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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


The second thing, just pointing out that it's not so crazy to think that the group might want to pick my lick target.

Alright, cool. Just look to everyone his reads and pick someone that (almost) everyone thinks is town, and avoid people that have suspicion on them, like Blarg here. Don't lick Blarg. I mean, you could lick Blarg in real life, I won't judge, but not in the game :)


Alright, cool. Just look to everyone his reads and pick someone that (almost) everyone thinks is town, and avoid people that have suspicion on them, like Blarg here. Don't lick Blarg. I mean, you could lick Blarg in real life, I won't judge, but not in the game :)

Why do I feel like you are trying to guide my target?
Alright, cool. Just look to everyone his reads and pick someone that (almost) everyone thinks is town, and avoid people that have suspicion on them, like Blarg here. Don't lick Blarg. I mean, you could lick Blarg in real life, I won't judge, but not in the game :)

Then he should lick good ol' dependable LaunchpadMcQ


Why do I feel like you are trying to guide my target?

Nah, Launch asked people on their opinion on what we should do, so I give my opinion on what I think you should do. To be fair, you were probably going to do that anyway judging from your first post where you said you picked Ourob because he was trusted the most, so I saw it more as a general: "this is my opinion about this situation and what I think the best thing is for Sorian to do" than actually trying to force you to do something.
I'm still here, just not talking. I don't trust Launch quite yet but he asked me to keep quiet and I agree because it aligns with my feelings of today anyway.



OK, Operation Fireblend and his ever intricate tales of danger and aids. Here we go:

Some thoughts:

1) - Should we give any validity to Kark's last statement about us having to lynch Sorian? I don't think ignoring it is the way to go, but I don't think he had any sort of super definitive info either.
2) - I'm sure someone will keep an eye on him anyway so I'm not too worried, but I don't think Launch was anything other than a overly excited townie going after the mother of all misplays.
2) - Is there any way to work L_P's use of his (supposedly) one shot as a mafia play? Or was he just as misguided as I believe Launch was? Just want to cover the bases.
3) - What happened to TheGoddamn? (maybe Tim will have answered this by the time this is posted)

I can't wait to see what sort of madness awaits us this day.


Blarg, now that your posts seem intelligible, would you mind providing reasoning for the names you posted?

1. A theme I noticed going through these posts is Fireblend simultaneously jumping on and off of Sorian, which raises more suspicion to me. It's like he doesn't want to go against the grain of the 'town favourite' (later quoted saying this) but also wants to create something of a burgeoning rock against Sorian. Sorian already is between a rock and a hard place, and Burb has potentially chosen well or is acting as his very own Jesus Christ, only time will tell on that front.

2. He's throwing a lot of dirt through on multiple fronts now, I read as a sort of spaghetti against the wall type method of going for (possible) townies. Even twisting L_Ps role into something mafia-like, which seems unlikely at this point since L_P has come out the gate this day, echoing much of my change in behaviour after I let loose my claim.

3. Just highlighting another weird slip, more coming, which Fireblend has made. How did he miss Time replacing TheG?

This goes without saying. It also goes without saying that he's trying to get ahead of it by seeming honest by claiming. And it also goes without saying it's potentially some reverse psychology shit.

It goes without saying that no one knows exactly what you're saying. It feels like blowing dust into my eyes.

So you're saying you believed there were two item-giver roles in the game, Bat and yourself? For the record.

Again throwing a bit of suspicion on Sorian

Goddammit Burb. Do you want everyone and their mother to roleclaim by the time the day's over? Fair enough.

Weird initial reaction to the claim, don't really know how to describe this well in words, but I read this and did a bout of an about face, you're being claimed as mafia and this is your first response?

Ok, I fucked up hard. I admit it. But not for the reasons you guys are thinking.

I'm a prankster kid. I get to switch the actions that occur to two different players during the night.

I thought Ouro with his self-fulfilling prophecies was going to be killed tonight, and I tried to save him using my powers... by switching him with Sorian, someone I was already super suspicious of, who I knew the discussion would center around today.

Turns out, however, that scum didn't target Retro like I thought it would... I guess it targeted Sorian, and I indirectly killed Retro by redirecting that kill command towards him instead. I thought I'd use that knowledge to my advantage today, but now the tables have turned. Sorian, with my switch command, if you really did give Retro something, I could have made it so that you'd target yourself... of course the person who can validate me is the one person I now know for sure is scum.

