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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


The crowd turned on Fireblend quickly. Accusations thrown out. Finger pointing. Question of funness.

And how did Fireblend react to this?

He broke down crying.

“I miss, Sharon, alright? I fucked up my life. I’m living in a one bedroom. I just wanted my kids to like me. I have nothing. I am nothing.”

Sobbing uncontrollably, Fireblend sulks away from the group. This must be what rock bottom looks like.

Fireblend has been removed from the list.

Firedork said:
Recently Divorced Dad
Who knows where is all went wrong? Sharon and you just drifted apart. Sometimes these things happen. Sure, your affair with a 20-year-old Applebee’s waitress didn’t help. But in your defense, Sharon had really let herself go after three kids and that cancer scare.

Now you are just days away from the custody hearing and you have to convince your eldest son, Gilbert, that one weekend a month is not enough. Why that kid hates you so much is anyone’s guess, but it’s probably that bitch Sharon poisoning his mind. Yeah, that has to be it. If you can get one of these dumb game consoles, he’ll be sure to take your side. And you’ll stop at nothing to buy your son’s love.

You are a No-Fun-Allowed-aligned (Mafia) Jack of All Trades.

Once in the game you may tattletale on another player by sending me the night action TATTLETALE: <player name> That player will appear to be No-Fun-Allowed-aligned if investigated.

Once in the game you may switch any two players by sending me the night action MISTAKEN IDENTITY: <player name> and <player name>. Any night actions performed on one player will be performed on the other.

Once in the game you may knock over another player by sending me the night action SHOVE: <player name> That player will be unable to perform any actions that night.

You may also perform your faction’s night kill by sending me the night action REMOVE: <player name>

You may only perform one night action per night.

You win if No-Fun-Allowed-aligned players hold a majority vote.

It is now Night Two

You have 48ish hours to submit your actions.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Don't be like Becky, you killed the kid that was trying to support his mom when no one else could. Let that soak in.

This is worse than that kid killing in AC.


This is worse than that kid killing in AC.

Can someone link me to the kid killing in AC? I always hear you guys talking about it but I couldn't find it. (I admit I didn't look extremely hard). Alternatively, just tell me who's death it was and I can probably find it.


Can someone link me to the kid killing in AC? I always hear you guys talking about it but I couldn't find it. (I admit I didn't look extremely hard). Alternatively, just tell me who's death it was and I can probably find it.
Although the reactions in the main Mafia thread were the best part.


I appreciate that Tim is editing in these badly photoshopped harry potter book NX pictures into the OP.

I mean that as a term of endearment, I find the picture quite funny.


Making Archer jokes while it is almost the start of day 3 is just mean. Now I am remembering the start of day 3 of Archer, thanks a lot guys!


Another sunrise, another day closer to getting a NX!

Once again, the manager comes to check on the list.

"Cool, uh, just two names this day, so, uh..." He counts on his fingers, "No, not, uh, we don't-- okay, cool. Keep going."

Two names? This is madness! Why don't you just put the name that was taken off during the night back on? It makes no sense!

Burbeting was removed from the list.

Burbeting said:
Younger Sibling
Johnny is in line to get the new Nintendo because Mom said he could have one if he got straight As and he did even though I’m pretty sure he cheated on his Algebra finals because I did not see him study once and when I asked him about it he told me to mind my own business but when I said I’d tell Mom he promised to let me come with him to get the console and I even get to pick out a game but he was like don’t embarrass me but I didn’t even do anything and now all these people are here and it’s like a cool party so I’m just following people around but everyone keeps ignoring me and it’s super boring and I want to go home but Johnny said we can’t yet and I was the one who wanted to tag along and please stay away from him because he doesn’t want people to think we are related and and and...

You are a Fun-aligned (Town) Watcher.

Each night you may Watch someone by sending me the night action TAG ALONG: <player name>. You will see who visits that player (if any) but not what actions are performed.

Being a younger sibling has trained you in the art of watching others without notice.

You win if all No-Fun-Allowed-aligned players are removed from the list.

It is now Day 3

6 Votes needed for a Majority



To be expected, so I think that confirms there is no doctor unless they didn't protect the obvious target.

cabbeh, can you confirm the PM you received?
Threads to pursue in this day phase:

1. Blarg making up a roleclaim that cleared Fireblend. He backtracked on it and claimed that it wasn’t his intention to do that, but the backtrack felt forced to me. What’s more, it could be seen as a backtrack due to Fireblend being on his way out and wanting to distance himself from the situation.

2. Timeaisis has been far too complacent and agreeing with a lot of what I’ve said and done. I dont like it when people agree with me in mafia. It usually means that they’re trying to surf their way through to the end on someone else’s coattails.

3.roytheone is the one person I don’t have a read on. I mean, he’s here and he says things, but he doesn’t stand out to me. Sorry Roy, unless you’re doing this on purpose, then screw you scum.

4. Sorian is dead last on this list, because he is pro-town, at least for the moment. But that’s just it, it’s just for the moment. Even in the last phase, there was some friction between us, and it’s imperative to remember that at the very least, this guy is neutral; worst-case scenario, he’s scum.

P.S. I don’t have enough of a read on squidy, but that does not mean I am dismissing him. I’m going to keep my eye on him to see how he acts and make a determination on him from there.
In lieu of some crazy pro-town role reveal, I think I'll be targeted tonight. There aren't any crazy roles left, and I'm one of the most trusted townies.


Threads to pursue in this day phase:

1. Blarg making up a roleclaim that cleared Fireblend. He backtracked on it and claimed that it wasn’t his intention to do that, but the backtrack felt forced to me. What’s more, it could be seen as a backtrack due to Fireblend being on his way out and wanting to distance himself from the situation.

2. Timeaisis has been far too complacent and agreeing with a lot of what I’ve said and done. I dont like it when people agree with me in mafia. It usually means that they’re trying to surf their way through to the end on someone else’s coattails.

3.roytheone is the one person I don’t have a read on. I mean, he’s here and he says things, but he doesn’t stand out to me. Sorry Roy, unless you’re doing this on purpose, then screw you scum.

4. Sorian is dead last on this list, because he is pro-town, at least for the moment. But that’s just it, it’s just for the moment. Even in the last phase, there was some friction between us, and it’s imperative to remember that at the very least, this guy is neutral; worst-case scenario, he’s scum.

P.S. I don’t have enough of a read on squidy, but that does not mean I am dismissing him. I’m going to keep my eye on him to see how he acts and make a determination on him from there.

I have something I'd like people to think about too. I think Fire did use his switch ability two nights ago. And as you saw from his PM, he can only use ONE of his many abilities each night. Do we think this applies to the kill action as well? If so, that means there was a ninja in there (which isn't super important news now that we have no watcher) but I think it's silly that they would have sent a jack of all trades for the kill when he has 3 abilities he could be doing.


I'd like to pop in and confirm that czartim is a super gross moderator and I hope he never has children.

I was Cow licked last night and I feel quite sick about it.
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