*Double author's note*: Please read the author's note below and this whole post to see why my initial reaction was pure rage. Yes, I did target Ouro last night with something. No, it is not what killed him. I'm still planning to role claim today anyway, it's just now I have no one to help me verify my claim.
*Author's Note*: This was a pre-written message that I clicked submit on the second that I saw that neither myself nor Ouro died. Any reaction to who died or no death in the night will come from my next post. I just wanted to make sure that I got my post in before Ouro said anything.
First off, obligatory Kark is a dick post. He played a self-fulfilling prophecy game all day where he started off by saying that Gafia sucks at day 1 lynch and they always kill town and usually kill a PR. Ok, great, the hope during day 1 though is that the PRs will try to fly under the radar and not do something stupid to get attention on themselves that leads to a lynch or a role claim like voting for themselves hot out of the gate and making everyone swarm like locusts because they keep posting cryptic shit about how everyone will be sorry when they die or bandwagoning any other player that starts to get votes rolling on themselves. But I'm done with Kark, I gambled and I lost so I get to deal with that fall out.
The way I see it, there's little chance I was going to make it through today without roleclaiming so I figured I'd do something with my night action (aw yeah, that soft claim baby) that would help verify my claim a little bit. I chose Ouro to be my verifier because I think most, if not all, of us can agree that he came out of day 1 looking the most town, he could be scum, of course, and if so, I am probably fucked but hey, why not follow up one gamble with another? I was actually thinking Burb originally because he seems most town to me but Kark and Blarg have shot that down since they pushed a narrative that Burb, Fire, and I are some super team trying to lead the world.
So, my question: Ouro, can you please confirm that you woke up with something today? Assuming I was not roleblocked, Tim should have sent you a message about what you woke up with. Please just a yes or a no to this question, when I end up role claiming later, you can at least partially verify that I am telling the truth about my ability. This is my plea to you Ouro, if you think that I was honestly scum hunting yesterday than play along and give me this chance to avoid town wasting time on another non-NFA lynch today.