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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


One way to read his becky use was to ensure you were saved from lynching. It was in favour of bat at that point. He did also vote for you though (which again points to neutral if you flip anything other than mafia)

Basically if you flip town it removes any sort of doubt from my mind that LP is mafia, and makes me reasonably confident he's a neutral/town.

As reluctant as I am to say this, LaunchPadMcQ makes a good point about that here:

However, the main reason I don't suspect LP is because he used his ability when he didn't have to; batsnacks was going down hard. Another mafia player would probably have told him not to use it.

I also doubt L_P is some other kind of Neutral scum, because having a one-shot would be really pathetic as a Neutral, and a multiple-use Day Vig seems unlikely.

IMO, that kind of power is a Town power.


Though I'm not voting for you today. As much as I'd like to see a second lynch to potentially get more information, I don't think you are the best choice as of now - tomorrow, well, that could change.


I think you're just afraid to keep me around, because I've noticed something scary about you.

How I flip will cast a new light on others. I don't doubt that. But give it another Day, and it will be even more rewarding.

If you don't, Sorian...I think you're going to get burned...

Explain again what you think is scary about me? That I want to push votes and I don't mind who dies? Both are true, to a point. I am pushing votes because town's usual only real way to kill scum is to day lynch them. I'm not seeing a vig on our side with a day vig in the game and I know you seem to think I am a serial killer (or at least accused me of it once) but I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm not any type of night killer and with a game this small, I'd surprised if there is one.

As for not minding who dies? Yeah, to a point. I've listed who worries me and some of my thoughts on them are contingent on others flipping and our votes keep hovering around that same group of mine so I don't actually mind who wins the vote from them. If we started pushing someone like Ouro or Burb at this stage then I would actually start caring more who dies because I wouldn't agree on a vote for either of them but when it was batsnacks vs. you, yeah I had no preference and I played that vote to the very end in that way. Now I'm of the mind that I could see eitehr cabbeh or you going and it would be fine but I'm saying upfront that I would prefer you.


It's certainly not making you look good. Either you get lynched tonight or you continue to look pretty scummy.

"Looking scummy" is not my concern. You already see that I'm more than willing to fight against that. I will get chased by the dogs if I have to - I'm here with a plan.


As reluctant as I am to say this, LaunchPadMcQ makes a good point about that here:

I also doubt L_P is some other kind of Neutral scum, because having a one-shot would be really pathetic as a Neutral, and a multiple-use Day Vig seems unlikely.

IMO, that kind of power is a Town power.

Thanks for that, I'm having real trouble judging town-aligned kill roles if I'm honest.


"Looking scummy" is not my concern. You already see that I'm more than willing to fight against that. I will get chased by the dogs if I have to - I'm here with a plan.

If you notice my giant post a bit back in the thread, I'd argue you haven't done a whole lot of "defense." It's really mostly being "aloof" to what's going on, like you've got everyone where you want them to be.
If you notice my giant post a bit back in the thread, I'd argue you haven't done a whole lot of "defense." It's really mostly being "aloof" to what's going on, like you've got everyone where you want them to be.

Yes, this. Every time he posts a "defense", it's mostly to through shade on other players.

Who do you think is the best lynch choice today, Ouro, if not Kark?

I have a bad feeling something will happen when we lynch him...
Don't forget you're scum, so try to act town. Lynch a town PR or something.

On it.


This expansion pack is whack.

How about we REALLY drop the vanilla content for a bit and REALLY get to the new stuff?

I propose that we ACTUALLY kill one of the "Three Guardians"; Sorian, Burbeting and Fireblend, today. Do we really need three "experienced" long-form readers anyway, when there could be NoFun amongst them? Why should we allow these three to guide the discussion with their oh-so-valued lists and reads un-harried? We should break them apart before they consolidate their positions any further, and with minimal to no questions asked.

Yes, I'm proposing that we should just TURBO one of them right now before they fully entrench themselves in your minds, with absolutely little to no justification whatsoever. It's Day 1.5, it's still early-game and we can totally take the loss of one such type of player. If they are indeed NoFun and do bear some association with each other besides the mutual coincidence of divine camouflage, it will be nigh impossible to kill them off during the Daytime due to their perceived clout.

