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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


What does that even mean, though, is my point. It could be more misdirection, and if Sorian is willing to admit he's neutral already, he's worth scrutizing.

Of course I'm worth scrutinizing. I can promise though that nothing I've said is a lie. If nothing else, I think it is fair for me to ask, does anyone think I am scum? Be real with me. You could say I bussed Fire but if I were scum, I sold out a teammate seconds into day 2 before I even knew we were watched by Burb. Yes, I'm neutral. Yes, I lick things. It's up to you guys whether you want to believe whether there is more to it than that. The way I see it, the only two things that would be a hindrance to you guys is an arsonist type role or a poisoner type role. If I am a poisoner then cabbeh will die soon but I don't intend to release the rest of my lick targets and I urge them not to speak up as well because NFA could probably try to frame me behind a poisoner idea, which is why I decided to go for cabbeh this time, if they want to waste time framing me by killing cabbeh then that's only good for town. If I am an arsonist then it is my understanding that there should be a role to block the lighting of the fire. I asked if someone wanted to roleclaim that yesterday and no one did and I'm happy to ask again because I know the role doesn't exist and anyone who claims it is automatically a liar. I'm just here to live. I want a game that ends even faster than the archer one, the less chances I have to die, the more likely I am to win.


I actually believe you Sorian. I'm surprised no one has pointed it out but

Sounds like neutral roles are definitely in play.

That's how I know that no serial killers are in play and I'm not worried about being framed as a poisoner plus two nights of one kill each. The only way I could realistically be framed is if there are two kills in one night so it's not a real worry of mine unless someone on NFA has a one time double kill power or something as ridiculous. I am curious if I am the only neutral or not though, I haven't seen anyone else acting neutral (maybe, maybe Darryl or Timeasis because of their hands-off approach) so I think I might be the only one.
On it.


This expansion pack is whack.

How about we REALLY drop the vanilla content for a bit and REALLY get to the new stuff?

I propose that we ACTUALLY kill one of the "Three Guardians"; Sorian, Burbeting and Fireblend, today.


  2. Burbeting - "OMNISCIENT WATCHER", Town (Good)
  3. Fireblend - "OMNIPOTENT JACK OF ALL TRADES", Mafia (Evil)

*lightning bolt*

*lightning bolt*


  2. Burbeting - "OMNISCIENT WATCHER", Town (Good)
  3. Fireblend - "OMNIPOTENT JACK OF ALL TRADES", Mafia (Evil)

*lightning bolt*

*lightning bolt*

Not 100% sure what you are trying to say here but I find it kind of funny that you predicted three big guardians and one was good, one was evil, and one was neutral.
That's how I know that no serial killers are in play and I'm not worried about being framed as a poisoner plus two nights of one kill each. The only way I could realistically be framed is if there are two kills in one night so it's not a real worry of mine unless someone on NFA has a one time double kill power or something as ridiculous. I am curious if I am the only neutral or not though, I haven't seen anyone else acting neutral (maybe, maybe Darryl or Timeasis because of their hands-off approach) so I think I might be the only one.

I'll go with the simplest solution and say there's one neutral and it's you.


I'm not going to make my mind up about Launch until we lynch salvapot.

All I see from his longwinded fillibustering is scum sweating through the mask he puts on to play with the other kids. get him dead.

Edit: Wait WHAT? we don't actually kill anybody!? this is BULLSHIT!


I'm not going to make my mind up about Launch until we lynch salvapot.

All I see from his longwinded fillibustering is scum sweating through the mask he puts on to play with the other kids. get him dead.

Edit: Wait WHAT? we don't actually kill anybody!? this is BULLSHIT!

Don't do drugs kid.

What are your thoughts on Blarg, squidy? Any idea on why his attitude has changed?
I'm not going to make my mind up about Launch until we lynch salvapot.

All I see from his longwinded fillibustering is scum sweating through the mask he puts on to play with the other kids. get him dead.

Edit: Wait WHAT? we don't actually kill anybody!? this is BULLSHIT!

All I see is some guy who came into the game late and thinks he's above suspicion.



gonna hide behind that excuse? you're the only one bringing it up.

He is bringing it up but I am clearly thinking it too.

Why are you so sure I am scum squid? I am interested.

I am also incredibly mad Blarg has made nothing to prove himself trustworthy, getting a pass because he is blarg.

Also from this moment on I am going to play as I am going to get lynched today, if you think Blarg was crazy you had no fucking clue.



What excuse?

The only people suspecting me of anything are the crazy guy, the belligerent guy who hated me already, and you. How do you explain that?

