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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


What's this?

The role title sounds legit.

Sounds like a case of "hah I roleclaimed back when we were joking about roleclaiming".

I was kind of thinking the same thing? But the actual role titles don't really mean much here and that's obviously not a real win condition (I think?) don't see what it could mean at least.
I was kind of thinking the same thing? But the actual role titles don't really mean much here and that's obviously not a real win condition (I think?) don't see what it could mean at least.

Nope, I have no idea about the description, but if I had to guess that sounds like a NFA role.

Moms arent really fun.


Confused Mom

Your mischievous son took your wallet and got lost on the crowd! He has been nagging you for days to get the new Nintendo thingy that is all the rage with the kids, but he already has the Cubegaming, so he doesn´t need it! Its time to go look for him and stop him. Sadly the place is too crowded, so you can´t see your son clearly. No matter! Just start grabbing kids until you find the one that came out of you!

Each night you can use the command GRAB: <USERNAME> , if its not your son nothing happens.

You win if you are able to grab your son. You are not aligned with anyone.

How does it sound? I just made it up.


We are almost at page 40 now, man, at this rate the game will have more posts than the season 1 game had in it’s complete game. Well anyway..

First a bit about Batsnacks, I try not to talk about this too long. Firstly, man that could have went better. Things would have been lot easier if Bats had just told us the name of his role at the start, since knowing the flavor would have made it much more believable. When he did finally mention it, it was accompanied with ”I think”. It’s not that hard to check the private messages, right? It might have been a wiser idea to test his role claim, but that’s too late now. But moving on…

This time instead of making a post about few things, I’ll be posting my reads about players in general now. First things to note, other than people who act very distinctly suspiciously (like Bats today), one thing that I sometimes look for is people who seem to blend in. Not filler posting, but not exactly contributive either, since there is usually at least some scums in there. So here’s my reads:

cabbeh [m] – Is saying that he is the Miller. It’s a role that is really tricky to prove and a one that is most safest claim a scum could make. However, Cabbeh did the claim when there was absolutely no pressure on him, so I’m inclined to believe that he is in fact speaking the truth. However, it’s a good possibility that we will need to lynch him at some point. Before his claim Cabbeh acted somewhat different to the way he has played in the Archer game, but even so there was some contributions in there, with a nice post on his reads. There was lot of fillery fluff too though, more than in Archer at least.
When the Batsnacks debacle was going on, Cabbeh was one of his more vocal defenders alongside Blargonaut. I have to admit I didn’t have time to read the posts he linked about Bats because it was basically dead of night in Finland at that point and today I had time to check the thread when there was just 30 minutes to go before the extension happened.
Verdict: Right now I’m willing to believe he is town-aligned Miller, but will look at him bit cautiously.

TheGoddamn [m] – I keep forgetting that he is in this game… But he has given a real life explanation for it, and I have no reason to think that it’s a lie.
Verdict: Not enough information.

roytheone[m] – At the beginning of the game Roy posted lot of filler and mostly posts discussing the mechanics of the game, although there is suppousedly no surprises in this game (who knows for sure though). However later on, he has had some bit longer and contibutive posts, like the one where he talks about Batsies posts. But in general, roy has suprisingly lot of fillerish and mechanic-centered posts, and I hope that he will start to talk about his thoughts in better detail, because right now his actions could fit a scum who is trying to remain unnoticed.
Verdict: Bit suspecting of roy. Not much, but little.

Darryl [-] – His posts have an aggressive tone in general, but that’s how he was in Archer too, so I guess it’s just his general playstyle. What does bother me is that most of his posts have been really short and mostly reacting to other people. I want to hear more about your thoughts and player reads, since at this point of the game it’s very easy for a scum to blend into a people who play like you do right now.
Verdict: Bit suspecting of him, want to hear more of what he actually thinks.

