I'll defer to whatever the rest of the town says on the matter.
Burb only "forced" me if Fire flips as town. When you see that Fire flips as scum, you'll see that I put out my whole roleclaim because I want the day to end, kill the first scum and get to day 3. It also makes no sense for me to claim just because Burb said something. My soft roleclaim was enough for him to believe me, what was full claiming going to do, convince him of what he already knows? I full claimed more for NFA than for fun team so that they would know I am useless.
First off, my role is rich kid, not spoiled kid. Second, idk what to tell you. Rich people are known for having some weird kinks and fetishes, it sounds like Tim believes they start developing those kinks young.
The cow licking could be something different, like a bomb or a kiss of death.
I mean, your version is believable, but again, the only reason you are not getting a majority of votes right now is because you soft-claimed first, so we are not lynching out of good faith.
And everything about your role is weird. How it didn´t connect, how is supposedly surviving neutral, and how its effect is the GAFIA equivalent of herpes. It seems malleable to any likely history you could make.
This is an interesting point. Even if someone confirms he got licked by sorian, we still don't know what it actually does to that person, it could have more effects than sorian tells us. Funny enough, it was sorian himself that proposed something similar when we were discussing testing bats his claim, that someone confirming he got a cigarette doesn't mean everything bats said was true. Here we can apply the same thing.
The feeling I currently have is that sorian is keeping something from us, but I don't know why and what that is. I don't think he is NFA, he is third party, but I do think he is hiding something about his role.
I am still keeping my fireblend vote because his bungled role claim is waaaaaay to weird to ignore, but I will keep a close eye on sorian.
If there is an investigator then I want them to investigate you. Obviously they can't report on what they find right away but I actually don't believe this claim at all. My post was actually hitting right at what my gut thinks on you. I think you're a neutral player and one of your win conditions is to survive until the end of the game, you might have another condition that lets you win earlier though. I don't think you are dangerous because of that though and I feel like we have other fish to fry than deal with a neutral today.
I've played with you all enough to know that the storyline of day 1 wouldn't be decided straight from the start.
You mean this sorian?
Ding ding, it means more when someone else points it out. I made it fairly obvious and it was a garbage assertion that multiple people picked up on and that I dropped pretty quickly. If nothing else, it at least shows that I was trying to point this out before anything came to light about anyone yesterday in terms of role flips.
Bullshit breadcrumbing, never seen that before.
YNNNY being the sex addict is probably the best joke material this whole season.
anyone else really turned on by all the talk of licking
Quoting yourself as a means of "I told you so" doesn't help anyone, Blarg. Kark and batsnacks were town that played like scum. You throw enough words around, you'll find something that sticks.
Since we killed town that played like scum, let's focus on scum playing like town.
VOTE: Sorian
should I claim Serial Killer right now?
I'm an Undercover Imperial and Swamped is my partner
They played us like a damn fiddle, Sorian
Player List
1. cabbeh [m]
2. TheGoddamn [m] --> Timeaisis [m]
3. roytheone [m]
4. Darryl [-]
5. Sorian [m]
6. batsnacks [m]
7. Fireblend [m]
8. Karkador [m]
9. Burbeting [m]
10. SalvaPot [m]
11. Ourobolus [m]
12. LaunchpadMcQ [m]
13. Lone_Prodigy [m]
14. Blargonaut [m]
15. RetroMG [m]
VOTE: LaunchpadMcQ
You want to kill Launch which will in turn kill someone else and leave us at 13 out of 15 people?
he keeps on giving
just for you blarg
Nintendo stunned the world when it announced the NX. Who could have guessed it would be a full body unitard that tracks your movement wherever you go. You havent played Mario until youve actually had to make the jump in real life. On top of that, a new Zelda, F-Zero, Metroid, and a Pokémon MMO were announced for launch. The fervor for new waggle reached unseen heights as everyone clamored to get fitted for the new console. Soon Nintendo would be on top again.
