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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


I'm going to bed, hi european friends. Do us a favor and don't turbo the vote. Never know when someone will say something important.

Hi there Sorian! And don't worry, unless we have a 100 % confirmed mafia member, I am against ending days early. I have a vote on kark, but will remove it if he gets a lot of votes and a majority looms without everyone having been able to have their final say.

Anyway, I see that probably 90 % of the posts made when I was asleep are again Sorian/Launch/Kark debating, sometimes almost aggressively. This is the same thing that happened during the first part of the day, it was dominated by this debate, it took two role claims to get us (temporarily) talking about other subjects, but now we are back to this. The fact that this threads is dominated by this one subject worries me, and I fear that keeping all of you three here for another day will be bad for town. If you all still live during day 2, that day will just continue the pattern and be almost exclusively about this subject AGAIN, Launch is going to vote for kark, kark is going to defend himself, and we will have another 5 pages of back and forth. I would rather spend day 2 talking about other, new things.

And in order to do that we will need to lynch one of you, because I seriously doubt that the Mafia is going to kill one of you guys at night. If you are all town, they would want to keep you around to keep the discussion going, good way for them to stay out of the spotlight, and if one of you guys is mafia, NK somebody of you three will put a huge spotlight and suspicion on the other two, they don't want that.

Now, Kark keeps bringing up the fact that if we don't lynch anybody, our PR can gather information which can help us during day 2. That may be true, but we don't know how many and which PR we have, and we also don't know which PR the mafia have that could counter our PR. Also, our PR may collect information, but they have no way to convey that information to us without outing themselves (which they shouldn't do, unless they get very lucky and have spotted an certain NFA player), and even then we aren't sure if they are lying or not. I am very hesitant to put to much value on PR in this phase of the game.

So, that's why I think the best course of action is to lynch one of you three, and in my mind, Kark is both most likely to be scum and least likely to be a PR if he flips town, so he is the logical choice. He behaved very weird at the start of the game, pretty much created the discussion that has dominated so much of this game until now, and is actively campaigning for a no lynch which will insure that day 2 will also be dominated by the same debate. He puts a lot of faith in our PR, even though we barely know which one we have and they have no safe way to share their information with us, so I doubt PR results will be a big talking point during day 2 (unless somebody gets very lucky of course). So I think that lynching kark is the best option for town.
I'm the Vigilante and I'm going to kill Karkador tonight, leave him to me.

Let's lynch cabbeh or LaunchpadMcQ today and get these conversation pieces off our coffee table.

Who's with me?


I'm the Vigilante and I'm going to kill Karkador tonight, leave him to me.

Let's lynch cabbeh or LaunchpadMcQ today and get these conversation pieces off our coffee table.

Who's with me?


I see a few people are at least willing to put trust in me beyond D1. That and my discussion has really fallen a bit on the backburner side because of this. It's really been about me vs salva, or kark vs sorian vs launch.

You, however.... You've been one giant mess. Between some intelligent posts there's a whole load of blarg, and your voting behaviour was just plain annoying.

You were eager to test batsnack's claim, which is a pro-town move in my book. I don't believe you're mafia but I'm not ruling out neutral, and I'm not ruling out just Blarging for the hell of it.

I'd like to see Launch continue for now. Sorian and he are at each other's toes, which means they'll be extra cautious of each other. It'll be up to the rest of us to measure their cases (when it happens. I don't necessarily think this will be D2, I hope I'm not wrong). One thing's for sure, they won't be light on contributions, so that's only good for spectators.

Low player count makes me want to hold off another kill (unless it's Kark). I'll come back to Salva and whatever D2 throws at us.

Notice how I've ignored your claim, because I don't believe it.
Darryl and Blarg. Everyone is ignoring that you're pursuing me with little to no reason, but it's not lost on me. You could both just be idiot town, but I'd sooner guess at least one of you two is scum. It's probably Darryl, because he knows what happens when I get on someone's case and he would want me out of the way.

I don't have anything solid enough to pursue, but your actions will continue to stand out as we move forward, so I would suggest you at least come up with some legitimate arguments. Right now, you both look like players that have no idea what's going on. I'm not going to be pressured by two players with no sense of the game and with no reasoning I can refute. Right now, you're just noise.
Darryl and Blarg. Everyone is ignoring that you're pursuing me with little to no reason, but it's not lost on me. You could both just be idiot town, but I'd sooner guess at least one of you two is scum. It's probably Darryl, because he knows what happens when I get on someone's case and he would want me out of the way.

I don't have anything solid enough to pursue, but your actions will continue to stand out as we move forward, so I would suggest you at least come up with some legitimate arguments. Right now, you both look like players that have no idea what's going on. I'm not going to be pressured by two players with no sense of the game and with no reasoning I can refute. Right now, you're just noise.

