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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


Oh hah, I tried making a quick post before going into the movie theater, I didn't read your whole question. Ignoring those two:

Darryl has been read town by almost everyone but I haven't been buying it. He usually has more substance to what he does and I feel like he's been riding more than I expect.

A second one is harder. It's either Launch or Roy, both have made town PR claims but aren't a part of the whole shuffle that happened last night which comes off as odd to me.

Also Squidy, your games done work with me, calling me scummy because I missed something is just obnoxious, reask your question if I miss something, don't be an ass.

it wasn't meant for you to take seriously. don't worry about it.
I apologize to CzarTim and you all for wasting your time like this.

My role claim is a complete lie. I don't want this game to degenerate any further because of me.

As I was typing up a reasoning to weigh the pros and cons towards this gambit towards my faction's/personal win, I realized that I had made one crucial mistake in building it, and that was claiming that the Lightning Rod did not activate after I gave it to a Mafia member and died with alongside them. If I had claimed that it didn't kill them and that it did activate anyway, then all my lie's pieces would have fit in towards my faction's/personal gain. I made a mistake, and as a result I can no longer justify the chaos this lie has created as it is driving me towards playing against my faction. I did not build it properly, and it has been legitimately hurting this game for the past few hours and I sincerely apologize for that.

I never intended for this all to hurt the game like this. Below is the new reasoning I had written out in the design document of this role claim, and written out in the belief that Burbeting really is a Watcher:

- If LaunchpadMcQ is Mafia, and the Mafia believe my Lightning Rod lie, then they will be resigned to LaunchpadMcQ dying as I take him down with me, according to my lie. Since they would also be believing my lie that the Lightning Rod will not kick into effect if I gift it to a Mafia member, they will target someone else for their Night Kill, most likely Burbeting the Town Watcher claimant, playing it as if we never existed. However, they will find that both LaunchpadMcQ and I have survived that Night, and realize that either I was bluffing, or that I was roleblocked. I expect to be framed for that Night's death with claims that I gave my Lightning Rod to a different person and not LaunchpadMcQ like I had promised, as well as see the topic of a potential roleblocker existing being brought up. Not only will I have failed in my gambit's intention, the outcome of this role claim will only have created further, unusable chaos extending on into Day 3 and will move the discussion away from anything meaningful for the duration of the game.

- If LaunchpadMcQ is Town, and the Mafia don't believe me and try to test if my claim of Lightning Rod-distributor is a lie, then they will still target someone else, most likely Burbeting or Sorian, as their bluff test, and not me tonight like I wanted them to. They would successfully kill one of the Day 2 power role claimants that I had been trying to save with my lie, because there would be no value in targeting me and potentially taking out a now-useless, powerless, highly-suspect conversation piece off the Day table they could have used to publicly hide behind.

In comparison to if I had claimed that me giving the Lightning Rod to a Mafia member did NOT kill them, and that it did activate no matter what, whether given to a Mafia or Town member, and, in the belief that Burbeting really is a Watcher:

- If LaunchpadMcQ is Mafia, and the Mafia believe my Lightning Rod lie, then the Mafia will issue a No Kill order to save him from dying tonight via a redirection. Therefore, my lie will have helped to create 1 deathless Night. Burbeting, already originally watching LaunchpadMcQ therefore not subject to a redirection, will not see anyone visit him, and will notice that I did not visit LaunchpadMcQ to give my Lightning Rod. Burbeting will report this to everyone on Day 3, and I will come clean to them tomorrow about my true role, using Burbeting's findings that no one had visited LaunchpadMcQ last Night to corroborate my new, truthful role claim.

- If LaunchpadMcQ is Town, and the Mafia don't believe me and try to test if my claim of Lightning Rod-distributor is a lie, then they will still target someone else, most likely Burbeting or Sorian, as their bluff test, and not me tonight like I wanted them to. They would successfully kill one of the Day 2 power role claimants that I had been trying to save with my lie, because there would be no value in targeting me and potentially taking out a now-useless, powerless, highly-suspect conversation piece off the Day table they could have used to publicly hide behind.

