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Madden Season 10 Official Thread: I want you back for good!


Shawnwhann said:
3. Play-action is borderline useless when some sends the blitz. The only way to be successful is against someone that is stubborn about letting his 4 down linemen try to do all the dirty work. If someone is playactioning you to death, you aren't blitzing so learn to strategically bring the heat!

I've seen people killed on PA's even while they send blitzes all day. It feels like some teams have a better "PA Rating" than others. Is that a stat for QBs? Doubt it but that would be pretty funny.


vumpler said:
WTF. You IM me. You're the one that get pissy with caps when I contacted you earlier yesterday. So fuck that you get ahold of me. Jason1nk.

I can't wait for this game. :D

You nag like a fucking woman on IM. I hope you play better than one.


Steroid Distributor
I really wish you could record and watch games of Madden. My game against FMT was a perfect example of everything that is wrong with this game. Everything I swear.

Now before anyone thinks I'm blaming the game for my loss you are wrong.
Hey, you lose some. And. Well. You lose some.

Watching him run an INT back for a TD when his player is rated lower in speed and acceleration as my RB that was chasing him sucked.

But the biggest thing was how poor both the Oline blocking is and how incredibly consistant the Dline just busts through the line at the snap.
They are not the same points. They appear to be the same but they are not. I ran a couple of plays just to see how well my Oline would block. I ran a 5 wide, FMT dropped everyone back in a quarter. I snap the ball and just let the routes happen, I had zero intention of throwing the ball, I just wanted to see how well the Oline would block. My Oline blocked his right defensive end upon the snap, then the DE back off the block and ran around three of my blockers. The DE had to run a good three or four yards around the line to get behind them too. All three of my guys just stood there and watched. Ridiculous.
I did this twice during my last possession and had a similar outcome. Two or three of my guys couldn't hold off his single defender.

K the second point is one we have all seen. But the absolute best example of how quick the Dline busts through the Oline and gets to the ball carrier before humanly possible would be when I ran a stretch the right out of a strong I. Joey snaps the ball and two of FMTs Dline bust through and start running at Dunn. Dunn never got the ball but they till tackled him. Joey just kept running backwards in the handoff animation. I lost a good 7 or 8 yards on that play. :lol It was straight comedy.

But I know I wouldn't see as many flaws if I was winning games, but what am I supposed to concentrate on when the ship has sunk by the 3rd quarter. :)

*note: I'm not upset about the game I just played at all. Just pointing out some of the things I saw in mass during it. *


I propose we have a VH1-esque 'Washed Up Superbowl', in the week leading up to the actual Superbowl, starring Coldblooded and myself. Both players give 100%, but the real winner is the biggest loser. You'll laugh, you'll cry..you might even learn something about yourself!


intangibles, motherfucker
Fifty said:
I propose we have a VH1-esque 'Washed Up Superbowl', in the week leading up to the actual Superbowl, starring Coldblooded and myself. Both players give 100%, but the real winner is the biggest loser. You'll laugh, you'll cry..you might even learn something about yourself!

ive adapted the "BS factor" into my games as of late. As soon as i see some stupid bullshit caused by the game (not the player, im not blaming anyone) like multiple dropped passes, BS int's, the D-line busting through on every PA, Ect... i just kinda give at that point. I find 1 instance of BS usually leads to more


intangibles, motherfucker

truelize the D-line on both sides early was ridiculous (gore had 4 rushes for -6 yards i think), but mine continued to do so and yours stopped :lol

i threw 2 stupid picks in the redzone.... one was a piss poor throw cause i saw true covering my WR and thought he wouldn't actually cover him, the 2nd was a bad throw but Djax did me no favors by quitting on the route!

about the d-line pressure: yeah i got in on you, but there were a few times late where you literally ran to the outside with joey when there was no need to. you ran right into BY. also, on your running play late when i was playing quarters, there was a gap a mile wide in the middle, but for some reason you still bounced it outside and essentially ran into BY again. i think people are so paranoid about pressure up the middle that they instinctively just run outside. that is what i was doing early with gore and then i just started running it up the gut regardless.

also you didn't mention your 3rd and 15 catch in double coverage and subsequent 50 yard scamper on said catch as some of the BS in the game ;)


LukeSmith said:
PM me your problem and I can probably get you playing H3 sooner.
Thanks for the gesture, but unless you work for ebgames, there's nothing you can do. :p I sent the whole shabangabang in earlier today. Getting the regular edition and store credit through gift card form. Now, it's just a matter of waiting for them to ship something back. I just have to hold back on the temptation to view the Halo threads (already viewed the screenshot thread ><) and resisting the urge to print out my buddy list just so I can burn it.