The Three Guardians, 1 Face and 2 Ears:

1. Sorian

Blargonaut [m] - See my Bold Prediction™ under Salva. Blarg is worrying me because this isn't normal Blarg posting. This is a Blarg that wants to live and not get policy lynched because of mass confusion. It's just Blarg enough to be Blarg but not Blarg enough that you can't read the posts. Honestly, I'm reading this as either Blarg has attained a new form because he wants to stick around in games longer or he had to tone it back because he is finally a bad guy. Verdict:Another day

Burbeting [m] - Quiet but when you are here, YOU. ARE. HERE. You might even have a big post waiting once I get out of this one. You keep up with the thread when you can and add your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. I have no read on you yet because your first post was more summary than thoughts but I expect you to pick up as more happens. Verdict: Wait and see approach

Fireblend [m] - I don't have a lot to say on Fire but if him and Bats or scum then he is starting that bussing process early. Fire has been the little voice urging me on a few times in this thread. I'm inclined to trust him on nothing more than gut feeling right now but there always comes a time where I have to question the voices in my head. Verdict: Keep offering insight

2. Burbeting

Blargonaut [m] – It feels like Blarg has some legitimate things to say about the game, but for some strange reason he wants to say those by posting them in an really unneeded cluttered manner. He was one of the more vocal defenders of Bats during the late vanilla day 1. I feel really divided about him in general. He has good ideas and thoughts, but he posts them in sometimes so weird manner that it’s just frustrating to read his posts and try to make sense of them. Also not really of the way he keeps doing vote spamming.
Verdict: For now leans to town, but man, I would love if you could write in bit more cohesive manner.

Sorian [m] – One of the Four Turboposters (others are Launch, Ouro and Blarg). I have to admit that I have no enthusiasm to read through all of his around 350 posts or so. In general he has been quite contributive player, which makes me mostly think that he is more likely town-aligned. It’s day 1 though, so it’s bit hard to say for sure. There is quite a lot of filler in there though.
Verdict: Feels more town for now. Posts ridiculous amounts, not sure if it’s even a good thing really.

Fireblend [m] – Like few others, he is blending in the game, not giving too much contributions. His posts aren’t fillery, but at the same time they haven’t really brought anything new to the table either. As I noted earlier, I’m bit vary of people in day 1 who feel like they blend in, since Scum could want to do that. But at the same time, I do feel that Fireblend has not done anything overtly scummy other than being really kind of invicible.
Verdict: Town-ish, but suspecting.

Town: Cabbeh, Sorian, Ourobolos, Blargonaut
Town, but with Scum possibility: Lone_Prodigy (depends on Karkador)
Neutral or Not Enough Info: TheGoddamn, Karkador, Launchpad, RetroMG
Suspecting at least a bit because blending: roytheone, Darryl, Fireblend, SalvaPot

3. Fireblend

Blargonaut [m] – Started so well and went back to his old ways as soon as the end of the day approached, which coincided with both people talking about how he seemed reformed and votes started to solidify. He's an enigma to me. I think he has some real insight into the game and can read people really well, but if he's not willing to be an asset to town, or is hiding a scum identity behind his mad posts (specially his teasing of Launch and the vote confusion he was attempting to create) I think he's more of a liability than anything. I defended him early in the thread because it seemed to me like he was being forthright and contributive, but after today's display I wouldn't be willing to bet on his goodwill anymore.

Sorian [m] – Very contributive, seemingly very pro-town. Mostly avoided taking part in the Kark-Launch-Bat debacle which allowed him to make some comments as an observer solidifying those 3 as the "players to watch" for day 1. If they all end up flipping town I'd honestly be a bit worried about him potentially focusing on them 3 as easy targets in order to remove attention from himself while commenting on players who pretty much lined up to be lynched. In Cthulhu I found his excessive posting aggravating, but in this game it feels like he's doing it to keep up, since there are other similarly active players. He throws some wild theories from time to time. I have no idea for example how he came up with the idea that Kark may have a PR of some sort.

Burbeting [m] – He hasn't posted that much but yet he has gained a ton of trust with his contributions. Regardless of whether he's town or not, he plays how I'd like to play. Still, his posts feel somewhat judgey and removed from the action, as if he was just observing what's going on without engaging much, making sure he's at a distance from the action. It's only day 1 and I can't expect everyone to be a major actor this early but I do find it curious how he managed to gain trust early on with the early Darryl proto-bandwagon.

People I feel I can trust for now: Sorian, Cabbeh, Launch
People that have left me expecting more from them: RetroMG, Darryl
People I don't feel super about: Kark, Salva
I don't have super strong feelings about anyone else.

