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Mac OS X Mountain Lion. Move your Mac even further ahead

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The Real Abed

you're right - i just noticed they tweaked the easing timing when moving horizontally across the spaces. it definitely doesn't 'snap' any more except when pulled out into Mission Control; there the timing appears more linear.

Ugh. Either Apple'd better fix this or someone'd better find a hidden preference to tweak the timing or someone else'd better create a hack to make it faster because it's really annoyingly slow. I need to snap between spaces in less than half a second. Right now it seems to take what, a whole second or more to finish its entire animation?

Where do you go to complain about OS X bugs these days? It's been so long since I filed a feedback report for OS X.

If I know anything about the computing industry, the whole market will be flooded with them exactly 6 months after the MBPR's release.
Not until Microsoft fixes their scaling system to work 100% properly across the entire system.


I'm doing the backup for the old good fresh install and I was wondering: When is there going to be an affordable usb 3.0 to thunderbolt adapter? Going through 2.0 is a pain...


What Apps do you guys have set to open at login? A random question, I know, but I'm just curious to hear what you guys have set.


I don't have anything set to start at login except for a few things that run in the background like dropbox and f.lux.

Same here. Maybe more than just a few though, lol. I have Dropbox, BetterSnapTool, f.lux, Alfred, gfxCardStatus, and Melo (last.fm scrobbler) start up.
Hm. I wish someone here would enlighten us to how they installed Bootcamp/Windows on their Retina Macbook Pro's.

Am I forced to purchase a USB stick for the process if I do not have an external DVD drive or hard drive?

I figured I could use an old iPod Nano as a USB drive, but Bootcamp Utility will not recognize it as such.

I'd also love as to which Windows version is recommended for the Retina MBP, and how the experience is.
What Apps do you guys have set to open at login? A random question, I know, but I'm just curious to hear what you guys have set.

you mean like, background stuff?

iStat Menus
Little Snitch
i1ColorMatch (color calibration)


Ugh. Either Apple'd better fix this or someone'd better find a hidden preference to tweak the timing or someone else'd better create a hack to make it faster because it's really annoyingly slow. I need to snap between spaces in less than half a second. Right now it seems to take what, a whole second or more to finish its entire animation?

Where do you go to complain about OS X bugs these days? It's been so long since I filed a feedback report for OS X.

Not until Microsoft fixes their scaling system to work 100% properly across the entire system.


Hm. I wish someone here would enlighten us to how they installed Bootcamp/Windows on their Retina Macbook Pro's.

Am I forced to purchase a USB stick for the process if I do not have an external DVD drive or hard drive?

I figured I could use an old iPod Nano as a USB drive, but Bootcamp Utility will not recognize it as such.

I'd also love as to which Windows version is recommended for the Retina MBP, and how the experience is.

As far as I know the Windows 7 installation disc won't work if you use an external superdrive/DVD drive.


Ever since I updated to Mountain Lion a weird bug has been happening in Chrome. Animated .gifs embedded in gaf posts don't animate. I've been really unhappy with Chrome on Mac ever since I started using my new MacBook Air. First there was the system locking bug, which still hasn't been actually fixed; they just disabled hardware acceleration all together to avoid it. In my experience, this "fix" has resulted in general poor performance. I'd like to use Chrome because I use it everywhere else and it's convenient but it just in a bad state right now. I may just end up switching to Safari but I was hoping to avoid that.

Oh god, are you me? I have the exact same issues with Chrome on my 2012 Macbook Air. I'm still sticking to it, though, because I've gotten too used to pinning gmail as a tab :(


What Apps do you guys have set to open at login? A random question, I know, but I'm just curious to hear what you guys have set.

Alfred, Fantastical, dropbpox, bettersnaptool, and skype

As far as I know the Windows 7 installation disc won't work if you use an external superdrive/DVD drive.

Not true, I used an external dvd drive and a windows 7 OEM disc and it worked perfectly.

Ugh. Either Apple'd better fix this or someone'd better find a hidden preference to tweak the timing or someone else'd better create a hack to make it faster because it's really annoyingly slow. I need to snap between spaces in less than half a second. Right now it seems to take what, a whole second or more to finish its entire animation?