Hey, i guess at least you guys get to kill Sorian when I flip town. Yipee.

Guess we'll see what happens now.

The claim, which has a few holes in it. Namely why the hell is Retro in here? another slip, I thought initially he was fake claiming and got messed up because maybe he had an ability on Retro last night, either way: Not convincing. That's two major slips.

Also, I realize since it's my word against town-favorite Sorian the odds are stacked against me, but whatever. Let's dance.

town-favourite Sorian? Maybe before the end of D1, I'd say he's pretty suspicious now. I don't know what this is. Trying to make himself the underdog? Ugh

Oh shit, I mean Ouro. lol

yeah man lol!!!2 What a mess.

I realized this myself just now lol. Yeah, I have no idea what's going on, ugh.

Another hole found and more loling. This guy could maybe try and get out of it instead of laughing, not good reactions.

Now I'm not sure if I should believe you and Ouro died through some other means. Could there be any sort of stealth killer role?

Tim, is there any way to know what a switcher's actions would resolve to in the scenario that Sorian would give someone something and then I'd switch that someone with who he gave it to?

Now we're back into dodgy territory, throwing more junk into the fire to try and confuse and disorientate.

If you're wrong, yet another PR townie is lost and then you're most likely down 2 other players against whatever amount of mafia players there are on day 3, one of them a stealth killer.

Veiled threats like this read very badly. Better not do this, in case something horrible happens. We learn quite a lot if Fireblend flips town/mafia. So it won't be a complete waste, bringing up the stealth theory which still seems like deflecting with mud.

Yeah I guess that slip didn't help me. If I was coming up with a fake roleclaim, why would I have entertained the possibility of lying about Retro there though? I was mentioning who Sorian gave the item to. That's not something that was up for discussion :p

As mentioned, I think this slip occurred because he carried out an action on Retro last night, and just had a brain fart. Still a weak justification for a pretty big slip.

Ugh. I should have just been a good ordinary townie and kept my ability to myself. Only way I could have avoided this mess. Hey, at least I made it to day 2 this time. *shrug*

Ordinary townie? I thought he claimed a prankster kid. Which isn't bolded by the way
(as an OCD aside).

Bringing up a second role doesn't do him any favours. Then he goes utterly silent after this. Which is even more worrying. My post count absolutely exploded after my claim, because everyone is going at you and you need to respond and be clear.

Here we have a guy who just faded into the background as the discussion directed a little away from him.

The verdict is Fireblend has not dealt with this well and I'm going to vote for him.

I'd like others opinions on my analysis to see if there's anything to it.

Other thoughts:

- Sorian's role is well gross. I'm not entirely convinced but I think with what Burb has said we do have to go afre Fireblend first.
- I did trust Burb in D1, his fast claim is a little confusing. I'm not quite sure if I'm alright with it as a whole.
- I'm really suspicious of retro based on his thread behaviour, but I do realise that may contradict some points I've made with reference to Fireblend. Contribute more, Retro!
- I have some trust in Darryl


Ok, I fucked up hard. I admit it. But not for the reasons you guys are thinking.

I'm a prankster kid. I get to switch the actions that occur to two different players during the night.

I thought Ouro with his self-fulfilling prophecies was going to be killed tonight, and I tried to save him using my powers... by switching him with Sorian, someone I was already super suspicious of, who I knew the discussion would center around today.

Turns out, however, that scum didn't target Retro like I thought it would... I guess it targeted Sorian, and I indirectly killed Retro by redirecting that kill command towards him instead. I thought I'd use that knowledge to my advantage today, but now the tables have turned. Sorian, with my switch command, if you really did give Retro something, I could have made it so that you'd target yourself... of course the person who can validate me is the one person I now know for sure is scum.

Hey, i guess at least you guys get to kill Sorian when I flip town. Yipee.

Guess we'll see what happens now.

I'm sorry to pipe up but I do have a question re-reading this post now that I'm not in complete danger zone mode. Ignoring the Retro typo (let's just pretend we take this at face value and he meant Ouro in all of those spots), what does this all mean? Is he saying that I am the for sure scum he refers to at the end? If so, is he saying that I used the kill command on myself just hoping that a switcher was going to save me? Even if not that, is he saying that a scum teammate targeted their own (in his scenario where he thinks I'm scum) and same thing, just hoped a switcher or something would save me? I just want to make sure I'm reading this claim right.


