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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


I'm not saying you shouldn't be aggressive. I'm saying you should see how people act first. Like I already said, it doesn't matter anymore as the game is started. The pace is set. I can't make this any clearer.


What does make sense for mafia to do is create a thread environment where people are punished for pursuing their reads and putting pressure on each other (re Launch). All of the aggression this game has been reasonable. Darryl got voted easily, and was unvoted just as easily when he responded. Kark did stuff that 1) doesn't make sense for town to do (self vote) and 2) actually hurts town (hard claiming for no reason). It is very reasonable for Kark to be pressured for these plays.

So here are my thoughts on this. I don't claim Kark to be The Best Mafia Player Ever™, but I think he's smart enough to realize that his play doesn't make any sense. So that leads to the question, "Why on earth would he do this?" And I think it's just what happened. Who is capitalizing on an easy target, one that does something so incredibly stupid as to put a giant target on their back that says AIM HERE?

Aggressive play styles aren't a problem. In many cases they are perfectly fine and necessary. Tunneling without considering other options is a problem though.
I'm not saying you shouldn't be aggressive. I'm saying you should see how people act first. Like I already said, it doesn't matter anymore as the game is started. The pace is set. I can't make this any clearer.

Ok, then I'm still sorry. Like I said, it was a joke and I didn't expect a pile-on.


And since we’re on the topic, why has no one addressed this discrediting? Nobody is acknowledging that Karkador is blatantly lying and misconstruing my words. You know who else did this? Darryl did in the AC game. This is such a strong indication of scum. He’s become more focused on tearing me down than defending himself.

If you mean in particular to him saying that you won't take responsibility, well we won't know if you will or not until at least day 2 so I haven't seen any reason to pour my thoughts into that. Otherwise, it's more informative to see how you and Kark dance on attack and defense. One of you is probably going to flip today so we'll have to analyze the proceedings from there.
I'm not going all out on batsnacks today, but I'd like to point out this guy is pretty experienced. I would advise everyone to keep an eye on him in particular; that Junior Member tag could give people a false sense of inexperience.
Breakfast? So thoughtful of you.

1. cabbeh [m] - I'm acting differently than in the Archer game for a couple of reasons:

1. We have three noisemakers, two very chatty, external posters and Blarg. I posted a reasonable amount of stuff before the game started and I was considering keeping up the activity, but once I saw how the game went down, I immediately backtracked and decided taking a more backseat role is better for everyone reading through the game.
2. Kark said half my posts are fluff, which is half right. As in, 25% may be fluff and the additional 25% is something else which could come in handy for me at a later point. Vague I know, but I'm in a bit of a dilemma with how I should play currently.
3. I'm keeping up with the thread, so keep that in mind.

14. Blargonaut [m]
This is the problem. Blarg has his lovers and haters. I'd probably consider myself to be a hater. It doesn't help that in this game he seems to be particularly useless so far. It's different from the other games which is worth noting, but I'd happily lynch Blarg as things currently stand, because I feel he can be a problem at the best of times, and currently he's circling the 'worst of times' drain. Still thinking on that 'joke' he mentioned also.

You hate me?


You're not even on the firing line, yet you're scrambling to cover your butt. What you so afraid of, brah? You wanna step?

You admit to preferring to take a backseat, you reaffirm you're keeping up with the thread when you so obviously have been AND you promise us some whack percentage fluff/tease pre-loaded swag when no one even directly asked you for it? I'm tired of cover-shooters like you. You seem to focus a lot on "chatty" people; IT'S DAY 1, you saying you like the noise, or don't you? Which one is it? Quality over quantity, breh.

Are you asking me to read instead of lead, is that it, bro? Why are you preparing for me? What you got in your old posts that's so relevant? Are you mocking me? What's with the promises? Why don't you deliver now? What's stopping you, huh, cabbeh?

What, scared to be an actually legit conversation piece?

I see your vote is on me, you actually gonna follow through with that and lock it in, or are you actually gonna pick a side with your Soup of the Day? You like surfing?
If you mean in particular to him saying that you won't take responsibility, well we won't know if you will or not until at least day 2 so I haven't seen any reason to pour my thoughts into that. Otherwise, it's more informative to see how you and Kark dance on attack and defense. One of you is probably going to flip today so we'll have to analyze the proceedings from there.