You were smart enough to line up at your local game shop days in advance. The mood was ecstatic. Music blared, Smash was played, and a giant Yarn Yoshi stood watchful over the crowd. Soon the NX would be yours.... or so you thought.
The manager for the game shop came out with a clipboard with some startling news.
So, uh, yeah. We, uh, we dont really have enough of these things for, uh. So listen, this is the list of preorders, and uh. Im not, uh, I dont like confrontation, so.
He awkwardly set down the clipboard and went back inside. The crowd was left stunned. Not enough consoles? Who would get one? How would you decide? Would you get your $5 back for the preorder? Isnt it a bit narratively convenient to not mention how many consoles they have or when it launches?
As the crowd tried to diplomatically decide who should be removed from the list, it became clear a group of sinister people had their own ideas on who should get one. These people were... "NO FUN!"
*gasp* *scream* *faint*
Nintendo stunned the world when it announced the NX. Who could have guessed it would be a full body unitard that tracks your movement wherever you go. You havent played Mario until youve actually had to make the jump in real life. On top of that, a new Zelda, F-Zero, Metroid, and a Pokémon MMO were announced for launch. The fervor for new waggle reached unseen heights as everyone clamored to get fitted for the new console. Soon Nintendo would be on top again.
You were smart enough to line up at your local game shop days in advance. The mood was ecstatic. Music blared, Smash was played, and a giant Yarn Yoshi stood watchful over the crowd. Soon the NX would be yours.... or so you thought.
The manager for the game shop came out with a clipboard with some startling news.
So, uh, yeah. We, uh, we dont really have enough of these things for, uh. So listen, this is the list of preorders, and uh. Im not, uh, I dont like confrontation, so.
He awkwardly set down the clipboard and went back inside. The crowd was left stunned. Not enough consoles? Who would get one? How would you decide? Would you get your $5 back for the preorder? Isnt it a bit narratively convenient to not mention how many consoles they have or when it launches?
As the crowd tried to diplomatically decide who should be removed from the list, it became clear a group of sinister people had their own ideas on who should get one. These people were... "NO FUN!"
*gasp* *scream* *faint*
Oh well, there is no point in discussing this today, my mind is set on Fireblend for today, hopefully we can get to the bottom of this tomorrow.
Also, Blarg, just a friendly reminder that you are still my target #1.
And I have no beef with cabbeh anymore, right now we have far better targets.
Ah yes, TY, Mr. 13/15, for helping us get to 13/15 before the first Night even began.
THE WRONG 13/15.
I felt you, Lone_Prodigy.
Awesome tactical nuke strike on batsnacks the (formerly) verifiable jailer there. You should've hit Mr. "Townfeel" LaunchpadMcQ yesterday so we wouldn't have to deal with him and his "Town feels", constant chuckleducking and utter unreadability. And, maybe things would've played out differently conversation-wise with Karkador too, once his main antagonist was taken out of the conversation, which you totally had the power to do. Instead, you called the thunder down on a FunTown Jailer-claimer and robbed both him and us of the chance to verify his claim :/
Ya blew it, ghost.
But that's all in the past now, right?! It's all just crazy-dumb ramblings I've been throwing about, totes.
btw, I wonder, if Burbeting is the "Younger Sibling"/Watcher, is there an "Older Sibling"/??? as well? What say you about that possibility, Burbeting?
I have no issue turboing Fireblend because as I said earlier, I have no issues ending a day early for confirmed scum. I believe Burb's claim and because I know what I am, I know that means that Fire must be the killer (or there is a ninja and EVERYONE AND THEIR FUCKING MOTHER visited Ouro last night).
Don't confuse Burb for a protector of myself, I have to claim anyway.
