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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


I could die tonight or a little down the line. I definitely think being given a Miller role and claiming will mean I won't be around till the end, and only the value of my contributions will keep me round on a day-to-day basis. Sure, Mafia most likely won't touch me now since I'll be a constant juicy source of suspicion, but I do think I will be lynched, the question is how long ?

It's my hunch, it really has no bearing otherwise. I have no reason to lynch you as a third party or as a miller (I would have a reason to lynch you if I just want the truth of your role right now but I'm debating if that is worth it). I think if you did really flip miller, that would just benefit mafia more than town.


Ouroborus I need you to tell me which/what about my reasons was lousy to respond to what you're trying to say about me. You can't just blanket-discredit everything I said about 3 different people... Well, you can but it wouldn't be very nice of you

Uh, you make association reads because you don't know their alignments. If we did know their alignments, what's the point of making a read on their association?

It's hard to be right about anything on D1. And for Sorian's read to be wrong, he'd have to be wrong 3 times. As of now, you snuck in to vote for what you perceived to be an easy target, and I think you're scum.

I'm not arguing, just thinking out loud, I guess.

So we've got batsnacks, supposedly a relatively experienced mafia player, pulling out "logic" like these posts. I don't like it.

Here are the most recent ones (the last one is referencing the first two). There's probably more further back.


It's my hunch, it really has no bearing otherwise. I have no reason to lynch you as a third party or as a miller (I would have a reason to lynch you if I just want the truth of your role right now but I'm debating if that is worth it). I think if you did really flip miller, that would just benefit mafia more than town.

Well it would stop the cop from revealing himself for a phony night action, so it's not anti-town.


As for cabbeh, I imagine we'll have to lynch him down the road to prove whether he is a miller or mafia. I don't know if we really want to tackle that one just yet - he's not going anywhere.
Fuck it, I'm going to roleclaim too

I'm Little Kid's Mom. I got dragged into this shit but I don't actually want to be here. Lynch me and put me out of my misery.


Hold that thought, gentlemen.

I considered doing this since the PM and seeing what I was, but I'm deciding to role claim right now.

I am the Call Of Duty Kid.


I'm a filthy dew chugging obese monster that deems everything around nintendo as for babies. Yeah well, except you know, Smash brothers. Mario Kart is also pretty good, I guess. Maybe I got really fucking drunk and maybe enjoyed Animal Crossing a little. Pokemon trading cards are pretty good. Screw it, I'm lining up for this piece of shit box.

Since D1 claims are such a popular thing on GAF, I hear you asking your monitor 'But for why, cabbeh?' well let me tell you why, chump.

My role is town aligned, and my only difference is the fact that I will show as NFA if investigated. This role is known as a Miller role in standard mafia circles. I hate CzarTim for what he has done to me.

Having no idea how to possibly play this, I looked at some strategies on wikis and forums. There were three possible methods.

1. Insta-claim the role from the off, and hope to God some champions trust you.
2. Claim at the end of D1, to facilitate discussion and again hope to God some champions trust you.
3. Don't claim at all, play quietly, effectively and avoid suspicion and (hopefully) an investigative read.

After reviewing the strategies, I thought I'd attempt option 3 first, because well, it seems the most safest option. Safe.

As pointed out yesterday and today, I don't play safe, effective and secure very well. I've been restrained in posting because I'm trying not to leave a scent for the cop to pick up. The absolute worst situation would be being investigated N1, the cop then claiming his role D2 and throwing me under the lynch bus, to discover that it was actually an innocent townie murdered and now he's either got to have forever doctor protection, or he's done if there is indeed no doctor.

The proof lies in the pudding. Rather, the proof lies in the semi-fluff posts I made at the very beginning of the thread, and one further commenting on how I'm sure theres a cop role, because obviously my role points to this (I have read that Millers have been used in games without Cops as red herrings, and CzarTim sucks, so this is possible.


This were the posts I refer to, where I tried to pick up the specific mantra of one of em CoD boyz:

And here was me bringing up the investigator thing:

You guys were right, I was playing safe. I was playing to try and fade reasonably into the background but not completely to get people chasing me. Turns out that's not an enjoyable thing for me. With Kark really consuming D1, I also thought this would help keep things a bit more lively and fresh, as well as covering the Cop. If he does investigate me, then fair enough. Kind of pointless though, because if I returned townie, this would be a pretty retarded gambit. Confirming my investigation claim either proves I'm telling the truth or I'm mafia.

I guess the rest is with you, friends. You either trust this claim or you send me to the other store, where I can get an NX for about 1.5x face value, and I'll be one annoyed little hardcore gamer.

All I know is that I'm out in the open, and I'm ready for whatever comes next.


I am not only inclined to believe this, but also feels like karkador´s reasoning to vote himself is, well, believable too.

The main reason I think cabbeh is saying the true is because, right now, the heat is not on him. He could have kept quite and played it out but his role gives us a very important piece of information we can rely on: Someone can investigate in some way.

