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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


lol yes let's condense everything I said into the two posts of your choosing, while you misread everything that's happened in the thread so far.

Darryl, I'm going to tell you now. You're not gonna do me like you did in AC. I'm not going to be nice about it this time.

I just openly admitted to not having read the thread very much. I was just giving thoughts so people had stuff to go on. I pre-emptively devalued my reads and here you are looking to capitalize on mistakes I'm being honest about.


It's all fine being able to take responsibility for Kark's death, even signing a jpg, but come the final cut throat charge on Bats and it's all touch-y if someone tries to associate you with it.
I just openly admitted to not having read the thread very much. I was just giving thoughts so people had stuff to go on. I pre-emptively devalued my reads and here you are looking to capitalize on mistakes I'm being honest about.

Alright, man. I believe you. But I've gone between 2 solid lynch targets today; don't tell me I've been flip-flopping.


Why are we suddenly attacking launch about flip flopping? He had good reasons to go after kark, he may was a little bit to single minded about it, but still, kark behaved weird. Then bat started to behave even weirder than kark, and so launch switched his focus. He didn't do some weird 180, he still used weird behavior as his main argument, it was just that someone else was suddenly weirder. And yes, he could have went with testing bat (even though now we know he was lying about people knowing they got the cigs), but I get the feeling that if launch suspects someone, he goes all in and maybe gets a little blind sighted for other possibilities.
Why are we suddenly attacking launch about flip flopping? He had good reasons to go after kark, he may was a little bit to single minded about it, but still, kark behaved weird. Then bat started to behave even weirder than kark, and so launch switched his focus. He didn't do some weird 180, he still used weird behavior as his main argument, it was just that someone else was suddenly weirder. And yes, he could have went with testing bat (even though now we know he was lying about people knowing they got the cigs), but I get the feeling that if launch suspects someone, he goes all in and maybe gets a little blind sighted for other possibilities.

Nothing sudden about it

I've been calling out his flip-flopping from an early age


Why are we suddenly attacking launch about flip flopping? He had good reasons to go after kark, he may was a little bit to single minded about it, but still, kark behaved weird. Then bat started to behave even weirder than kark, and so launch switched his focus. He didn't do some weird 180, he still used weird behavior as his main argument, it was just that someone else was suddenly weirder. And yes, he could have went with testing bat (even though now we know he was lying about people knowing they got the cigs), but I get the feeling that if launch suspects someone, he goes all in and maybe gets a little blind sighted for other possibilities.

I don't really know what this whole string is. If I had to accuse someone of being a flip-flopper, I'd probably call out others before getting to Launch, I think I flipped a few more times than Launch did.


Ok, here's a read post for you guys who like to read reads.

cabbeh [m] – I believe he's the miller. I thought it was odd he role-claimed when he did if his first instinct was to lay low, because other than some minor comments there was no major suspicion thrown in his direction. I think roleclaiming early was the right thing to do though, and ultimately coupled with his defense of batsnacks it paints him as a good guy. Scum wouldn't have pushed as hard as he did against a bat lynch. Early on I was suspicious of how much he talked with Bat, but then he justified that fluff as "hinting" at his role, and no I know there wasn't anything between him and Bat.

TheGoddamn [m]
– Not even sure if he's still in the game.

roytheone[m] – He pushed for Kark before L_P used his action, supporting Cabbeh to give Bat another day to prove whether he was what he claimed to be. I have no real opinion on him other than that for this reason I'm leaning town. He hasn't been particularly absent from any part of the game. I agree with Burb when he says he'd like him to talk a bit more.

Darryl [-] – He's an enigma to me. Seems like a player with tons of baggage from other games so everyone treats his posts or style of play "classic darryl" without discussing him or the posts he makes much. There seems to be some expectation that at some point he's gonna come in and drop some truth bombs on people, but in reality he hasn't posted much, has deferred to his previous game experience a couple of times (something I don't particularly love like I told Bat) and seems to be very judgey in general. I want to see him in action because I've heard more about him from other players than himself.

Sorian [m] – Very contributive, seemingly very pro-town. Mostly avoided taking part in the Kark-Launch-Bat debacle which allowed him to make some comments as an observer solidifying those 3 as the "players to watch" for day 1. If they all end up flipping town I'd honestly be a bit worried about him potentially focusing on them 3 as easy targets in order to remove attention from himself while commenting on players who pretty much lined up to be lynched. In Cthulhu I found his excessive posting aggravating, but in this game it feels like he's doing it to keep up, since there are other similarly active players. He throws some wild theories from time to time. I have no idea for example how he came up with the idea that Kark may have a PR of some sort.

