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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


People are voting you because of how eager you are to lynch karkador.

I honestly don´t feel either way for both of you, so I don´t feel like changing my vote.

It's a medley of Karkador (who he voted for), me and Blarg. Except this quote

which is on batsnacks
Beat me to it. Yeah, he eventually went for Kark, despite not necessarily feeling that strongly, even though his posts seem to speak otherwise when Kark first claimed.

Then he moved to cabbeh.


So basically, we still don't know anything about LP, because an override is pretty much always an one shot ability. So the only thing we know is that he HAD an override.

This wasn't an override. This was a serial killer kill that could be performed during the day. There is a distinction.



Well, at this point, my main target was clearly just not doing a great job of protecting himself. I'd say either Salva or Kark are good enough for the vote.


Beat me to it. Yeah, he eventually went for Kark, despite not necessarily feeling that strongly, even though his posts seem to speak otherwise when Kark first claimed.

Then he moved to cabbeh.

Hmm, it looks to me like he followed my line of thought in the other direction. Instead of bugging out on Kark or having to play a guessing game with batsnacks or anyone else, he was just interested in seeing if that Miller role flip was true.


This wasn't an override. This was a serial killer kill that could be performed during the day. There is a distinction.

The distinction is that one ends the day, and the other not, right?
Either way, I do believe LP his claim that it was a one shot ability, if he could do it every day that would be ridiculous.


The distinction is that one ends the day, and the other not, right?
Either way, I do believe LP his claim that it was a one shot ability, if he could do it every day that would be ridiculous.

In this case, yes, that was the distinction, the day continues. The other distinction is that it may not be a 1-shot. I'm inclined to believe it is as well but (I'm using the neutral term purposely because I don't want to claim him town-aligned yet) a serial killer having more than one kill isn't exactly broken. The fact that he has to do it publicly during the day makes me think 1-shot though.


Alright gents, pardon if there are some mistakes but I went lightning detective on Salva's ass. We'll start with batsnack's reveal post (#1293):

I have come to the conclusion that my detractors are not interested in neither logic nor reason and there is NOTHING MORE THAT I COULD HAVE DONE TO PERSUADE THEM OTHERWISE!

I have given an OUTSTANDING effort toward this game and my fellow townies in it!

I'm the jailor. You had all the tools to make this claim unnecessary, but you didn't use them! FOR SHAME!

Rather than let myself be instant majoritied by Europeans a few hours from now, I have decided to claim!

I'd like to say that the one comment Salva makes about batsnacks (which I quoted in my previous post) is before this claim. Alright, let's see why he voted. Here begins the great batsnacks tirade, right?

This gif is so great I don´t feel like lynching Launchpad for the rest of the game.

Gif critique

suck it blarg

Blarg suckage.

0v3ride me, I dare ya.



Blarg gif tiff.

Blarg gif tiff.

Blarg gif tiff.

You don´t even have enough money to buy the NX, do you? I am sure you are only here for the streepass hits.

Blarg again.

Sorian called your bluff, not me.

I am just here waiting for you to do something noteworthy.


Money is not Santa Claus.


Sorian called your bluff, then you quoted him saying it was I, SalvaPot, who called your bluff.

I am not saying you are bluffing, I am daring you to override me, since you say you have that power.

Elementary, Mr. Watson.


VOTE: batsnacks

Wait, what?

Why, there's almost nothing here about batsnacks!!


Karkador nervously played with his hands while waiting in line. He was at least one of the first 15 in line, he thought to himself.

I really want a NX. he said to himself really really really want it

He looked around him. Everyone was surprisingly quiet. He didn´t liked that. They are planning something. Yes, he thought. They want my place in line. I have to do something... I have to stop them

He locked eyes with a cute excited kid who was having the weirdest eye tic he has ever seen. "Do you want a pill?" the kid said "They are harmless! Or are they...?" Karkador extended his hand, but he was too slow. Another rugged looking kid took the red pill, while a quirky looking child too the blue one. Karkador just let out an annoyed grunt.

For some reason this made him more nervous. Silence again was dominant in the line.

Someone in front of him suddenly broke the silence.

"Hey guys, want to play some Mario Kart?"

The small crowd let out small noises of joy and comfort. Everyone loved Mario Kart. Quickly they let out their 3DS´s and let the games begin.

Hours passed by. This wasn´t so bad, Karkador felt. it was around closing time for the store, but that was fine, the NX launch was scheduled for midnight. There he was, chatting, making friends kicking ass at Mario Kart, everyone was having the time of their life.

Then, the clerk went out.

"Uh, um, guys. Em. We might not have enough NX for everyone. Sorry. Please wait for more information"

Everyone instantly felt hope slowly leave their body. Life without NX is a life without purpose.

The line was now too big. Someone had to go.