I'm shaking


Okay. Are you a Power Role? DId you receive any juicy infolast night? Does it affect how you're proceeding today? No? Right. We're still in Day 1.

Am I going to have to go after you, too, Ouro?
This is a good point. My bad, half asleep in bed when I wrote that.
It's incredibly dangerous with how short this game is. It can detract us into infinity. This is pretty much why I'm torn in on Launch. He's the scariest if left on the table, but there is no traction for him whatsoever. The fact that there is no traction just scares me further. This is a fucking mistrial against Kark.



"kark will slip away and become a less talked-about target in Day 2. lynch now."

"kark will keep hogging the discussion in Day 2. Lynch now."

Damned if I do, damned if I don't
I'm shaking

You should be. Darryl is. He'll let me drone on and on, and just heckle me. He won't confront me; he'll just let me talk until he's ready to kill me off, then somehow convince you guys I'd been talking mostly baloney.

If I'm killed off, you guys will know I'm town. Make sure you look at Darryl for blatantly antagonizing me, just like in AC.

No, but people may change who they are going after, showing us indirectly.

With the shit I've seen, people rarely follow that logical step lol


Alright, since there haven't been any more ridiculous happenings in the thread for a while now, I finally have gotten the time to take a step back, look at my notes and gather my reads:

1. cabbeh [m] We seem to agree a lot with each other, his posts are often well reasoned and thought out. He is very active, but not in a way that derails the thread. It is very unfortunate he got the miller role, and we will have to lynch him one day to make sure that he isn't a mafia hiding, but for now I want to keep him around because I think he is a very valuable town member.

2. TheGoddamn/timeaisis [m] Is just replaced, so no opinion yet

3. roytheone [m] Very handsome, smells good too. I like him.

4. Darryl [-] Darryl doesn't seem to be quite as confrontational as earlier games. He tends to hop in, give some opinions, then hop out again. Often people need to confront him and ask him to elaborate before he goes into details, sometimes even with his votes, which he rarely explains. He seems to both suspect Sorian and Launch, which I disagree with. Having another opinion than me doesn't necessarily make you scum in my eyes, it could even be good to have someone to point out other possibilities, but I am keeping a very close eye on Darryl. He is suspect to me.

5. Sorian [m] Very chatty, offers a lot of well thought out opinions on everything. I may not agree on every single thing he says, but the way he is playing seems very pro town in my eyes. However, making this post I realized that trying to get a read on him using his post is super hard because there are sooooooo many. Thus, my town read is mostly based on my general feelings about him, not on specific posts. A mafia could use a ridiculous post count to hide, because this is often seen as pro town and at the same time makes it harder to get a good read on you. I see him as town, but I do want to pay a little more attention to him just so that I don't get blind sighted by his insane post count.

7. Fireblend [m] Very inactive in the beginning, had promised to step it up and he did. Posts regularly now, nothing that really stands out as really town or really scummy to me. Seems to have been quite active against Bat, but pretty much everyone was, even people like me who wanted to test Bats claim still thought he was probably lying. Want to see how he reacts to other situations, but I am leaning town for now.

8. Karkador [m] I think I have already made my opinion about Kark clear. He behaves weird, completely dominated the discussion during a big part of day 1, wants a no lynch so that this discussion will continue during day 2 and puts a lot of faith in our PR which we know little about. Keeping him until day 2 will be bad for town in my eyes.

9. Burbeting [m] I really like the way he posts smart breakdowns about the things that have happened in big posts, it gives some nice insights and things to talk about. without making a zillion posts that clutter up the thread. The minion idea was a bit weird, but I think he knew that himself, and let's face it: this whole Kark situation was weird. Town in my eyes.

10. SalvaPot [m] In the beginning, he is weirdly focused on the mechanics of this game. "there is no investigation role because the game is short" "I normally am against no-lynch but I think this game is special so I am now pro" "We have a bigger chance of hitting a mafia day 1 because we have less players!" And my personal favorite: "we will probably have 2 to 4 mafia members!" Of course we will have 2 to 4 mafia members, 1 or 5+ would be ridiculous. He also has a lot of fluff and jokes, mostly interactions with blarg. He wants to lynch Cabbeh instead of Kark, because Cabbeh is more disruptive to town? Hasn't he seen what the mere presence of kark in this game has done with the thread? Very suspect in my book.

11. Ourobolus [m] Found it very suspect he posted so little in the beginning of the game, but has since then really upped his contributions. Was the one to first call out Batsnacks, but he had good reasons for that so I don't blame him for losing a PR, Bats played that very poorly.

