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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!

Yeah, this shit ain't adding up. It's too convenient that everybody seemed to choose either Sorian or Ouro.

Blarg has to be lying. My action would have been drawn to him. I think. At least, if Tim isn't breaking his own rules.

However, if Burb's action was swapped to Sorian, then the problem here is that Burb didn't actually see the killer - the killer tried to kill Sorian and it got switched to Ouro. So, two people targeted Sorian last night - the killer and Fireblend for the swap.


I had one made with Cheesestrings but well....

on a side note, Cheesestrings can be quite enjoyable when eaten (as opposed to other methods)


Yeah, this shit ain't adding up. It's too convenient that everybody seemed to choose either Sorian or Ouro.

Blarg has to be lying. My action would have been drawn to him. I think. At least, if Tim isn't breaking his own rules.

However, if Burb's action was swapped to Sorian, then the problem here is that Burb didn't actually see the killer - the killer tried to kill Sorian and it got switched to Ouro. So, two people targeted Sorian last night - the killer and Fireblend for the swap.

Between Burb and Blarg there is at least one lair. That is certain. And not only because your power action wasn't seen by Burb, but I am not going to elaborate on the other reason (yet). And from those two, I think Burb his role claim is by far the most believable.


Yeah, this shit ain't adding up. It's too convenient that everybody seemed to choose either Sorian or Ouro.

Blarg has to be lying. My action would have been drawn to him. I think. At least, if Tim isn't breaking his own rules.

However, if Burb's action was swapped to Sorian, then the problem here is that Burb didn't actually see the killer - the killer tried to kill Sorian and it got switched to Ouro. So, two people targeted Sorian last night - the killer and Fireblend for the swap.

Who do you think Burb was watching? I know he says he targeted Ourp, but with everything happened, who you think he got a watch report on?

In lieu of another swapper stepping forward, we have to accept that Fireblend is the swapper. There had to have been one, if I'm looking at this correctly.

RE: Timeaisis, he's been at it way before that.

Why would there have to have been a swapper. This all makes complete sense if there wasn't a swapper or a lightning rod. How about this? Fire is screwed and NFA is taking a gamble by having Blarg make this claim so that he gets every PR to at least soft claim.


Ok, so if we take all this at face value, this is what happened.

Blarg gives the lightning rob to Sorian.
Burb attaches himself to Ouro.
Sorian tries to lick Ouro
Fireblend switches positions between Ouro and Sorian. Now sorian is getting licked and Ouro is getting the light rod.
Sorian gets a fail attempt, Ouro gets killed.

If this is ALL TRUE. Then there is a few questions I have.

What happened with the regular mafia kill? Its obvious then that NFA tried to have their own kill but failed somehow. Who they tried to off?
Blargonaut role is still bad for Fun. He has to kill 2 good players so he becomes good himself. That means he has to kill one more, useful town player. That means tonight we are getting 2 more night kills.

No. I don´t think we can afford it. I think also that there is no warranty that Blargonaut role is just a NFA killer, that is all, but he is just hiding it as that so we leave him alone in the chance he kills one of his NFA teammates. Oh, but if he kills another town he is now totally a good guy now, guys! He is Fun now, you see!

Yeah, no. Lets just lynch him before he gets another one of town, it really is a no brainer. He is either an NFA that can become fun or a NFA trying to be clever. "Painting a target in my back" is never a good claim to make. If we get Blarg and he turns to say the truth, then we CLEAR all the other 3 suspects for now, if he is lying then he just made a really dumb claim.

Vote: Blargonaut
Why would there have to have been a swapper. This all makes complete sense if there wasn't a swapper or a lightning rod. How about this? Fire is screwed and NFA is taking a gamble by having Blarg make this claim so that he gets every PR to at least soft claim.

There has to be a swapper if Blarg is telling the truth, because why aren't you dead?


So here is the list of all players, even the dead, with their roles or the roles they are claiming to have. Note that I am going to reference myself in third person when discussing the theories in this post so that it’s easier to read later on for everyone.