I'm sorry to pipe up but I do have a question re-reading this post now that I'm not in complete danger zone mode. Ignoring the Retro typo (let's just pretend we take this at face value and he meant Ouro in all of those spots), what does this all mean? Is he saying that I am the for sure scum he refers to at the end? If so, is he saying that I used the kill command on myself just hoping that a switcher was going to save me? Even if not that, is he saying that a scum teammate targeted their own (in his scenario where he thinks I'm scum) and same thing, just hoped a switcher or something would save me? I just want to make sure I'm reading this claim right.

That's how I interpreted it, and yes, you targeting yourself as scum makes NO sense. It's the main reason for my vote on him.


I propose this:

Lynch Fireblend.

Let Sorian do his cowlick - and so help me god, if the next cowlicked person dies, I will turbo you. You can't target Burb, either.

We'll from there.

I agree with this plan, it seems the most logical one to go through.

You could have just not claimed. Instead you waited for Burb to write a defense for you. Thanks for that, Burb. Really fucking on point. You're a watcher, yet one guy is coming out of the closet with this and you give him an out? What is wrong with you guys?

Sorian had said in his soft claim that his role would be easy to check since he seemed sure that Ouro knew he had received something during the night. I thought that since that claim would be easy to prove in the future, I decided to trust my guts and believe the claim, like I said in my post earlier. It might not have been the best action to take, but it was the one I decided to do. At that point I decided it was wisest to bring the information about Fireblend early on to the table.


So you don't know if you're lying or not?

There's no scenario where he could be telling the truth unless Burb is lying. I've gone through every possible outcome multiple times. If you believe Burb is lying though then that means the scum tried killing me last night and after the way day 1 ended, I can't think of any competent scum team targeting me when I was going to be such a hot topic today.
There's no scenario where he could be telling the truth unless Burb is lying. I've gone through every possible outcome multiple times. If you believe Burb is lying though then that means the scum tried killing me last night and after the way day 1 ended, I can't think of any competent scum team targeting me when I was going to be such a hot topic today.

Bro lol I thought you said you were only going to make reactionary posts.


That's what I've been doing :mad:

Fine fine, whatever, my post doesn't mean much anyway. It offered no defense to the person you were asking and all it does is just invite someone to figure out another scenario that actually works (which is good, I'd love to know if I am missing something).

I'll go back and lick the wall in the corner, maybe moo a bit, drop a turd or two, then go inside and buy games for the superior xbone.


I think everyone, as always is reading too much into the roles, getting too paranoid and taking wild guesses.

As I see it, the current situation is pretty simple.

Between burb, sorian and fireblend, we got ourselves a scum, maybe 2 if we are lucky.

For starters, I think burb is saying the truth. His role claim is one that is both extremely easy to confirm or backfire. I believe he choosing this exact moment to claim for it, because he saw Sorian´s claim, a claim that easily puts Sorian in a advantageous position. Soft claiming always a smart way to make your role seem pro-town, even if its not.

And I go to Sorian now, his pre-recorded post seems awfully convenient to make on a death guy, but the way the role work is quirky enough to be true... but I don´t buy it. I don´t buy that the cowlick is everything there is too it, there has to be more. I don´t think Sorian is the kind of player who will let himself he exposed, so the way he claimed is so he would be given a pass by BOTH NFA and Fun. Its pretty clever, because right now i am not thinking about lynching him, I am thinking about Fireblend.

Fireblend has been, since day 1, a character that flew under everyones radas. He´s been consistent in avoiding the spotlight, so it makes sense that NFA would choose him to be the one to do the night kill (If this is a game where the kills are shared). He is also not helped by the way he has worded his defense, that lacks both logic and coherence. But then that reminds me of how we lynched batsnacks in the first day because he was not sneaky enough to defend himself, and if twisted enough his role claim kind of makes sense.

And.. all that said... I think lynching Sorian first might be the better option, I don´t like how he is playing, he seems to be squeezing his way out of all suspicion and trying to manipulate town into thinking how he wants, and I don´t like that. The cow licking could be something different, like a bomb or a kiss of death.

So, yeah, I am cool with lynching Fireblend, THEN Sorian. I wish there was a way we could confirm both. Sadly we don´t have an investigator anymore.

Oh yeah, and before I forget, I don´t blame karkador for his dead, but I guess we could save that for later, lets focus on what is on hand.