Karkador [m] – I mentioned him earlier as one of my suspected players but then again that's not a particularly unique opinion to have. His roleclaim and sacrifice offer was silly; he could have seen early on there was no point to defending a no-lynch day 1, and from any perspective offering to yourself as a sacrifice *and* role-claiming is a detriment to whichever faction you're playing for. Maybe he's a neutral player, but I tend to think neutral players are often encouraged to gain some trust from other players before attempting to satisfy their win condition, and I don't think a tanner-like win condition is likely in this game. He could have also offered himself to see who'd vote for him, but I don't think we'll get solid reads from that strategy unless we lynch either him or Launch. I think he's town.

Burbeting [m] – He hasn't posted that much but yet he has gained a ton of trust with his contributions. Regardless of whether he's town or not, he plays how I'd like to play. Still, his posts feel somewhat judgey and removed from the action, as if he was just observing what's going on without engaging much, making sure he's at a distance from the action. It's only day 1 and I can't expect everyone to be a major actor this early but I do find it curious how he managed to gain trust early on with the early Darryl proto-bandwagon.

SalvaPot [m] – I feel like people's doubts about him have merit. I don't like him giving so much attention to Blarg, seems like an easy way to add posts while hiding behind Blarg's madness and teasing. I don't like him messing with joke roleclaims either, and he's only become more engaging with other people as they have expressed their doubts about him. I feel he's definitely worth looking into on day 2.

Ourobolus [m] – I feel good about Ouro; his contributions have been on point, his justification for voting for bat were at least as good as I think mine were, and even though he posts a lot it doesn't feel as bad as the other big posters. Sorry Ouro :p

LaunchpadMcQ [m] – I already said I feel he's well-intentioned even though he was aggressive when pushing against Kark. If we lynch Kark and he flips town I'd just call the "triangle" theory a wash and not pursue Launch much honestly; I don't feel he's been particularly out of line, and there's people like Salva or Blarg that I trust much less because of the tone of their posts. Anyway, back to Launch, I trust for now he's a town who became convinced of Kark being scum and his willingness to keep an eye on him and accept responsibility for whatever comes out of lynching him makes me think well of him.

Lone_Prodigy [m] – I had the expectation that this was a somewhat "vanilla" Mafia game, so I don't expect his role to have some super crazy twist like he has expendable shots or something like that. I wondered whether the cigarettes in Bat's case were something more than flavor like them being expendable or limited in some way if his claim turned out to be true, but it turned out to be just flavor text so I don't have any reason to think LP lied about his PR effect. I do wonder about his alignment, but I don't think he would have outed himself this early if he was scum. He claims not to have known his action would extend the game or reset the votes though, and that does make me wonder if he's neutral and is hiding his knowledge of that for some reason because it would nudge us towards figuring out his win condition.

Blargonaut [m] – Started so well and went back to his old ways as soon as the end of the day approached, which coincided with both people talking about how he seemed reformed and votes started to solidify. He's an enigma to me. I think he has some real insight into the game and can read people really well, but if he's not willing to be an asset to town, or is hiding a scum identity behind his mad posts (specially his teasing of Launch and the vote confusion he was attempting to create) I think he's more of a liability than anything. I defended him early in the thread because it seemed to me like he was being forthright and contributive, but after today's display I wouldn't be willing to bet on his goodwill anymore.

RetroMG [m]
– So far seems very reactive to me. He has said he doesn't have much to say, and of his recent posts 70% are related to what he's doing in real life, asking for vote counts, etc. His best contribution has been a reads list a long while ago. I'd like him to revise it. I'm willing to believe he's been busy because so have I and it's only day 1.

People I feel I can trust for now: Sorian, Cabbeh, Launch
People that have left me expecting more from them: RetroMG, Darryl
People I don't feel super about: Kark, Salva
I don't have super strong feelings about anyone else.



Sorian, let's revisit some things you've said.

The record shows that, by the end of ..."Day 1 Part 1", you put your vote on batsnacks near the end - after nearly all that could have been said and done before bats got becky'd.

I think it's reasonable to assume that, even if you didn't expect L_P to pull the Becky, you expected bats to be gone. In fact, you were sure you hammered the vote on him.

I've seen everything that I want to see now. Let's read batsnacks role PM.

VOTE: batsnacks

And you celebrated when L_P brought out the Becky and threatened both our lives.

WEIRDLY ENOUGH, you have been ambivalent on the whole bats/kark vote dichotomy, as if you were a committing-to-an-opinion butterfly.

I mean, it's plain to see why you'd hammer batsnacks, with a statement like this:

Kark will probably flip ordinary town, at this point, I only see it as a burden to keep him alive. batsnacks was my scum read and with that, I'd like to just have solid info and go.