My role is the Rich Kid. I am spoiled because my parents buy me whatever I want, including the newest NX console last week, along with the awesome Xbox One and the PS4. They can buy me anything I want except for friends. My role is that of the neutral survivor. Also, because I have no friends (and here's the part where Tim is a dick and no one believes me), I've developed weird hobbies and habits. One of those habits is that I believe everyone should be allowed to identify however they like, even if they feel like they should have been born as a cow. I have one night action. I am allowed to LICK another player and in the morning, they will wake up with a cowlick. I have two win conditions, if I meet either then I leave the game. The first is your typical survivor schtick. If I make it to the end of the game, then I win because I got to spend a lot of time with everyone and make new friends. The second is if everyone else in the game (I can't lick myself) has a cowlick then I am satisfied with my cow persona and I also win that way.
So there you are, have my claim, and know that I do play with the intention of killing scum. I'm not the type of player who can make it to the end of a long game so I did what any good neutral player would do. I 100% sided myself with town and am hoping we can end this swiftly and quickly.
I took awhile writing this up just now, I saw something else posted I want to respond to.
I know you're scum now unless Burb really is a crafty fuck so I'm not talking to you anymore.
VOTE: FIreblend
But no, what I give isn't exactly an item.
Alright so, I was not going to roleclaim this early in the game, but I feel like its the right thing to do because we have only 12 players, 3 of them is potentially mafia, four in worst case scenario. What this means is we dont have exactly lot of time in this game, and now that our cop and the roleblocker dead, we are at a heavy disadvantage.
So here it goes, hope I dont make the wrong decision here. I am the Younger Sibling. As the younger sibling, I have the power to tag along with people very discreetly since nobody never notices the younger sibling.
So in short, I am the town watcher. Why I claimed this now is because I watched Ourobolos last night, since I felt that he might get murdered most likely next night.
And yes indeed, two people visited Ourobolos. They were none others than Sorian and Fireblend.
Now, I wasnt going to reveal myself now because I thought that Ouro was not going to die, and that one of the characters would be the killer and one of them would be a doctor. However, Ourobolos actually did die, so doctor didnt visit him, thats for sure. And now Sorian made his soft claim immediatly, and for now I am willing to believe him about it.
So that leaves us Fireblend then.
Vote: Fireblend
There is a slight chance that Sorian is lying about his claim, but right now I am very sure that Fireblend is a scum.
Again, I feel that this claim is now needed, because we dont exactly have lot of time to accidentally mis-lynch people.
Ok, I fucked up hard. I admit it. But not for the reasons you guys are thinking.
I'm a prankster kid. I get to switch the actions that occur to two different players during the night.
I thought Ouro with his self-fulfilling prophecies was going to be killed tonight, and I tried to save him using my powers... by switching him with Sorian, someone I was already super suspicious of, who I knew the discussion would center around today.
Turns out, however, that scum didn't target Retro like I thought it would... I guess it targeted Sorian, and I indirectly killed Retro by redirecting that kill command towards him instead. I thought I'd use that knowledge to my advantage today, but now the tables have turned. Sorian, with my switch command, if you really did give Retro something, I could have made it so that you'd target yourself... of course the person who can validate me is the one person I now know for sure is scum.
Hey, i guess at least you guys get to kill Sorian when I flip town. Yipee.
Guess we'll see what happens now.
I haven't forgotten about you Fireblend, so keeping quiet isn't going to help you ride this out.
Sorian was already saying he used his PR on Ouro before Burb came along
And Sorian's premade post is suspicious as hell. Why post it at all, authors note or no, if the whole thing is invalidated by Ouro's death?
You could have just not claimed. Instead you waited for Burb to write a defense for you. Thanks for that, Burb. Really fucking on point. You're a watcher, yet one guy is coming out of the closet with this and you give him an out? What is wrong with you guys?
If you think Karkador was acting as a townie cop should, you're out of touch with reality.
And whatever Sick Reads you may have on me, they're dead wrong.
It's like this isn't even your third game, trying to make it seem like "oh I was right about these guys" means you're not scum; the fact that you were dead on with both, and completely wrong about it, is very concerning.