1. cabbeh [m] – Claims to be Miller
2. Timeaisis [m] - ???
3. roytheone [m] - ???
4. Darryl [-] - ???
5. Sorian [m] – Claims to be Neutral Survivor/Cowlicker
6. batsnacks [m] – Proven to be a rolelocker
7. Fireblend [m] – Claims to be a switcher
8. Karkador [m] – Proven to be a 3-shot-cop
9. Burbeting [m] – Claims to be a Watcher
10. SalvaPot [m] - ???
11. Ourobolus [m] – Proven to be a Ordinary
12. LaunchpadMcQ [m] – Claims to be a Sleepwalker
13. Lone_Prodigy [m] – Proven to be a Vigilante, claims to be a one-shot-town-aligned
14. Blargonaut [m] – Claims to be a lightning rod giver
15. RetroMG [m] - ???

So what we are looking here is seven people claiming to having some sort of Power role. Add to that Karkador and Batsnacks who have proven power roles through death. That makes the power role count to nine out of fifteen in a game where there is ordinary people for sure (See: Ouro) and mafia. So in short, not all of these claims can be real, or some of the claims are actually mafia power roles.

Now let’s look at the first night. Claims for that:

- Blargonaut claims that he put a lightning rod for Sorian, so that all night actions would target Sorian.
- Sorian claims that he tried to cowlick Ourobolos, but received info that it failed.
- Fireblend claims that he switched Sorian and Ourobolos
- Burbeting claims that he watched Ourobolos, and that he saw Sorian and Fireblend visit him.
- LaunchpadMcQ Claims that he has visited a random person he didn’t choose.

There is a high chance that someone is lying here about something right now. Let’s go through different scenarios:

A) Everyone is telling the truth.

Everyone is telling the truth and the night actions happened as they were mentioned. That would mean that the killer tried to kill someone, but because of Blargonauts lightning rod, the kill was going towards Sorian, but because Fireblend made his switch, the kill actually rebounded to Ourobolos, and he died. Sorian would have tried to lick Ourobolos, but ended up licking himself because of Fire’s Switch. Burbeting tried to watch Ourobolos, but because of lightning rod/switch combo… ended up to watch Ourobolos anyway.

The problem here is Launchpad, since the lightning rod should have made him visit Sorian, and through that, Ourobolos. However, Burbeting is saying that he didn’t see Launchpad during his watch. What are the possibilities here?

A.1) Launchpad’s power is not affected by the lightning rod.

Since Launch can’t target his suppoused power, then it’s a possibility that his power is not affected by the lightning bolt? Seems kind of stretch, but can’t deny the possibility.

Other problem here is the Mafia nightkill. Ourobolos did die, so in this scenario the Mafia killed him because they were rod-switched from their orginal target. If everyone is telling the truth, then Burbeting didn’t see the killer.

Posting these in parts this time, so this just the first scenario.


Ok, so if we take all this at face value, this is what happened.

Blarg gives the lightning rob to Sorian.
Burb attaches himself to Ouro.
Sorian tries to lick Ouro
Fireblend switches positions between Ouro and Sorian. Now sorian is getting licked and Ouro is getting the light rod.
Sorian gets a fail attempt, Ouro gets killed.

If this is ALL TRUE. Then there is a few questions I have.

What happened with the regular mafia kill? Its obvious then that NFA tried to have their own kill but failed somehow. Who they tried to off?
Blargonaut role is still bad for Fun. He has to kill 2 good players so he becomes good himself. That means he has to kill one more, useful town player. That means tonight we are getting 2 more night kills.

No. I don´t think we can afford it. I think also that there is no warranty that Blargonaut role is just a NFA killer, that is all, but he is just hiding it as that so we leave him alone in the chance he kills one of his NFA teammates. Oh, but if he kills another town he is now totally a good guy now, guys! He is Fun now, you see!

Yeah, no. Lets just lynch him before he gets another one of town, it really is a no brainer. He is either an NFA that can become fun or a NFA trying to be clever. "Painting a target in my back" is never a good claim to make. If we get Blarg and he turns to say the truth, then we CLEAR all the other 3 suspects for now, if he is lying then he just made a really dumb claim.

Vote: Blargonaut

How are we getting two more kills tonight? Blarg isn't saying he can kill, he just said that his ability directed the regular mafia kill. Your theory still doesn't make sense if Burb is telling the truth. He saw Fire and myself visit someone and I highly doubt he saw me visiting myself.


B) Only Blargonaut is lying

In this case Blargonaut would be lying, and there was no Lightning Rod, but everyone else is telling the truth:

In this case Fireblend switched Sorian and Ourobolos around. Sorian tried to lick Ourobolos, but ended up licking himself, and Burbeting ended up watching Sorian, and saw Sorian lick himself and Fireblend do his switch. Launchpad’s power would have worked normally. However, this case brings up problems: Ouro would have died because the killers targeted Sorian, which seems unlikely, since Sorian was going to be most likely the topic of tomorrows conversation. Would have the bad guys really tried to kill Sorian? This scenario does not seem likely at least now.