But wait, that's the same Sorian who said this:

The interesting thing to consider is that batsnacks is on borrowed time, if he lives today and tonight, I don't see him making it past the vote tomorrow. Kark, on the other hand, might not be a juicy target tomorrow if he survives today.

Suggesting that I'm the more pressing topic.

Karkador [m] - I still think I read what you were trying to do correctly and that's why I wanted to attempt to lynch you today. batsnacks has drawn enough of my attention that I think it is fair to go down that road first now and you seem to agree. If I'm wrong about you then no big loss but if I'm right, you will be the perfect lynch candidate on a day where we don't have much to go on. Verdict: Still deciding who should go first, cabbeh or Kark

Suggesting that I'm not the more pressing topic...

It's a game of chicken now which is what I was hoping for (go figure Blarg would make it happen). Let's see who isn't sure about their pick.

Unless of course L_P would like to actually vote.

Suggesting that Sorian doesn't really care who dies.


batsnacks, Karkador, cabbeh. The people consistently on Sorian's hitlist.

I already know batsnacks is Town. I know I'm Town. I can presume, maybe a little, that cabbeh is Town. In any case, Sorian doesn't seem to care who falls, just that they do - and as far as I can see, he's got Town lined up.

Sorian, I feel like I've merely taken a small sample of your flopping around. Why so ambivalent?


Sorian [m] – Very contributive, seemingly very pro-town. Mostly avoided taking part in the Kark-Launch-Bat debacle which allowed him to make some comments as an observer solidifying those 3 as the "players to watch" for day 1. If they all end up flipping town I'd honestly be a bit worried about him potentially focusing on them 3 as easy targets in order to remove attention from himself while commenting on players who pretty much lined up to be lynched. In Cthulhu I found his excessive posting aggravating, but in this game it feels like he's doing it to keep up, since there are other similarly active players. He throws some wild theories from time to time. I have no idea for example how he came up with the idea that Kark may have a PR of some sort.

Kark's play was so wildly bad from the perspective that he was ordinary town or scum that I figured there had to be another reason for him to do it. I was thinking about it while laying in bed (this game man) and pondered that he might have an override that he would use on someone if his little trap worked. When I woke up the next morning, Blarg had posted this:

Please don't override me

I thought maybe someone else was thinking the same way I was so I was a little bit more confident in that read. I doubt Kark is any type of governor now that we know about L_P though a hunter possibility still worries me since Kark was the one that brought it up out of no where and his vote is currently on me



This one is easy, I only have to cite two things.

By the end of ...Day 1 Part 1, Sorian had the highest post count.

By the end of Day 1 Part 1, Sorian had not garnered a single vote on him.

Sorian, can you tell me what camo you're wearing?



Sorian, let's revisit some things you've said.

The record shows that, by the end of ..."Day 1 Part 1", you put your vote on batsnacks near the end - after nearly all that could have been said and done before bats got becky'd.

I think it's reasonable to assume that, even if you didn't expect L_P to pull the Becky, you expected bats to be gone. In fact, you were sure you hammered the vote on him.

And you celebrated when L_P brought out the Becky and threatened both our lives.

WEIRDLY ENOUGH, you have been ambivalent on the whole bats/kark vote dichotomy, as if you were a committing-to-an-opinion butterfly.

I mean, it's plain to see why you'd hammer batsnacks, with a statement like this:

But wait, that's the same Sorian who said this:

Suggesting that I'm the more pressing topic.

Suggesting that I'm not the more pressing topic...

Suggesting that Sorian doesn't really care who dies.


batsnacks, Karkador, cabbeh. The people consistently on Sorian's hitlist.

I already know batsnacks is Town. I know I'm Town. I can presume, maybe a little, that cabbeh is Town. In any case, Sorian doesn't seem to care who falls, just that they do - and as far as I can see, he's got Town lined up.

Sorian, I feel like I've merely taken a small sample of your flopping around. Why so ambivalent?

I had a list of people that I found suspicious, you can pull it from my reads list earlier:

cabbeh [m] - I know I originally called bullshit on your miller claim but it was nothing more than a passing fancy, I did distrust you on it and I figured I'd just air my distrust right away and see if any cracks would appear, none did so kudos so making me a believer. You role claimed it at the only time that made sense and if you are to be believed then you will be an ally to town for awhile. We will have to kill you though before we get to end game, make no mistake. Verdict: Miller

TheGoddamn [m] - Hope things start going well man, if you can't play then don't worry about it, we'll catch you next time :D Verdict: Null

roytheone [m] - Roy is playing that slow game. He pops in from time to time, agrees or disagrees on a few points and then disappears, like the wind. This is classic scum play but the things he has said have been very insightful. If you are scum, I'm not going to get you on a cold guess, I'm going to need to build a case from dead bodies and patterns. Verdict: Waiting to see if cashing that check from El Topo will help town.

