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Mac Hardware and Software |OT| - All things Macintosh


The worst part is if Apple doesn't go retina in their upcoming summer refresh you KNOW it will happen in the 2013 revisions. It would be painful to try and force myself to wait out for retina.


I can't wait to get my MBP for college. I really want them to release the new ones already. All the rumors and stuff is driving me crazy.

Just, please, PLEASE still have dedicated graphics alongside the integrated graphics. PLEASE. That would be a near deal-breaker for me. I need the dedicated graphics.


Really waiting for thr laptop refresh as well.

Good thing I have my iPad, my MacBook keyboard is pretty toast and some of the keys no longer work, including some that I need to log into my user account :(

Thankfully I have a guest account.
I'm really hoping that the iMacs lose the internal optical drive in exchange for SSD+HDD combo as standard across the whole line. That'd be massive.


The rumored 11-inch Ivy Bridge MacBook Air with 2560x1440 screen resolution will be the culmination of everything I've ever wanted from an ultraportable. I'm probably going to sell my 2011 MBA soon, I should've waited a year.
When was the rumored? I thought only the Pros (13" and up) were getting retina? Apple would need to stick an even bigger battery in the Airs and somehow manage the heat problem (which I'm quite apprehensive about given that Apple already has heat issues with their notebooks unlike the iPad which was relatively cold before the 3rd version). Apple can create room to work with the Pros by removing the disc drives but the Airs are already tightly packed. *fingers crossed* Apple sorts out all the challenges. What I wouldn't give for a silent cool laptop.


I'm really hoping that the iMacs lose the internal optical drive in exchange for SSD+HDD combo as standard across the whole line. That'd be massive.
I doubt Apple will have any computers with optical drives in their next refresh. CD/DVD's are the new floppy.

Plus no optical means more pressure on developers to use the Mac App Store where Apple gets that 30% cut.


I think its a bit premature to suggest that CD's are the new floppy. I think the optical drive will be around for a couple more years.


I can't wait to get my MBP for college. I really want them to release the new ones already. All the rumors and stuff is driving me crazy.

Just, please, PLEASE still have dedicated graphics alongside the integrated graphics. PLEASE. That would be a near deal-breaker for me. I need the dedicated graphics.

Best be getting the 15in or bigger, the 13 will not have dedicated graphics. Calling it now.


I think its a bit premature to suggest that CD's are the new floppy. I think the optical drive will be around for a couple more years.

you're right and you're wrong.

the disc will still be around and i's not as dead as the floppy was in 2002 or 2003, but the drive won't be built into the new portables (maybe it'll stick around in the 17" model and the iMac. maybe)

those who need a drive will be directed toward the 80 dollar external superdrive in the corner of the store.


100% correct.

I also forsee 2 15" models in the future. One stemming from the air line and one from the new, slimmer pro line.
neither will have an optical drive.

I can see that. From all the rumors the DVD drive seems to be going bye-bye. Although they need to just mesh both lines together and call them macbooks if they really make the Pros look more like the airs.
I can see that. From all the rumors the DVD drive seems to be going bye-bye. Although they need to just mesh both lines together and call them macbooks if they really make the Pros look more like the airs.

You can still differentiate the two product lines sufficiently even if the designs themselves are rather similar.

Discrete vs onboard graphics, i3 vs i5 vs i7, RAM etc.
Call me insane but I think im going out and buying a MacBook pro today, I literally cannot be fucked with my shite laptop any more, it switches off randomly and I moments from throwing it through a window.

I was going to try and wait until the new models are released, but I was going to get a 13'' one which aren't released to June according to rumours, apart from the idea of a redesigned look Im not too fussed about the upgrades that rumoured.

The only other draw back is the price, but i get student discount off of it, does anybody know if student discount is available on the new models when they likely are released or do they wait for mid cycle to allow discount.


I really don't think there will be anything called a MBP or a MBA in the refresh. Pros are getting the Air formfactor, it'd be weird for them to have different names since the Pros will be well as "Airy" as the Airs. I suspect the Pro and Air part of the name will be dropped and the line will be merged into a single Macbook line that stretches from 11' - 17'

Does anybody know how much cheaper iMacs are in costco (UK), because iv just rang apple and they say you are only allowed student discount off one apple product per year. I was gunna get discount off a macbook pro, but my dad was hoping to get discount off an iMac for himself, you can get discount off both if they are in the same order but he was wanting to wiat untill the new iMac lines, where as I need a replacement asap.


Maturity, bitches.
Does anybody know how much cheaper iMacs are in costco (UK), because iv just rang apple and they say you are only allowed student discount off one apple product per year. I was gunna get discount off a macbook pro, but my dad was hoping to get discount off an iMac for himself, you can get discount off both if they are in the same order but he was wanting to wiat untill the new iMac lines, where as I need a replacement asap.
But I got Apple Care and a MacBook with a student discount at the same time.
He meant hardware, but said I could buy both and get 12 % off, but they have to be in the same order. Its more like student discount off one transaction per year.


What store are you buying from? I have a link to the UK employee program that gets you 6% off, pretty sure it works for anyone.