Excepting Burbeting's and Fireblend's mutual mild suspicion of each other, the three of them are all hugs and kisses and I don't like it, and I especially don't like them liking me at all. They all think that I, one of the biggest distractions in the game thus far, am FunTown. But wait, isn't distracting people during the Daytime exactly what NoFun wants and pines for? Seems kinda strange to me that all three of them don't want me dead just yet, especially after all the filthy, filthy bullshots I've passed around. There's NoFun amongst them, I feel it. I also know that Sorian is using me in a way the other two aren't, which is why he's the only one out of the three who hasn't asked me to tone my antics down.

Of course, the question is who to TURBO. At the moment, each one is just as equally valid for no reason at all, so I propose to bestow a chance mortality upon Burbeting.

He is the highest ranking of the three in terms of read quality, with Sorian being second and Fireblend being third. Burbeting offers overall very excellent reads and I sincerely believe he invests quite a bit of time into the game behind-the-scenes, which is exactly why I want to remove him from the pantheon.

I personally do not want to contend with a fully-entrenched Burbeting/Sorian/Fireblend tag-team where Burb and Fireblend are the Ears and Sorian is the Face, and drown in a hurricane of positive reinforcement and back-slapping between them. If him and Sorian happen to be both NoFun, they could easily coordinate this game because you've all proven yourselves to be a bunch of gormless bandwagoners who respect nothing but girth. They're patient and experienced, which is why we need to pre-empt this potential collusion.

Also, here were the Guardians' earlier opinions on Karkador and LaunchpadMcQ:

Karkador [m] - I still think I read what you were trying to do correctly and that's why I wanted to attempt to lynch you today. batsnacks has drawn enough of my attention that I think it is fair to go down that road first now and you seem to agree. If I'm wrong about you then no big loss but if I'm right, you will be the perfect lynch candidate on a day where we don't have much to go on. Verdict: Still deciding who should go first, cabbeh or Kark

LaunchpadMcQ [m] - No hard feelings m8? I enjoyed your tunnel game on Kark and I know I'm giving you a hard time but the way you handled it reads as town to me. You fell in on a mistake but you eventually backed down when it stopped making sense after holding on to it for awhile. I know you might still end up voting for Kark today and that is 100% a-ok because you might be right but you've started seeing the other views which I don't think you were doing before. I do now honestly believe that you and Kark are barking up the wrong tree on each other but let's see how day 1 ends. My opinion could change pretty easily on the love triangle. Verdict: Town

Karkador [m] – Karkador is a problematic figure for me. I’ve talked about his earlier stunt multiple times now, but I will say it again: I don’t understand his earlier stunt from either Town nor Scum perspective. If he is Town, he is just drawing unneeded attention, making himself a big fat target and also possibly give Mafia hints. But if he is scum, it would be stupif for a scum to basically give himself for a sarcrifice. I know Launch has told me multiple times Scum wants to subvert expectations, but I still can’t see how scum would want endanger himself so visibly. Looking past his stunt, Kark hasn’t done anything really substansial in the thread at least in my eyes. Lot of posts, but most of them have been on the short side, and he has seemed oddly ”whatever” about his life or death status in general, to the point that he has even voted himself multiple times, last time at the extended day 1. Would a scum really be this relaxed about his status of life and death? First time he could have been sure that LP would save him from trouble, but why is he so care-free now in the extended period as well? I don’t know, something stinks here.
Verdict: I’m going to say neutral here. The stunt and his later actions could really go either way. Something is really odd about his attitude in this game.

LaunchpadMcQ [m] – One of the four turboposters. Also one of the love triangle also known as Launchy-Karka-Batsy. One of them is confirmed to be town, so naturally sights go to Launch. What’s interesting that he has seemed to be utterly confident on his scum reads so far, even though he was saying earlier that day 1 is dismissable. He went as far with his earlier Karka obsession that he signed the weird form Sorian made. Then with Batsnacks he was again super sure that he is scum as well. In general Launch has felt like the leading force of the day together with the other super-hyper-poster, Sorian. Something about him feels off, but I really can’t pinpoint what it is.
Verdict: Neutral-ish, something about him is problematic to me. Is also one of the two living participants in the love-triangle.

Karkador [m] – I mentioned him earlier as one of my suspected players but then again that's not a particularly unique opinion to have. His roleclaim and sacrifice offer was silly; he could have seen early on there was no point to defending a no-lynch day 1, and from any perspective offering to yourself as a sacrifice *and* role-claiming is a detriment to whichever faction you're playing for. Maybe he's a neutral player, but I tend to think neutral players are often encouraged to gain some trust from other players before attempting to satisfy their win condition, and I don't think a tanner-like win condition is likely in this game. He could have also offered himself to see who'd vote for him, but I don't think we'll get solid reads from that strategy unless we lynch either him or Launch. I think he's town.