Darryl [-] - I wish Darryl-senpai would notice me but Blarg is his new favorite uguu~~~ ;_; But seriously, I'm reading Darryl has town currently. He's giving me shit again for talking too much which is still fine, I know I dilute the post pool but deep down he is appreciating the information I drag into the light. Verdict: Town probably maybe

Sorian [m] -
It's not my job to judge myself, that is your job.

batsnacks [m] - Since batsnacks is earliest on the list, he gets padded a bit while I talk about our main day 1 storyline. Kark sets "trap", Launch jumps in full thrust, batsnacks follows shortly behind while inviting me to get in on some of that lovin' too. I refuse and then I'm handed some shaky logic from batsy about why what Kark did is a bad play all around and it's either a definite mafia player we need to kill or a townie we need to policy lynch. All is well and good, I agree kind of, we move on. People are still talking about other ideas, mostly the growing vote for Launch and bat doesn't really add too much because Kark is looking good. Suddenly, a wild Miller appears and batsy is front and center again telling us why that Miller vote is dumb, what "normal" mafia play is like etc. etc. Here's the pattern and here's the thing I don't like. He keeps trying to appeal to the fact that town is always going to act like town and scum is always going to act like scum. In the world he is presenting to us, he makes it sound like scum would never ever be upfront and leading the charges and whatever because that would draw attention to them because that is what town does......except no, being like town is what scum likes to do. I feel you are drawing attention away from this because it's your plan, it's what you are doing. I still content that there is 1 scum in this love triangle which again, you tried to dissuade with bad logic and again that bad logic was only serving to help you. I smell something and now we've played around with Kark for a bit, I feel more comfortable going for what I believe. Verdict: If it smells, kill it.

Fireblend [m] - I don't have a lot to say on Fire but if him and Bats or scum then he is starting that bussing process early. Fire has been the little voice urging me on a few times in this thread. I'm inclined to trust him on nothing more than gut feeling right now but there always comes a time where I have to question the voices in my head. Verdict: Keep offering insight

Karkador [m] - I still think I read what you were trying to do correctly and that's why I wanted to attempt to lynch you today. batsnacks has drawn enough of my attention that I think it is fair to go down that road first now and you seem to agree. If I'm wrong about you then no big loss but if I'm right, you will be the perfect lynch candidate on a day where we don't have much to go on. Verdict: Still deciding who should go first, cabbeh or Kark

Burbeting [m] - Quiet but when you are here, YOU. ARE. HERE. You might even have a big post waiting once I get out of this one. You keep up with the thread when you can and add your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. I have no read on you yet because your first post was more summary than thoughts but I expect you to pick up as more happens. Verdict: Wait and see approach

SalvaPot [m] - Speaking of linked accusations, here's a Bold Prediction™ I sense 1 scum between Salva or Blarg. I don't know which way I'm leaning on it yet. They've both fingered each other in passing (phrasing) and I can see merit to both sides of it. Salva has played expert level hiding in the shadows since this game has started which is where my distrust comes from on him. Verdict: Another day

Ourobolus [m] - Ouro and I are on the same page currently and he was vocal about it first. I have no reason not to trust him currently. Verdict: Town

LaunchpadMcQ [m] - No hard feelings m8? I enjoyed your tunnel game on Kark and I know I'm giving you a hard time but the way you handled it reads as town to me. You fell in on a mistake but you eventually backed down when it stopped making sense after holding on to it for awhile. I know you might still end up voting for Kark today and that is 100% a-ok because you might be right but you've started seeing the other views which I don't think you were doing before. I do now honestly believe that you and Kark are barking up the wrong tree on each other but let's see how day 1 ends. My opinion could change pretty easily on the love triangle. Verdict: Town

Lone_Prodigy [m] - I'm partial to assuming you are scum, sorry :p But I did say I wouldn't come into this game with past knowledge so that is a garbage read. You remained quiet for awhile which was having me worried because I do think you were watching the thread over the weekend but you came in today like you said you would and you made well reasoned points like you were expected to. You are also staying engaged as things occur. I have no reason to distrust you at this time. Verdict: Wait and see

Blargonaut [m] - See my Bold Prediction™ under Salva. Blarg is worrying me because this isn't normal Blarg posting. This is a Blarg that wants to live and not get policy lynched because of mass confusion. It's just Blarg enough to be Blarg but not Blarg enough that you can't read the posts. Honestly, I'm reading this as either Blarg has attained a new form because he wants to stick around in games longer or he had to tone it back because he is finally a bad guy. Verdict:Another day

RetroMG [m] - Retro came in here, dropped some truth and then left again. Once I see how this whole batsnacks thing shakes out then I'll have a better read on Retro, or he could just post more. Both would help. Verdict: Town leaning null

batsnacks, Kark, Salva, Blarg, (Launch more so now that I see bat flipped town).