Sorian [m] – One of the Four Turboposters (others are Launch, Ouro and Blarg). I have to admit that I have no enthusiasm to read through all of his around 350 posts or so. In general he has been quite contributive player, which makes me mostly think that he is more likely town-aligned. It’s day 1 though, so it’s bit hard to say for sure. There is quite a lot of filler in there though.
Verdict: Feels more town for now. Posts ridiculous amounts, not sure if it’s even a good thing really.

Fireblend [m] – Like few others, he is blending in the game, not giving too much contributions. His posts aren’t fillery, but at the same time they haven’t really brought anything new to the table either. As I noted earlier, I’m bit vary of people in day 1 who feel like they blend in, since Scum could want to do that. But at the same time, I do feel that Fireblend has not done anything overtly scummy other than being really kind of invicible.
Verdict: Town-ish, but suspecting.

Karkador [m] – Karkador is a problematic figure for me. I’ve talked about his earlier stunt multiple times now, but I will say it again: I don’t understand his earlier stunt from either Town nor Scum perspective. If he is Town, he is just drawing unneeded attention, making himself a big fat target and also possibly give Mafia hints. But if he is scum, it would be stupif for a scum to basically give himself for a sarcrifice. I know Launch has told me multiple times Scum wants to subvert expectations, but I still can’t see how scum would want endanger himself so visibly.
Looking past his stunt, Kark hasn’t done anything really substansial in the thread at least in my eyes. Lot of posts, but most of them have been on the short side, and he has seemed oddly ”whatever” about his life or death status in general, to the point that he has even voted himself multiple times, last time at the extended day 1. Would a scum really be this relaxed about his status of life and death? First time he could have been sure that LP would save him from trouble, but why is he so care-free now in the extended period as well? I don’t know, something stinks here.
Verdict: I’m going to say neutral here. The stunt and his later actions could really go either way. Something is really odd about his attitude in this game.

Burbeting [m] – It’s a mee, Burbio.

SalvaPot [m] – Salva is one of those people who is there but then kind of isn’t. Like some people have mentioned, it was odd he just appeared to vote bats and then bothered to explain it only after Bats was dead. Other than that, his posts are short and usually commenting something minor, which makes him blend in the game which is something Scum might want to do. I really can’t grasp Salva for now.
Verdict: Neutral, possibly scum-leaning.

Ourobolus [m] – One of the four turbo posters who keeps posting in crazy-level amounts. What he has said though has been close to my thoughts, so it makes me feel like Ouro is leading more towards town. He has lot of insightful thoughts about stuff which makes me feel go about him, at least for now.
Verdict: Leans Town

LaunchpadMcQ [m] – One of the four turboposters. Also one of the love triangle also known as Launchy-Karka-Batsy. One of them is confirmed to be town, so naturally sights go to Launch. What’s interesting that he has seemed to be utterly confident on his scum reads so far, even though he was saying earlier that day 1 is dismissable. He went as far with his earlier Karka obsession that he signed the weird form Sorian made. Then with Batsnacks he was again super sure that he is scum as well. In general Launch has felt like the leading force of the day together with the other super-hyper-poster, Sorian. Something about him feels off, but I really can’t pinpoint what it is.
Verdict: Neutral-ish, something about him is problematic to me. Is also one of the two living participants in the love-triangle.

Lone_Prodigy [m] – Didn’t post too much during the vanilla day 1, but he did have some good thoughts in there too, which is more towny than scum. Now obviously we know that he is a one-shot vigilante, but the question is that if he is town, scum or neutral aligned. What makes me bit nerved is that if his role is actually not one-shot, but maybe two-shot for instance, since then he could use that power in a crucial moment to fuck town up completely. Even so, I think it’s more probable that he is a one-shot ability and town, since it seems bit more likely at least for now.
I will agree with Ouro though that Kark’s alignment might change what I think about LP. However the way LP basically saved Kark does not really fit with how Kark has been acting during the extended day 1, since he seems to be still bit too care-free about his fate.
Verdict: Vigilante and I also kinda believe that he is telling the truth about one-shot and town-alignment. Not sure though, somewhat agree with Ouro that Kark’s alignment might help in figuring him out.