I created this role claim lie in an attempt to put myself forward as a sacrifice tonight so that another power role does not potentially get killed tonight. Since the Cop and Jailer were killed before Night 1 even started, and since Day 2 started with 3 more role claims from other players, I really did not want to see any more potential power roles die so early, so I came up with this lie to try and do my part for my assigned faction/role.

Multiple people, due to their role claims, are in a position of danger tonight. I do not see how the Mafia faction will let them live after their claim. Therefore, I thought, if I could save them from dying tonight with this gambit, by goading the Mafia into targeting me instead as their bluff test thereby absorbing their Night Kill, then I will have saved what I truly believe to be a power role relevant to my assigned interests for one more Day. I now see that that end is impossible now, because of my incompetent claim building. I tried to tailor my lie to neatly fit into the 3 current role claims, but I did not think it through thoroughly enough and in the end it will achieve nothing but the opposite of what I had originally wanted for my faction/role.

I honestly can't tell if my attempts at justification of this gambit for my assigned faction's/role's ends that I've written above even make sense at all, as this particular one has proven too much for me to play properly. I don't know anymore. Please don't bother to try correcting the above at all unless you like jumping through the mental hoops and like playing with redundant what-ifs. One thing I really do feel, however, is that my confession here sheds some new light on the motives and claims displayed by other players on the last few pages. But, that's beside the point.

What really matters right now is damage control on my part for the game's sake. I'm not going to inflame this situation further with a new role claim, because I am still a player in this game at the moment*. I just want to fully express that my current role claim is a complete lie and its contents should not be pursued as fact. There was no Lightning Rod last Night, and I can't give out Lightning Rods. It's all a lie and a sham. This is an official apology statement for me to the host and you all, the players. I made a huge mistake in its build without realizing it, and me continuing any further in perpetuating that mistake would result me in playing directly against my assigned faction in the long run, and it was never my intention to be unsportsmanlike.

*If CzarTim wishes to mod-kill me to fully clear the air, then I accept that fate and defer to his judgment. You are the host and I respect your final decision. Again, my sincere apologies.


You guys didn´t listen to me about Karkador and see what happened. I told you guys about the odds he was town, you didn´t listen. Of course, I was not expecting him to be the cop, but there was no need to lynch him after we lynched bats.

Now I am telling you exactly why is better to lynch Blarg, and again you guys (As in Sorian) are focused on the first suspect, without looking into the big picture and the odds.

My vote for Blargonaut is set and I hope for the good of town at least a few of you follow it, I am sure SURE is the best for town.

My thoughts on Kark before the lynch was made clear in this post:

I think he's town. One hell of a bizarre town play, but town. I mean I'd easily give him my vote for his behaviour after my claim, it went to comical panto villain levels. I just don't feel confident that he'll flip anything other than town. Do i think the lynch is still worthwhile?

Yes, because we've gotten to a point much like batsnacks where if he stays around he'll always be a point of discussion. A cop could investigate him to clear but:

1. I hope, after bringing the point up in my claim, that the cop doesn't actually claim to reveal this. This would mean we'd never really know Kark's alignment until a bit later. Will Kark be alive by then?
2. I'm obviously going to be lynched at some point, but I feel between us, I'm probably going to be trusted a little bit more than Kark over here, mainly because I don't have the two most active posters constantly going for my throat. For that reason, I feel Kark going before me is better for the group, because I don't see Launch or Sorian backing down.

I think despite my arguments, Salva isn't really getting any traction for a lynch today. I think a No Lynch would have been an option if we weren't in this great battle between Launch, Sorian and Kark. This is the reality though, I genuinely think this discussion will be troublesome onward unless one of them goes. The one I think has contributed the least positively out of the three is Kark.

I'll put my vote on him if need be. I obviously won't now because he's already got a number.

It didn't help that his behaviour towards deadline became increasingly frustrating so I wasn't going to drop the vote. Just bringing this up to show I didn't just run in blind on Kark, I thought it was the only acceptable way out of an untenable situation.

Now. Blarg or Fire.