12. LaunchpadMcQ [m] He seems the kind of player that sees something that he thinks is a scum tell, and then focuses on that player in the extreme, confirming his own suspicions in the meantime. He put himself in the spotlight with the Kark situation, more than I suspect a mafia member would do. I read him as town, but I do hope he will be a bit more open to considering other possibilities in the following days.

13. Lone_Prodigy [m] Has been a little bit more active lately, but he still mostly gives us very unremarkable reads that are decent, but also quite safe. The big thing is of course the Becky power and how he apparently misinterpreted his power. This is quite weird, and I still can't shake the feeling there is more to his reasoning to do it than he tells us. Suspicious, but what alignment Kark will flip will have a big influence on my opinion of him.

14. Blargonaut [m] Blarg was in the beginning not quite as crazy as normal, but after people had called him out on this fact he quickly upped the Blarg craziness. He has some on topic reads here and there, but it is hard to find them in between all the nonsense and insane stuff. I get the feeling this is on purpose so that people can't get a read on him. Also, his voting shenanigans at the end of day 1.1 could be seen as just a joke, but it did in fact create some extra chaos that made it harder to get a grip on what the situation was exactly. I am suspicious of him, he could easily create chaos and hide behind: "eh, it's just blarg being blarg". Would be very good mafia cover. Suspect

15. RetroMG [m] Has posted a bit more now, but still very, very little. Quite a bit of his posts are also fluff. It is impossible to get a read on him for now, hopefully that will change during day 2.


Everyone is ignoring
little to no reason
idiot town
I don't have anything
legitimate arguments
no idea what's going on
no sense of the game
no reasoning I can refute

This is pretty damning, Blarg. Looks like he has a solid argument against you. I thought you were neutral to leaning town but you're pure scum of earth. Thanks for clearing the mind waves, McQ.
You should be. Darryl is. He'll let me drone on and on, and just heckle me. He won't confront me; he'll just let me talk until he's ready to kill me off, then somehow convince you guys I'd been talking mostly baloney.

If I'm killed off, you guys will know I'm town. Make sure you look at Darryl for blatantly antagonizing me, just like in AC.

oy I'm just taking the piss, easy bruv


With the shit I've seen, people rarely follow that logical step lol

This is pretty damning, Blarg. Looks like he has a solid argument against you. I thought you were neutral to leaning town but you're pure scum of earth. Thanks for clearing the mind waves, McQ.

Only thanks to Launch have I realized how much of a filthy scum I am, pls wash me Darryl
14. Blargonaut [m] Blarg was in the beginning not quite as crazy as normal, but after people had called him out on this fact he quickly upped the Blarg craziness. He has some on topic reads here and there, but it is hard to find them in between all the nonsense and insane stuff. I get the feeling this is on purpose so that people can't get a read on him. Also, his voting shenanigans at the end of day 1.1 could be seen as just a joke, but it did in fact create some extra chaos that made it harder to get a grip on what the situation was exactly. I am suspicious of him, he could easily create chaos and hide behind: "eh, it's just blarg being blarg". Would be very good mafia cover. Suspect

You're right, I should lay low for a while

Tagging you in, Blargonaut
12. LaunchpadMcQ [m] He seems the kind of player that sees something that he thinks is a scum tell, and then focuses on that player in the extreme, confirming his own suspicions in the meantime. He put himself in the spotlight with the Kark situation, more than I suspect a mafia member would do. I read him as town, but I do hope he will be a bit more open to considering other possibilities in the following days.

I've only done this with Karkador. Some of it is actual evidence, but from his behavior, I'm getting incredibly strong scum vibes. I can't justify why I feel this way in any meaningful way.

At the very least, in a situation where we need to lynch someone (and we absolutely should), I would go with the guy who says he's an ordinary villager. It's too easy a lie to make.
Also, batsnacks is an idiot. When you start talking incoherent nonsense, that's a pretty defining moment.

I feel like I'm getting too much credit for batsnacks here. I didn't start the vote on him; hell, I didn't even have a vote on him when he was vigged.


I forgot that lynching Kark could actually provide us with some insight on LP, so there's another reason why I'll throw my vote on him


So, that's why I think the best course of action is to lynch one of you three, and in my mind, Kark is both most likely to be scum and least likely to be a PR if he flips town, so he is the logical choice. He behaved very weird at the start of the game, pretty much created the discussion that has dominated so much of this game until now, and is actively campaigning for a no lynch which will insure that day 2 will also be dominated by the same debate. He puts a lot of faith in our PR, even though we barely know which one we have and they have no safe way to share their information with us, so I doubt PR results will be a big talking point during day 2 (unless somebody gets very lucky of course). So I think that lynching kark is the best option for town.

