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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


I propose this:

Lynch Fireblend.

Let Sorian do his cowlick - and so help me god, if the next cowlicked person dies, I will turbo you. You can't target Burb, either.

We'll from there.

I am on board with this, it's even better for you all. Scum might try to read my mind and kill my lick target instead of Burb who is now outed when Fire turns up scum.

I would have agreed with any other player in this game corroborating your story, because I do not know who the fucking mafia is and wasting my mind away on a shit role with some verification is not what I (or anyone) would do.

Bullshit, going back to the Launch example, you wouldn't have believed us. You would have lynched me to test Launch's claim, seen that I was telling the truth and thus Launch was not a liar, everyone goes back to arguing, I lose. I knew I was on the chopping block today right when Kark flipped. I sent my PM to Tim literally minutes after he wrote out the day 1 part 2 end post. I did what I had to do.


Fair enough, as long as you target someone that is pretty trusted by everyone I guess I can be OK with that. And if the person that confirmed you ever flips scum for some reason, we will know where to look next.

Remember, I lick each night, as the game goes on, there should be a papertrail of who I licked. Don't give me a bad rap if I happen to lick scum tomorrow and they don't flip a few days from now because there will be other cowlicks at that point.


Bullshit, going back to the Launch example, you wouldn't have believed us. You would have lynched me to test Launch's claim, seen that I was telling the truth and thus Launch was not a liar, everyone goes back to arguing, I lose. I knew I was on the chopping block today right when Kark flipped. I sent my PM to Tim literally minutes after he wrote out the day 1 part 2 end post. I did what I had to do.

I haven't advocated lynching a single person who has claimed
I did state who I licked last night. I targeted Ouro. Unless someone else wants to come in and bullshit with us and say they got my lick instead but I already know it failed, no one got that cowlick. I'll lick again tonight, hopefully my guess is better this time.


Maybe I should throw my pills on the floor instead of handing them out and you can lick them off the ground, you animal


I haven't advocated lynching a single person who has claimed

Sure, but the difference is, I was coming into day 2 with an X on me anyway. I also don't mean you specifically when I say these things, I mean the group as a whole.


Maybe I should throw my pills on the floor instead of handing them out and you can lick them off the ground, you animal

I don't eat pills, as my flavor says: "Humans who identify as farm animals -- like say cows, should be free to eat grass and moo and lick the other cows. And no one should think that’s weird."

It is what it is man, I'm sorry you don't believe me but Ouro really was my target.
I have no issue turboing Fireblend because as I said earlier, I have no issues ending a day early for confirmed scum. I believe Burb's claim and because I know what I am, I know that means that Fire must be the killer (or there is a ninja and EVERYONE AND THEIR FUCKING MOTHER visited Ouro last night).

Don't confuse Burb for a protector of myself, I have to claim anyway.

My role is the Rich Kid. I am spoiled because my parents buy me whatever I want, including the newest NX console last week, along with the awesome Xbox One and the PS4. They can buy me anything I want except for friends. My role is that of the neutral survivor. Also, because I have no friends (and here's the part where Tim is a dick and no one believes me), I've developed weird hobbies and habits. One of those habits is that I believe everyone should be allowed to identify however they like, even if they feel like they should have been born as a cow. I have one night action. I am allowed to LICK another player and in the morning, they will wake up with a cowlick. I have two win conditions, if I meet either then I leave the game. The first is your typical survivor schtick. If I make it to the end of the game, then I win because I got to spend a lot of time with everyone and make new friends. The second is if everyone else in the game (I can't lick myself) has a cowlick then I am satisfied with my cow persona and I also win that way.

So there you are, have my claim, and know that I do play with the intention of killing scum. I'm not the type of player who can make it to the end of a long game so I did what any good neutral player would do. I 100% sided myself with town and am hoping we can end this swiftly and quickly.

I took awhile writing this up just now, I saw something else posted I want to respond to.