But... here comes the catch. Would leaving him alone the best idea? After all, when lynching on the first day what we want is information on what is on the table and how we should play this out, if we lynch cabbeh we will have confirmation. A Miller role is just there to confuse town, make it hesitate. Getting him day 1 is better than getting an ordinary townie.

Sorry Cabbeh, back to the xbox with you

Vote: Cabbeh


Well it would stop the cop from revealing himself for a phony night action, so it's not anti-town.

As I said, the cop does not need to reveal himself after finding one contradiction, that would be an extremely bad cop. Aside from bread crumbs, hints, and trying to lead charges of their own accord using evidence from the thread, cops should hold any investigations until they think they are close to death.


Guys stop! We don't lynch the uncced miller d1!

We don't scum read people for giving solid advice and voting with reasonable explanations!



I am technically an ordinary townie outside of the investigation flip, so by your logic its about exactly the same as an ordinary townie.

I have had trouble with your logic in general, though.


I am technically an ordinary townie outside of the investigation flip, so by your logic its about exactly the same as an ordinary townie.

I have had trouble with your logic in general, though.

No, because your role pm will said something like "When investigated, your will appear as NFA aligned"

See what I am talking about?


Is it a boon to them though? I don't want to know if there is an alignment cop out there right now. They should just be doing work each night, it's up to them to reveal their hand once they have as much data as possible.

But it has a palpable effect on the conversation. It's not just mafia giving Town the runaround anymore. People will have to answer for bullshit roleclaims.


I am technically an ordinary townie outside of the investigation flip, so by your logic its about exactly the same as an ordinary townie.

I have had trouble with your logic in general, though.

Out of curiosity, do you think you are more valuable alive or dead to town? Alive you bolster our number but dead we know whether you are telling the truth or not. What is worth more in your opinion?


Out of curiosity, do you think you are more valuable alive or dead to town? Alive you bolster our number but dead we know whether you are telling the truth or not. What is worth more in your opinion?

I can't really judge that. I think I'm valuable either way, but one is subjective because it depends on how you see me. I was hoping people who read Archer would maybe give me the benefit of the doubt, but yes. Either way is beneficial to town.

I'm alright with it.


But it has a palpable effect on the conversation. It's not just mafia giving Town the runaround anymore. People will have to answer for bullshit roleclaims.

No they wouldn't? If we have a miller then it's probably only an alignment cop, you can still come up with any bullshit role claim, if the alignment cop finds you to be scum then that's that. Past that point, your role claim means nothing to most of us, lie or not. Even Tim prefaced this by saying not to take the role flavor to heart much, it's all non-sensical.


I can't really judge that. I think I'm valuable either way, but one is subjective because it depends on how you see me. I was hoping people who read Archer would maybe give me the benefit of the doubt, but yes. Either way is beneficial to town.

I'm alright with it.

Duly noted, thank you. Still trying to figure out for myself what would be a better use of you.


That's what he said, though?

Yes, and is again my reason to lynch him.

If he says the truth and we lynch him, we get information.

If he is lying and we lynch him, then he will by NFA.

Either way, either we get info or we get a mafia player, I think that is acceptable and better than voting blindly.


Let's be honest, I don't blame any of you guys if you did it, as I said it is beneficial either way.

I obviously blame CzarTim to hell and back.


This is all true.

Nope. I haven't gone back through the last several pages yet, but personal feelings aside, if I think you're scum, I will come after you. I've had to go after players I like before, (Nin1000, Timeaisis, Blargonaut) and I'll do it again.

Going to take the wife to work, then sit down and read the thread. Then we'll start playing Mafia.

What is Blargonaut doing in there lol


I think I can say with reasonable confidence that if I do die, my overall contribution will be greater than Launch's D1 so far.

Did that burn you, friend? can you double vote?


cabbeh, if you give us the go-ahead, vote for yourself, too. I think that would be the most diplomatic thing.

I'm starting to sound like a maniac, guys



cabbeh, who would you lynch today?

Launch's response just there and Kark's incredibly scummy 'well vote for him' move would probably put me either of those two. Bat's reaction was similar to the ones I saw in forums when looking about Millers, so I'd leave him for today.


UNVOTE: cabbeh

VOTE: SalvaPot

Why you tailgating, brah

Did you take a page from my book with the way you shuffle those votes around?

That being said, I was voting for Prodigy to get him talking and he did contribute a little so I can move along.

VOTE: Karkador

I'm parking my vote here, I already said multiple times I'd hit this part of the love triangle first. If I don't end with my vote on him then it will be for cabbeh instead to get some of that juicy info on day 1. Still debating on that.
Launch's response just there and Kark's incredibly scummy 'well vote for him' move would probably put me either of those two. Bat's reaction was similar to the ones I saw in forums when looking about Millers, so I'd leave him for today.

Let's ignore that I am mad as fuck about yet another unforced roleclaim. Whatever suits your argument best.


cabbeh, if you give us the go-ahead, vote for yourself, too. I think that would be the most diplomatic thing.

I'm starting to sound like a maniac, guys


Oh man, you're something.

You want me dead? vote me yourselves. The dead don't get to enjoy the honour they receive.
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