Rorschach said:
Thanks for the gesture, but unless you work for ebgames, there's nothing you can do. :p I sent the whole shabangabang in earlier today. Getting the regular edition and store credit through gift card form. Now, it's just a matter of waiting for them to ship something back. I just have to hold back on the temptation to view the Halo threads (already viewed the screenshot thread ><) and resisting the urge to print out my buddy list just so I can burn it.

I could've just sent you one in the meantime.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
i wish EA put in a patch that masked which player you were controlling. i don't think that's fair that the other person can see who you are controlling! they need to also mask it so you can actually use the run block feature, cause anytime you try to use it and the opponent sees you are taking control of the o-line they know whats coming

Actually I've tried using that to my advantage on a sort-of similar play. I did it against Wellington and I have no idea if he was fooled by it (I had shit for rushing yards the first half of that game). Anyway, I would call a play that called for a automatic TE or FB shift to one side (to act as a blocker for the runner). Except I would put my cursor over that player, reverse the runner's path, and then snap the ball (which wouldn't immediately snap but rather send the player in motion and then snap). The idea was to get Wellington to shift his LBs over at the last second seeing the extra blocker and (hopefully) getting a big hole to run through on the opposite side.


LukeSmith said:

Playing Vumpler? He did it against me, it didn't seem like cheese but maybe I got lucky.

Anyway, I just checked the rules and

"* No manual catching allowed. I tested it out, and if you are playing against a spectacular catch receiver it's almost impossible to defend, even with a shut down corner. "

So, Vumpler, cut it out


Fifty said:
Playing Vumpler? He did it against me, it didn't seem like cheese but maybe I got lucky.

Anyway, I just checked the rules and

"* No manual catching allowed. I tested it out, and if you are playing against a spectacular catch receiver it's almost impossible to defend, even with a shut down corner. "

So, Vumpler, cut it out

Yeah it's fucking bullshit. Vumpler uses four plays on defense, too. Just four.


The only way vumpler can manual catch is going to swat the ball from an INT...Not sure those are the rules this year.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Big Zep said:
The only way vumpler can manual catch is going to swat the ball...Not sure those are the rules this year.
Yeah the only thing I remember mentioned of no manual catching was from last year. All I remember is the constant discussion that if you don't manually catch or swat on some routes its spidey D. So I've been doing it when routes are broken. That is my bad for sure.
i'll wait to see what vumpler says.

i don't like to jump to conclusions, but i have had private conversations with him after multiple games advising for him to be on his best behavior after the bullshit he pulled in the first game and last years ridiculous situations.

oh hey chrisjames, whats up?


vumpler said:
Yeah the only thing I remember mentioned of no manual catching was from last year. All I remember is the constant discussion that if you don't manually catch or swat on some routes its spidey D. So I've been doing it when routes are broken. That is my bad for sure.

It is right on the rules page:

No manual catching allowed. I tested it out, and if you are playing against a spectacular catch receiver it's almost impossible to defend, even with a shut down corner.

To top it off, you have steve smith man.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Mrbob said:
It is right on the rules page:

No manual catching allowed. I tested it out, and if you are playing against a spectacular catch receiver it's almost impossible to defend, even with a shut down corner.

To top it off, you have steve smith man.
never manually caught with Steve or swatted. Only with Carter and Jarret because they are in those routes that are congested when they cross.
im too tired to deal with this and i have to wake up early for work tomorrow. here is what is going to happen vumper:

1. stop manual catching now. everyone else is "dealing" with receiver in "congestion", so you can too.