You're right, I don't care who of them died and killing two in one day out in the open where I can see people's opinions and votes on them is fantastic. That's why I celebrated L_P's play. I thought two players who had a plethora of discussion around them were going to flip and on day 2 we would have tons of information to go over.

As I've said a few times now, I thought you were going to override or take someone down with you if you were voted on. I pressed the vote on you early and often for that reason, you played a gambit and I wanted you to commit to it and make your play. As the day closed, it became increasingly obvious that if you were going to shoot someone down, it was going to be batsnacks and since I thought he had a better chance of being scum, he is where I was going to settle regardless. You weren't the most pressing topic but because of your claim, we now have to make sure that you aren't scum playing some weird game.

Lastly, I find it interesting that you add cabbeh to my "hitlist" My only interest in cabbeh was to see if he was going to flip miller like he said he was and oddly enough, you wree the one trying to convince me to do it:

You're right in that if we buy this role claim too much, we'll assume there are two roles that aren't actually there.

Now...this seems rather opportune, but if you guys want a lynch candidate to give you a lot of information, the opportunity has just presented itself.

Man, I feel like you guys really aren't feeling my push for togetherness.

Voting for yourself, considering what you just dropped on us, is a move of good faith. It seems reasonable to let you go, if your role is pretty much negative utility, and it gives Town way more information than if they lynch me.

I've decided to trust him for now, something I even said in my reads post. We do have to kill him eventually but I can trust a miller to hang around for a bit until we have fewer leads because we have plenty right now.


Do we really need to kill karkador?

No, seriously, why do we need to kill karkador? We already got a lynch today, and the longer we are playing the more apparent it seems Karkador is just an ordinary kid, I am far more suspicious of cabbeh.

I agree on the No Lynch. Now I feel pretty confident we have an investigator among us, so any day we can have when he can get information and use it for the town is better than lynching blindly. The situation has changed, because so far we have:

2 Villager claims (Kark, Blarg)
1 Daykiller (Lone_Prodigy)
1 Jailer (batsnacks, dead).

We have enough information to start with, now lets get our PR to do their job and prove a force against scum players.

Vote: No lynch


You're right in that if we buy this role claim too much, we'll assume there are two roles that aren't actually there.

Now...this seems rather opportune, but if you guys want a lynch candidate to give you a lot of information, the opportunity has just presented itself.

Man, I feel like you guys really aren't feeling my push for togetherness.

Voting for yourself, considering what you just dropped on us, is a move of good faith. It seems reasonable to let you go, if your role is pretty much negative utility, and it gives Town way more information than if they lynch me.

This one is easy, I only have to cite two things.

By the end of ...Day 1 Part 1, Sorian had the highest post count.

By the end of Day 1 Part 1, Sorian had not garnered a single vote on him.

Sorian, can you tell me what camo you're wearing?


Day 1 Part 1, 12 players have at least one vote on them.


That's 3 Mafia members less than 15 players!

I don't have an answer for this question? I have no control over who votes for me or when, people have trusted me. Regardless of my alignment, I'm not so stupid to draw attention to myself or do something brash that will eat up a bunch of discussion time like vote for myself after role claiming with 0 pressure on me. When I say regardless of my alignment, I mean that in a theoretical sense: scum, neutral, and town would all want to stay alive as long as possible to assist with their own win condition so why draw suspicion to yourself if no one else is? I'm happy to deal with suspicion when it comes which you've finally done now but I'm sorry that not caring about life one day 1 is why you find me suspicious. We have enough characters to work through that a no lynch still makes no sense.


Do we really need to kill karkador?

No, seriously, why do we need to kill karkador? We already got a lynch today, and the longer we are playing the more apparent it seems Karkador is just an ordinary kid, I am far more suspicious of cabbeh.

I agree on the No Lynch. Now I feel pretty confident we have an investigator among us, so any day we can have when he can get information and use it for the town is better than lynching blindly. The situation has changed, because so far we have:

2 Villager claims (Kark, Blarg)
1 Daykiller (Lone_Prodigy)
1 Jailer (batsnacks, dead).

We have enough information to start with, now lets get our PR to do their job and prove a force against scum players.