C) Only Fireblend is lying

In this case Fireblend is lying and there was no switching between Sorian and Ourobolos. At least for me this case is impossible, since then Blargonauts Lightning Rod would have made sure that Sorian ended up dead. He did not, so it seems heavily unlikely that this is what happened. Also, the Launchpad problem exists here too. If Rod affected him, then Burbeting should have seen him.

D) Only Burbeting is lying

Obviously I know that I’m not lying about my claim, but even still it would have been a huge lucky guess for me to guess what had happened during the night.

E) Only Launchpad is lying

Launchpad is lying about his role. In this case, things would have gone mostly like the scenario ”everybody is telling the truth” while leaving out problems Launchpad’s role brought up. Obviously, the problem about night kill would still exist in this scenario.

I’ll try to through the possibilities where multiple people are lying next.
That's the point. You're eating Blarg's bullshit for breakfast.

Yeah, this shit ain't adding up. It's too convenient that everybody seemed to choose either Sorian or Ouro.

Blarg has to be lying. My action would have been drawn to him. I think. At least, if Tim isn't breaking his own rules.

However, if Burb's action was swapped to Sorian, then the problem here is that Burb didn't actually see the killer - the killer tried to kill Sorian and it got switched to Ouro. So, two people targeted Sorian last night - the killer and Fireblend for the swap.

I'll blame it on you being on mobile or some shit


Copy Paste from word decided to ignore this one for some reason:

F) Only Sorian is lying.

If Only Sorian was lying, then it would mean that his power was doing something else than licking, for example it could have been a killing power. In that case he might have tried to kill Ourobolos, but thanks to switch-rod he ended up... killing Ourobolos anyway. Launch problem persists still here.


I'll blame it on you being on mobile or some shit

Nah, I blame it on you going back and forth with some shit. "Oh I have a role, wait Tim told me it doesn't work that way, wait Tim is bad at making rules for his roles lol" I don't know whether you are coming or going with this shit. I believe you are a sleep walker so I'll attribute it to the fact that you are legit confused. I still want to kill Fire today, that answers the most questions for me. If he flips mafia then I can seriously consider a scenario where Blarg is scum too.
Since I no longer feel important because of the role confusion, I would fall on the sword, but honestly it doesn't look like it would do much - just affirm that we're in a really confusing situation lol
Nah, I blame it on you going back and forth with some shit. "Oh I have a role, wait Tim told me it doesn't work that way, wait Tim is bad at making rules for his roles lol" I don't know whether you are coming or going with this shit. I believe you are a sleep walker so I'll attribute it to the fact that you are legit confused. I still want to kill Fire today, that answers the most questions for me. If he flips mafia then I can seriously consider a scenario where Blarg is scum too.

Honestly, I have no idea. But I was playing the first day phase and early this phase like a commuter; now I find out I'm something else and I just exist to create confusion. It's not a great feeling.


Since I no longer feel important because of the role confusion, I would fall on the sword, but honestly it doesn't look like it would do much - just affirm that we're in a really confusing situation lol

Stop this falling on the sword non sense. 3 of your teammates are already dead and 2 of them were important. We need to make up lost ground.


Honestly, I have no idea. But I was playing the first day phase and early this phase like a commuter; now I find out I'm something else and I just exist to create confusion. It's not a great feeling.

Welcome to my world, at least you and cabbeh got a team to fall back with.
Stop this falling on the sword non sense. 3 of your teammates are already dead and 2 of them were important. We need to make up lost ground.

I just mean, if it would've provided additional confirmation of anything; but it won't.

Honestly feeling a bit defeated about the role confusion. I'll pick up though


I just mean, if it would've provided additional confirmation of anything; but it won't.

Honestly feeling a bit defeated about the role confusion. I'll pick up though

The only reason I'm bothering to try and cheer you up is because I'm fairly certain you are town. Just work through it. The only ways this could have happened become very obvious.
Oh, the just to create confusion bit.

I want to hear more from Fireblend and Blarg. I haven't had a chance to read Burb's posts since I'm on mobile, but this day went from easy lynch to fuck Nintendo overnight.
Hah. Ok, let's get this out of the way then since my role barely has a purpose.