I know you're scum now unless Burb really is a crafty fuck so I'm not talking to you anymore.

VOTE: FIreblend

But no, what I give isn't exactly an item.

Alright so, I was not going to roleclaim this early in the game, but I feel like it’s the right thing to do because we have only 12 players, 3 of them is potentially mafia, four in worst case scenario. What this means is we don’t have exactly lot of time in this game, and now that our cop and the roleblocker dead, we are at a heavy disadvantage.

So here it goes, hope I don’t make the wrong decision here. I am the Younger Sibling. As the younger sibling, I have the power to tag along with people very discreetly since nobody never notices the younger sibling.

So in short, I am the town watcher. Why I claimed this now is because I watched Ourobolos last night, since I felt that he might get murdered most likely next night.

And yes indeed, two people visited Ourobolos. They were none others than Sorian and Fireblend.

Now, I wasn’t going to reveal myself now because I thought that Ouro was not going to die, and that one of the characters would be the killer and one of them would be a doctor. However, Ourobolos actually did die, so doctor didn’t visit him, that’s for sure. And now Sorian made his soft claim immediatly, and for now I am willing to believe him about it.

So that leaves us Fireblend then.

Vote: Fireblend

There is a slight chance that Sorian is lying about his claim, but right now I am very sure that Fireblend is a scum.

Again, I feel that this claim is now needed, because we don’t exactly have lot of time to accidentally mis-lynch people.

Ok, I fucked up hard. I admit it. But not for the reasons you guys are thinking.

I'm a prankster kid. I get to switch the actions that occur to two different players during the night.

I thought Ouro with his self-fulfilling prophecies was going to be killed tonight, and I tried to save him using my powers... by switching him with Sorian, someone I was already super suspicious of, who I knew the discussion would center around today.

Turns out, however, that scum didn't target Retro like I thought it would... I guess it targeted Sorian, and I indirectly killed Retro by redirecting that kill command towards him instead. I thought I'd use that knowledge to my advantage today, but now the tables have turned. Sorian, with my switch command, if you really did give Retro something, I could have made it so that you'd target yourself... of course the person who can validate me is the one person I now know for sure is scum.

Hey, i guess at least you guys get to kill Sorian when I flip town. Yipee.

Guess we'll see what happens now.




  • Burbeting is claiming to be a FunTown Watcher, who watched Ourobolus last night, and is now voting for Fireblend.
  • Fireblend is claiming to be a FunTown Switcher, who switched Ourobolus with Sorian last night, and is voting for Sorian.
  • Sorian is claiming to be a Neutral Survivor Cow who can win by either vanilla Surviving to the end, or by bestowing a 'Cow Lick' mark on 1 player a Night (except for himself) until everyone else in the game has been licked/marked, he claims to have Licked Ourobolus last night; and is voting for Fireblend.
And; not only is Burbeting claiming that he saw 2 people visit Ourobolus last night, he is also claiming that he POSITIVELY IDENTIFIED these 2 by username as none other than Sorian and Fireblend, the other two Prime Evils besides himself?


Sorian, you're clearly doing it wrong; you should have role claimed as a FunTown Doctor who protected cabbeh last night, and vote for Burbeting.


LaunchpadMcQ is Mc'Loving this.

edited and re-quoting my summary of disdain


Remember, I lick each night, as the game goes on, there should be a papertrail of who I licked. Don't give me a bad rap if I happen to lick scum tomorrow and they don't flip a few days from now because there will be other cowlicks at that point.

Don't worry, if there are multiple cowlick victims that outed themselves at a point and one of them flips scum, I will not suspect you. You will eventually lick one scum, you just have to hope you have enough non-scum victims at that point to clear you. Statistically, that shouldn't be too hard.


You could have just not claimed. Instead you waited for Burb to write a defense for you. Thanks for that, Burb. Really fucking on point. You're a watcher, yet one guy is coming out of the closet with this and you give him an out? What is wrong with you guys?