LaunchpadMcQ [m] – I already said I feel he's well-intentioned even though he was aggressive when pushing against Kark. If we lynch Kark and he flips town I'd just call the "triangle" theory a wash and not pursue Launch much honestly; I don't feel he's been particularly out of line, and there's people like Salva or Blarg that I trust much less because of the tone of their posts. Anyway, back to Launch, I trust for now he's a town who became convinced of Kark being scum and his willingness to keep an eye on him and accept responsibility for whatever comes out of lynching him makes me think well of him.

Sorian and Fireblend are all lovey-dovey with LaunchpadMcQ, and I don't like it. I've inferred that I think LaunchpadMcQ is scum NoFun since the start, and I believe one of these three is colluding with him. Since Burbeting is the only one who seems to openly suspect LaunchpadMcQ, I want to TURBO Burbeting.

None of you, except for me and Darryl and a few reactionary parries from Karkador who by the way is still advocating a No Lynch today, are openly willing to kill LaunchpadMcQ for some reason, and it really bothers me.

I know Karkador has been skirmishing with Sorian for a bit now, but I'm putting myself forward too to finally go toe-to-toe with them to help Karkador with what I believe his initial goal truly was, of killing a champion by Daylight.

Let's TURBO Burbeting, right now.

VOTE: Burbeting



Yes, this. Every time he posts a "defense", it's mostly to through shade on other players.

Who do you think is the best lynch choice today, Ouro, if not Kark?

I have a bad feeling something will happen when we lynch him...

I don't really have any STRONG feelings towards anyone else, really. Salva and Sorian are my next two on the list. Blarg's near the top too - the rambling isn't helping, and while he's been focusing on you for most of the day I don't see much actual content.
I don't really have any STRONG feelings towards anyone else, really. Salva and Sorian are my next two on the list. Blarg's near the top too - the rambling isn't helping, and while he's been focusing on you for most of the day I don't see much actual content.

I'm feeling pretty good about Salva and Sorian, but everything I think is going to be contingent on the Kark flip.


Hello, hello.

Sorry, I'm in the US so I didn't even see my PM till this morning. Typing up some fresh reads for you guys right now.


VOTE: Karkador

No. No. No, no no no no.



No No No.

Fucking No.

Blarg's post is interesting, but throughout one key thing is clear: Burb misses the logic he's following a couple of times, and these misses highlight he's actually being more genuine.

If I absolutely had to vote for one of those three, it'd be Fireblend.

Let's go after good contributors because...they all see good contributions from each other?

Hell, they all three of them say at some point they trust me, so why not eh?


VOTE: cabbeh

Fucking worst.


I also know that Sorian is using me in a way the other two aren't, which is why he's the only one out of the three who hasn't asked me to tone my antics down.

Sorry, you just haven't posted any puzzles today so I can actually get teh meaning of your words. I'm most likely done with you when you post a puzzle unless I can actually solve this one.

That being said, why did this monster post come after Darryl told you to kill a PR?


VOTE: Karkador

No. No. No, no no no no.



No No No.

Fucking No.

Blarg's post is interesting, but throughout one key thing is clear: Burb misses the logic he's following a couple of times, and these misses highlight he's actually being more genuine.

If I absolutely had to vote for one of those three, it'd be Fireblend.

Let's go after good contributors because...they all see good contributions from each other?

Hell, they all three of them say at some point they trust me, so why not eh?


VOTE: cabbeh

Fucking worst.

Actually, this is a good point

VOTE: Fireblend


I'm back. I'm gonna review the last few pages and come back with whatever I find. I don't want to talk without reading them, but I'm not super thrilled about the current state of affairs I'm seeing. I don't want 2 townies lynched on day 1, but not lynching Kark would probably rob us from having additional reads for day 2 and it just seems anti-tempo.


Ok, as I was posting this Blarg came out with that huge post. Holy shit.

Blarg: Good on you for coming up with a legible post. Too bad you had to do it by pushing for the most insane theory yet. I appreciate you placing me third on your list and giving me the coolest gif though. Seriously, I have no idea how people are reading god-like admiration for Sorian in my reads (sorry, Sorian). All I said was that he hadn't done anything scummy so far (unless Kark flips town; in fact that's one of the good points I see coming from lynching Kark). I said I felt I could trust him atm because his ADHD playstyle forces him to be active and pro-town day 1. And Burb actually has the smallest paragraph in my reads post (if I recall correctly) because even though he's been good, he hasn't been present all that much and hasn't even engaged with me much.

