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Mad Men - Season 7, Part 2 - The End of an Era - AMC Sundays

Well... shit I see your point then. Then there is no reason to stay in that tiny apartment. I was surprised Don stayed in his apartment as well, I thought when the season began we would be seeing him in a new place already. I guess him staying makes sense considering his issues with moving on.

Sometimes when people come from little or no money, no matter how much they end up being worth, they always have those early fears of poverty. Joan still living poor doesn't shock me all that much.


Anyone else get the sense that Don's home life is the agency right now? His office looks more homely than his actual apartment.

Plus, Don was basically Danny Tanner with his younger work colleagues last night. Things played out like a Full House episode.

Funny thing is, his dinner with Sally and her friends looked like a client dinner.


Where will Don spend the last shot of the next episode with a great sense of loss?

The shot of him walking away from the bus in almost complete darkness was so good
Annual Weiner family photo post in the Mad Men thread:


Someone photoshop Glenn heads over all their heads.


This show is so good at small details.

At the beginning of the episode I noticed that Don's hair looked a bit shaggier than normal. I thought perhaps he was attempting to grow it out in a misguided attempt to keep with the times. (And I think this probably is the case.)

And then Roger calls him out on his hair looking shitty. I laughed and laughed.

This was my EXACT line of thinking and then Roger thew some shade at Don and I was like "oh lol".


Unconfirmed Member
It seems like AMC has been more lax with their swearing rules lately.

I thought they always silenced the "fucks", but I've heard it twice on Better Call Saul, and Sally from this weeks episode.

Guess Who

It seems like AMC has been more lax with their swearing rules lately.

I thought they always silenced the "fucks", but I've heard it twice on Better Call Saul, and Sally from this weeks episode.

It was definitely muted when I saw it on AMC last night. Same with Saul's.


I loved the Sally scenes, she was great in this episode. And yes, Glenn was still as creepy as ever. Mathis' scene was hilarious too, the way he said his line was great.
Sometimes I think Weiner cast his son as Glen because he was uncomfortable putting someone else's kid in some of those really uncomfortable situations.

The Betty and Glen storyline has been one of the creepiest in the entire show, if not the creepiest.
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