And.. all that said... I think lynching Sorian first might be the better option, I don´t like how he is playing, he seems to be squeezing his way out of all suspicion and trying to manipulate town into thinking how he wants, and I don´t like that. The cow licking could be something different, like a bomb or a kiss of death.

I promise you that receiving a cow lick is extremely stupid and has no further effect other than advancing one of my win conditions. I am playing in a way right now that makes both teams not want to kill me, it should be fairly obvious why I would be doing that but my role is 100% useless to the actual proceedings of the game. My use is completely based on what I can provide during discussion, nothing more and nothing less. You don't need to let me manipulate town, I'm just asking that you let me hunt scum so that I can get this game over with.
I promise you that receiving a cow lick is extremely stupid and has no further effect other than advancing one of my win conditions. I am playing in a way right now that makes both teams not want to kill me, it should be fairly obvious why I would be doing that but my role is 100% useless to the actual proceedings of the game. My use is completely based on what I can provide during discussion, nothing more and nothing less. You don't need to let me manipulate town, I'm just asking that you let me hunt scum so that I can get this game over with.

Here's what I don't buy about your roleclaim, either.

I'm going to cross that metagame line for a second. I would like to say I know Tim. The flavor text sounds 100% like his kind of humor, so I don't doubt that's true. But, the ability doesn't add up. You're basically up shit's creek without a paddle, if all you can do is lick people. What's more, it's impossible for you to win unless you survive until a certain point anyway; even then, I would say the win conditions are not very realistic.

So, what I'm ultimately saying is, I think there's something about your role you're not telling us.


Actually Sorian, I'll give you something to do.

Why, if you're really neutral, should we keep you alive?

Killing me does not advance either team's win condition. It looks like town's win condition is:

"You win if all No-Fun-Allowed-aligned players are removed from the list."

and I would assume that NFA's win condition is something like:

You win if all Fun-(allowed?)-aligned players are removed from the list.

Their win condition might be slightly different if there is a third party killer or faction but until we actually flip them I wouldn't be able to tell you that for sure. Regardless, my only use to either of you is, as I said above, the utility of discussion that I bring to the table. I would like to actively help town for a few reasons.

First, avoiding death by lynch is mutually beneficial for both of us, you don't waste time killing a neutral, I don't die and lose.

Second, if I am not aligned with scum, then they always have to think twice about killing me. If they do, when my flip reveals that I've been telling the truth then suddenly town might put more stock into my words. If I was on the right track of anything then I would hope you guy's would actually continue my thought process. It puts them into a little catch-22. Why kill Sorian when we can kill someone who is actually Fun-aligned? But if I am on the right track of something, they might kill me and that would give it away.


Here's what I don't buy about your roleclaim, either.

I'm going to cross that metagame line for a second. I would like to say I know Tim. The flavor text sounds 100% like his kind of humor, so I don't doubt that's true. But, the ability doesn't add up. You're basically up shit's creek without a paddle, if all you can do is lick people. What's more, it's impossible for you to win unless you survive until a certain point anyway; even then, I would say the win conditions are not very realistic.

So, what I'm ultimately saying is, I think there's something about your role you're not telling us.

Sure, I'm still a survivor role, it's not like he was going to give me an out where I could win night 2 suddenly. I would assume I can win by having all alive players licked so that I'm not a deciding vote at the very end of the game. If I was just pure survivor and I happened to make it to the last 3, me, a fun-aligned, and a no-fun-aligned, then I would straight up be allowed to just decide the winning team on a whim because it wouldn't matter to me. As funny as that scenario is, it's not very fair from a game balance perspective.


So, then, why do you exist? If there's no motivation to kill you now, you'll just survive until the end and win anyway.

Well, that is my hope by fully role claiming now but the motivation to kill me still exists. If either team finds me to be a nuisance and they just need something inoffensive to kill then I'm kind of fucked now.
Well, that is my hope by fully role claiming now but the motivation to kill me still exists. If either team finds me to be a nuisance and they just need something inoffensive to kill then I'm kind of fucked now.

Why would we find you to be nuisance enough to kill?

There has to be a tactical reason to kill you, or else you would ride the entire game out.


Why would we find you to be nuisance enough to kill?

There has to be a tactical reason to kill you, or else you would ride the entire game out.

Well I fucked up pretty bad yesterday, people could decide to blame me for those even though both lynches made perfect sense.