Blargonaut [m] – It feels like Blarg has some legitimate things to say about the game, but for some strange reason he wants to say those by posting them in an really unneeded cluttered manner. He was one of the more vocal defenders of Bats during the late vanilla day 1. I feel really divided about him in general. He has good ideas and thoughts, but he posts them in sometimes so weird manner that it’s just frustrating to read his posts and try to make sense of them. Also not really of the way he keeps doing vote spamming.
Verdict: For now leans to town, but man, I would love if you could write in bit more cohesive manner.

RetroMG [m] – Has poted somewhat regularly after a silent beginning, but most of his posts have been one or two sentences long. There was one post of reads though, that’s always nice. I do would want him to post bit more about his thoughts in a bit longer post than what most of his posts have been so far, but then, this has been day 1 so it’s understandable. What worries me a bit is that his posts leave me with no solid take on what to think about him.
Verdict: Neutral about him for now.


Town: Cabbeh, Sorian, Ourobolos, Blargonaut
Town, but with Scum possibility: Lone_Prodigy (depends on Karkador)
Neutral or Not Enough Info: TheGoddamn, Karkador, Launchpad, RetroMG
Suspecting at least a bit because blending: roytheone, Darryl, Fireblend, SalvaPot


I'm really just struggling to keep up. I can honestly admit that there's at least 25% of this thread that is still unread for me right now, and a lot of it was skimming at best. I haven't even fully read the details around Cabbeh being a miller yet, yet alone understanding what that means.
Blargonaut [m] – It feels like Blarg has some legitimate things to say about the game, but for some strange reason he wants to say those by posting them in an really unneeded cluttered manner. He was one of the more vocal defenders of Bats during the late vanilla day 1. I feel really divided about him in general. He has good ideas and thoughts, but he posts them in sometimes so weird manner that it’s just frustrating to read his posts and try to make sense of them. Also not really of the way he keeps doing vote spamming.
Verdict: For now leans to town, but man, I would love if you could write in bit more cohesive manner.




I'm really just struggling to keep up. I can honestly admit that there's at least 25% of this thread that is still unread for me right now, and a lot of it was skimming at best. I haven't even fully read the details around Cabbeh being a miller yet, yet alone understanding what that means.

I'd like to hear your take on it when you're done


Fireblend [m] – Like few others, he is blending in the game, not giving too much contributions. His posts aren’t fillery, but at the same time they haven’t really brought anything new to the table either. As I noted earlier, I’m bit vary of people in day 1 who feel like they blend in, since Scum could want to do that. But at the same time, I do feel that Fireblend has not done anything overtly scummy other than being really kind of invicible.
Verdict: Town-ish, but suspecting.

I find it so hard to break out of this "not fluff but not contributing" limbo D: please Burb, teach me your ways.


I'm back for a bit, I don't know if Kark is waiting for me before he posts all of his questions but I am here at the moment until Random Time™. Scheduling got all mixed up so I'll be called on again soon.


I just saw Burb's reads and realized I was Town in his and the rest of the reads people have given, lol. Nothing more.

You've been saying for awhile now that you think you are going to die tonight. That wasn't the first time. If that is what Darryl meant then, yes Darryl, I noted it as well.


I'd like to hear your take on it when you're done

Well the miller stuff I'll have to go back and look at still. A large part of the thread I think is a suspicious wasteland and I think I'm better off having not read it. I'd wager that if there is mafia between the two (kark launch) then it'd probably be Launch because of how the votes have fallen. Kark I would have been fully behind had his actions been more concise. I think mafia are likely to believe bats's flavor now that we can see it in retrospect because they probably have similar flavor too and wouldn't miss the chance to have him evicted based on the pr.

Bats flavor also says nothing about anyone getting notified, so it's good we didn't chance that gamble anyways. Dunno what he was thinking.

Retro is quiet. Ouro is concise. Salva is confused. Fireblend is word-y, not fully reading his stuff. All leaning neutral. Actually basically everyone is hitting suspicious, with probably the least suspicious being Kark.