Pros for lynching Fire:

- Verifies Burb, which is good at this stage.
- Could be NFA, so tasty.
- Could reveal more NFA based on Sorian's thinking

Pros for lynching Blarg

- Less Blarg
- We can make sure he doesn't take matters into his own hands with night actions
- We find out if he was lying about his claim (or aspects of it)
- His flip could confirm Fire as NFA and give a nice solid target for D3

I think going for Blarg is my choice, if his claim is true, we're all at the mercy of his vendetta. No, thanks. Launch seems town to me and he's actively going for him, I can't let that happen. I also think his claim was a ploy to get Fire off the table.

VOTE: Blargonaut

Now, squidy is here. Yay. I forsee a great bandwagon on me within two game days. So be it.

Your Questions:

Top 2 Town:

Burb - He's playing like his brief time in Archer, which is lots of useful contributions and insights that help us think about the situations at hand. I didn't like the shade Blarg and Kark threw on those three yesterday because apparently being useful as a poster means suspicion.
Launch - This was between roy and Launch, but there's a gut wrenching pained honesty in his reactions to stuff (post-claim) that make me think only town would be this hurt. Almost a stupid reason. Roy because he's very much like me and I'm town so that's just base comparison there.

Top 2 Scum:

Salva - This has weakened somewhat based on the days actions, as I think he's been pretty integral, but the reasons from yesterday are still there:

1. Going from No Lynch to Lynch on D1 was very strange (this is kind of scuppered because he wanted No Lynch after L_Ps Becky)
2. He initially said he trusted my claim, wanted me lynched. I then posted a lot more and objectively improved my performance from before the claim and he then loses trust in my claim and I'm in his top two scum. Wants me lynched still. I can't follow that logic.
3. The drive by vote on batsnacks that came after going after Blarg and no one else. Weird.

Retro/Squidy - This was more a case of Retro being so quiet making me think he was scum, now you're subbed in and I can only see my death in a very short amount of time.

Reasons why I'm town:

My Claim is obviously a good start, if you want more reading I would try and focus on the difference in my posting before and after the claim, I think that in itself should be good enough evidence for you to form an answer to this question.

I covered Salva being scum, though will reiterate he's lost a bit of suspicion today with his behaviour. Still those three points stick out.

VOTE: Blargonaut


what if burb is the killer who gets watch reads on people they've killed and sorian and fireblend are being played like a fiddle

a kill comes in last in order of precedence, no? sorian should have cowlicked ouro and it should have not failed. he would have woken up dead. the fact that his ability failed validates the existence of a switch


a kill comes in last in order of precedence, no? sorian should have cowlicked ouro and it should have not failed. he would have woken up dead. the fact that his ability failed validates the existence of a switch

Actually I guess its not really against the rules to reveal what he said, maybe it'll help you guys see things from my angle. My action only succeeds if the target WAKES UP with the cowlick. Ouro never woke up last night, so the action would have failed in that case.

Also if there was no lightning rod and switch happened, that must mean that killer targeted Sorian, unless there was a way to by-pass that. I don't think killer would target Sorian after it became pretty sure that he was going to be the hot topic of today.

Anyway, if Blarg really is telling the truth this time, then Fireblend's best line of defense is gone now. If switch happened, then the killer would have needed to target Sorian.




Cabbeh, when you quoted your response by mistake it shows that it was posted by SalvaPot, I know you can´t edit it but it was really confusing since I was sure I didn´t type that, lol.

Anyway, we finally got blarg toning it down and as always his trueposts sound incredibly apologetic.

What worries me is that the switch role still kinda makes sense but there is no way to be sure and lynching fire is again the optimal option.

So blarg, are you coming back to the ordinary kid you claimed last time?

For now, I think I can get behind a Fire lynch, but I honestly don´t think Blarg is worthy of my trust quite yet, I feel that I was getting closer to getting something important out of him and that is why he retracted.

I don´t think I am changing my vote.


but can I ask you guys a question, ignoring blarg and fireblend for the time being, forgetting that they even exist, who are your top 2 town, and top 2 scum right now? give reasons.

For top town, I would say L_P, because I do think his role is more likely FA than NFA, and Salva, because he has posted lot of posts and thought even if I haven't agreed with some of his stuff.

For top scum, I would say Darryl and Timeaisis for now, because they both have been flying very tightly under the radar, which is kind of worrying. It would be easy for a scum to lay low now and let the clusterduck known as day 2 just unravel out.