Burb is telling the truth just based off of my role. There is definitely a role that watches for activity, because my role exists to stir shit up and produce noise.

I am Incontinence Guy. Every night, I visit a random person (not of my choosing) and tell them to watch my stuff while I go to the bathroom. I don't know who is visited, either. Essentially a town-aligned sleepwalker.

It used to be an even night commuter and I had been purposely been trying to paint a target on my back, getting Blarg to use his lightning rod on me (which would have failed, sorry bud). However, Tim corrected my role PM and I thought he only changed the flavor to poke some fun at me regarding the mechanics in the DR game; however, he changed the role's ability as well, so it's only now that I realize that I should have claimed yesterday to get this shit out of the way.


This is gold, Launch. PURE. GOLD.

Please don't tell me that you people actually believe what he's spraying. He's hiding the shit out of something and it shows.

"Incontinence Guy"? So, what, you're going to tell me in the end that all the times you've referenced "shit" in your posts was some kind of stupid breadcrumbing towards your role's name? This is a stupid-ass role claim on your part that I now realize I inadvertently helped construct for you, Launch, because as a joke, I've been calling you out whenever you say a line referencing that "you've seen shit", with this GIF:


Now you're using my own jokes against me, Launch. You built a role claim with my jokes and you're countering me with it. That's funny.

So you're telling me, that right after I've outed myself with an actual ability and the full intent to try and use it to kill you tonight, you're now telling me that you've been an EVEN-Night Town Random Sleepwalker who's been purposely baiting me the WHOLE TIME for the express purpose of making me waste my stated power on you tonight, even though you've never even known I had a power at all? Are you serious? You're coming out of the walls again just to counter my claim and you come up with this perfectly tailored shit? It's 100% perfectly-tailored to counter my claim and cover your own ass tonight, relying on your bathroom buddy Yes Men cabbeh and SalvaPot to eat it all up for you and support your Town Feel butt against mine. It's sad how they're still backing you. You smug bear. You even bring CzarTim and a "role misunderstanding" into it. Sure, Launch. All of this information you're presenting me is way too fucking convenient a counter as a whole against my recent claim.

You tailored this shit claim just to counter mine and it's obvious. Try harder, Launch. If you want to lie, at least have a little ambiguity mixed in.

to get this shit out of the way.

There's even a FINAL SHITTY PUN there

Lol I should've known.

I think Blarg is the guy to lynch today. I'll be dead if he's telling the truth and if he's lying then he's mafia.

VOTE: Blargonaut
Yes, me saying shit all the time was breadcrumbing.

Look on the first page though. I made a joke about going to the bathroom. My flavor hasn't changed, but my role went from commuter to sleepwalker.
This all happened pregame, but like I said, I thought the second OP was a rib at the DR mechanics from Tim, so I only read the "sleepwalker" part, not the role action.


Here is some of the possibilities that two people out of the five are lying here:

G) Blargonaut and Fireblend are lying

In this scenario there was no Lightning Rod nor any Switching. So in this case Sorian tried to lick Ourobolos, but it failed because Ourobolos died. Burbeting saw Sorian and Fireblend because Fireblend killed Ourobolos. In this case Blargonaut would have lied in order to give Fireblend and his switch-claim an alibi. However, would another scum really come this vocally to save other one in a game with just possibly three scum?

H) Sorian and Fireblend are lying

In this case Sorian is the killer and the lick is false. In this case Fireblend was giving him an alibi by telling us he made a switch between Ouro & Sorian. So then Sorian would have needed to target himself in order to kill Ouro. This theory doesn’t really make any sense at all, since Burbeting saw both of them during his watch. So it seems not possible that two scums would have targeted the same person.

I) Blargonaut and Sorian are lying

There was no Lightning Rod and Sorian’s powers are more sinister (like something that killed Ourobolos). However, in this scenario in order for Sorian to kill Ouro, he would need to target himself. Does not seem possible? Or maybe Sorian is lying but was still not the killer, in this case killer still targeted Sorian first. Why, when Sorian was most likely going to be a hot topic?

J) Launchpad and Blargonaut are lying

Seems unlikely scenario. Their roles are contradicting each other right now with Burbetings claim, so it doesn’t seem likely that they would create this charade together. Well it could be to create confusion even more, but I think there is already way enough of that.