Your strategy is mostly successful and only strong players are seeing through you.

I mean first you're all concilliatory about "oh i know my role claim is bullshit I understand why you might not like it" and now you're taking potshots
You say I'm only acting this way because i'm a replacement? that's some high grade bullshit you're shoveling and you fucking know it to. If you need some evidence you just need to review the Archer thread, or maybe your own comments on it in the dead thread.

Salvapot still needs to die. but your reactions today man... hooooooo boy.
Your strategy is mostly successful and only strong players are seeing through you.

I mean first you're all concilliatory about "oh i know my role claim is bullshit I understand why you might not like it" and now you're taking potshots
You say I'm only acting this way because i'm a replacement? that's some high grade bullshit you're shoveling and you fucking know it to. If you need some evidence you just need to review the Archer thread, or maybe your own comments on it in the dead thread.

Salvapot still needs to die. but your reactions today man... hooooooo boy.

lol there it is.

I think we're done here.
Squidy, real talk, go read all the shit that happened in day 1 and then honestly tell me you still think I'm scum. You're wasting your time with this.
You wanna go?

I propose a game.

The one who loses the game, if CzarTim allows it, gets mod-killed.

Are you up to it?


I'm familiar with the controls then

Post it a few hours from now though, I need time to rig it
/hype it up
/brb sleep.




I think what would be more interesting than me reading your post history would be you stating clearly and concisely the events and interactions that you believe should have me reading you as town. That way other players are free to chime in on the accuracy and validity of your representation of the facts.


We are playing this:


That is right, to make it fair for both parties, is going to be a game of pure, unadultered, dumb luck.

I need CzarTim for this one, or another trustworthy moderator that can be our judge for this game.

The premise is simple. Our moderator chooses one of the five detonators to be the bad one, while the other 4 are duds. Only the moderator will know which one is the BOOM one.

We take turns picking them. As I was the one making the challenge, I´ll let you blargonaut to choose if you want to go first or second, and from there we go one/one.

Now we just have to decide if the loser can be mod killed or just vote for himself. I´ll rather modkilled, but that really depends on what Czar thinks about it and if its allowed or not. Either way, we are going to have some fun!
I think what would be more interesting than me reading your post history would be you stating clearly and concisely the events and interactions that you believe should have me reading you as town. That way other players are free to chime in on the accuracy and validity of your representation of the facts.

I'm ok with this.

I initially started off the game not wanting to give up too much information. As I've said, I thought I was the Commuter, so I didn't want to go shining a limelight on myself on a night phase where I could be killed. I said threw some bait out about "we barely get any information during day 1". Sorian called me out on it, as did Burb, I believe.

However, Kark came in and made an unnecessary gambit which set me off. It was at this point I started playing more aggressively and transparently. I started pushing him, and the more he talked, the scummier he seemed to me. I very openly said that I wasn't going to force anyone to vote this way, but people started riding in on that vote anyway. Karkador started trying to discredit me by blatantly misconstruing my words, which a lot of people ignored as evidence; Darryl did this same thing to me in AC. Anyway, I tunneled in on Kark because he kept saying weird shit, and really, for an investigator he was acting like he wanted to die.

Then Ouro's prey, batsnacks, started doing some weird shit too. I didn't believe batsnacks was scum, but then he claimed jailer. I was like "ok let's hear the guy out, what does your role do?" Then he started melting down, saying that "I don't have to explain jack, I roleclaimed so I shouldn't get lynched" which was ridiculously scummy, so I moved over to vote for him. LP vigged his ass, so I went on back to Kark who kept saying "we got out lynch for today guys, let's leave it at that". Then I remember him saying something like "it's ok Launch, you're not going to die in the night if I don't die today" and I was totally locked in after that point. Like, wtf, really. So I clung onto that till the end. Many people commented on my aggressiveness in pursuing Kark, but I was pretty convinced. Obviously, I was wrong, but I'll take as much blame as I can be given for it considering Kark's behavior. It was a mutual fuck-up.

Anyway, this day phase started and I'm feeling pretty good about it. Thinking I'm the Commuter, I want mafia to target me, so I start soft claiming and trying to poke people. Blarg makes his spectacular ruse known, so I start pretending like I've got something to lose. Then I PMed Tim to make sure that I was covered, which is when he told me "your role is like AB". I'm like "lol ok what does that mean, so I ask" and he says "nope all actions work on you normal". Confused, I went to the second role PM and saw I'd been changed to a Sleepwalker. My heart sank, so I started freaking the hell out. I roleclaimed immediately after that because that's what someone with my role should have done Minute 1.

