The same thing happened with Alien: Isolation, toasters could handle it at 1080/60 but PS4 was locked to 30, and XB1 was either not 1080p or 1080p but with horrible stuttering (I don't remember).
I'm roughly little over 4 hours of playtime, so far I've been having a great time with it.
Issues I do have is, Max's movement is a bit off, seems like I'm playing stop and go. Also it seems that he has more dialogue in the first few hours of the game, compare to the four films. Some of the HUD stuff is also unnecessary.
Car combat is fun, once when I start upgrading more and more, its just gonna get better.
On foot combat is decent.
Playing on PS4 and visually it looks fantastic, no issues with : frame rate, pop ins, or screen tearing.
Got MGS V on my desk still sealed up, gonna start that Friday, pains me to sit on for a few days,
Also have anyone connect their WB account to MM? Whats the bonus unlock for doing so?
Early game spoiler, maybe:
Anyway, has anyone figured how toJeet's Stronghold?refuel the balloon near
Does it use the impulse triggers on xbox one?Few I took earlier. Xbox One photo mode.
That 21:9 is some sexy shit.
The same thing happened with Alien: Isolation, toasters could handle it at 1080/60 but PS4 was locked to 30, and XB1 was either not 1080p or 1080p but with horrible stuttering (I don't remember).
Until I saw these posts, I thought for sure the PS4 and XB1 versions would be at 60 FPS. Even my mid-range (at best) PC is getting a near-constant 60 FPS at 1080p and with most of the settings cranked all the way up. 30 FPS is inexcusable IMO.
I'm roughly little over 4 hours of playtime, so far I've been having a great time with it.
Issues I do have is, Max's movement is a bit off, seems like I'm playing stop and go. Also it seems that he has more dialogue in the first few hours of the game, compare to the four films. Some of the HUD stuff is also unnecessary.
Car combat is fun, once when I start upgrading more and more, its just gonna get better.
On foot combat is decent.
Playing on PS4 and visually it looks fantastic, no issues with : frame rate, pop ins, or screen tearing.
Got MGS V on my desk still sealed up, gonna start that Friday, pains me to sit on for a few days,
Also have anyone connect their WB account to MM? Whats the bonus unlock for doing so?
Is that the one where you go up the stairs, and the generator is few steps to the right? And the fuel can is at the bottom of the stairs?
So the PC port is optimized pretty well then going by the Image above?
Holy shit. Kinda off-topic, but is that normal for him? I don't follow Twitch as much lately, didn't realize he had gotten so huge.Lirik is streaming this right now - 46,000 viewers.
Exellent exposure.
Holy shit. Kinda off-topic, but is that normal for him? I don't follow Twitch as much lately, didn't realize he had gotten so huge.
Whoa, nice. Always enjoyed his channel when I did drop in on it.It is, he is the most popular "variety" stream on Twitch by a landslide. Dude dosen't even clog up his channel with donation and sub spam and dosen't use a webcam, I have no idea how he got that popular but good on him.
chie Paras
Avalanche has released the first patch for Mad Max titled “Day Zero Patch” (Patch 1.01). The update is 400MB in size and is available for download on the PlayStation 4. You can view the complete changelog below.
mad max (5)
The Day Zero Patch for Mad Max brings many improvements to the open world adventure
Patch 1.01 Notes:
Story Missions: Enhance Story Missions flow, dialogue, cutscenes and languages
Wasteland Missions: Enhanced Wasteland Missions flow, random encounters and camps.
Stability: Save/Load system and gamewide stability was improved upon.
GUI/HUD: Fixed some button callouts and icons that were not displaying correctly.
Open World: Fixed several issues with NPC assets, camera manipulation, currency gathering, vehicle combat, collision, movement and fast travelling.
Animations: Multiple animations were tweaked for Max, Chumbucket, the garage and open world assets.
Audio: Voice Over timing was tweaked
Capture Mode: Fixed camera clipping into the world issues specific to Capture mode
Leaderboards: Fixed some instances of cutoff text in the Opus Wars leaderboards.
Pause Menu: Tweaked several settings and options selections
WBPlay: Improvements in service connectivity.
Read more:
Yeah but you never know when your key is suddenly going to be deactivated because it turns out they are getting shady keys from Russia or some such.
That's the one. Can't figure that one out.
Played for a couple of hours. Sublime. To keep it short and sweet: If the Batman: Arkham games felt like the perfect Batman simulator then the same could be said for Mad Max and being immerses in that world. The attention to detail is amazing and the little details like collectibles and bios in the menu having some narration..I love it. Reminded me of Shadows of Mordor.
Capture Mode is awesome although it's going to consume just as much of my time as playing the game at this point. A few snaps I took and PS4 version here too..
You can get a dog??Played for a couple of hours. Sublime. To keep it short and sweet: If the Batman: Arkham games felt like the perfect Batman simulator then the same could be said for Mad Max and being immerses in that world. The attention to detail is amazing and the little details like collectibles and bios in the menu having some narration..I love it. Reminded me of Shadows of Mordor.
Capture Mode is awesome although it's going to consume just as much of my time as playing the game at this point. A few snaps I took and PS4 version here too..
So the PC port is optimized pretty well then going by the Image above? That's good to hear.
Am I overlooking something, is there really no sensitivity setting for that squirrely right stick? Bah.
Also, the control scheme options are fucking laughable. How are customizable controls not in every game ever now?
Weird, I can't use 2560x1440 144hz in the settings, it's capped at 83hz. Anyone else having this problem? I'm using a Acer XB270HU and have turned Vsync off.