Karkador nervously played with his hands while waiting in line. He was at least one of the first 15 in line, he thought to himself.
I really want a NX. he said to himself really really really want it
He looked around him. Everyone was surprisingly quiet. He didn´t liked that. They are planning something. Yes, he thought. They want my place in line. I have to do something... I have to stop them
He locked eyes with a cute excited kid who was having the weirdest eye tic he has ever seen. "Do you want a pill?" the kid said "They are harmless! Or are they...?" Karkador extended his hand, but he was too slow. Another rugged looking kid took the red pill, while a quirky looking child too the blue one. Karkador just let out an annoyed grunt.
For some reason this made him more nervous. Silence again was dominant in the line.
Someone in front of him suddenly broke the silence.
"Hey guys, want to play some Mario Kart?"
The small crowd let out small noises of joy and comfort. Everyone loved Mario Kart. Quickly they let out their 3DS´s and let the games begin.
Hours passed by. This wasn´t so bad, Karkador felt. it was around closing time for the store, but that was fine, the NX launch was scheduled for midnight. There he was, chatting, making friends kicking ass at Mario Kart, everyone was having the time of their life.
Then, the clerk went out.
"Uh, um, guys. Em. We might not have enough NX for everyone. Sorry. Please wait for more information"
Everyone instantly felt hope slowly leave their body. Life without NX is a life without purpose.
The line was now too big. Someone had to go.
People in line started defending their place in it like wild animals protecting their cubs. "You should go" "no you should go" "You don´t even like nintendo, you are just here to scalp the fuck out of the amiibos"
Karkador couldn´t take it.
"STOP. SHUT UP" He said. "If you want to get someone out of the line, it should be me."
No one could understand what could karkador could possibly win out of this declaration. What was his plan? Was he kindhearted? Was he completely crazy? It was a mystery.
Then, cabbeh broke the silence.
"I love Nintendo, I swear!"
Now this was even a weirder assertion. All eyes stood on him at least until batsnacks had something to say.
"I am too cool for this shit", he said, dropping a just lit cigarette to the ground before even taking a sip out of it.
"Don´t go yet!" said Lone_Prodigy. here, have a bronie. I made them myself.
"Ohh!. Ehem, I meant, nice. Chocolate?"
"Oh, you´ll see. My own recipe."
batsnacks took a bite. He felt his feet leave the ground, his head full of air. His eyes wide plates.
He took a trip he never returned from.
The shock from this brutal murder had no time to be processed, because the doors for the Game Store had just opened again.
"Um, so, uh, remember how we said there was a midnight launch? Well, um, you see. Someone just called the police, and there is an ambulance in the way, and, uh, we kind of need to make a declaration to the police and show footage. Funny enough there is no evidence on who was the murdered, so, uh... yeah. Is going to be tomorrow. See ya"
The doors were closed again.
The friends have become foes.
And the 3DS battery light just turned red.