Kark wasn't acting like a Town Cop should, he was acting like a (somewhat) saner version of Star Wars me
I sensed our mutual Drift compatibility, which is why I defended him
UNVOTE: LaunchpadMcQ
VOTE: LaunchpadMcQ
Tell me how dirty I am, Launch
I want you to do it
Right now, you are look incredibly suspicious to me. If it weren't for the way this day started, I would be up your ass already. Don't worry, though, we'll still have time after this.
Like, mmkay, Becky. Keep hand-waving away my thus far 100%-accurate role reads. <3
batsnacks buckled and suspiciously claimed to be a FunTown Jailer; his fracturing was too strange NOT to be true, and the majority of you "experts" somehow couldn't believe that. I helped try to defend him. It turns out he was actually the FunTown Jailer. Wow.
Karkador suspiciously requested for us to Remove him and besides a few deviations from his path towards his own meagre self-defense, he continued to completely openly advocate for a Day 1 No Lynch. I rolled the possibilities around in my mouth; Ordinary Kid, Governor-type, Hunter-type, until I realized him baiting you all with himself was a very specific type of noise-making that I happen to pick up during my time in a galaxy far, far away, hence this following reply to him I had made and what I believe to be his subsequent Metal Gear-themed acknowledgement of my hinting, directly after its posting:
I GUT-realized he was a self-destructing Cop, as I had (highly unsuccessfully) attempted a similar gambit in the Star Wars S2 GAFia game when I was a handsome, daring Investigator. I was never going to put my gut-realization out there in the open because I didn't want to have any part in outing a Cop and on Day 1 of all Days, so I was hoping you'd all get the message on the lowdown. No one did, or at least, no one FunTown did. :/
In the end, it turned out my gut's realization was right as it most often is.
...but wait, what's that?
Ah yes, TY, Mr. 13/15, for helping us get to 13/15 before the first Night even began.
THE WRONG 13/15.
I felt you, Lone_Prodigy.
Awesome tactical nuke strike on batsnacks the (formerly) verifiable jailer there. You should've hit Mr. "Townfeel" LaunchpadMcQ yesterday so we wouldn't have to deal with him and his "Town feels", constant chuckleducking and utter unreadability. And, maybe things would've played out differently conversation-wise with Karkador too, once his main antagonist was taken out of the conversation, which you totally had the power to do. Instead, you called the thunder down on a FunTown Jailer-claimer and robbed both him and us of the chance to verify his claim :/
Ya blew it, ghost.
But that's all in the past now, right?! It's all just crazy-dumb ramblings I've been throwing about, totes.
btw, I wonder, if Burbeting is the "Younger Sibling"/Watcher, is there an "Older Sibling"/??? as well? What say you about that possibility, Burbeting?
And I have no beef with cabbeh anymore, right now we have far better targets.
Its our chance, let´s turbo sorian ^^
Real talk, I don't think it would be a bad idea to vote him out next phase, even if his licking checks out.
I, unfortunately, don't have time to create a big post to go through what you just said Blarg but I just want to add two things for everyone else when they are trying to verify if he is telling the truth or not. I can't target myself, if I am forced into targeting myself for any reason then my action will fail. Alternatively, I can't lick someone who is dead. I've verified that if my target dies during the night, then my action fails (which tells me on a timeline that my move probably occurs near the end of all possible moves). With that being said, my action failed last night so take that how you will. If you are to be believed, that does make me a a bit less sure of my Fireblend vote but then my question is how the watcher role works. According to you, the Watcher should have been watching me and I believe it's uncommon for the watcher to see someone visiting themself? So, I'm not quite sure I believe you either.
That being said, I'm not an arsonist. I don't actually know how arsonist roles fit in to balanced games but wouldn't that mean there has to be a firefighter in the game as well? If that's the case, I challenge that person to role claim because if you do then I know you're a fucking liar and that gives me something to look at.