No comments on cabbeh/burb
Retro is quiet. Ouro is concise. Salva is confused. Fireblend is word-y, not fully reading his stuff. All leaning neutral. Actually basically everyone is hitting suspicious, with probably the least suspicious being Kark.

No comments on cabbeh/burb

I respect your opinion but...



You've been saying for awhile now that you think you are going to die tonight. That wasn't the first time. If that is what Darryl meant then, yes Darryl, I noted it as well.
I did? I totally forgot (it's been a long day).
But it's just an offhand comment. I don't mean anything by it.


Yeah, I can't. Not yet at least. It's really just a hunch at this point. Kark is fine too, I guess.

Watch me die tonight, lol.

Sorry, I don't see my vote moving any time soon. If I'm wrong I'll just have to live with it (or die when I am lynched tonight).

Just a quick search and I dug out these two, pretty sure there are at least two more floating around the thread. Yes, they do sound like offhand comments but it was odd that you kept saying it.


I respect your opinion but...


I was with Kark as he got himself into this rabbit hole so I probably see it different. I don't actually have any red flags against Kark except for when he pleaded for a vote tie, which wasn't that bad. In contrast to your inability to pick a stance and eagerness to jump to new targets, he seems stable.

Also I think I should comment and say the reason I find Ouro suspicious for being concise and Fireblend for saying too much is because I get the feeling that Ouro is paying more attention and saying less and Fireblend is just sort of paying average attention and talking too much.


Just a quick search and I dug out these two, pretty sure there are at least two more floating around the thread. Yes, they do sound like offhand comments but it was odd that you kept saying it.
Oh, heh. I guess you're right. Again, it was just my read with being high on the Town list. Presumably a target.
I was with Kark as he got himself into this rabbit hole so I probably see it different. I don't actually have any red flags against Kark except for when he pleaded for a vote tie, which wasn't that bad. In contrast to your inability to pick a stance and eagerness to jump to new targets, he seems stable.

The bolded is a lie or you haven't been paying attention. I've voted for 4 people total, and 1 was a joke and the other was to see what batsnacks had to say.


I was with Kark as he got himself into this rabbit hole so I probably see it different. I don't actually have any red flags against Kark except for when he pleaded for a vote tie, which wasn't that bad. In contrast to your inability to pick a stance and eagerness to jump to new targets, he seems stable.

Also I think I should comment and say the reason I find Ouro suspicious for being concise and Fireblend for saying too much is because I get the feeling that Ouro is paying more attention and saying less and Fireblend is just sort of paying average attention and talking too much.

I can't say I mind the attention, but would you mind telling me why you have a vote on me? I was hoping if I let it sit for a bit, you'd give me some reasoning but you're just over here talking about everyone else.


I mean you signed like a death writ to kill Kark yet the moment Bats comes out with a roleclaim it's time to jump on him. Even after he offers to prove it, which even in retrospect being impossible is an offer worth taking on day 1.


I mean you signed like a death writ to kill Kark yet the moment Bats comes out with a roleclaim it's time to jump on him. Even after he offers to prove it, which even in retrospect being impossible is an offer worth taking on day 1.

You could really do with quoting people but I think this was to Launch and not to my question.
I mean you signed like a death writ to kill Kark yet the moment Bats comes out with a roleclaim it's time to jump on him. Even after he offers to prove it, which even in retrospect being impossible is an offer worth taking on day 1.

You have NOT been paying attention m8

I suggest you go back and read the thread before you make posts, or I'm just going to ignore this shit.


I can't say I mind the attention, but would you mind telling me why you have a vote on me? I was hoping if I let it sit for a bit, you'd give me some reasoning but you're just over here talking about everyone else.

I flipped back a few pages and saw Czar cancelled my vote so I decided to Sorian you now that Kark is doing some math.


I flipped back a few pages and saw Czar cancelled my vote so I decided to Sorian you now that Kark is doing some math.

So, you're just waiting for Kark's case too then. Sounds good to me. Wasn't sure if you had your own bone to pick or not.
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