VOTE: Karkador
The way I see it there is shared distrust among Blarg, Kark, Launch, Salva, and L_P. When I say that, I mean, multiple people have mentioned it shortly before or shortly after the Becky went out. I actually thought I'd be convinced of Salva pretty easily but I believe what he is saying. He always does this shit of not speaking up if someone else chiming in is already confirming what he would be saying. I hate it but it matches his behavior. This version of Blarg is what I would imagine scum Blarg is so this is a real possibility to me but I'm not feeling that yet. He did offer himself up to be jailed though which can be read a few different ways. My stance on Launch and L_P both kind of hinge on how Kark flips so that's where that vote comes from.
That being said, I've been quite convinced this whole time that Kark had an override type role, town-aligned. I thought his little ploy at the beginning of the day was to get the flies to swarm to him and if we did end up trying to lynch him (go back and read all of my posts about Kark if you'd like, I forgot a few times but I usually tried to say we should attempt to lynch Kark) then he would just override who he saw fit and we could move on from his storyline. I don't believe he can override anymore, not with L_P's power in the game too. That weird ass hunter logic did also come from Kark so he could still be that (I could see that being balanced appropriately with a day killer) but fine, whatever, Kark can nock an arrow before we kill him and hopefully he hits scum if we aren't. This eliminates mystery option 3 for me so he is either ordinary or scum. I'm fine lynching either right now. batsnacks was always right that it Kark did claim ordinary this early, all he did was make it so that the pool of players mafia would kill to try to hit a PR was smaller.