I don't like this. Sorian is being too agreeable.

It's out in the open now. I'm trying to pander a bit so that I can actually survive to the end. Want to come over to my house, maybe play some of my super cool xbone game? Maybe try out the NX and ditch this shitty line?

Seriously though, the way Fire flips will probably say a lot about a lot of people. I'm willing to go down without a fight tomorrow if he flips town. Either Burb is taking me for a ride or Fire is full of shit.
And Sorian's premade post is suspicious as hell. Why post it at all, authors note or no, if the whole thing is invalidated by Ouro's death?


You could have just not claimed. Instead you waited for Burb to write a defense for you. Thanks for that, Burb. Really fucking on point. You're a watcher, yet one guy is coming out of the closet with this and you give him an out? What is wrong with you guys?

Why would I not claim? I opened the day saying I had a night action, that makes me delicious to the NK. I don't want to be killed at night either.
oh, I'd just like to note that Burbeting role claimed first out of the Three, and also stated that ALL THREE OF THEM visited Ourobolus last Night.

Then, both Fireblend's and Sorian's subsequent role claims and claims of targeting Ourobolus last night, corroborate with Burb's stated power results.

Glean from that what you will. :/


Why would I not claim? I opened the day saying I had a night action, that makes me delicious to the NK. I don't want to be killed at night either.


You aren't even a fucking useful one. You claimed USELESS. You claimed that you are fucking USELESS to us. Motivation contradictions all over the place. Did you wanna stir up shit and be today's super hero PR reveal? Is that why I should believe your intentions are pure?
I haven't forgotten about you Fireblend, so keeping quiet isn't going to help you ride this out.

It still acts as a defense, just a weaker one without Ouro there to verify.

Defense of what, is the question.

oh, I'd just like to note that Burbeting role claimed first out of the Three, and also stated that ALL THREE OF THEM visited Ourobolus last Night.

Then, both Fireblend's and Sorian's subsequent role claims and claims of targeting Ourobolus last night, corroborate with Burb's stated power results.

Glean from that what you will. :/

Sorian was already saying he used his PR on Ouro before Burb came along



You aren't even a fucking useful one. You claimed USELESS. You claimed that you are fucking USELESS to us. Motivation contradictions all over the place. Did you wanna stir up shit and be today's super hero PR reveal? Is that why I should believe your intentions are pure?

You didn't know I was useless until after I full claimed. The soft claim at the beginning, which is where I was going to leave it until the end of the day phase was to make you all think I was useful. Avoid the day lynch because I said I was a PR, go into night time with scum knowing I was useless. My intentions last night and all day today were to survive, that doesn't make my intentions any less pure when it comes to my desire to help town. I'm trying to get you all off my back so you have a better chance of hitting scum today with the lynch. I know full role claimed much earlier than expected, because, as far as I am concerned, we found scum.
The task force that has been stewing all night ready to lynch me because of Kark's last words. You saw it brewing before people went back, read my post, and saw that I threw a wrench in things.

Karkador didn't have any extra information than the rest of us.

Paranoid much?


Karkador didn't have any extra information than the rest of us.

Paranoid much?

Extremely. I still contend I had reason to be. I was going to be a big part of today's conversation and I think I'm good but I don't think my fancy footwork was going to let me get away without role claiming. I wanted to pre-empt it all with something 3rd party that could verify my claim. That failed spectacularly but I wanted to be transparent with my intent.


And rightfully so to be paranoid by the way, look how fucked I'd be if I didn't say anything? Now the watcher has me pegged because I visited the dead guy.
I'll still contend that the best way to handle this is lynch Fireblend and go from there.

Mafia don't benefit from keeping Sorian around if he's neutral, either; he could be on the table for tonight.


I'll still contend that the best way to handle this is lynch Fireblend and go from there.