2. stop playing 4-6 and blitzing every down. your linebackers are your strength? play a 3-4. 4-6 every play and overload blitzing is bogus. stop.

this is a sim league. it's not a "hey, whatever glitch destroys my opponent best!" league. do you see how most people complain about the game screwing them (fumbling, phantom picks) after the game? well every game you play i have to hear shit about you pulling some bullcrap (constant blitzing, manually moving defenders, manual catch, etc etc etc).

this is my last warning. stop making me look like a douchebag by continuing to let you play. i am doing this because you are a reliable player. but if i hear anymore glitching or ridiculous playstyle im giving the panthers to one of our backup players who is going to play legit.

you know what sim ball is. i'm not saying every single player in the league plays sim play every down of every game. but when i get details on your play style after every game and how cheesy it is guess what? that's a problem.

that's all im going to say on the matter! good night ladies!


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
FrenchMovieTheme said:
Our games coming up here soon and you'll be able to tell me if its cheese or not mid game. I'll work on 34 etc.

The manual catching I fully agree to attempting to do so and it is done. I legitimately didn't check the rules. But calling my D cheese as skywalker did is shit. Its man D with 1 guy over the middle and 6 blitzing.

I agree to dropping the issue and if someone sees something as cheese during a game what happened to fucking messaging someone and saying so, so we can resolve the issue instead of acting like a damn 2 year old and running to daddy.

Oh well, it is officially worked on... And will work it out to make it even MORE sim.

Edit: I still see the chess match aspect of madden as a very valuable aspect. Man coverage on the outside and I cover the middle myself with morgan or harris.. I just don't see how it could be much more sim like. If I don't blitz he's going to sit back there and pass on me all day long (like it did with his 1 running play and 3 in the 4th.)

Bah. Oh well.
Our games coming up here soon and you'll be able to tell me if its cheese or not mid game. I'll work on 34 etc.

sure will!

But calling my D cheese as skywalker did is shit. Its man D with 1 guy over the middle and 6 blitzing.

yes, that is cheesy to call it every play or even most plays. why? there is no way in FUCK the panthers would run that shit against the colts in real life because they would get torched. but not in madden 08 where the deep ball or over the top is too difficult to depend on.

I agree to dropping the issue and if someone sees something as cheese during a game what happened to fucking messaging someone and saying so, so we can resolve the issue instead of acting like a damn 2 year old and running to daddy.

no one is running to shit. i have personally asked some of your opponents to let me know what happened during your game after what you pulled in week 1. i spend a lot of time working on the league and i pay for the league, so i'd prefer you don't make a mockery of it. this isn't one of your money leagues where anything goes.

Oh well, it is officially worked on... And will work it out to make it even MORE sim.

Edit: I still see the chess match aspect of madden as a very valuable aspect. Man coverage on the outside and I cover the middle myself with morgan or harris.. I just don't see how it could be much more sim like. If I don't blitz he's going to sit back there and pass on me all day long (like it did with his 1 running play and 3 in the 4th.)

Bah. Oh well.

i didn't say you can't blitz. everyone blitzes. but to run engage 8, or to run 4-6 every play with an over load the majority of the time, come on man. that shit is bogus. i know you are playing dumb with some of this shit "what?? that's cheese? lmfao if you say so, i'll fix it!". all im asking you to do is cut it out. you know what is sim and what is BS. stop manual catching, stop playing cover 1 4-6 90% of the time. mix up your plays on both sides of the ball. i'm not sure why this is so much to ask or why your'e having such a hard time grasping the concept.

i thought i had to go to sleep too?
FrenchMovieTheme said:
i'll wait to see what vumpler says.

i don't like to jump to conclusions, but i have had private conversations with him after multiple games advising for him to be on his best behavior after the bullshit he pulled in the first game and last years ridiculous situations.

oh hey chrisjames, whats up?

What's up, mang?


I've played (and crushed) Vump multiple times in scrimmages, never had a problem with his defense. He blitzes less than many of the league opponents I have played this year.
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