I signed a contract m8

No, but really, he said I'm suggesting I'm going to weasel my way out; when the fuck did I do that? That's a bold-faced lie.


I signed a contract m8

No, but really, he said I'm suggesting I'm going to weasel my way out; when the fuck did I do that? That's a bold-faced lie.

Fair, you did never suggest that you will weasel out, you've always been upfront about taking responsibility. That's fine though, it's not really an important topic which says more about Kark for bringing it up.


I'm not going all out on batsnacks today, but I'd like to point out this guy is pretty experienced. I would advise everyone to keep an eye on him in particular; that Junior Member tag could give people a false sense of inexperience.
I certainly don't think he's inexperienced. I just think he's scum.


Ok, Karkador, mate. Let’s get this shit sorted out. Please.


Do you realize how anti-town this is going right now? If you flip town, I’m on the block for tomorrow, and then we’re going to have wasted 2 day phases killing off townies.

I will once again say, I disagree that my behavior is anti-Town. It's easy to just call things that without really having a reason to. Lynching me is what's very anti-Town, and that's because I've clearly stated I'm at the very least a Town player, and someone who is here to fight for Town. Whether you believe I'm Ordinary or not is pretty inconsequential. At some point, my actions in the game matter more than whatever role I was dealt, but I'm 100%, written-on-the-role-PM, on Town's side..

Help me believe that we’re making a mistake here. If you’re town, you need to drop the bullshit already.

We don't have to lynch anyone today, and I think many people in this game are inclined to taking that precaution - they're Town, they naturally have 0 info today, and they are reluctant to make a decision. That's what I'd expect from most people today. So do you understand how your actions look completely contrary to that? What does that imply?

I can't get to every single post directed at me, or something else distracts me, but I'll get to them now.


My words are my actions in this game.

I honestly don't think anything could pull you off of a Kark vote today barring someone coming in here and saying "I am mafia, here is my role PM" I know you've said you would consider other options if they were good but I think you would just be more dismissive of other options while Kark is still on the table, that's instinct talking though.


I signed a contract m8

No, but really, he said I'm suggesting I'm going to weasel my way out; when the fuck did I do that? That's a bold-faced lie.

I don't think accountability is that important tbh. Like, if you're being reasonable then why does it matter if you are wrong? Townies are wrong all the time they have less info than mafia.


Breakfast? So thoughtful of you.

You hate me?

You're not even on the firing line, yet you're scrambling to cover your butt. What you so afraid of, brah? You wanna step?

You admit to preferring to take a backseat, you reaffirm you're keeping up with the thread when you so obviously have been AND you promise us some whack percentage fluff/tease pre-loaded swag when no one even directly asked you for it? I'm tired of cover-shooters like you. You seem to focus a lot on "chatty" people; IT'S DAY 1, you saying you like the noise, or don't you? Which one is it? Quality over quantity, breh.

Are you asking me to read instead of lead, is that it, bro? Why are you preparing for me? What you got in your old posts that's so relevant? Are you mocking me? What's with the promises? Why don't you deliver now? What's stopping you, huh, cabbeh?

What, scared to be an actually legit conversation piece?

I see your vote is on me, you actually gonna follow through with that and lock it in, or are you actually gonna pick a side with your Soup of the Day? You like surfing?

I'm saying I do like the noise when it's something I can understand. I'm a hater of your behaviour, not you personally obvs. I like my Mafia easy to digest post by post. Not something that can be said when I read your stuff, it just makes me more confused.

Bottom line is I'm one of fifteen, so unless anyone else feels the same way, you've got nothing to worry about. It is the reason why I'm voting for you though. Currently pretty set on staying there.

The other stuff needs a little more time in the oven for me to think about.


Read the post above mine.

I'm assuming you mean Kark's and not mine. It seems odd that you are just picking up on this now/actually believing it. His style of writing and hinting hasn't changed much. It still puts us in the bind that he is either playing with expectations and is scum making a strong move to hide in with town or he is actually ordinary and his "gambit" failed. Not that I want to force anyone to vote for him, if people have lost interest then that is fine but I want to hope that mystery option 3 is right which is why I'm still putting on vote towards him.


Let's see what he has to say. I may still vote for him.