Also if there was no lightning rod and switch happened, that must mean that killer targeted Sorian, unless there was a way to by-pass that. I don't think killer would target Sorian after it became pretty sure that he was going to be the hot topic of today.

Anyway, if Blarg really is telling the truth this time, then Fireblend's best line of defense is gone now. If switch happened, then the killer would have needed to target Sorian.
Conversely, and I know we've been putting a lot of stock into the probability that Fireblend is lying, but if he's not, we've lost a pseudo-protection role. We're already down one.

What's bugging me here is that, typically, the kill is the absolute last action to take place. So, I'm not sure why you're lick failed, unless Tim has failed us.
i just caught up to this part of the discussion. that's incredibly convenient for sorian (far less believable than batsnacks's lie about someone getting a message about receiving a cig). can't see why this would even be a mechanic.
You know what, just fuck off Sorian. You're not even town. I don't know why we should listen to you.
This is bullshit. You benefit from this and it's a big part of why you're pushing it.

Your entire reasoning is stunted, Sorian. I am mad as hell and I don't care where I direct it at this point.

sorian tries to attach himself to everything. my fall-out from the blarg gambit is sorian constantly posturing himself to be on the winning end of it. leaning more towards traitor than anything.

We're making a decision based on four people that are all potentially lying. We need to go with the smartest, least risky maneuver that gives us the most information and doesn't needlessly put town at risk.

I think that decision is going after Fire or Sorian.

ideally we could axe both of these players off. i wish L_P still had his role.

Vote: Fireblend

-i think fireblend is our best bet because it appears he has given up. although if he was scum he had a good opportunity during blarg's alleged fake claim.
-i think blarg was lying as a tactic to get an eviction he wanted. i think his shuffle was pretty useful tbh, although i can't say there's a lot to directly comment on
-i don't believe sorian is being honest with us
-the fact that we have a claimed miller, switcher, and a sleepwalker is pretty scary. so much disinformation going on in this game.


For top town, I would say L_P, because I do think his role is more likely FA than NFA, and Salva, because he has posted lot of posts and thought even if I haven't agreed with some of his stuff.

For top scum, I would say Darryl and Timeaisis for now, because they both have been flying very tightly under the radar, which is kind of worrying. It would be easy for a scum to lay low now and let the clusterduck known as day 2 just unravel out.

i thought the day ended like within an hour after you revealed your watcher claim. it basically did, i just had to weather through a fuck ton of shit to have "caught up". i really feel no different about the game than the last time i posted, despite just spending literally an hour straight reading and interpreting posts


wow, i misread the first post i made in this session. it was an hour and a half to have caught up on all of that and i got nothing out of it. just a few chuckles from launch and blarg


So it turns out that Blarg is not the role he claimed? I am shocked! SHOCKED! (not really)

So if I understand it correctly, Blarg whole charade was to try and get the mafia to issue a no-kill order because they were afraid that the lighting rod would redirect that kill to one of their own (which was Launch in Blarg his mind). Of course, that failed because he claimed the lightning rod wouldn't activate if he targeted a mafia member and that that member would die regardless, so now the mafia would always just target someone else anyway, a no kill wouldn't save "scum launch".

Now, I have two problems with this whole thing:

1) In both versions of his role claim (Does and does not kill NFA) the only way it would be effective is if Launch is indeed a mafia member. Blarg must be REALLY convinced that he is indeed scum in order to pick him as the target for his little charade. And I don't agree with that, I have Launch pegged as a pretty pro town player. His Karkador attack was completely understandable, Kark did behave super weird, especially for the doctor. Giving Launch shit for that train wreck is not fair in my opinion.

2) We have a pretty high chance that we have caught a NFA member in the act with Fireblend. He was pretty much certain to be lynched before Blarg came with his insane claim. It derailed conversation completely, and we spend at least a day talking about something that turns out is all a weird plan from Blarg to get a no kill night. Hell, a lot of people (including me) were seriously considering lynching Blarg instead of fireblend.

So Blarg deliberately made a fake role claim that he could have known would focus conversation away from Fire and even could get him lynched instead of the almost certain NFA member, and for what? The small chance that Launch is also scum and the mafia believes Blarg and we could get a no kill night? The risk/reward of this gamble just makes no sense to me.


