Still waiting for Fireblend's flavor.

Then we should kill him
Great talk.
You guys didn´t listen to me about Karkador and see what happened. I told you guys about the odds he was town, you didn´t listen. Of course, I was not expecting him to be the cop, but there was no need to lynch him after we lynched bats.
Now I am telling you exactly why is better to lynch Blarg, and again you guys (As in Sorian) are focused on the first suspect, without looking into the big picture and the odds.
My vote for Blargonaut is set and I hope for the good of town at least a few of you follow it, I am sure SURE is the best for town.
If Blarg is telling the truth, I've provided a scenario where he delivers the NAME of a NFA member to you guys. Sure, if Fire is the switcher and not lying then he could protect Burb, which I know is good, but it doesn't give us anything. Let me put it like this though. Where has Fire been? Why hasn't he answered any of your questions about his flavor? It's not as cut and dry as Salva wants to make it by saying BLARG IS 100% NOT TOWN. That's not a 100% statement at all. Both Blarg and Fire have pros and cons. I contend that killing Fire has more pros and less cons.
If Blarg is telling the truth, I've provided a scenario where he delivers the NAME of a NFA member to you guys. Sure, if Fire is the switcher and not lying then he could protect Burb, which I know is good, but it doesn't give us anything. Let me put it like this though. Where has Fire been? Why hasn't he answered any of your questions about his flavor? It's not as cut and dry as Salva wants to make it by saying BLARG IS 100% NOT TOWN. That's not a 100% statement at all. Both Blarg and Fire have pros and cons. I contend that killing Fire has more pros and less cons.
Tell me a single scenario is witch Blargonaut is not NFA.
Which scenario is this?
Ok, here are all my thoughts, I guess no reason to be coy since it puts NFA in a potential lose-lose situation for tonight anyway. First, let me give all my assumptions on the matter. I know that I am telling the TRUTH. I think that Burb is telling the TRUTH. I think that Fireblend is LYING. I think that Blarg is LYING. I think that Launch is telling the TRUTH.
So I want to kill Fireblend because I know that he visited the person that died last night and as the watcher only saw 2 people visit and as Fireblend is claiming that he SWITCHED Ouro and I, that would mean NFA targeted me which makes 0 sense since I was the potential death by lynch today.
IF BLARG IS LYING: What do we lose by not lynching Blarg today? Nothing. We still catch Blarg tomorrow. Launch isn't any more or less likely to die because Blarg has no say in the matter (unless he is NFA but oh well, gotta accept they might kill you Launch).
IF BLARG IS TELLING THE TRUTH: This becomes complicated but every scenario leads to positive results to town so I see no reason not to just let him play tonight.
-He targets Launch, Launch is scum, Blarg dies, Launch dies (? I didn't pay attention to see if the lightning rod still takes affect over Blarg's dead body anyway). If Launch doesn't die because I am understanding the power wrong then fine, the fact that Launch's body DID NOT turn up and Blarg's body DID turn up means that we've caught Launch as scum (We kill scum tomorrow: POSITIVE). As added bonus, if the kill still goes through on Launch then that forces Burb to watch Launch as well, he gets a list that should just say myself and another new name which would be the killer because in this timeline where Blarg is telling the truth, apparently only 2 people did night actions and Fire will be dead now if I get my wish which clears up that list.
-He targets Launch, Launch is town. Launch dies because NFA kill got redirected to him. HERE'S HOW WE TEST BLARG'S CLAIM IF LAUNCH IS TOWN: NFA might just target Launch tonight now for the lolz to confuse us but that is fine. Burb just needs to WATCH LAUNCH. If I show up on the list then Blarg did his lightning rod thing. If I do not show up on the list then the lightning rod thing was bullshit. (Meaning I will not be licking Launch to help with this plan).
-He targets Launch, Launch is town, NFA decides to issue a NO KILL tonight in an attempt to confuse us. I CAN STILL VERIFY WHETHER BLARG IS TELLING THE TRUTH OR NOT WITH THE HELP OF BURB. Same scenario. Burb watches Launch, if I show up on his list then a lightning rod was active, if not then Blarg is full of shit.
Then with the new data we get tomorrow, we will know straight away whether Blarg lied or not as long as I LICK ANYONE BUT LAUNCH and BURB WATCHES LAUNCH. At this point, if Blarg does not go through with what he has said totally and completely (lightning rod target: Launch) then we probably policy lynch him tomorrow because he told a huge lie today to hide something.
With that being said, what about the people who have soft claimed PR? DON'T SAY ANYTHING MORE ABOUT YOUR ROLE. You should do exactly what you did last night. If you did no action last night, do no action again. If you targeted someone with your ability, target the same person again (unless it was Ouro, I would just do no target tonight to not confuse anything).
Tell me what is wrong with this plan because if the only issue is that it makes Launch the bait then I'm sorry, blame Blarg for that, not me. This plan is 100% sounds and I understand it sucks for you Launch but killing Blarg to save you is not worth it when we could potentially catch 1 or even 2 NFAs in an act.
He's telling the truth? That means that tonight he would be taking one member away from the NFA team and adding one member to the fun team. That's a single scenario. It's not fair to say he is useless just because he is a "lost member" to your team.
Uhhhhhh hi there.
He's telling the truth? That means that tonight he would be taking one member away from the NFA team and adding one member to the fun team. That's a single scenario. It's not fair to say he is useless just because he is a "lost member" to your team.
RE: scenario, what if I'm switched? Then you won't have jack.
Tell me if I understand the thrust of th ecurrent conundrum after reading about 5 posts.
Fireblend was caught with his hands in the cookie jar by a watcher role watching a person who died and then claimed he was a switcher switching people out and stuff and now blarg is claiming he can redirect the night kill and he wants to redirect it onto fireblend?