Mafia don't benefit from keeping Sorian around if he's neutral, either; he could be on the table for tonight.

Don't you think they will go for Burbeting first? Unless Burb is lying about his role, I think that is the more likely target.


Don't you think they will go for Burbeting first? Unless Burb is lying about his role, I think that is the more likely target.

If they're smart, they will try to guess who I am going to lick tonight so that I am on the table for tomorrow guaranteed. I'll be an ass about this right now even though it is helping you guys and just say that keeping me alive is your best chance at keeping your watcher alive tonight.


I'll still contend that the best way to handle this is lynch Fireblend and go from there.

Mafia don't benefit from keeping Sorian around if he's neutral, either; he could be on the table for tonight.

If blend doesn't turn up, there's scum between Burb and Sorian at the least.


Just another thought, the cowlicking isn't necessarily indicative of alignment

It's not, I'm quite aware. Let me bring up another point that could at least show you that I have pro-town intentions at heart. There is an easy way for me to 100% verify myself but it could easily be at the expense of your guy's watcher: (This is assuming Fire flips scum but I have no doubt that he will) You all agree on someone for me to lick, I agree to lick them, Burb agrees to watch them. Scum now has three options:

-They kill who Burb is watching, Burb confirms the next day that I targeted that person and so did the new killer (unless they have a ninja and didn't use it night 1 for reasons?
-They kill someone random (could happen but unlikely when there is a PR right there)
-They kill Burb, which means my lick goes through for sure and I'm at least semi-cleared in my ability.

I'm not offering this proposal because it is basically guaranteeing your watcher dead for my life. With the way I'm doing it by hoping for the best when I choose myself, that means there is a chance that scum has to make a few decisions about how they go about things and your watcher gets another night.


If they're smart, they will try to guess who I am going to lick tonight so that I am on the table for tomorrow guaranteed. I'll be an ass about this right now even though it is helping you guys and just say that keeping me alive is your best chance at keeping your watcher alive tonight.

Actually, you are right about this. That also means that Burb will only have to pick between people you are maybe going to lick (and thus the mafia maybe are going to target) and gives him a higher chance to catch another mafia member in the act.


and your watcher maybe***** gets another night. Ultimately, scum will be figuring out who they want to handle that. This set up at least forces them to playa risk/reward game.
I know I'm under scrutiny here but a word of advice. One thing I've been seeing a lot of, town lets a verified scum sit around wiggling all day while the town continues to drop information after information just to feed the scum for their next night kill. That's why I like to turbo if it is obvious who is scum. Day 3 (day 4?) of DR should have had no discussion IMO, they should have turbo'd Tim ASAP and let the scum fumble in the dark some more (hope that's ok as an example since it is a concluded storyline).

I disagree. We turbo Fireblend, and then what? Who's next? Again, similar to Day 1 it's hard to define a voting pattern and level of activity when it's so easy to bandwagon someone. Scum will likely hit Burb tonight (he's too dangerous to them to keep alive) so we'll be left with less information the next day.

Blarg seems to have some Axis of Evil going on here with you, Fire, and Burb, with Launchpad cackling in the background. I know some of it is Blarg being Blarg, but he does provide something useful at times. That said, I don't see how this an elaborate ploy by three/four NFA to bus one of them.
If blend doesn't turn up, there's scum between Burb and Sorian at the least.

100% agreed.

It's not, I'm quite aware. Let me bring up another point that could at least show you that I have pro-town intentions at heart. There is an easy way for me to 100% verify myself but it could easily be at the expense of your guy's watcher: (This is assuming Fire flips scum but I have no doubt that he will) You all agree on someone for me to lick, I agree to lick them, Burb agrees to watch them. Scum now has three options:

-They kill who Burb is watching, Burb confirms the next day that I targeted that person and so did the new killer (unless they have a ninja and didn't use it night 1 for reasons?
-They kill someone random (could happen but unlikely when there is a PR right there)
-They kill Burb, which means my lick goes through for sure and I'm at least semi-cleared in my ability.