I don't know... I had a similar feeling when he kept repeating that a no-lynch is the optimal play. Felt like there might be reasons only he knew about for saying that. What power role benefits from a no-lynch though?
I'm assuming you mean Kark's and not mine. It seems odd that you are just picking up on this now/actually believing it. His style of writing and hinting hasn't changed much. It still puts us in the bind that he is either playing with expectations and is scum making a strong move to hide in with town or he is actually ordinary and his "gambit" failed. Not that I want to force anyone to vote for him, if people have lost interest then that is fine but I want to hope that mystery option 3 is right which is why I'm still putting on vote towards him.

I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt right now.

Like I said, with time, doubt creeps in. If you're going to hold me to that vote, I'll still vote that way. But for right now, I'm willing to hear him out.

Unvoting was a gesture more than anything. I have more votes on me now than him.


I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt right now.

Like I said, with time, doubt creeps in. If you're going to hold me to that vote, I'll still vote that way. But for right now, I'm willing to hear him out.

Unvoting was a gesture more than anything. I have more votes on me now than him.

No, I'm not going to be holding you to any vote. I'm currently just observing and saying my thoughts.


Is GAF shitting the bed for anyone else right now? I can't seem to stay logged in

GAF seems to be fine for me currently.


Do you believe I'm town?

I think that 1, and only 1, out of you, batsnacks, and Kark is scum. It's hard to answer your question directly at this time because I'm seeing the 3 of you contingent on each other but the smart money is that batsnacks is the scum.


I think that 1, and only 1, out of you, batsnacks, and Kark is scum. It's hard to answer your question directly at this time because I'm seeing the 3 of you contingent on each other but the smart money is that batsnacks is the scum.

My thoughts exactly.


Karkador said:
RetroMG [m] - Has been mostly absent so far, so I can't comment much yet. I often get the feeling that this person likes me (I mean, as part of the community), and I think we get along.

This is all true.

Karkador said:
I wonder if he's going to be more lenient on me, as a result. I'm curious to see what he has to say, but I'm preparing myself for heartbreak.

Nope. I haven't gone back through the last several pages yet, but personal feelings aside, if I think you're scum, I will come after you. I've had to go after players I like before, (Nin1000, Timeaisis, Blargonaut) and I'll do it again.

Going to take the wife to work, then sit down and read the thread. Then we'll start playing Mafia.


This is all true.

Nope. I haven't gone back through the last several pages yet, but personal feelings aside, if I think you're scum, I will come after you. I've had to go after players I like before, (Nin1000, Timeaisis, Blargonaut) and I'll do it again.

Going to take the wife to work, then sit down and read the thread. Then we'll start playing Mafia.


Jokes aside, it's nice for you to finally join us. I hope you aren't lying to me again :p

why am i not in that list ;_;

He must not like you. Womp womp.


I think that 1, and only 1, out of you, batsnacks, and Kark is scum. It's hard to answer your question directly at this time because I'm seeing the 3 of you contingent on each other but the smart money is that batsnacks is the scum.

What is this unflipped associations stuff? I'm the towniest town who ever towned. I'm being reasonable, transparent, pushing the thread forward...
My main problem with batsnacks is that your argument on him hinges on something I don't believe to be true. As you saw just now, Kark unvoted me when I unvoted him; attacking me was a reaction to my attacking him. I dont think he was trying to bring out bandwagoners, because then he would have made a point or argument that coincides with that line of thinking.


My main problem with batsnacks is that your argument on him hinges on something I don't believe to be true. As you saw just now, Kark unvoted me when I unvoted him; attacking me was a reaction to my attacking him. I dont think he was trying to bring out bandwagoners, because then he would have made a point or argument that coincides with that line of thinking.

Let's cut through doldrums of ordinary Day 1 play. Chances are very high that if Town lynches someone today, they're going to be Town - and a high chance that they will be a valuable PR.

I don't want to hear this wishy washy BS, "well, they could have been bad, we don't know". Why wait for the groupthink to settle on crucifying someone for silly, irrelevant reasons?
If we're going to do something stupid right now, let's own up to it and get the vote going on someone who is claiming Town, with no pressure put on them at all to do so. I want to see who will still openly vote for this decision.

This is one of the reasons for my thoughts on Kark's gambit.


What is this unflipped associations stuff? I'm the towniest town who ever towned. I'm being reasonable, transparent, pushing the thread forward...

