Twitch chat on rtz's stream is magical right now
Remember when that guy wasn't a washed up loser?
Twitch chat on rtz's stream is magical right now
Remember when that guy wasn't a washed up loser?
We should be able to pick him up for team ranked after ti4
I mean, I guess he can be a standin if AT is sick.
Anyone else have their NNID's handy for the WiiU? Downloading shit now, got EZ, FMT and Shake so far.
Anyone else have their NNID's handy for the WiiU? Downloading shit now, got EZ, FMT and Shake so far.
Thank you, thank you
congrats soka i knew you could do it and i knew you WOULD do it!
Happy Canada Day!
Are the Canadians feeding the homeless in honor of RTZ?
So you are saying he is the RTZ of drafting and comedy?
He's comparing me to his hero.
Im honored.
I didn't compare you to rtz. I compared the quality of your jokes to something terrible(rtz)
Sorry to go full DM for a moment here.
guys, mario kart tonight @ 7 pm pst. show some fucking dignity and play for gods sake!
Our soccer team has the dumbest fucking chant.
You only think its stupid cause you also root for scrub ass Mexico!
Im not sure what they have to do with one another. The chant is independently awful.
It's like a bootleg si se puede.
Can we all agree that "I believe that we will win" is the stupidest fucking motto in the history of all competition?
Can we all agree that "I believe that we will win" is the stupidest fucking motto in the history of all competition?
it's almost kind of a losers chant in a way. its like saying oh who do you think is going to win between the packers and 49ers? and you say well i mean i BELIEVE the 49ers will win... i can't guarantee it but that's just what i believe. i could be wrong though!
Can we all agree that "I believe that we will win" is the stupidest fucking motto in the history of all competition?