Vote: No lynch

Not to me, I admit that it is a strong possibility, but I was always of the mind that if he flipped town it was going to be as a type of override-capable role. I no longer think there is an override capable role in this game which means from my original deduction, that would make Kark scum. Like I said though, he may flip ordinary but that's fine because as I reasoned earlier, scum isn't going to NK him ever now because of that early role claim so any doubts anyone has about whether he is scum or not are not going to be put to rest until we lynch him. An investigator can only hit one target a night and we already have a few people for them to look at, no reason to not help their job along with a relatively "safe" lynch.



Fireblend [m] - I don't have a lot to say on Fire but if him and Bats or scum then he is starting that bussing process early. Fire has been the little voice urging me on a few times in this thread. I'm inclined to trust him on nothing more than gut feeling right now but there always comes a time where I have to question the voices in my head. Verdict: Keep offering insight

Burbeting [m] - Quiet but when you are here, YOU. ARE. HERE. You might even have a big post waiting once I get out of this one. You keep up with the thread when you can and add your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. I have no read on you yet because your first post was more summary than thoughts but I expect you to pick up as more happens. Verdict: Wait and see approach

Sorian [m] – One of the Four Turboposters (others are Launch, Ouro and Blarg). I have to admit that I have no enthusiasm to read through all of his around 350 posts or so. In general he has been quite contributive player, which makes me mostly think that he is more likely town-aligned. It’s day 1 though, so it’s bit hard to say for sure. There is quite a lot of filler in there though.
Verdict: Feels more town for now. Posts ridiculous amounts, not sure if it’s even a good thing really.

Fireblend [m] – Like few others, he is blending in the game, not giving too much contributions. His posts aren’t fillery, but at the same time they haven’t really brought anything new to the table either. As I noted earlier, I’m bit vary of people in day 1 who feel like they blend in, since Scum could want to do that. But at the same time, I do feel that Fireblend has not done anything overtly scummy other than being really kind of invicible.
Verdict: Town-ish, but suspecting.

Sorian [m] – Very contributive, seemingly very pro-town. Mostly avoided taking part in the Kark-Launch-Bat debacle which allowed him to make some comments as an observer solidifying those 3 as the "players to watch" for day 1. If they all end up flipping town I'd honestly be a bit worried about him potentially focusing on them 3 as easy targets in order to remove attention from himself while commenting on players who pretty much lined up to be lynched. In Cthulhu I found his excessive posting aggravating, but in this game it feels like he's doing it to keep up, since there are other similarly active players. He throws some wild theories from time to time. I have no idea for example how he came up with the idea that Kark may have a PR of some sort.

Burbeting [m] – He hasn't posted that much but yet he has gained a ton of trust with his contributions. Regardless of whether he's town or not, he plays how I'd like to play. Still, his posts feel somewhat judgey and removed from the action, as if he was just observing what's going on without engaging much, making sure he's at a distance from the action. It's only day 1 and I can't expect everyone to be a major actor this early but I do find it curious how he managed to gain trust early on with the early Darryl proto-bandwagon.

Sorian, can tell me more about "The No Votes Club"?


For those of you following at home,

Sorian, Fireblend, and Burbeting not only managed to completely escape votes on Day 1 Part 1, but they also all seem to have high opinions of each other.


Not to me, I admit that it is a strong possibility, but I was always of the mind that if he flipped town it was going to be as a type of override-capable role. I no longer think there is an override capable role in this game which means from my original deduction, that would make Kark scum. Like I said though, he may flip ordinary but that's fine because as I reasoned earlier, scum isn't going to NK him ever now because of that early role claim so any doubts anyone has about whether he is scum or not are not going to be put to rest until we lynch him. An investigator can only hit one target a night and we already have a few people for them to look at, no reason to not help their job along with a relatively "safe" lynch.

But this is the thing, as a lynch cabbeh feels far safer to me than Karkador, because his claimed role is far more disruptive to town.

If karkador is lying it could be easily disproved with an inspection.

If cabbeh is lying there is no way to know.


Thanks for the reads, Fire! It was good to see you make a good contribution.

Burbeting [m] – He hasn't posted that much but yet he has gained a ton of trust with his contributions. Regardless of whether he's town or not, he plays how I'd like to play. Still, his posts feel somewhat judgey and removed from the action, as if he was just observing what's going on without engaging much, making sure he's at a distance from the action. It's only day 1 and I can't expect everyone to be a major actor this early but I do find it curious how he managed to gain trust early on with the early Darryl proto-bandwagon.