Where do you go to complain about OS X bugs these days? It's been so long since I filed a feedback report for OS X.

Not until Microsoft fixes their scaling system to work 100% properly across the entire system.

Try setting your stacks (downloads, documents) to folders instead of stacks. I know that works on the MBPr and it makes the lag go away.


There seems to be no way to stop/pause Software Updates from downloading in the App Store. I think its limited to System Updates though, and Apple squeezes some pre-App Store purchased Apps under System Update.

I mistakenly started an update for Aperture, but I wanted to preserve my bandwidth to watch Olympic streams. I had to force-quit App Store.
I don't have anything set to start at login except for a few things that run in the background like dropbox and f.lux.

After findin f.lux in several lists here I went to download it myself and DAMN, this is great! Thanks!


FreeMemory Pro

and now F.lux :)


So I currently have an SSD as my main OSX drive, and an internal HDD in my macbook as my media/download drive. Any way to set Time Machine to backup only my SSD into a folder in the HDD?

Edit: Or maybe something like CCC is better for me? I tried that but it just installs into the root of my drive..don't want to partition if I can help it.


I guess the question is. Do many of you feel its worth it? I know a lot of people were given codes but how many paid for it and thought it was awesome.

I have a Macbook 2010 - no airplay mirroring for my model seems kinda a bust (could/would a mod fix this solution?) but for someone running snow leopard and owns an iphone, is it worth it?


C2D 2010 Macbook Air here - with Mtn Lion, performance has taken a big hit. Some openGL things I programmed run like, half as fast now and game like L4D run at poor frame rates.

Fuck. This. Shit.


Is there any way to check if Power Nap is actually working (downloading stuff while the computer is asleep)? Like a log file somewhere on the Mac I could check?


C2D 2010 Macbook Air here - with Mtn Lion, performance has taken a big hit. Some openGL things I programmed run like, half as fast now and game like L4D run at poor frame rates.

Fuck. This. Shit.

What did you upgrade from , Snow Leopard or Lion ?
Is there any way to check if Power Nap is actually working (downloading stuff while the computer is asleep)? Like a log file somewhere on the Mac I could check?

check the console? i don't have a mac capable of using the feature so i can't check it out for myself, but it could be worth a look... Applications > Utilities > Console


Does anybody's Macbook take a bit longer to wake up from sleep on ML? On my 2012 Macbook Air with Lion, it woke up from sleep within a second, if not instantly, but on ML it takes a few seconds for the cursor in the password entry box to start blinking and be usable.


Does anybody's Macbook take a bit longer to wake up from sleep on ML? On my 2012 Macbook Air with Lion, it woke up from sleep within a second, if not instantly, but on ML it takes a few seconds for the cursor in the password entry box to start blinking and be usable.

My 2009 MBP wakes up just fine, but it takes longer to shut down, almost to the point of unresponsiveness. I was still able to open files while waiting on it to respond, and I've been able to hit "shut down" from the menu bar options again before actually doing it.


My 2009 MBP wakes up just fine, but it takes longer to shut down, almost to the point of unresponsiveness. I was still able to open files while waiting on it to respond, and I've been able to hit "shut down" from the menu bar options again before actually doing it.

Not sure if it's ML but I have a similar-ish situation. I close my lid and I can hear the fans spinning for what feels like a good 30 seconds still. And if I raise the lid again before they stop spinning well then everything goes to shit. Have to wait even longer for it to stop spinning and then I have to close the lid and reopen. Odd.
C2D 2010 Macbook Air here - with Mtn Lion, performance has taken a big hit. Some openGL things I programmed run like, half as fast now and game like L4D run at poor frame rates.

Fuck. This. Shit.

Same story here. 2011 MBP with a discrete gpu, though. Probably a 20%-30% loss in GPU-intensive performance. Maybe more. Just an eye-ball estimate.

Upgraded from Lion. These issues weren't present in Lion.


check the console? i don't have a mac capable of using the feature so i can't check it out for myself, but it could be worth a look... Applications > Utilities > Console

Just peeked around in Console and seems Power Nap is referred to as "DarkWake" in the log files. The only thing I could figure out from the logs is that Power Nap has been checking for software updates.

