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Mac Hardware and Software |OT| - All things Macintosh

Deku Tree

Couple of things:
Go into Finder, put it in list view and hit cmd-j (View > Show View Options) and hit "calculate all sizes" and then "use as defaults". Sort by the size column.

You can now drill down and see what's using disk space. ~/Downloads, ~/Pictures, ~/Library/Application Support are likely culprits for having a bunch of shit in them (iOS firmware images?). Stay away from /Library and /System.

The iPhoto library and Photos library are probably hard links to the same data, and if so deleting iPhoto one probably won't save any space.

That approach is good but it doesn't catch some huge hiding files that can sometimes be deleted.


A few weeks ago, the picture was back. Just like that. I opened the app, and suddenly that ancient picture was back in the smart folder. So I moved it to the correct album yet another time.

Guess what? It's back again. What a shitshow.

Oh, and there's ten pictures which I tagged with a face. That face is excluded by the rules of the smart folder, so they should not show up in it. And yet they do. The folder is set up correctly, and they're not duplicates. It just doesn't work.

Speaking of faces: The dropdown for typing in face names has autocompletion for existing faces. Now, some time ago I had to create a few temporary faces in order to work around some faces-related bugs. I've deleted those faces a long time ago, but they still show up in that dropdown. No, I did not miss any pictures tagged with those faces. None exist. And apparently, the only way to get rid of old face data is to create a new library and move the pictures. Amazing.

I was able to get rid of the face-tagged pictures in the smart folder by removing the faces and re-tagging the pictures. Pain in the ass.

I just opened Photos.app again. Now, eight other pictures show up in the smart folder, all tagged with that face. I can't believe this shit.
I was able to find a guy (friend of my father) who's selling his Macbook Pro 2015 13" for 950€ with half a year of use.

Guess I'm going to buy it.
I think I'm going to downgrade.

I really love my 15" rMBP but I think it might be a smart more to go smaller. With my second monitor and finally getting the hang of working with a trackpad full-time, my workflow is pretty efficient right now and I don't think I need 15" of screen real estate.

When the new MBPs finally gets announced I'll go with whatever the 13" equivalent is and sell this beast. I could actually make money on this swap, looking at the prices it's going for online. My only concern is the potential for functionality downgrades with the newer models. If it's true that it only has 4x USB ports and that's it, I'm going to have to buy (and re-buy) dongles. Macbook Dongle.

The Real Abed

I think I'm going to downgrade.

I really love my 15" rMBP but I think it might be a smart more to go smaller. With my second monitor and finally getting the hang of working with a trackpad full-time, my workflow is pretty efficient right now and I don't think I need 15" of screen real estate.

When the new MBPs finally gets announced I'll go with whatever the 13" equivalent is and sell this beast. I could actually make money on this swap, looking at the prices it's going for online. My only concern is the potential for functionality downgrades with the newer models. If it's true that it only has 4x USB ports and that's it, I'm going to have to buy (and re-buy) dongles. Macbook Dongle.
I too have been seriously thinking about going smaller. But haven't fully decided yet. I run my 15" at the 1920x1200 Retina (1200p) setting so I get the highest Retina resolution I can, which the 13" models just can't do. The 13" ones only go to 1680x1050 Retina so I need to decide if I could adapt.

Another thing is that the 13" models dont even have an option for a dGPU so I'd need to decide if that's something I can drop too. I run my 15" with the dGPU on at all times because it just feels smoother. It's a 2013 model so maybe the iGPU they use now, and might use in the next model is equivalent now? Remember I need it to run a higher resolution than default. So I need all the GPU I can get.

And lastly, the CPU. You currently only get i7 on the 15". 13" models are i5 only. Hopefully with the next update, that gap won't really matter as much.

Other than those three things I can easily go smaller and possibly even just the entry level model. (This one is the highest end model you could get in 2013. And is still pretty close to the current high end model on sale now.) I'd really like a lighter machine, but don't want to go MacBook or Air. My 15" Retina Pro weighs about the same as my old 13" non-Retina Pro. But before this machine I used Airs for two years and the 13" Pro before that. (And a 2007 white MacBook before that which was about the same.)