1) In both versions of his role claim (Does and does not kill NFA) the only way it would be effective is if Launch is indeed a mafia member. Blarg must be REALLY convinced that he is indeed scum in order to pick him as the target for his little charade. And I don't agree with that, I have Launch pegged as a pretty pro town player. His Karkador attack was completely understandable, Kark did behave super weird, especially for the doctor. Giving Launch shit for that train wreck is not fair in my opinion.

He was the cop bro.




There is the possibility that Blarg was really trying to save fellow scum Fireblend with his claim, but when he noticed that it would back-fire, he retracted, and deemed Fireblend unsaveable.


Also I just realized something really fucking stupid (thank you roy)

If Blarg is lying about his claim... then NFA would now for sure, 100%. Why? Because NFA KNOWS who they tried to kill.

If Blarg could just redirect the kill command to any person he´ll like, then NFA would know because if they tried to kill any person other than Ouro or Sorian and failed that means NFA knows the lightrod claim is true because, well, Blarg succesfully redirected his hit.

And this shit DOESN´T ADD UP WITH BLARGS WHOLE LOGIC. Because he doesn´t get to prove his innocence with another redirect, since NFA ALREADY KNOWS if he can do it or not.

And now that Blargonaut is retracting, IT MAKES EVEN LESS SENSE, because then he claim was a really dumb attempt to confuses NFA, but that won´t happen, because again, ONLY NFA KNOWS FOR SURE, DUE TO NIGHT 1, IF BLARG REALLY MAKE THE REDIRECT OR NOT.


So, my point is, no matter what Blargonaut did, it all seems to point that his gambit was for the benefit of NFA.

No, seriously, him retracting just put him in a worst spot. Only NFA players know, right now, for sure, if Blarg is saying the truth.


Now I still want top 2 scum and town from everyone that hasn't given it to me yet but I also want to ask a couple of more specific questions

What arguments are there for Cabbeh being town?
What arguments are there for SalvaPot being Scum?

Hey there again Squidyj! Always good to see another Archer player in here!

Top town:

-Burbeting: I just love the way he posts. He doesn't post incredibly often, but when he does it are always big ass posts with a lot of handy insights. He is very good at taking a step back and get an systematic overview of all that has happened in the thread. I think these kind of overviews are profoundly in favor of town. His watcher claim also makes the most sense out of all the claims today. If we lynch fire and he flips town, that would make me suspicious of Burb, but I doubt that is going to happen.

- Launchpad: He keeps taking the lead in trying to lynch somebody, I don't think a mafia member would put himself in the spotlight like that. Sure, Kark turned out to be town and the cop, but I put that more on Kark himself than on anybody that thought he was scum. There was good reason to think Kark was scum, and especially on day 1 it is completely understandable to go for the most scummy looking player, and that was Kark.

Top scum:

Darryl: his posting behavior is a bit weird this game. He hops in, gives some remarks, and hops out again. Sometimes he votes without giving a reason and people need to confront him before he explains himself. Together with Blarg he also was one of the few people suspecting launch, and calling him stuff like a flip flopper without a good reason.

Timeasis: Seems to fly under the radar, can't get a read on him. He occasionally posts his opinion on stuff, and what he says often makes at least some sense, but it is just to little to really form an opinion on. He also seems to want to go for Sorian today instead of Fire, even though Fire is way more suspect than Sorian.

Bonus questions:

Cabbeh being town: Cabbeh just makes a whole lot of sense almost always. I have yet to catch him on saying something that makes no sense or can be interpreted as a scum trying to make something happen. Sure, his miller claim is a good cover for scum, but he claimed very early when there wasn't that much heat on him yet. I think a Mafia member wouldn't have done that. A miller claim may protect you from a alignment cop for a while, it will also get you lynched later in the game.

Salva being scum: In the beginning he had some weird posts/assumptions about this game (game is special, so he is suddenly pro day 1 lynch! why is this game special? Game is short, so no investigation roles! Less players means bigger chance to hit mafia!) that were all baseless speculation. A lot of his posts on day 1 were fluff interactions with blarg. He was pro lynching Cabbeh instead of kark, because he sees him as a disruption for the game, even though Kark with his weird behavior was way more disruptive. I do agree with his opinions on Blarg today, Blarg makes no sense and is being anti-town even if he is actually town, but I don't know if I agree with Salva that Blarg is a better lynch than Fire.
I am not a fan of the way Blarg played this, for the obvious reason that it gave me some serious heartburn. Not cool.