People in line started defending their place in it like wild animals protecting their cubs. "You should go" "no you should go" "You don´t even like nintendo, you are just here to scalp the fuck out of the amiibos"

Karkador couldn´t take it.

"STOP. SHUT UP" He said. "If you want to get someone out of the line, it should be me."

No one could understand what could karkador could possibly win out of this declaration. What was his plan? Was he kindhearted? Was he completely crazy? It was a mystery.

Then, cabbeh broke the silence.

"I love Nintendo, I swear!"

Now this was even a weirder assertion. All eyes stood on him at least until batsnacks had something to say.

"I am too cool for this shit", he said, dropping a just lit cigarette to the ground before even taking a sip out of it.

"Don´t go yet!" said Lone_Prodigy. here, have a bronie. I made them myself.

"Ohh!. Ehem, I meant, nice. Chocolate?"

"Oh, you´ll see. My own recipe."

batsnacks took a bite. He felt his feet leave the ground, his head full of air. His eyes wide plates.

He took a trip he never returned from.

The shock from this brutal murder had no time to be processed, because the doors for the Game Store had just opened again.

"Um, so, uh, remember how we said there was a midnight launch? Well, um, you see. Someone just called the police, and there is an ambulance in the way, and, uh, we kind of need to make a declaration to the police and show footage. Funny enough there is no evidence on who was the murdered, so, uh... yeah. Is going to be tomorrow. See ya"

The doors were closed again.

The friends have become foes.

And the 3DS battery light just turned red.


Like I said early on, Salva's been just flying right above my radar, but I couldn't really put my finger on it. If you guys wanna go down this line of thinking, by all means.


(I know I'm being lazy but I'm at work and can't dig through the thread as easily)

When did Fireblend become interested in batsnacks?


Ok Salva, I enjoy your flavor of the Tim flavor. So why did you vote for batsnacks?

Its really simple really, voting was tied at the moment, Blargonaut voted Kark, and I don´t trust blarg, so I voted against him. I also found batsnacks defense really weak, he pretty much has a Phoenix Wright meltdown and did a poor job of explaining his role until too late when the damage to his image was done.

So I changed my vote to a useful one. I had two choices, Karkador or batsnacks. I choose the one that I found most suspicious and that blarg was not defending at the moment.


Its really simple really, voting was tied at the moment, Blargonaut voted Kark, and I don´t trust blarg, so I voted against him. I also found batsnacks defense really weak, he pretty much has a Phoenix Wright meltdown and did a poor job of explaining his role until too late when the damage to his image was done.

So I changed my vote to a useful one. I had two choices, Karkador or batsnacks. I choose the one that I found most suspicious and that blarg was not defending at the moment.

You genuinely thought not even testing his claim was an option even though he claimed a good power role?


That part, sure. The alignment is what's the question.

About LP his alignment: I currently am thinking he is indeed fun aligned. Sure, the mafia would know that Bats wasn't scum, which increases the chance of his role claim being true and makes him a very juicy target. Buuuuuuut, at the moment that LP used his Becky power, the votes were already going towards Bats, especially if you consider Launch has already showed intention to move his vote to Bats. Was it really worth it to use the power to kill a PR that was probably already going to be lynched anyway and they always could NK?

However, if Kark is scum, that adds an extra dimension to LP his power use: not only would he have killed a PR, he would also have avoided the chance that Kark got lynched. Sure, we now have another day and another lynch, but I am already seeing an increased focus on salvapot instead of kark. Using the power to kill a PR may not be worth it, but using it to kill an PR AND save a mafia buddy from a potential lynch could be worth it. So if Kark flips scum at any moment in this game, I would be very suspicious about LP his actions today.


You genuinely thought not even testing his claim was an option even though he claimed a good power role?

I weighted the possibility, but there is no way of knowing if the testing is true or not, he could easily plan it with a fellow mafia player, or the command response the user could get had a different meaning that what batsnacks claim to say he was.

Of course, now that we know he was saying the truth it seems obvious we should have given him a chance, but that is just something you can say in hindsight.


About LP his alignment: I currently am thinking he is indeed fun aligned. Sure, the mafia would know that Bats wasn't scum, which increases the chance of his role claim being true and makes him a very juicy target. Buuuuuuut, at the moment that LP used his Becky power, the votes were already going towards Bats, especially if you consider Launch has already showed intention to move his vote to Bats. Was it really worth it to use the power to kill a PR that was probably already going to be lynched anyway and they always could NK?

However, if Kark is scum, that adds an extra dimension to LP his power use: not only would he have killed a PR, he would also have avoided the chance that Kark got lynched. Sure, we now have another day and another lynch, but I am already seeing an increased focus on salvapot instead of kark. Using the power to kill a PR may not be worth it, but using it to kill an PR AND save a mafia buddy from a potential lynch could be worth it. So if Kark flips scum at any moment in this game, I would be very suspicious about LP his actions today.

