Yeah, they showed the glass doors with the same name.Asked the same thing, I think it's just a goof.
Someone brought this to my attention earlier, but have we seen or have they said the company name out loud this season? I wonder if Pryce is still part of it.
How much was that check that the partners gave Harry? $26,000, I think?
Adjusted for inflation, that's about $176,000. Jesus Christ, Harry, shut the fuck up.
huh i totally thought peggy won from watching. i'm dumb. in the bakeoff, i liked stan-don's ad better as it had incredibly striking visual design and i think the cleverness in forcing the leap from the viewer will stick ketchup, which is brilliantly made synonymous with heinz at the same time, in people's mind. however peggy's pitch was so much more convincing and more draper-esque, though her copy wasn't that great at all. that said i'm judging it from 2013 where big capital text stating something like with peggy's is really played out.
does anyone know what the song was that played in the bar that joan and her girlfriend went to and made out with the two guys?
5) Harry is hated by everybody, will never make partner. Repeatedly, it's pointed out that nobody is exactly clear on what he actually does, despite it making tons of money. Tip to Harry-- tooting your own horn is not really compatible with running down somebody else.
He's basically in the position that Don describes to Pete in the pilot.
That's not the point, Harry is right. He was shoved into the TV department when no one else wanted it. The partners haven't payed any attention to his huge success, and he rightfully seeks power in the agency, not money. The agency is spiraling towards another rough patch.
Yes.Is next season the last?
Despite having rewatched that recently, I don't recall.
Harry does not have the maturity or professionalism to earn a partnership.
You might argue that Pete, Don, and Roger aren't exactly mature or professional at all times either, but that's irrelevant because they earned their spots by putting a financial stake in the firm at the time of its founding. And Joan earned her partnership, regardless of the circumstances under which she received it. She is a 15-year veteran of the company and is now the de facto CFO.
Harry's anger is as much a product of sexism directed at Joan than it is an issue of his merit. Harry isn't as special as he thinks he is, and he wouldn't be offered a partnership at any other firm on Madison Avenue. He's arrogant and delusional, and should take the money and shut the hell up.
Harry's contribution to the agency is way undervalued. We'll both have to wait and see what happens down the line.
Harry has far more to lose than the firm does.
I disagree, SCDP will be scrambling to find a replacement if he leaves.
Harry's contribution to the agency is way undervalued, the only person that began to pick up on it is Lane. We'll have to wait and see what happens down the line, my friend.
I disagree.
I basically agree with Bert. Don't confuse Harry's productivity with his personal effectiveness. He's making them a lot of money, but ANYONE running TV would be making them a lot of money, because it's TV and that's where the money is.
If Harry's point of contention is his lack of a partnership, he's shit out of luck. Nobody else is going to offer him one.
SCDP will take a hit, but they can (and will) find another Harry. Harry, on the other hand, is never going to get the partnership he so desperately desires, and if he asks for one on a job interview, it will be a non-starter. And folks at a new firm won't have the personal history with him that his colleagues at SCDP do, and will be less likely to put up with his bullshit.
Harry would be on a faster track for partnership with another firm, rather than the agency he helped save from oblivion. That's just wrong.
Don you cunt
lol don's a baby.
Don you bitch ass mofo. Get the hell out you wack cheating bum.
God don is such a fucking cunt this year.
Don being a hypocritical dick as usual. But I hate Megan so weep bitch.
Don is a king.
Don you are so goddamn pathetic.
gonna admit I thought team Peggy won before reading this thread
I dunno something about her smirk through that whole bar scene coupled with don being super salty
the lonely hearts club comment could easily be interpreted as gloating
From Sepinwall's review said:(*) This information isn't very well-conveyed at first if you don't know that J. Walter Thompson was another (real-life) ad agency, it's easy to assume it's the name of Timmy's colleague, and that Cutler, Gleason and Chaough won the account but Ted and Peggy's glum demeanor makes their loss clear by scene's end.
Was that Ted McGinley? Show just jumped the shark.
"I pray for you"
"For me to come back?"
"No...for you to find peace".
This show is SO good.
This exchange was my favourite of the episode I think :lol
Am I crazy, by the way, or was that Susan Lucci as the director's wife?
To be sure, the firm is extremely bad at making their employees feel appreciated. That's the biggest reason why Peggy left. Ted is most certainly slimy, but he clearly values Peggy's opinion more than Don ever did.
That said, I don't feel they're unjustified in not wanting to give Harry a partnership. They should have made an effort to better compensate him earlier, though.
Based on what? Every other firm already has a Harry.
By and large, Mad Men depicts how women adapted to and/or embraced social change - and how men resisted it.What can I say? I love the boys, but how the women navigate this world has always been one of Mad Men's more fascinating aspects to me
Such an awesome moment. Loved the episode.
Haha, totally realized no Betty this episode. Fantastic.
I'm glad that Betty is used sparingly and they don't feel obligated to have her in every episode.She wasn't in last week's either, if I remember correctly.