Blarg crazyiness
This is one of the most crazy ass role claims I have seen yet, I have to give you credit for that! Anyway, I don't believe a word you are saying here. Basically, if you indeed gave a lightning rod to someone, and Burbeting is really the watcher, he would have seen you visit that person. Not only that, he would have seen EVERYONE THAT DID A NIGHT ACTION visit that person. He will not just have seen Sorian and Fire, but at least also you and probably some more people judging from how many PR we have. Yet he didn't.
I don't think the watcher would have seen Blarg. Blarg's action was on me and would have obviously been before the watcher started watching me. That being said, I'd be surprised if Fire and I are the only night actions left so I do have issue believing this claim.
This is one of the most crazy ass role claims I have seen yet, I have to give you credit for that! Anyway, I don't believe a word you are saying here. Basically, if you indeed gave a lightning rod to someone, and Burbeting is really the watcher, he would have seen you visit that person. Not only that, he would have seen EVERYONE THAT DID A NIGHT ACTION visit that person. He will not just have seen Sorian and Fire, but at least also you and probably some more people judging from how many PR we have. Yet he didn't.
I also would be EXTREMELY surprised if that is the case. That is all I am going to say on that for now, but if Burb is speaking the truth, Blarg is lying.
1. I used the Lightning Rod on Sorian. Burbeting claims to have originally targeted Ourobolus for watching. After I used the Lightning Rod on Sorian, Burbeting was forced to start watching Sorian, not Ourobolus. Burbeting wouldn't have detected me using it on Sorian, because I believe that he would have started watching Sorian AFTER I had used the Rod to redirect him to watch Sorian in the first place. It wouldn't have kicked in before then. Then, Fireblend's switch of Ourobolus with RetroMG was then redirected into Ourobolus with Sorian, and so Ourobolus was put back into Burbeting's vision cone by Fireblend's switch after my Lightning Rod had initially displaced him. Thus, me and Fireblend negated each other with our powers and Burbeting ended up watching Ourobolus just as he had originally intended to; and thus, Burbeting saw 2 people visit Ourobolus during his watch just like he had stated, Fireblend (1) taking Ourobolus (2) with him to transfer him into Sorian's position, which he was watching.
You don't get to pick and choose. If you used a lighting rod then ALL of the actions would have been seen by the watcher regardless of the switch hijinks. Only your Lightning rod move would have gone undetected in this case because of the nature of what it was.
You don't get to pick and choose. If you used a lighting rod then ALL of the actions would have been seen by the watcher regardless of the switch hijinks. Only your Lightning rod move would have gone undetected in this case because of the nature of what it was.
lol I really have no idea what I'm talking about k, I'm just calling it like I sees it, based off the role claims on the table
I just thrust my Rod unto you under the assumption that you'd be /rekt last Night
If I survive today, I'm not going to waste it on you again, I'm going to use it on Blarg pill-holder LaunchpadMcQ tonight and see what happens
1. I used the Lightning Rod on Sorian. Burbeting claims to have originally targeted Ourobolus for watching. After I used the Lightning Rod on Sorian, Burbeting was forced to start watching Sorian, not Ourobolus. Burbeting wouldn't have detected me using it on Sorian, because I believe that he would have started watching Sorian AFTER I had used the Rod to redirect him to watch Sorian in the first place. It wouldn't have kicked in before then.
Then, Fireblend's switch of Ourobolus with RetroMG was then redirected into Ourobolus with Sorian, and so Ourobolus was put back into Burbeting's vision cone by Fireblend's switch after my Lightning Rod had initially displaced him. Thus, me and Fireblend negated each other with our powers and Burbeting ended up watching Ourobolus just as he had originally intended to; and thus, Burbeting saw 2 people visit Ourobolus during his watch just like he had stated, Fireblend (1) taking Ourobolus (2) with him to transfer him into Sorian's position, which he was watching.
2. You're assuming Burbeting is telling the truth.
4. You're assuming everyone's all telling the truth.
5. role claim pls