I guess the problems lies partly in the fact that right now I can really post only at one part of the day (that being late evening/night), and since the thread moves so fast I want to comment on all of the bigger stuff that has happened during that time. When I get to write about it however, the discussion might have already shifted to something else. When I have the chance to be more active participant, I do take it, like yesterday when I was debating with batsnacks.

Posts about flipp flopping

At least to me I don't see that the actual flopping is the biggest issue here, since lot of other people have been doing it well, some even more than you. What's strange about it is that you seem to be super-confident about the scumness of the people you are trying to get lynched, so the flopping looks much more obvious then.



Sorian, can tell me more about "The No Votes Club"?

Not really no. I have no new information about either of them. I still distrust Fire in much the same way Ouro does which is to say that we keep noticing his presence but never enough that we feel it is contributive. If I had to go after a scum that is trying to skate by blending then it would be Fire or roy. My "verdict" for both of them were much the same in that I wasn't really sure and wasn't committed to a real answer. I bring up roy because the thought I placed in his read is the same thought I'm applying to Fire and why he isn't a top suspect for me right now - " If you are scum, I'm not going to get you on a cold guess, I'm going to need to build a case from dead bodies and patterns."

As for Burb, I just trust that he is town. His schedule makes sense for his sporadic voting pattern but he has done nothing to make me think he is scum. He comes in, analyzes the situation and makes well crafted and well thought out posts about everything we are talking about. If he was purposely ignoring topics then I would think otherwise but I have not noticed him missing any major beats when he comes in to post.


But this is the thing, as a lynch cabbeh feels far safer to me than Karkador, because his claimed role is far more disruptive to town.

If karkador is lying it could be easily disproved with an inspection.

If cabbeh is lying there is no way to know.

They are both safe kills IMO. I don't think cabbeh is scum. I think Kark might be scum. I'd rather still try to hit scum when I can, not just lynch for info.


For those of you following at home,

Sorian, Fireblend, and Burbeting not only managed to completely escape votes on Day 1 Part 1, but they also all seem to have high opinions of each other.

That's bit of a leap there, Kark.


Town: Cabbeh, Sorian, Ourobolos, Blargonaut
Town, but with Scum possibility: Lone_Prodigy (depends on Karkador)
Neutral or Not Enough Info: TheGoddamn, Karkador, Launchpad, RetroMG
Suspecting at least a bit because blending: roytheone, Darryl, Fireblend, SalvaPot

It's day 1 so I don't have super-confident analysis now on anyone's scummyness, but I did put Fireblend into the tier that is closest to the people I'm suspecting of being a scum. I do think Sorian is mostly town though, you're right there.
At least to me I don't see that the actual flopping is the biggest issue here, since lot of other people have been doing it well, some even more than you. What's strange about it is that you seem to be super-confident about the scumness of the people you are trying to get lynched, so the flopping looks much more obvious then.

Wrong. I am comfortable with lynching Kark because he's the most suspicious to me. I felt confident about batsnacks because of his meltdown, but he's just dumb and he shouldn't have acted the way he did.


For those of you following at home,

Sorian, Fireblend, and Burbeting not only managed to completely escape votes on Day 1 Part 1, but they also all seem to have high opinions of each other.

To be fair, doesn't everyone have high opinions on Burb and Sorian? I figure I've managed to not have votes on me because the focus has been elsewhere. I'm sure if you hadn't roleclaimed and all the madness that came after I would have had to respond to the obligatory day-1 prodding. And I don't want to make it seem like I unconditionally trust them either. If you flip town, and I suspect you will, I'll start being suspicious of Sorian because of this same logic:

I already know batsnacks is Town. I know I'm Town. I can presume, maybe a little, that cabbeh is Town. In any case, Sorian doesn't seem to care who falls, just that they do - and as far as I can see, he's got Town lined up.

Which isn't a new statement from me. I've already said this in the read you quoted.
I feel like, when it comes to players like Sorian, they're usually above reproach early on because they get the ball rolling and get everyone in the game when there isn't anything to go on.

As the game goes on and more roles are revealed the super-active ones start to fall under suspicion because they're usually a target for the scum who want to clamp down on discussion and coast from vote to vote. If they continue to hang around, that's suspicious.

So Sorian is doing what Sorian does. Is he scum? Maybe. But that's a question for a later Day.


I feel like, when it comes to players like Sorian, they're usually above reproach early on because they get the ball rolling and get everyone in the game when there isn't anything to go on.

That's part of what I mean. It's what I was saying near the beginning of the game. Mafia players are in a better position to set the agenda of what Town talks about - and it's certainly in their interest to do so.


But this is the thing, as a lynch cabbeh feels far safer to me than Karkador, because his claimed role is far more disruptive to town.