On another level, now I'm like a cabbeh situation. Do you trust me or not? If you do, then you never need to flip me and sure, I can ride it out during day time at least but the thought is always there to lynch me and see if what I said was true. The difference, of course, is I'll kick and scream more, if cabbeh dies then he can still win with you guys. If I die, I just lose right then.

You're also ignoring what happened now that I've done this. Sure, there is no real tactical reason for me to be day killed because my plan is to help the fun team but now it's more tactically sound for NFA to kill me if I start being too much of a help in discussions.


I promise you that receiving a cow lick is extremely stupid and has no further effect other than advancing one of my win conditions. I am playing in a way right now that makes both teams not want to kill me, it should be fairly obvious why I would be doing that but my role is 100% useless to the actual proceedings of the game. My use is completely based on what I can provide during discussion, nothing more and nothing less. You don't need to let me manipulate town, I'm just asking that you let me hunt scum so that I can get this game over with.

But again, that is an awfully convenient thing to say, its pretty much the equivalent of a Miller role but with more Saliva.


It's not adding up in my head. There's something you're not telling us.

I agree with Salva, I think we're going to have to kill you soon.

Counter me then, what purpose could licking be? Honest question. I'm telling you why it's there (to prevent the neutral from deciding the whole thing in the case of it coming down to 3 people) but what are your thoughts?
Counter me then, what purpose could licking be? Honest question. I'm telling you why it's there (to prevent the neutral from deciding the whole thing in the case of it coming down to 3 people) but what are your thoughts?

Wholly different effect to be gained from "licking"; different win conditions; additional role actions.

I honestly have no idea, but this is about as innocuous and pointless role as they come.


But again, that is an awfully convenient thing to say, its pretty much the equivalent of a Miller role but with more Saliva.

I'm aware, I even said as much earlier. That's why I would have preferred to not go down this route but I feel that Kark kind of forced my hand. All I can really do is effectively hunt scum at this point and hope you believe me. I know killing one (Fire) is just going to be attributed to bussing or something so I need to really get on my read game sooner rather than later.


Wholly different effect to be gained from "licking"; different win conditions; additional role actions.

I honestly have no idea, but this is about as innocuous and pointless role as they come.

I'll leave the meta discussion at just this: think about the game you are playing, who made it, and the special note he placed in the rules section at the beginning.
I'll leave the meta discussion at just this: think about the game you are playing, who made it, and the special note he placed in the rules section at the beginning.

Nay sir, I'm not trying to extrapolate information from roles that Tim created; I'm saying the role, as you've described it, existing is relatively pointless.


Nay sir, I'm not trying to extrapolate information from roles that Tim created; I'm saying the role, as you've described it, existing is relatively pointless.

Vanilla survivor is a relatively pointless role. I could start making up lies about what I am if you'd like but I was hoping that genuine honesty would keep things straight and easy.


I'm aware, I even said as much earlier. That's why I would have preferred to not go down this route but I feel that Kark kind of forced my hand. All I can really do is effectively hunt scum at this point and hope you believe me. I know killing one (Fire) is just going to be attributed to bussing or something so I need to really get on my read game sooner rather than later.

No, kark didn´t forced you, Burb did with his claim. You said your original plan was to soft claim pr early (you did), and claim neutral just before the day was closing (You didn´t). The only reason you did a full claim was to avoid suspicion and, by elimination, passed it to fire.

The lick thing can mean pretty much anything and you know it. It also has pretty much nothing to do with a role normally called spoiled kid, it just seems like an added quirkness that has no point, and again, I don´t buy it.


No, kark didn´t forced you, Burb did with his claim. You said your original plan was to soft claim pr early (you did), and claim neutral just before the day was closing (You didn´t). The only reason you did a full claim was to avoid suspicion and, by elimination, passed it to fire.

The lick thing can mean pretty much anything and you know it. It also has pretty much nothing to do with a role normally called spoiled kid, it just seems like an added quirkness that has no point, and again, I don´t buy it.

Burb only "forced" me if Fire flips as town. When you see that Fire flips as scum, you'll see that I put out my whole roleclaim because I want the day to end, kill the first scum and get to day 3. It also makes no sense for me to claim just because Burb said something. My soft roleclaim was enough for him to believe me, what was full claiming going to do, convince him of what he already knows? I full claimed more for NFA than for fun team so that they would know I am useless.

First off, my role is rich kid, not spoiled kid. Second, idk what to tell you. Rich people are known for having some weird kinks and fetishes, it sounds like Tim believes they start developing those kinks young.
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