The only way I'd go lower is if and when I get a gaming PC. I won't need the extra power since I probably won't be playing any top end games on my Mac anymore so I could easily cut the power for portability. I saw my sisters 13" and it's really nice and small. Made me miss that small form factor.

Another problem is that I'd need the 512GB model. Maybe I could get away with the 256GB one since I'd be getting rid of all the Windows Steam games taking up space and many of the bigger Mac games. About 120GB could be freed up so I'd be well under 256 by then. Maybe we'll get lucky and the next release bumps up the storage bases. Yeah right.

Deku Tree

I'm thinking about going from a top spec 2012 rMBP to a top spec 12" MacBook. I'll have to buy a USB-C dongle hub at a minimum. I've been doing most of my "heavy" computing recently by ssh into a server anyway. Either that or the 13" rMBP if the refresh looks nice. All my plugs are USB3 and TB.


And I... will be sitting on my 2014 Macbook Pro for the next eight years, probably :) Was looking at getting the wife a new 13" MBP when they drop, but the place she was freelancing at imploded and thanks to outrageous start-up spending she's probably going to get to hang on to a 2014 13" MBA. Only 4GB RAM but a 256GB SSD, and since she mostly writes and carries it around with her on press trips and such it's probably perfect for her.

At this point, especially since they haven't been refreshing the Mac Pro I'm just going to keep running my 5,1 indefinitely. If they actually add Polaris drivers to Sierra I might give it one more GPU upgrade to better handle >1080p gaming.

Deku Tree

Apple should just put an A10X Fusion chip into the new rMBP and forget about Intel with all their delays.

The iPhone's new chip should worry Intel

It’s already the case, by sheer force of numbers, that Apple’s A series of mobile processors are at least as important and market-leading as Intel’s vast portfolio of x86 chips. But the present pseudo-equilibrium between them is being drastically upset by Apple’s leap in performance with the new A10 Fusion. By straying into the performance waters previously reserved for Intel’s laptop CPUs, Apple is teasing us with the question of why not inject the A10 (or its successors) into actual laptops? Why shouldn’t the next MacBook run on the same chip as the current iPhone? Granted, the MacBook’s macOS is based on x86 whereas the A chips all use the ARM architecture, but then an equally interesting question might be whether Apple shouldn’t just bite the bullet and make iOS its universal operating system.

It sounds wild, but the A10 looks to have the power and efficiency to handle the workload of a full PC. This coalescence of mobile and desktop PCs is driven by forces on both sides: mobile chips are getting more potent at the same time as our power needs are shrinking and our tasks become more mobile.


The ease of conversion with Windows and Boot Camp really shouldn't be underestimated. With that said, if a Rosetta v2 could run Intel code without much of a penalty I could definitely see them switching sooner rather than later.

The Real Abed

I'm thinking about going from a top spec 2012 rMBP to a top spec 12" MacBook. I'll have to buy a USB-C dongle hub at a minimum. I've been doing most of my "heavy" computing recently by ssh into a server anyway. Either that or the 13" rMBP if the refresh looks nice. All my plugs are USB3 and TB.
See I would have no problem going with the MacBook under the following conditions:

The CPU needs to be bumped significantly. I know they keep it low because of the missing fans and small size but I'm sure something can happen. See it'll be fine if I have a gaming PC to use for games anyway. I'd but the PC with the money I'd save not getting another high end Pro.

And the price should drop to meet the Air prices.

Also a 14" option would be nice if it could do 1200p. 900p just isn't enough on the 12".

Actually there's a few more caveats too. I'd want a second USB port even if it replaced the headphone jack at least. Also a 16GB Ram option. At least it has a 512GB option. Then again the 13" Pro doesn't currently have a 16GB option either. Which is why I went 15" in the first place. (Well that and the GPU was too tempting.)

Of course I won't bother making my decision until the time comes. I can probably still get a year out of this 15" as long as I get the keyboard replaced. But if it's going to cost too much I'd probably be driven to replace sooner. I'm going on 3 years now. That's longer than any other Mac I've owned sinc 2000 if you don't count overlapping and retirement into server duties that my Mac mini did a while ago.

Therefore I look forward to what they have in store next month. I'm really eager for some new design and tech goodness. Bring on that touch pad key strip.
Apple should just put an A10X Fusion chip into the new rMBP and forget about Intel with all their delays.