K) Blargonaut and Burbeting are lying

In this scenario Burbeting is lying about his watching, and Blargonaut then made his lightning rod claim in order to explain why Fireblend’s Switcher claim fits with what Sorian said to what Burbeting said. I know this isn’t true, but it also has the problem that Burbeting would have needed to guess Sorian’s and Fireblends movements before making his claim.

More possibilities coming later.
Lol I should've known.

I think Blarg is the guy to lynch today. I'll be dead if he's telling the truth and if he's lying then he's mafia.

VOTE: Blargonaut

You've been nothing but aggressive-reactive since the beginning of the game, for all the wrong reasons.

You conform to whatever's in front of you; I called you out on being a flip-flopper in the beginning on a whim and you've been lolworthily trying to prove me wrong ever since, which ultimately resulted in you leading the railroading against Karkador and helping to bury batsnacks. Those trains were godsends for you, weren't they? One person makes one suspicious-ass public display and you jump straight out of the bushes to gobble that bait right up to the lynch end because it gives you a free activity pass, and then you claim it was all their fault and spit on their "stupid" playstyles after they're gone. Your playstyle in this game sickens me.

You've been surfing on our asses since the very beginning. You're scummy. You even had Sorian convinced for a while there of imitating your reactive playstyle, claiming that it's the smart thing to do right now. No, it's NOT. We should be discussing this Circle of Three cowpat between us as much as possible for FunTown's sake, not waiting for other people to spoonfeed us so we can spit it back in their faces like you've been doing.


I am still debating between voting for Blarg or Fire. I will not be voting on the third lynch candidate, Sorian, because even though I have the feeling he isn't telling the whole truth, he does seem to want to focus on scum hunting for now, and that makes him an asset for us. I am willing to see how the whole lick situation will unfold tomorrow. For now, I will pick between fire and Blarg.

Right now, the situation is that I am for 75 % sure that Fire is lying about his switch action. That would make him probably the NFA assassin that killed Ourob.

However, I am 95% sure that blarg is lying out of his ass about his whole lighting rod thing. And those last 5 % are purely the possibility of burbeting lying, and Burb his role claim is by far the most trustworthy of them all, so I think that is unlikely. So that raises the question: why is Blarg lying? Is he also NFA scum that tries a last ditch effort to save Fire and get some potential role claims at the same time, I mean, he literally asked me to role claim:

5. role claim pls

Are you claiming to be what I think you're claiming?

It's a super confusing situation, and I will have to take a step back and look at the possible options. But my vote will defiantly go to either Blarg or Fire.


L) Sorian and Burbeting are lying

Burbeting is lying he saw anything and Sorian powers up the claim by his claim. Problematic, since Fireblend did tell us that he had done something to Ourobolos during the night, and there is Blargonaut’s Lightning Rod in there too.

M) Burbeting and Lauchpad are lying

Burbeting lied about what he saw. Later on Launch is there to make his claim about Watcher even more possible. Again, problemati because in this case it would make Burbeting to guess right about Sorian’s and Fireblend’s actions.

N) Burbeting and Fireblend (and Sorian) are lying

Burbeting made the claim that Fireblend is very likely a scum to bus him. In this case Sorian would be in it too most likely. Problem here is Blargonaut’s lightning rod power. In order for this to work, the killing of Ouro would have gone through first targeting Sorian. Since in bussing case he would be likely a scum, this possibility seems somewhat unlikely. It’s possible that Sorian isn’t with the bussing, but in that case Burbeting would have needed to guess right about his actions.


How are we getting two more kills tonight? Blarg isn't saying he can kill, he just said that his ability directed the regular mafia kill. Your theory still doesn't make sense if Burb is telling the truth. He saw Fire and myself visit someone and I highly doubt he saw me visiting myself.

It depends on the priority of the attacks, but Blarg´s role can kill and its clear his kill is aside from the kill NFA has, so if we let Blarg get his role out, he is going to kill one user, while NFA Kills another, how is this not clear?

And the way I put the sequence of actions it makes sense, you just have to picture it. They way its wrote you would end up licking yourself, burb could see both you and fire, but not blarg, and ouro ends up killed without burb watching the real killer (Blarg, in this case).


O) Launchpad and Sorian are lying &
P) Launchpad and Fireblend are lying

My brains do not work right now and I can’t really figure out a scenario how these work. Might have to return to it later, but seems unlikely for now.

Also I’m not really going to go through three or four-person lying scenarios because there is most likely only 3-4 scum in this game, and would really the whole squad come out and lie just so save some of them?

