The moment I saw those languages whooshing by, I literally yelled out YESSSSS. :lol A PRAM reset fixed it for me. Weird issue in ML tbh.
But man, i'm loving it. Apart from what feels to be a slower space-switching animation, it's all very slick and smooth. Safari is great in every regard except for the removal of a loader indicator on each individual tab. Other than that it's damn near perfect.
Still sucks that they haven't fixed the bloody right click method they fucked up in Lion. Snow Leopard had it perfect. You could two finger tap and have the option pane appear instantly (whereas now there's a full second or so delay) AS WELL AS physically click the right corner of the trackpad. Now you have to pick either-or, and either way the two finger tap implementation pales in comparison to SL. BTT can be used to fix all this of course, just a little gripe which was noticeable to me coming from the SL install disc to ML.
One feature I love though, is the ability to jump straight into the guest user from the idle screen. I usually enable the screensaver through a hot corner and just leave it that way all night. Issue is if someone else wants to get on in my absence, they can't, sort of rendering having a guest user option pointless for someone like me. That's a great little feature they added. BUT, funny glitch when I actually tested it out for the first time (jumping from my user to guest);
Actually looked pretty cool, and stayed that way. To be fair, I had hundreds of GB's flowing on my main user, so that might've played a part in enabling that glitch.