Blargonaut said:
I especially don't like them liking me at all. They all think that I, one of the biggest distractions in the game thus far, am FunTown. But wait, isn't distracting people during the Daytime exactly what NoFun wants and pines for? Seems kinda strange to me that all three of them don't want me dead just yet, especially after all the filthy, filthy bullshots I've passed around. There's NoFun amongst them, I feel it. I also know that Sorian is using me in a way the other two aren't, which is why he's the only one out of the three who hasn't asked me to tone my antics down.

Seriously? You're trying to spin my read of you as positive?! Read again.

Blargonaut [m] – Started so well and went back to his old ways as soon as the end of the day approached, which coincided with both people talking about how he seemed reformed and votes started to solidify. He's an enigma to me. I think he has some real insight into the game and can read people really well, but if he's not willing to be an asset to town, or is hiding a scum identity behind his mad posts (specially his teasing of Launch and the vote confusion he was attempting to create) I think he's more of a liability than anything. I defended him early in the thread because it seemed to me like he was being forthright and contributive, but after today's display I wouldn't be willing to bet on his goodwill anymore.

And yeah, I don't think Launch is scum atm. I feel he just tunneled for Kark because he really did a stupid thing and got himself in trouble by being aggressive.

You flatter me, Blarg, but I don't fit into that pattern you're trying to weave.

I'm just going to follow through my original plan: read the last few pages and come up with a vote.
Sorry, you just haven't posted any puzzles today so I can actually get teh meaning of your words. I'm most likely done with you when you post a puzzle unless I can actually solve this one.

That being said, why did this monster post come after Darryl told you to kill a PR?

These posts, they take time

I already posted a puzzle
VOTE: Karkador

No. No. No, no no no no.



No No No.

Fucking No.

Blarg's post is interesting, but throughout one key thing is clear: Burb misses the logic he's following a couple of times, and these misses highlight he's actually being more genuine.

If I absolutely had to vote for one of those three, it'd be Fireblend.

Let's go after good contributors because...they all see good contributions from each other?

Hell, they all three of them say at some point they trust me, so why not eh?


VOTE: cabbeh

Fucking worst.

Defending the immortals with your own mortal blood
, how noble of ye


You go after Sorian, you best be prepared.

I do like when people use logic to go after me and not weird fear tactics and all I've seen so far from Kark is a lot of the second. It sounds like I'll have a mess on my hands if Kark flips town though which is a shame since I was more sure batsnacks was scum over Kark but I've made my bed.


Oh man, I am not looking forward to what Time has to say about me...

What I have to say about you is you post too much...:p

Here's a few for now. I was mostly caught up yesterday but all you fucking Europeans decided to add a few pages to the madness.

cabbeh - I believe his miller claim. He didn't have any heat on him when he did it, so it wasn't like it was in some defense, but it could still be a mafia ploy. We have to kill him eventually, but I see no reason to do it today.

Karkador - Karkador, Karkador, Karkador. I know he's a really good player, but I can't for the life of me understand his stunt. He's been playing with a far different strategy than he has in the past, and it bothers me. Certainly, it could be experimentation, but I don't get it. If he's town, we don't really gain much from lynching him. If he's NoFun, he loses a lot from us lynching him. So what is he? I have no fucking clue but it stinks.

LaunchpadMcPostsALot - *deep breath* I actually align with LMQ more than anyone else in this game right now. He went hard on Kark for good reason, and went hard on bats, too. Reading the game, I was almost positive bats was scum as well, and I found myself agreeing with LMQ more than anyone else. Bats flipped town, obviously, but I still think LMQ made good sense, apart from being aggressive. Seems very town to me.

Blargonaut - Apart from the typical Blargness, he defended bats pretty good before LP bettyed. I have no idea what the hell his goal was because he voted like 300 times, but it seems to me like he's being pro-town in the most Blarg-y way possible.

Fireblend - I can't put my finger on it but Fireblend seems like he's trying to blend in an awful lot here.

Sorian - brb reading the next 100 Sorian posts. Seriously, though. I've played with Sorian enough in the past (or have I) to identify his playstyle and this is pretty much it. Nothing that leads me to believe he's scum. He likes to use his vote to suss things out.

tl;dr Kark and Fireblend stink. Blarg is Blarg. Sorian is Sorian. LMQ is Darryl.
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