The iPhone's new chip should worry Intel

I would abandon Apple if iOS became their PC OS. I'm fine with moving to ARM in a couple of years. Intel can go screw itself if it can't compete. But on a PC, I'm not downloading a bunch of moronic dumbed-down walled garden apps exclusively available through a tightly regulated app store.


They aren't going to abandon macOS any time soon. They wouldn't have put the effort into a new file system, among other things, if that were the case.


...hate me...
Move to ARM

Optional external x86 USB-C Thunderbolt 3 CPU for backwards compatibility


Give me my paycheck, Cook
how much would you guys sell this for on craigslist? battery at 65 cycles. 500gb hd.


The Real Abed

how much would you guys sell this for on craigslist? battery at 65 cycles. 500gb hd.

That's the exact model I have. It's still pretty top if the line though 3 years old now. It cost like $2600 new. I'd hope it could still be worth $1500 if not $1000. But I don't know anything about resale value right now.


how much would you guys sell this for on craigslist? battery at 65 cycles. 500gb hd.


eBay has them trending at $1275 and up (can't narrow it down to the models with discrete graphics, that's just by 15", RAM, and SSD size.)

I would presume they sell for less on Craigslist given there's no buyer protection.
i dont get why I should get less on craigslist because "no buyer protection".
what does that even mean?

I'm fairly certain that the number of people who have gotten screwed on eBay far, far outnumbers those who have gotten mugged or beaten on craigslist. secondly, the idea of buyer protection is only really applicable to online transactions.

Ive done dozens of Craiglist transactions and fear it much less than selling to someone on eBay. as a seller on eBay, i dont want to get screwed out of $1200 when ebay ultimately sides with the buyer as they apparently usually do.


i dont get why I should get less on craigslist because "no buyer protection".
what does that even mean?

I'm fairly certain that the number of people who have gotten screwed on eBay far, far outnumbers those who have gotten mugged or beaten on craigslist. secondly, the idea of buyer protection is only really applicable to online transactions.

Ive done dozens of Craiglist transactions and fear it much less than selling to someone on eBay. as a seller on eBay, i dont want to get screwed out of $1200 when ebay ultimately sides with the buyer as they apparently usually do.

It doesn't matter what you think. The fact is buyers are not willing to pay as much because they don't have the same protections. Yeah, it's less attractive to you because of fees and that they side with the buyer, but that's why it's more appealing to them. Not sure why this is hard to understand. By all means, see what you can get—there's no guarantee eBay would be higher. But don't respond with incredulity when we offer you the benefit of wisdom of selling several macs online when you asked.

Deku Tree


Most of them are basically going: "Oh wow their new chip smokes the other mobile chips, therefore it'll totally destroy desktop chips!"

Well the article that I quoted earlier favorably compares the single core performance of the A10 to the single core performance of the chip in the MacPro garbage can.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
Well the article that I quoted earlier favorably compares the single core performance of the A10 to the single core performance of the chip in the MacPro garbage can.
It's the verge, jumping to conclusions by comparing the results of just one single threaded benchmark where the A10 barely beats a 3 year old processor.

It's not hard to see why it can't be taken seriously.

Deku Tree

It's the verge, jumping to conclusions by comparing the results of just one single threaded benchmark where the A10 barely beats a 3 year old processor.

It's not hard to see why it can't be taken seriously.

Well it's also like a "Mobile processor beats in single core performance a processor put into a Pro desktop computer." Sure the Pro desktop is 3 years old but still that's amazing.

And sure it's the Verge. But it's not just the verge. iPhone 7 Series is Faster Than Any MacBook Air Ever Made

Intels road map and all the delays is garbage, and it's not just the death of moore's law.

Anyway I feel like I'm debating a moving target. I argue against one point, then someone disputes a different point.

Anyway I've been thinking a lot about whether it is currently possible for me to switch from macOS to something like an iPad Pro for the things that I do for work. And I realized that yes it is possible, but what I would miss most is the finder. And I'm not sure that I would want to switch and lose the finder.
Anyway I've been thinking a lot about whether it is currently possible for me to switch from macOS to something like an iPad Pro for the things that I do for work. And I realized that yes it is possible, but what I would miss most is the finder. And I'm not sure that I would want to switch and lose the finder.

iOS and Android are nowhere close to being ready for any serious work, at least for programming, web development, or anything beyond basic word processing or drawing. These are media consumption operating systems first and foremost.


