What still gets to me is that this is all from a guy that hadn't directed an action movie in 30 years. He's been making childrens movies all this time. Little childrens movies, not even the 7-12 Pixar demographic. I mean, they were good movies, but jesus, who the hell could have seen this coming?
Not sure if this is from the blu-ray but here's 4 minutes of raw stunts and footage. No CGI.
holy shit.
I got burnt out on most recent action movies (ie most Marvel flicks) because real practical stunt work seemed to have died a silent death to get replaced by CGI and or hyperkinetic editing with very fast cuts. Then I saw Fury Road and I said WOW. What a legend George Miller is. Brought back a style of filming to Hollywood which nowadays was only still seen in Asian action flicks (heavy stunt work).
Yo, I shit you not, I've never been more confused than when I got back from Fury Road all hyped up, looked up his work, and fucking saw Babe and Happy Feet on there
Yo, I shit you not, I've never been more confused than when I got back from Fury Road all hyped up, looked up his work, and fucking saw Babe and Happy Feet on there
Not sure if this is from the blu-ray but here's 4 minutes of raw stunts and footage. No CGI.
holy shit.
Not sure if this is from the blu-ray but here's 4 minutes of raw stunts and footage. No CGI.
holy shit.
With CGI so important in action movies now, it's refreshing to see some good old stunt work end up being so incredibly impressive.This is nuts, nuts I tell you. There's more quality action scenes in that 4 minutes than in the entirety of other action movies.
SHINY AND CHROMENot sure if this is from the blu-ray but here's 4 minutes of raw stunts and footage. No CGI.
holy shit.
This deserves a thread of its own. Its unheard of in modern day hollywood.
Do I have much hope of a picking up a steelbook in store on Tuesday? Missed my chance to preorder from Best Buy, but I don't think I can make it till around noon or so.
Can I just walk into Best Buy on Tuesday and buy the movie with the steelcase?
Blu Ray comes out soon? Nice. I've been wanting to watch this movie.
So do we have any confirmation there might be a special version released later on or would I be safe just picking up the release coming out Tuesday?
Nothing has been said or announced for a special edition so go ahead and get Tuesday's release. It might be a while before another version comes along.
I can imagine a blank stare with a few occasional blinks of your eyes wondering: "The hell!?"
So do we have any confirmation there might be a special version released later on or would I be safe just picking up the release coming out Tuesday?
I don't know what this is supposed to be, but I'd watch it.These fanart crossovers are getting weirder.
Never wait for promised home video projects, they're usually 3 to 4 years out (if they materialize at all).
I'm trying to decide between getting this at Target or Best Buy this week.
Target has the exclusive comic which is somehow over 60 pages long and Best Buy has the steelbook for a few dollars cheaper.
I haven't been keeping on top of news so does anyone know what the comic is about? Is it just a retelling of the film or something new? If it isn't much then I'll go with the steelbook.
Thanks. I think I'll go with the steelbook then. It's cheaper, I prefer the alternate cover, and I don't need the comic that bad.The Target comic is just 2 out of 4 comic books that Vertigo put out that Miller created as back stories for Nux, Max and Immortan Joe. Considering you only get 1 out of 2 Max issues I'd wager to go with the steelbook instead.
Thanks. I think I'll go with the steelbook then. It's cheaper, I prefer the alternate cover, and I don't need the comic that bad.
While I know it would have been cheesy I still kind of wish Maxwould have gotten his car back during the finale and did one cool thing with it or something
While I know it would have been cheesy I still kind of wish Maxwould have gotten his car back during the finale and did one cool thing with it or something
Anyone buying Mad Max videogame? I'm very excite.
You are now part of the armada. RIDE WITH US TO VALHALLAgodDAMN this movie
just saw it
fucking intense
You are now part of the armada. RIDE WITH US TO VALHALLA