I really don't think there will be anything called a MBP or a MBA in the refresh. Pros are getting the Air formfactor, it'd be weird for them to have different names since the Pros will be well as "Airy" as the Airs. I suspect the Pro and Air part of the name will be dropped and the line will be merged into a single Macbook line that stretches from 11' - 17'


Here's another interesting prediction — The Middle Way, and Why Apple Will Reboot the MacBook
Charlie Park said:



Still Alive
I honestly just think they'll call it "MacBook" across the whole thing, with maybe 17" being 'pro', but i'm not sure... The power in even the 11" Air is becoming so good that the 'pro' name is weird.

Either way, there will definitely NOT be two 13" and 15" models/form factors. It'll be four physical models, I think.


I honestly just think they'll call it "MacBook" across the whole thing, with maybe 17" being 'pro', but i'm not sure... The power in even the 11" Air is becoming so good that the 'pro' name is weird.

Either way, there will definitely NOT be two 13" and 15" models/form factors. It'll be four physical models, I think.

Yeah. Two 13 and 15 models that have the exact same form factor but different names? Doesn't seem like something Apple will do. When the rumors starting piling on that MBP is getting the Air formfactor the writing was on the wall for the Air and Pro names I think.
The Pro can not possibly get the Air form factor as dedicated graphics generate far too much heat.

They simply can not take dedicated graphics out of their laptop line completely. That would be so unbelievably stupid.

I hope they keep the pro moniker. I want people to see I'm better than they are.

Also, this.


Unconfirmed Member
Saying they will have the exact same form factor is a stretch. I think it is more a inspired by thing. They will feature more tapered bodies and not be as thick thanks to ditching the optical drive.

But they simply can't be as thin because they won't ditch the discreet graphics cards on the larger pros.


The Pro can not possibly get the Air form factor as dedicated graphics generate far too much heat.

They simply can not take dedicated graphics out of their laptop line completely. That would be so unbelievably stupid.

The rumors have been almost endless that Pro is going to the Air style form factor where it is ultra thin and has no optical drive. There hasn't been a single one that contradicts it. It's pretty much happening. The chances that it won't at this point are extremely slim and would be shocking.

They're all going to be called "the new MacBooks"

Yep. Seeing how MacRumors have said their sources have been telling them even prior to the new iPad that the next iPhone will be called simply the new iPhone I would not be suprised if this is to be an across the board naming shift.
The rumors have been almost endless that Pro is going to the Air style form factor where it is ultra thin and has no optical drive. There hasn't been a single one that contradicts it. It's pretty much happening. The chances that it won't at this point are extremely slim and would be shocking.

I wouldn't base anything on rumors.


Still Alive
The Pro can not possibly get the Air form factor as dedicated graphics generate far too much heat.

They simply can not take dedicated graphics out of their laptop line completely. That would be so unbelievably stupid.
Obviously they won't all have the exact same Air form factor, but they will be extensions of one another in terms of design. I believe they can figure out, esp. with the disc drive removal.


10.8 won't be out till late summer, so don't get your hopes up about retina macs before it comes out. Late 2012/Early 2013 is my prediction for the first batch of retina macs.


10.8 won't be out till late summer, so don't get your hopes up about retina macs before it comes out. Late 2012/Early 2013 is my prediction for the first batch of retina macs.

Well the refreshes tend to happen before the new OS. Lion is retina optimized too don't forget, Apple packed it with retina icons.


Well the refreshes tend to happen before the new OS. Lion is retina optimized too don't forget, Apple packed it with retina icons.
Lion has some high res art, but not nearly all. There are some graphical bugs and inconsistencies too. Of course they could use an updated build of Lion, but I still see them wanting to wait for 10.8 to officially start pushing developers to update for HiDPI. (WWDC)


Still Alive
The whole Retina thing makes me think that if they do retain a 'Pro' monicker in one form or another, it'll be related more to something mind blowing like a Retina display rather than a slightly better CPU or w/e.
That article speculated that Apple would bring back the "Macbook" brand, to go along with the current "Macbook Air" and "Macbook Pro" brands? Huh? Apple laptops can already be divided into 2 categories: those with quad core CPU and dedicated graphics and those with dual core CPU and integrated graphics. That is what makes them "pro." The MBP 13" is the only outlier which also makes it quite redundant. Why would Apple add a 3rd brand of laptop? What does it gain by adding a 3rd brand of mid tier computers? It will only confuse customers, and add nothing important. His criticism of the funky pricing is because of the existance of the 13" MBP.

My prediction: The new pros ditch the optical drive, maybe the hard drive (or dual hdd/ssd) and get slimmer and lighter (not as slim/light as the airs) but retain quad core cpu and discrete graphics. The airs keep the dual core cpu and integrated graphics. The MBP 13" is discontinued when the Airs get updated. If they do bring back the classic "Macbook" moniker, it will just be because they rename the "Macbook Air" line and drop the "Air."


The whole Retina thing makes me think that if they do retain a 'Pro' monicker in one form or another, it'll be related more to something mind blowing like a Retina display rather than a slightly better CPU or w/e.
Retina to me seems like it is going to be a Pro thing first and then move down to the Airs.

It is going to take a beefy graphics card to support those kind of resolutions for anything involving intense graphics. I don't know if the integrated cards in Ivy Bridge are up to the task.

I am more interested in the direction they are taking OSX.


well I just saw the 11" MBA . Oh my god its TINY! I didn't realize the screen is that small , but its so adorably small that I want it. Do any of you have it? do you regret getting it over the 13" model?
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