The important point in the A10 vs Intel benchmarks is that the A10 is a ~2W chip. Discounting it because it only matches a three year old Intel chip ignores the fact that the Intel chip has a 15W TDP.


What's going on with Reeder? Since the launch of 3.0 (both Mac and iOS) about twelve months ago, there was just one minor update in August. And the developer's Twitter account hasn't tweeted since last November.
So I got a Macbook Pro 13 Retina about a month ago and noticed at the very bottom of the screen there is a bit of a blue tint gradient. Is this normal? Should I take it back?


iOS and Android are nowhere close to being ready for any serious work, at least for programming, web development, or anything beyond basic word processing or drawing. These are media consumption operating systems first and foremost.

Seriously. How am supposed to be productive with a device that can't even open two instances of the same app simultaneously?

Even media consumption can be restricted in some cases. For instance, I can't open GAF threads with too many embedded videos on my iPad. Like some pages in the Metal thread, for example. After loading for a while, the tab crashes and Safari reloads the page. Then it crashes again, and Safari reloads the page. Then it crashes again, and so on. I literally cannot read some threads on my iPad.
On my phone, for some reason Safari does not crash, but it renders the pages only partially. When I scroll down a bit, everything's white. At some point, the content may appear, but not always. Sometimes, I can see the thumbnails of the embedded videos, but nothing else, not even text.

What else does it need? Works fine for me.

You can't tell me that there's not a single bug left to fix.
If you want specific examples for features or changes, how about OPML Import for RSS subscription services? How about NC widgets? Notifications? Blacklists? Sophisticated search? Rules and actions for matching items? Image/video previews? Readability is shutting down next week. Is he gonna have an update ready to remove it from the apps? I doubt it.

The point is, you can't just release an app and then disappear into thin air until the next major, paid upgrade is ready. I'm not gonna pay another ten bucks for Reeder 4, if it's ever released. I'm not gonna pay ten bucks for an app that receives no support whatsoever.

I have no doubt that Google Docs will remain superior, but Apple does pretty heavily say that collaboration is still in beta

Given my previous experiences with cloud-based services from Apple - or Apple software in general - I think it's safe to assume that this kind of issue will persist in the final release.


Unconfirmed Member
Wait. Sierra launched today and there was no new hardware along with it? 😫

I was sure the would launch hardware alongside Sierra but not till October.


The only silver lining I can get out of that table is that Intel's shitshow might force Apple to put dedicated graphics on their base 15" line. There's no way they can bundle a crappy GT2 level IGP into a $2k machine.
So the key between the U and O keys randomly stopped workng for me on my Apple Wrless Bluetooth keyboard. Yes, the [Eye] key. Was workng yesterday. Was workng 4 hours ago. Now... t's just not workng anymore.

So werd.

'm sorry for the typos.

Thnkng of gettng a mechancal keyboard, and notced that Das Keyboard has one n a Mac edton, wth Apple functon and cmd keys. Would you recommend ths?



I have an old pro from 2009. 2.53 core duo, think Sierra will run badly on it?

I'm afraid Sierra doesn't support your MBP:

2009 and later


2010 and later

MacBook Air
MacBook Pro
Mac mini
Mac Pro

So the key between the U and O keys randomly stopped workng for me on my Apple Wrless Bluetooth keyboard. Yes, the [Eye] key. Was workng yesterday. Was workng 4 hours ago. Now... t's just not workng anymore.

So werd.

'm sorry for the typos.

Thnkng of gettng a mechancal keyboard, and notced that Das Keyboard has one n a Mac edton, wth Apple functon and cmd keys. Would you recommend ths?


Personally, 'm not a bg fan of those tall keys on mechancal keyboards.

've had ths Logtech and whle the key feedback wasn't qute as tght as on the Apple keyboard, t has backlt keys and supports up to three Bluetooth devces: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0099SMFP2/?tag=neogaf0e-20
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