See, I disagree that I'm the lesser of the three here. However you want to read Sorian's suspicious ringleader / firestarter act, I feel like Launch's adds to the discussion have been reactionary and tunnelvisioned emotional appeals.

wanna help me lynch Launch

Day 2
I forgot that lynching Kark could actually provide us with some insight on LP, so there's another reason why I'll throw my vote on him

As in, if LP is mafia? Though, curiously, I wouldn't day that LP is necessarily NOT mafia because even though he says he didn't know the votes were reset, that could be a lie.

However, the main reason I don't suspect LP is because he used his ability when he didn't have to; batsnacks was going down hard. Another mafia player would probably have told him not to use it.


As in, if LP is mafia? Though, curiously, I wouldn't day that LP is necessarily NOT mafia because even though he says he didn't know the votes were reset, that could be a lie.

However, the main reason I don't suspect LP is because he used his ability when he didn't have to; batsnacks was going down hard. Another mafia player would probably have told him not to use it.

Well it's a little more assurance, really. Leans like a neutral move to me, you can be that unabashedly brazen because there's no allegiance you follow.


Is there something you see that the rest of us don't that's going to let you survive that long?

Is that a taunt?

I see 12 other voters who can make a difference. If I die at night, at least it's on the scum and not the Town. Town will know that I was hitting a little too close too home.


General thoughts of what I saw from the night.

-Welcome Timeaisis, I'd love to get your reads on things asap (at least hopefully before time) though I know the thread is a monstrosity.

-cabbeh, I've noted your Salva vote and I agree he has been fishy at times as well but the reason I don't want it to gain traction is because I would like to avoid another PR lynch today, 1 is crap but understandable but we can't nerf ourselves with 2 adn, as I've said, that's why you or Kark are good for this last part of day 1.

"kark will slip away and become a less talked-about target in Day 2. lynch now."

"kark will keep hogging the discussion in Day 2. Lynch now."

Damned if I do, damned if I don't

I, personally, think you will slip away and be less talked about on day 2. I think our time will be better spent dealing with unknown quantities again when we start up day 2 and I do think that it'll be harder to gain any traction on you for awhile again. We might talk about you a lot which does potentially hurt discussion but we're not going to have the chance to lynch you for a couple days again and I feel like how you flip will cast a new light on others and the nagging thought in my mind is that you might be scum.


I, personally, think you will slip away and be less talked about on day 2. I think our time will be better spent dealing with unknown quantities again when we start up day 2 and I do think that it'll be harder to gain any traction on you for awhile again. We might talk about you a lot which does potentially hurt discussion but we're not going to have the chance to lynch you for a couple days again and I feel like how you flip will cast a new light on others and the nagging thought in my mind is that you might be scum.

I think you're just afraid to keep me around, because I've noticed something scary about you.

How I flip will cast a new light on others. I don't doubt that. But give it another Day, and it will be even more rewarding.

If you don't, Sorian...I think you're going to get burned...


How would it, if we haven't had a night cycle yet?

One way to read his becky use was to ensure you were saved from lynching. It was in favour of bat at that point. He did also vote for you though (which again points to neutral if you flip anything other than mafia)

Basically if you flip town it removes any sort of doubt from my mind that LP is mafia, and makes me reasonably confident he's a neutral/town.


I've only done this with Karkador. Some of it is actual evidence, but from his behavior, I'm getting incredibly strong scum vibes. I can't justify why I feel this way in any meaningful way.

At the very least, in a situation where we need to lynch someone (and we absolutely should), I would go with the guy who says he's an ordinary villager. It's too easy a lie to make.

It's just a general feeling I got from the way you posted in day 1. Which actually made it extra weird to me when Blarg and Darryl accused you of flip flopping, because I thought you did exactly the opposite of that :) Anyway, it's only day 1, and I do think you are town and share your suspicion of Kark, so I am curious how you will play the following days.


I think you're just afraid to keep me around, because I've noticed something scary about you.

How I flip will cast a new light on others. I don't doubt that. But give it another Day, and it will be even more rewarding.

If you don't, Sorian...I think you're going to get burned...

You keep saying this, including the short-term and long-term implications of your gambit. Let's hear it.
It's almost as if he thinks he's figured out I have a power role, but has completely backed out of including it in the rest of his reasoning, so that in the case that I flip power role, he can act really surprised and innocent.

It's almost as if you cherry-pick whatever posts suit your arguments.

It's just a general feeling I got from the way you posted in day 1. Which actually made it extra weird to me when Blarg and Darryl accused you of flip flopping, because I thought you did exactly the opposite of that :) Anyway, it's only day 1, and I do think you are town and share your suspicion of Kark, so I am curious how you will play the following days.

Those two are out to get me. Blarg doesn't know me well enough, but for Darryl, I'd be extremely wary. He plays dumb, but he made it to the end of AC. Whatever he's doing, it's calculated.
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