I'm not offering this proposal because it is basically guaranteeing your watcher dead for my life. With the way I'm doing it by hoping for the best when I choose myself, that means there is a chance that scum has to make a few decisions about how they go about things and your watcher gets another night.

Don't tell us who you'll lick. Just make sure it's not Burb.


I disagree. We turbo Fireblend, and then what? Who's next? Again, similar to Day 1 it's hard to define a voting pattern and level of activity when it's so easy to bandwagon someone. Scum will likely hit Burb tonight (he's too dangerous to them to keep alive) so we'll be left with less information the next day.

Blarg seems to have some Axis of Evil going on here with you, Fire, and Burb, with Launchpad cackling in the background. I know some of it is Blarg being Blarg, but he does provide something useful at times. That said, I don't see how this an elaborate ploy by three/four NFA to bus one of them.

Take the advice or leave it, it's about as good a debate as the lynch vs. no lynch thing. Scum always has an information advantage but they aren't all knowing and the thread talking gives them hints and clues too about who is best to kill next. Fire has provided reads in the thread and he's all but confirmed scum to me so I have things to go on tomorrow once he flips.
No shit, thanks for the advice. You're welcome for running a weak smokescreen tonight and putting myself on a platter if I screw up.

Don't get snippy, you're throwing out a weird alternative in the first place. There's no sense in letting us decide who you lick.


Don't get snippy, you're throwing out a weird alternative in the first place. There's no sense in letting us decide who you lick.

I agree but obviously not everyone thinks like us:

If we turbo Fire, we should also decide who we want Sorian to lick (eeeeewh, I can't believe I just typed that). I don't want to let make Sorian that decision himself for the chance he is actually the scum here.
I'd like for everyone to weigh in on the situation, so actually, I think Sorian and I should only make reactionary posts until the end of the phase to give others a chance to catch up and make a decision.


I'd like for everyone to weigh in on the situation, so actually, I think Sorian and I should only make reactionary posts until the end of the phase to give others a chance to catch up and make a decision.

I'll agree to this, my thoughts on Fireblend are out in the open so I've done my scum hunting for the day so I'll only speak unless spoken to for awhile.
cabbeh - claimed Miller. Verdict: Town.
Timeaisis - too little info. Verdict: Unknown.
roytheone - flying under the radar. Verdict: Suspicious.
Darryl - aggressive but insightful. Verdict: Town.
Sorian - claimed neutral survivor. Verdict: Neutral, with a caveat.
Fireblend - scum. Verdict: Scum.
Burbeting - claimed Watcher. Verdict: Town, with a caveat.
SalvaPot - flying under the radar. Verdict: Suspicious.
LaunchpadMcQ - active, paranoid, claimed some sort of PR. Verdict: Town, with a caveat.
Lone_Prodigy - #becky2015blazeit
Blargonaut - Blarg. Verdict: Town.
RetroMG - flying under the radar. Verdict: Suspicious.

I think one of the suspicious ones are scum. One is Fireblend. The third will be harder to suss out: hopefully it's one of my caveats.

And I still maintain that there are too many claimed PR's in a game of this size. Someone's got to be lying.


I agree but obviously not everyone thinks like us:

Eeeh, I have already said I am OK with you picking a target yourself as long as it is one that is trusted by (nearly) everyone, so I don't know why you call me out? Unless you quoting my post is to show that there maybe also be other people that may need to be convinced first and not necessarily calling me out, than nevermind.


Eeeh, I have already said I am OK with you picking a target yourself as long as it is one that is trusted by (nearly) everyone, so I don't know why you call me out? Unless you quoting my post is to show that there maybe also be other people that may need to be convinced first and not necessarily calling me out, than nevermind.

The second thing, just pointing out that it's not so crazy to think that the group might want to pick my lick target.
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