These things do not make someone town, they make someone look town. By themselves, they are not indicative of alignment. Kark's little game brought out a love triangle between the 3 of you and my feeling is that the triangle caught something ugly.
This is one of the reasons for my thoughts on Kark's gambit.

I know you posted this before, and I should have said something then, but that seems like a one-off comment to support his guilt-tripping defense. I think you're reading too much into that specific comment.


My main problem with batsnacks is that your argument on him hinges on something I don't believe to be true. As you saw just now, Kark unvoted me when I unvoted him; attacking me was a reaction to my attacking him. I dont think he was trying to bring out bandwagoners, because then he would have made a point or argument that coincides with that line of thinking.

If Kark is town, he seems like the safest town to attempt to sacrifice today. Kark was playing with you, yes, but his point was still to catch flies and he caught two pretty quick. If any of you 3 flip then I'll have a better understanding of the other two IMO.


These things do not make someone town, they make someone look town. By themselves, they are not indicative of alignment. Kark's little game brought out a love triangle between the 3 of you and my feeling is that the triangle caught something ugly.

Well you know what I say? If it LOOKS like a townie and it's being reasonable, transparent, and pushing the thread forward like a townie then it's probably a townie!

And making association reads between 3 people you don't know the alignments of is bad news. I would tell you this as any alignment because it's true.
If Kark is town, he seems like the safest town to attempt to sacrifice today. Kark was playing with you, yes, but his point was still to catch flies and he caught two pretty quick. If any of you 3 flip then I'll have a better understanding of the other two IMO.

I have to ask, yet again.

1. Throw out bait
2. Catch flies
3. ?????
4. Profit



I know you posted this before, and I should have said something then, but that seems like a one-off comment to support his guilt-tripping defense. I think you're reading too much into that specific comment.

It's the only reason for me "trusting" him so far, but I just wanted to point it out.

I have to ask, yet again.

1. Throw out bait
2. Catch flies
3. ?????
4. Profit


People vote for the flies?


Kark has a PR.

I'm about to kill something.


Wait, what? is that because of:

and that's because I've clearly stated I'm at the very least a Town player, and someone who is here to fight for Town. Whether you believe I'm Ordinary or not is pretty inconsequential. At some point, my actions in the game matter more than whatever role I was dealt, but I'm 100%, written-on-the-role-PM, on Town's side..

Because that doesn't necessarily seems to me that Kark has a town PR. Sure, he is a little more vague about his role, but still, if Kark really is a town PR then his little stunt of putting himself on the line is even more ridiculous.


Well you know what I say? If it LOOKS like a townie and it's being reasonable, transparent, and pushing the thread forward like a townie then it's probably a townie!

And making association reads between 3 people you don't know the alignments of is bad news. I would tell you this as any alignment because it's true.

Uh, you make association reads because you don't know their alignments. If we did know their alignments, what's the point of making a read on their association?
It's the only reason for me "trusting" him so far, but I just wanted to point it out.

People vote for the flies?

Considering I'm town, isn't this a spectacular backfire then?

Wait, what? is that because of:

Because that doesn't necessarily seems to me that Kark has a town PR. Sure, he is a little more vague about his role, but still, if Kark really is a town PR then his little stunt of putting himself on the line is even more ridiculous.

The unvote was a gesture.


Well you know what I say? If it LOOKS like a townie and it's being reasonable, transparent, and pushing the thread forward like a townie then it's probably a townie!

And making association reads between 3 people you don't know the alignments of is bad news. I would tell you this as any alignment because it's true.

This seems like an oddly defensive post, and the second part doesn't make much sense to me. If we knew the alignment of you 3, a read wouldn't be needed at all :p the idea is lynching one would give us good reads on the other 2. Are you arguing against that?


And making association reads between 3 people you don't know the alignments of is bad news. I would tell you this as any alignment because it's true.

Trying to link mafia partners during early days is bad news, I agree. Thinking that scum crawled into bed with some townies playing a weird game is just deductive reasoning.

I have to ask, yet again.

1. Throw out bait
2. Catch flies
3. ?????
4. Profit


Step 3 could be:

- Kill Kark, he is scum, there was much rejoicing
- Kill Kark, he is town, boo, kill other flies
- ???

I know I keep messing with you with that last thing. I promise I'll lead with that question mark on day 2 if we eliminate Kark (or mafia does at night), if he is still alive then the secret has to stay on the off chance I'm right.
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