Right now I would personally want to hear more about these people:

The one who is going to replace Retro.

Because they all three in my eyes have been flying under the radar and have blended in to the people who are not in the spotlight today. It would be very beneficial for a scum to do that now since they could just wait for the other people to do the talking. SalvaPot and roy are on this list too, but at least for me they have posted at least to some degree.

I'm also still kind of suspicious about Cabbeh and L_P since we have no guarantee about their aligments (in case of L_P) or roles (in case of Cabbeh). Cabbeh especially, since he is basically the only role-claimer who is not part of last nights clusterfuck.


It depends on the priority of the attacks, but Blarg´s role can kill and its clear his kill is aside from the kill NFA has, so if we let Blarg get his role out, he is going to kill one user, while NFA Kills another, how is this not clear?

And the way I put the sequence of actions it makes sense, you just have to picture it. They way its wrote you would end up licking yourself, burb could see both you and fire, but not blarg, and ouro ends up killed without burb watching the real killer (Blarg, in this case).

Why is this clear? The reason blarg is "power" kills is because it attracts all actions done in a night, including the NFA kill action. It isn't deadly in itself I think.
Ok, I know that my claiming at this point is not ideal, but hear me out for a second.

I should have claimed day 1, but Tim's screw up (yeah, that's right, this is your fault) made me screw up. So, at this point, you'll have to judge why I would claim at this juncture.

1) I'm telling the truth and didn't consider the implications, but rather tried to cover my own ass (what actually happened lol)
2) I've jumped into a fray that was already confusing as all hell, to confuse things even more and try to save someone who's caught up in this. At the very least, this doesn't add up too well because I've been scrutinizing every roleclaim here.

In any case, if im telling the truth, the key to this whole dilemma is whether my action would be affected by a switch or lightning rod, something we couldn't know with absolute certainty. Lameass Tim wouldn't even answer me if it was affected, so we're SOL at the moment. The mechanic behind my action would cause a cascading of logic that would identify who is lying.

At the moment, I would say it's highly likely my action would be affected by a lightning rod and Burb would have seen me, so I'm sticking to Blarg being the liar here.
Ok, I know that my claiming at this point is not ideal, but hear me out for a second.

I should have claimed day 1, but Tim's screw up (yeah, that's right, this is your fault) made me screw up. So, at this point, you'll have to judge why I would claim at this juncture.

1) I'm telling the truth and didn't consider the implications, but rather tried to cover my own ass (what actually happened lol)
2) I've jumped into a fray that was already confusing as all hell, to confuse things even more and try to save someone who's caught up in this. At the very least, this doesn't add up too well because I've been scrutinizing every roleclaim here.

In any case, if im telling the truth, the key to this whole dilemma is whether my action would be affected by a switch or lightning rod, something we couldn't know with absolute certainty. Lameass Tim wouldn't even answer me if it was affected, so we're SOL at the moment. The mechanic behind my action would cause a cascading of logic that would identify who is lying.

At the moment, I would say it's highly likely my action would be affected by a lightning rod and Burb would have seen me, so I'm sticking to Blarg being the liar here.


What do you mean by that line?

What do you mean by that line?

I elaborated in the following line. Whether my action is still random or drawn to a lightning rod, it would determine whether your mechanic exists or not. If yours exists, then we can go to scrutinizing Fireblend, Burb, and Sorian.

Right now, you're actually the best test to see what the hell is actually going on. Also, I rather not die for your sake.


Why is this clear? The reason blarg is "power" kills is because it attracts all actions done in a night, including the NFA kill action. It isn't deadly in itself I think.

Oh, ok I see what he means by lightning rod now.

...that is even dumber, holy shit. It pretty much means that no matter what NFA does, he gets to decide the kill.

Why are we letting him live again? For all we know he is lying and he is just a NFA that selected who to kill, to later claim he could use a lighting rod technique to "Force" that to happen, so he confirms himself.

See what I am saying here? Its the same thing, he gets all this power and expects us to believe he becomes good after one more kill.


I'm also still kind of suspicious about Cabbeh and L_P since we have no guarantee about their aligments (in case of L_P) or roles (in case of Cabbeh). Cabbeh especially, since he is basically the only role-claimer who is not part of last nights clusterfuck.

Why would I be, saying I have a role is stretching the word. I'm a townie with a bad investigation return.
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