Here is the list of 32 that we came up with and the wait list after:
1. FMT
2. cb
3. pheeniks
4. Drizzler
5. brentech
6. jabee
7. bob
8. wellington
9. smokey
10. luke
11. eznark
12. squall ASF
13. trasher
14. somnia
15. splat
16. ferny
17. livewire
18. az
19. ramirez
20. rinse
21. nightz
22. greg
23. crimson
24. dcx
25. sanjuro
26. LJ
27. colasante
28. Sickboy
29. dm
30. mcneily
31. Pistolpete
32. storybook
wait list (in no particular order):
purple cheeto
got the shakes
it was really difficult, and now made even more difficult with what seems like even more good new players being vouched for but this is what it is. if you are on the list of 32 and you don't play or aren't sure about playing speak up now! part of the consideration in the 32 was having the league run as smooth as possible with people who play their games and get things done quickly. if you're having second thoughts about playing say so. there will be inevitable drops and we'll just have to decide who is next in line when that time comes.
of the 32 players in, there are some players with contingencies.... meaning we will keep a close eye and if there are issues then we'll have to replace that player. those contingencies are as follows:
1. dm - miss 2 games in a season and replaced due to basically being a no-show for 3 seasons on ps4
2. smokey - same
3. ramirez - still not allowed to play CPU games (dont think that'll be a problem this year anyways) and watched closely for stat padding issues
4. sanjuro - "pout clause" as i call it although sanjuro says he's not pouting just trying to score more points. i already talked to sanjuro about this but getting blown out and then starting to just fuck around (i.e. throwing 12 picks in a game) or fucking around in general
i'll create the official thread next week or something but again i say if you are on the list of 32 and you don't want to play or dont think you'll get the game or whatever let me know