If karkador is lying it could be easily disproved with an inspection.

If cabbeh is lying there is no way to know.

How did you go from trusting my claim, to saying I'm very suspicious to saying I'm probably lying?

Was it because I had the audacity to question your not particularly open or logical behaviour?


That's part of what I mean. It's what I was saying near the beginning of the game. Mafia players are in a better position to set the agenda of what Town talks about - and it's certainly in their interest to do so.

Didn't you do a lot of the setting up of what we would talk about today? I've actually been fairly passive when it comes to setting up storylines, I let you and Launch go at it while I commented. Then cabbeh came in on his own with the big reveal. I guess I could see an argument that I helped spur along batsnacks but no more so than Ouro or yourself.


Didn't you do a lot of the setting up of what we would talk about today? I've actually been fairly passive when it comes to setting up storylines, I let you and Launch go at it while I commented. Then cabbeh came in on his own with the big reveal. I guess I could see an argument that I helped spur along batsnacks but no more so than Ouro or yourself.

Your job is to ask the questions and sit back. You don't need to be interviewing the subjects. Nobody really notices that the ringleader of a circus kind of steps aside after the animals start doing their thing.

and there's been a little bit of a circus, to say the least.


If you feel you couldn't add to the testing bats claim discussion which took place between about 5 people and was pretty important because he was claiming a major role, then you have very low self esteem (I've got a video franchise you should apply for..) or you're keeping out of the limelight.

We were also actively trying to push people to contribute, we made a few call outs.

You then just hopped in without any reasoning and voted. Drive by voting at the last minute is scummy

I thought maybe you'd give me a little more credit after trying to defend bat and not voting for him in the end.

It seems no matter what my behaviour, your path is set though.

I can live with that.

Pro-town is airing your thoughts on matters at hand. Scummy is keeping quiet until being questioned.

Well it's good that you weighted that possibility, to yourself with no discussion whatsoever. Deep in the monastery of Mafia Killage.

The Great Shaman needed his retreat to think.

Yes, that's every post he's made between the claim and his vote on batsnacks.

Alright gents, pardon if there are some mistakes but I went lightning detective on Salva's ass. We'll start with batsnack's reveal post (#1293):

I'd like to say that the one comment Salva makes about batsnacks (which I quoted in my previous post) is before this claim. Alright, let's see why he voted. Here begins the great batsnacks tirade, right?

Gif critique

Blarg suckage.


Blarg gif tiff.

Blarg gif tiff.

Blarg gif tiff.

Blarg again.




Wait, what?

Why, there's almost nothing here about batsnacks!!

No, this clearly came out of nowhere.

Yes, clearly.


How did you go from trusting my claim, to saying I'm very suspicious to saying I'm probably lying?

Was it because I had the audacity to question your not particularly open or logical behaviour?

How do you keep misreading my posts and bending it into some weird narrative where I contradict myself?

You might be miller. You might not. If I have to lynch someone I´ll lynch you since your claim is a 100% risk free role claim.

First you said I lacked self-steem, now you say I am voting you out of revenge since you had the audacity to question me? You seemed to think my playstyle is out of fear for attention, but its really about optimal play. I dislike fluff, so I won´t commit to it.

You can interpret my behavior as you want, its up to you, but now its been twice that you had use personal attacks instead of facts as a way to preface your voting against me. Why are you so afraid of me?

I must remember you that your claim came out of the blue with no provocation whatsoever, am I not allowed to question that? I have received suspicion from all sides and I honestly don´t mind, its part of the game and I enjoy having the spotlight. I am the protagonist.

So I´ll reverse your question, are you against me because I had the audacity to keep my suspicion on you after everyone else moved on? If you were in my shoes, would you let the person who claimed miller to live and go for another target, or would you go for it?


I'd also like to remind everyone that I'm still very much for not lynching anyone. We got our information-packed kill today. Let's move on to Day 2 and sober up.

The idea that I, as well as some others, may or may not be Town deserves the benefit of the doubt. That's coming from me and who I think could potentially be scum, too. People could very well be cleared up tomorrow, after PRs have gotten their reads (and we'll probably have another kill to look at).

People who are eager to kill lots of people worry me.
I'd also like to remind everyone that I'm still very much for not lynching anyone. We got our information-packed kill today. Let's move on to Day 2 and sober up.

The idea that I, as well as some others, may or may not be Town deserves the benefit of the doubt. That's coming from me and who I think could potentially be scum, too. People could very well be cleared up tomorrow, after PRs have gotten their reads (and we'll probably have another kill to look at).

People who are eager to kill lots of people worry me.

You had to bold that, huh?
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