I don't see any of the other stuff it's supposed to do (updating all iCloud stuff - contacts, calendars, emails, photostream, etc) in the log file though, just checking software update. Odd.. At least it's somewhat working.


I'm loving the dictation function who else is using it post replies or send messages?

EDIT - didn't capture my to, but it really speeds up things.


I installed Mountsin Lion over my previous Lion install. However, I've decided i want to to do a clean install. What's the best way to do this? Keep in mind I want to format my hard drive. Thanks.


Still Alive
I installed Mountsin Lion over my previous Lion install. However, I've decided i want to to do a clean install. What's the best way to do this? Keep in mind I want to format my hard drive. Thanks.
There's a link in the OP of how to do it. Just get yourself a flash drive at least 5GB. You'll need to use Disk Utility to actually do it. It's a simple process of taking the ML InstallESD and using it as the source image.

Here's the link from the OP; http://osxdaily.com/2012/02/17/make-bootable-os-x-10-8-mountain-lion-usb-install-drive/

If when you start the installation, your hard drive disk is greyed out (meaning you can't install ML on it), just use the Disk Utility tool in the ML install boot to erase/single-partition your main hard drive. That erases everything and will make it selectable for a ML install.

Slower animation? So it's not just me? I don't remember it taking so long to "park" itself. It's annoying since you can't do anything in the new space until the animation finishes.
Yeah, definitely. I guess that's what some others were talking about with animation 'lag' but it's more of an animation speed issue than actual lagging. But yeah, it can be annoying.

Ugh. Either Apple'd better fix this or someone'd better find a hidden preference to tweak the timing or someone else'd better create a hack to make it faster because it's really annoyingly slow. I need to snap between spaces in less than half a second. Right now it seems to take what, a whole second or more to finish its entire animation?
I need at least the keyboard shortcuts to be faster. A temp 'fix' i'm using is aggressively four finger swiping. If you're fast, the animation is pretty much instant. Only issue is now my wrist hurts. :lol


Only background stuff i'll tolerate is Mail, Moom and Dropbox.

I wish I could switch to Sparrow for my mail, but i'm still stuck with a goddamn hotmail account that I receive plenty of mail on as well as my gmail :/

Is there a way for hotmail to pass all it's mail through to gmail or something?


Is there a way for hotmail to pass all it's mail through to gmail or something?

You can forward all your hotmail stuff to gmail, I don't think it is done in real time but it's not too bad. I think you can also send emails as an alias, so you can send some stuff under your hotmail account, not sure on that though.


Wait so the lack of the spinning wheel when fetching mail is deliberate?!

I thought there used to be a reason for those animations, that it soothed people from getting frustrated, even if it it was accurate (like the percentage bars).

Is Mountain Lion so fast as to not warrant them? I notice that they're missing from safari background tabs too.
C2D 2010 Macbook Air here - with Mtn Lion, performance has taken a big hit. Some openGL things I programmed run like, half as fast now and game like L4D run at poor frame rates.

Fuck. This. Shit.

never game under osx, always use win.

it's like day & night
That looks amazing.

I never got Sparrow and it's too late to get it now since Google will no doubt slowly force a pillow over its face until it stops struggling. One dead sparrow.

Right now the regular Mountain Lion Mail application works for me, but it looks old and stale.

For me, even with 8GB of RAM, my 2.4ghz C2D struggles as soon as I open mail.app. Constant beach balling. I call it the new Safari
For me, even with 8GB of RAM, my 2.4ghz C2D struggles as soon as I open mail.app. Constant beach balling. I call it the new Safari


have no performance issue whatsoever with mt lion


I used to use Sparrow but its a waste now since they killed the software and won't release anymore updates for it.

That doesn't make any sense if you've already paid for it. It's still the one of the best mac email clients and has already been updated for Mountain Lion and retina displays.


we all knew her
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks my MBP (late 2010 with 8GB RAM) is running worse after installing ML. Mostly seems to be graphics related.
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