That's actually very logical. As it stands, L_P is claiming that his power didn't trigger exactly how he expected it too and I always have an issue believing that someone didn't understand their role PM. It could have been a desperate move to defend Kark that he wanted us to read as a way to kill both of them.


That said, I still think we should get cabbeh for reason previously stated.

I also dislike how all attention has diverted from Karkador when everyone was so close to lynch him last time.

I have a question to lone_prodigy. Did you know the day would extend when activating your role?


(I know I'm being lazy but I'm at work and can't dig through the thread as easily)

When did Fireblend become interested in batsnacks?

Around the time he said making association reads on on unflipped players made no sense, and then again when he said he should be immune because he was doing town things and not doing scum things and we should know which is which and why was this forum not like his old forum where everyone was in the know.

Also, the fact that it took him a while after his roleclaim to share the flavor text made me think he really was making it up =/ I admit that's what pushed me over the edge to vote for him.


I weighted the possibility, but there is no way of knowing if the testing is true or not, he could easily plan it with a fellow mafia player, or the command response the user could get had a different meaning that what batsnacks claim to say he was.

Of course, now that we know he was saying the truth it seems obvious we should have given him a chance, but that is just something you can say in hindsight.

Well it's good that you weighted that possibility, to yourself with no discussion whatsoever. Deep in the monastery of Mafia Killage.

The Great Shaman needed his retreat to think.


I have a question to lone_prodigy. Did you know the day would extend when activating your role?

He should answer this, but I guess the answer's no because he said:

So I decided to get them both to appease the town.

That makes it sound like he expected the day to end immediately after.

Also, did the votes reset? Tim's post mentioned it but the spreadsheet's still there and that's something else L_P didn't seem to realize would happen.
That said, I still think we should get cabbeh for reason previously stated.

I also dislike how all attention has diverted from Karkador when everyone was so close to lynch him last time.

I have a question to lone_prodigy. Did you know the day would extend when activating your role?


My role PM just said "once during the game, you can remove someone". If I had done it earlier then I guess the day wouldn't have been extended.

I still think Kark should be lynched, but the case against Salva is interesting.


He should answer this, but I guess the answer's no because he said:

That makes it sound like he expected the day to end immediately after.

Also, did the votes reset? Tim's post mentioned it but the spreadsheet's still there and that's something else L_P didn't seem to realize would happen.

The spreadsheet is updated with a Day One part two tab


Well it's good that you weighted that possibility, to yourself with no discussion whatsoever. Deep in the monastery of Mafia Killage.

The Great Shaman needed his retreat to think.

Not really, someone else mentioned it too so I saw no need for me reaffirm what was already said.


That said, I still think we should get cabbeh for reason previously stated.

I'm gonna go ahead and treat this as suspicious, as I'm sure you would if the roles had been reversed. You voted on Kark, went after Blarg after my claim, now I'm going at you and you think I'm the best option again.

I hope you understand.


I'm gonna go ahead and treat this as suspicious, as I'm sure you would if the roles had been reversed. You voted on Kark, went after Blarg after my claim, now I'm going at you and you think I'm the best option again.

I hope you understand.

I noticed that before making my statement and I still think lynching you know is the best course of action for town, your miller role is, as I said before, a detractor to town. There is no way to confirm it other than lynching you.

I realize I am putting myself in a you vs me position, but why would I change my stance just because of fear of people labeling as mafia? If I feel you should go for the benefit of town, then I´ll voice it.
SalvaPot is probably my #2. I commented on his behavior.

However, why would I commit to it when there's perfectly good scum lying out in the open?


I thought maybe you'd give me a little more credit after trying to defend bat and not voting for him in the end.

It seems no matter what my behaviour, your path is set though.

I can live with that.
I'm gonna post my final 4 since the days almost over:

batsnacks' list. We all know what happened with me. Retro has been quiet, everyone knows about Karkador, and I'm guessing Ouro's on this list because he was pushing for a batsnacks vote all day.

VOTE: Karkador

I stand by what I said when I killed batsnacks.


I'll go for Kark or Salva, Kark can remove some suspicion around LP and I'm still appalled by his behaviour yesterday. Very naughty.

I've made my feelings on Salva clear now.


Pro-town is airing your thoughts on matters at hand. Scummy is keeping quiet until being questioned.

I did not keep quiet tho? I make comments when I have something important to add, not just to reaffirm what everybody thinks. At most I make comments if I feel really strongly about an idea, but my vote on batsnacks was not based on hard evidence, it was based on his behavior, he was just, in my mind, the better choice compared to karkador. Karkador had a better defense than bats, as simple as that, so I voted bats.
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