions on...oh wai...

Honestly point taken. Shymalan really can't write anymore he HAS lost it. He is not a bad director IMO. Also I liked Book of Eli, I didn't think it was wonderful but enjoyed it.

Gary is a fellow Gaffer so while I don't know him I wish him the best.
I'll say this, The Book of Eli stuck with me more than most this year. I can't even recall most of the summer fare and Eli came out all the way back in January.


A movie only made to serve as a vehicle for Jaden Smith.

That's stepping over my personal limit of being open about your approach. So cold and cynical. :/

MickeyKnox said:
Pretty much this.

Shymalan's name being mentioned anywhere near a movie is enough to sink it with audiences.
The Devil trailer went over pretty well over here, when it was shown before Scott Pilgrim last night.

Guess people still associate Shyamalan with Sixth sense and Unbreakable here (if they recognise the name at all).


Lots of interesting sounding sci-fi coming up soon:

this movie
Spielberg's Robopocalypse
Super 8
Independence Day 2 (seems pretty likely)
Ridley Scott's Alien prequels
Star Trek 2

I'm sure I'm missing some.


Rindain said:
Lots of interesting sounding sci-fi coming up soon:

this movie
Spielberg's Robopocalypse
Super 8
Independence Day 2 (seems pretty likely)
Ridley Scott's Alien prequels
Star Trek 2

I'm sure I'm missing some.
That's a pretty cool title actually.

Have you seen this movie?


Hit or miss director that's a shitty writer. Hope he stops making movies.

Can writers even choose the director or how much the director can change?

I want to know how many directors were interested.

If the answer to my question is yes, I can see a writer agreeing to work with him to get their foot deeper in the door.


Rindain said:
Lots of interesting sounding sci-fi coming up soon:

this movie
Spielberg's Robopocalypse
Super 8
Independence Day 2 (seems pretty likely)
Ridley Scott's Alien prequels
Star Trek 2

I'm sure I'm missing some.
Skyline this nov looks interesting.


jett said:
How come GARY WHITTA refuses to post here? We all know you're reading it! :lol

I would assume it's because he probably can't say much at this point. About the project, I mean.


So he can avoid being harassed by GAF before he can actually say something about the movie in his defense :p I sure as heck wouldn't be in here upon the announcement of this collab

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Dreams-Visions said:
so, how many more pages before GAFwrath becomes GAFfainthope?

I think we're already at that point if not close to it.

Shock -> Outrage -> Arguments -> Denounce Complainers -> Cautious Optimism.
My problem with Shyamalan is that he moved away from his comfort zone. I honestly think he's fantastic at directing horror and suspense, and when he wants to he can churn out some really emotional stuff.

I think the hate for him is overblown, but it's hard for me to defend the guy when he decides to make stuff like The Happening and some of those others. Personally I think The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Signs, and The Village are excellent films with many standout moments in each, so I'm not exactly on board the hate train.

I won't deny that he has fallen from grace, but I'm also not going to deny that he's made some really fantastic films as well. Sure, he has brought the sourness upon himself over the years with his last three films, but I don't think that makes him a bad director.

He's proven to me on multiple occasions that he can be a great director. I just hope that he gets back around to being that.


brandonh83 said:
I know. RT can be wrong, too.
for sure. I read it as you guys being puzzled as to why they would have been listed in that way. I assumed it was because maybe you guys didn't know they were just using rottentomatoes scoring, rather than because you just didn't agree with RT.

carry on, soldier.


time to take my meds
brandonh83 said:
It was okay, but Shyamalan didn't even write or direct it.
ah ok.

I think the only thing M night can do to redeem himself is unbreakable 2.

I personally like him, i just dont like the last couple movies he did.
Unbreakable, signs, and six sense were all incredible. Thats gotta count for something.


MNS did have some skill as a director. Keeping him away from writing might work out well.

I'm sure Whitta doesn't care much how a bunch of Internet messageboarders take their shots when they think they have an opportunity to communicate with a real Holly wood screenwriter (the answer being 'predictably' ) but obviously he's doing well in the industry. Congrats on that. Hopefully M Night doesn't make the upcoming process a living hell.

Of course, there's also the chance Whitta sold this a long time ago and had nothing to do with who was chosen, nor will he be involved from here on out, but who knows.
Bad_Boy said:
I personally like him, i just dont like the last couple movies he did.
Unbreakable, signs, and six sense were all incredible. Thats gotta count for something.

Right there with you. The man has talent. It's just unfortunate that he hasn't felt like proving it here lately. :lol


ICallItFutile said:
If you count Devil it already has.

Nah. Let's not count stuff he produces. If we counted stuff people produced along with those they actually directed, Spielberg would be held responsible for Transformers and J.J. Abrams responsible for Cloverfield.


Fjolle said:

unbreakable > the sixth sense > signs > the village > poop > the happening. haven't seeen the others.

the first two are great; the third is pretty good; [i]the village[/i], despite the twist, was ok enough.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
bud said:
unbreakable > the sixth sense > signs > the village > poop > the happening. haven't seeen the others.

the first two are great; the third is pretty good; the village, despite the twist, was ok enough.

Even with how bad the Happening was, it had some hilarious memorable scenes. :lol
extremely scant details, but he is highly interested in it as his next project:

Instead, he’s focusing on 1000 A.E., a science-fiction project that’s being developed for him to star in, with M. Night Shyamalan slated to direct. “We’re reading the script right now,” he says. “I don’t want to give it away because that wouldn’t be tight, but it’s set in the future and it’s about a journey
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