What switcher if Fire happens to be telling the truth? I also asked everyone to do exactly what they did last night, that's a part of my plan and I think only NFA would ignore me but I doubt they have a switcher.
Tell me if I understand the thrust of th ecurrent conundrum after reading about 5 posts.
Fireblend was caught with his hands in the cookie jar by a watcher role watching a person who died and then claimed he was a switcher switching people out and stuff and now blarg is claiming he can redirect the night kill and he wants to redirect it onto fireblend?
Then if you admit there's a chance he could be the switcher, why the hell are we doing this? This plan is even more likely to fuck up than lynching Blargonaut.
Sure, there's a chance you could be scum too and Blarg is right and you want to kill him before he proves it. I'm playing the odds here.
First sorian makes a soft claim that ouro was supposed to confirm, but ouro died.
Then burb tells us he observed Ouro and both Fireblend and Sorian visited him.
Then Sorian claims, saying he gave a "cow lick" to ouro, since his neutral win condition is licking all other players, licking is innofensive. He also said his command failed, possibly because Ouro died.
Then Fire explains (Poorly) that he is a switcher and he switched sorian with ouro. That is also a reason why the lick command failed, because sorian licked himself. This makes it likely that a fourth person targeted sorian but killed ouro instead, explaining why, maybe burb didn´t see the killer. Of course at this point Fire is the main suspect because Sorian claimed first.
Then Blargonaut claimed he has an NFA lightning rod ability that makes a NFA kill command to affect whoever he want and he directed it to Sorian, so Sorian was supposed to die instead of Ouro, but he also says his ability is so that if he is able to succesfuly redirect said kills, he becomes town-aligned. Also, in the case he targets a NFA member, they both die.
This are the claims.
Also, I randomly ask people to watch my stuff during the night. It's stupid and I hate it.
I just wish the OP had links to day begin/end![]()
What exactly does your role do? It was not clear to me.
I just wish the OP had links to day begin/end![]()
Even though there'd only be like 2. it's finding them that's the issue.
I don't think there's any reason to keep Fireblend alive. It's possible he's telling the truth but the sequence of events is convenient and plays to known information and reads like a mafia trying to save his own skin.
I am also a big fan of de-blarging all games as soon as possible so.... ehhh?
but can I ask you guys a question, ignoring blarg and fireblend for the time being, forgetting that they even exist, who are your top 2 town, and top 2 scum right now? give reasons.
Even though there'd only be like 2. it's finding them that's the issue.
I don't think there's any reason to keep Fireblend alive. It's possible he's telling the truth but the sequence of events is convenient and plays to known information and reads like a mafia trying to save his own skin.
I am also a big fan of de-blarging all games as soon as possible so.... ehhh?
but can I ask you guys a question, ignoring blarg and fireblend for the time being, forgetting that they even exist, who are your top 2 town, and top 2 scum right now? give reasons.
The problem is not with keeping Fireblend alive, is keeping Blargonaut alive. His plan is too kill launchpad to prove he is playing for the interest of town, so basically he want us to give him total control of the night due to the lighting rod ability he claims of having
I'll add them in a minute!
The problem is not with keeping Fireblend alive, is keeping Blargonaut alive. His plan is too kill launchpad to prove he is playing for the interest of town, so basically he want us to give him total control of the night due to the lighting rod ability he claims of having.
What I have been saying for a while is that is better to lynch blarg now, because the role he claims to have is dangerous. If he is telling the truth about the lighting rod, there is no warranty he is actually not playing for the NFA interests. If he is lying, then he is trying to protect someone else, but that too can be easier to pinpoint by lynching him and revealing his role.
With Fireblend, at best we get a normal NFA and at worst we get a switcher.
With Blarg, at best we get a NFA that lies about his abilities and at worst we get an NFA that could have turn into townie... at the cost of another townie.
See what I am trying to get Blargonaut lynched first?
Top Town: L_P for using what amounts to an override, might as well be an only town aligned power.
Burb because there should be a watcher in this game and no one has tried to counter claim
Top Scum: Fire because he got his hand stuck in the cookies jar.
Blarg because this whole debate we are having is probably just over a lie to protect Fire
I can agree with lynching blarg but your math is wrong, if he redirects onto launchpad it's still the same number of kills and if he doesn't or if he's dead there's no guarantee that launchpad would be saved anyways. I also think launchpad is super fucking weird with that claim. what exactly is the purpose of being able to just visit someone and do nothing? reeks of bullshit.
Does blarg just become vanilla town if he succeeds his mission?
I can agree with lynching blarg but your math is wrong, if he redirects onto launchpad it's still the same number of kills and if he doesn't or if he's dead there's no guarantee that launchpad would be saved anyways. I also think launchpad is super fucking weird with that claim. what exactly is the purpose of being able to just visit someone and do nothing? reeks of bullshit.
Does blarg just become vanilla town if he succeeds his mission?
Now I still want top 2 scum and town from everyone that hasn't given it to me yet but I also want to ask a couple of more specific questions
What arguments are there for Cabbeh being town?
What arguments are there for SalvaPot being Scum?
If Blarg isn't lying then we have no doctor? Otherwise a protection and kill would cancel each other right?
I can give you some in the morning, but cabbeh claimed Miller. There's nothing solid on Salva.
Correct, but it's likely anyway
I think it's pretty scummy when you ignore the part where I ask you to ignore blarg and fire. I want to hear about th eworld outside them.
Now I still want top 2 scum and town from everyone that hasn't given it to me yet but I also want to ask a couple of more specific questions
What arguments are there for Cabbeh being town?
What arguments are there for SalvaPot being Scum?