RE: switcher existing. If there is a switcher, they didn't switch Ouro and Sorian, because if Sorian and Burb are telling the truth, Burb would not have seen Sorian, as Sorian would have ended up on Ouro and that would mean Sorian targeted himself.

However, Sorian and Burb's claims being true are contingent on Fireblend's flip. Even though this seems like a really early and convenient mafia catch, I'm inclined to believe Fireblend is lying hard.

Still waiting for his flavor text.

Additionally, we go back to Blarg's triumvirate of I don't fucking know what, Sorian-Fire-Burb and this could be an elaborate ruse to bus Fireblend and gain some cred. However, I supposed we'll know once Sorian locks someone.

As I said, though, if he happens to fall on another dead guy, we should lynch him and be done with it.


So...to sum up this crap after the Blarg reveal.

What we know:
-Sorian visited Ouro last night. He couldn't have been lying about that, because he claimed before Burb did. The only other possibility is Burb abd Sorian are in on it together, but that would take some mad coordination seeing as Fire is in that list, too. So Sorian is either a licker or a killer.
-Fire visited Ouro. He has no reason to lie about this and came out about it after Burbs list. Either he really is a switcher or he killed Ouro.
-Burb is a watcher that watched Ouro last night UNLESS Sorian and (probably) Fire are lying, which is unlikely. The only way I can see this happening is an elaborate mafia ruse. Inv which case, they are outing all three of themselves in it.

So, as it was before this Blarg nonsense, were down to to those three. Here's our chances:

Either one of them is NF OR Fireblend is a switcher.

Bottom line, if we go for Fireblend and he flips town we learn about Sorian and Burb's alignment, effectively. Unless, like I said earlier, Burb abd Sorian are involved in some very elaborate scheme

If he flips NF, woo.

That and Fireblend hasn't had the best defense for himself as of late, anyway, and his roleclaim seemed the weakest of all three.


Fireblends flip might also give us insight about Blargonauts alignment. If fire flips scum, there is a good possibility that Blarg was trying to give Fire an alibi by validating his claim.
Fireblends flip might also give us insight about Blargonauts alignment. If fire flips scum, there is a good possibility that Blarg was trying to give Fire an alibi by validating his claim.

According to him, it was an unintentional consequence and his real motivation was to put him and myself in the Thunderdome.


Fireblends flip might also give us insight about Blargonauts alignment. If fire flips scum, there is a good possibility that Blarg was trying to give Fire an alibi by validating his claim.
Yeah, good call. Could be a giant diversion, too. He's backpeddling now that it was starting to bite him in the ass


If I die next night, I'll suggest to look more carefully at the blenders, aka. roy, darryl, timeaisis and whoever replaces Retro. Maybe even Salva too.


Blargs shit is obviously a gambit

Sorian stop piggybacking off Burb

What do you mean? How am I piggybacking off of him?

i just caught up to this part of the discussion. that's incredibly convenient for sorian (far less believable than batsnacks's lie about someone getting a message about receiving a cig). can't see why this would even be a mechanic.lol

sorian tries to attach himself to everything. my fall-out from the blarg gambit is sorian constantly posturing himself to be on the winning end of it. leaning more towards traitor than anything.

I'm sorry it sounds convenient to you. It makes sense considering that the only thing my lick does is mark a player towards my win condition, if they are dead then the lick does nothin for me or anyone else anyway so it fails.

And what do you mean I'm attaching myself to everything. IVE WANTED TO KILL FIREBLEND ALL DAY. Nothing has changed my mind, all I've done all day is analyze each scenario and continue to tell you guys why killing Fire would be a good idea.


Anyway, there you have it, Blarg lied like I thought. Fire is the best choice for the day, I'm fine turbboing because it is confirmed scum in my eyes and at this point, I think we've let enough claims slip through today when we could have just ended this originally, not had a Blarg headache, and not had these few more claims come out.
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