However, due to the late claim, I've got some obvious friction. I'm thinking "ffs people, should I have kept this to myself?" Then Blarg starts pressuring me, and Sorian wants to throw me to the wolves, so I start getting annoyed and lashing out at people. I eventually calm down and start considering Fireblend vs Blargonaut. I start saying that maybe Fireblend is a good choice after all, since Blarg is likely full of shit. But then, Blarg is also a good choice for other reasons.

That's about where you came in, I believe.


Alright now that I'm here more. Again, I do believe Launch's claims but I'm with you here Squidy that we have other fish to fry and I'll be able to judge Launch more as the game goes on.

In regards to this Blarg and Salva thing, so you guys gonna fuck or what? What's the word from the boss upstairs? Protection or no?


Launch's reaction to squidy has been particularly aggressive and I've taken notice of it.

I didn't just correct him for friendship's sake, he seems to deliberately trying to paint squidy as the enemy early on.

I can't remember too much of Launch in AC, but I certainly don't remember him being this aggressive in general.

I'm brought back to when I role claimed and he seemed like he wanted to punch me in the face upon initial reaction. The role claim stuff seems careless, surely if there was a 2nd PM, you'd absolutely ensure you understand the mechanics before making sarcastic points to the moderator?

Also, stop insulting Tim he's my lover and we're going to not have kids together because we discussed it and he's super gross because he thinks licking each other is a thing.


You give me too much credit.

batsnacks started acting erratically and saying shit like "wait no guys I roleclaimed, that means you have to move on and doubt all your choices!" (paraphrasing) I didn't lead the vote against him; I was against it until that point.

Kark was also acting extremely suspicious. I bear a lot of the blame for killing him, but if it looks and acts like scum, it's probably scum. Kark should have known better. If you tell me he wasn't acting scummy, I'm not sure what to say to you that you would understand.

The roleclaim is weird, but (now that AB is dead, I can talk about it) Tim thought that he was giving me a role similar to AB's in Danganronpa. He didn't know AB was actually the investigator, so he sidled me with this crappy role that is entirely anti-town. Like I said, I should have claimed this Day fucking 1, but he and I had a miscommunication.

1) You can distance yourself from snacks all you want, but you said shit like this:

I appreciate Darryl and Blarg having us question the nonsense, but batsnacks is scum. There's no point in keeping him around

I appreciate people trying to disagree and get to the bottom of this, but there is no need because he's absolutely scum.

2) When you look past the aggressive filler posts he was just a guy claiming Ordinary Town and trying to get us to No Evict.

3) I don't believe any aspect of your role claim. It comes off as nonsense halfway positioning yourself so that you can "That obviously wasn't my role. I was deceiving scum. How could you even believe that? Here is a role more convenient that fits within those lines", to "I told you so, Burb. I'm a night walker". How conveniently you found the error right after a watcher reveal. Your role reveal wasn't needed and from my point of view it appears to be capitalizing on Blarg's craziness to have us oversee you setting yourself up a worst case scenario.


I said it in D1, but Launch's determination could be a problem for town. Now we've got squidy, who's just about as determined, we could be dragged to places we don't like.

I can't believe there are people still entertaining the idea of keeping batsnacks around. The sad bit is, I think they're mostly town. I'm pretty convinced the scum are hiding in the margins on this one, keeping away from it and later using that as evidence that they didn't vote.

This is an example. Someone makes a PR claim, you should always 'entertain' keeping them around. I don't think this was some insane lie that batsnacks threw out in the midst, I didn't vote on him because I actually believed there was truth to him being at least town from what I read on his posts.

It's the reason I 'entertained' Blarg telling the truth yesterday and considering lynching him, because his role was so dangerous. In the end, he bailed and Fire was a good option, so I remained on him.

This is a good point, but in my experience meltdown = scum.

However, I just want to point out that batsnacks and Karkador being mafia are not mutually exclusive. The only person I'm more inclined to trust after this day phase, if batsnacks does actually flip mafia, is Ouro because he's been going after this guy for some time. The batsnacks voting on Kark could have been straight bandwagoning to buy some cred.

2 reasons I quote this

1) meltdown = scum. He had a meltdown with the role claims in D1, and there was some mild meltdowns between Launch, Sorian and Blarg in D2. Nowhere near as intense, but by his own logic he's appearing scummy because he has had meltdowns.
2) He mentions trusting Ouro if bat flips mafia, but Ouro then flipped ordinary town. I am still inclined to believe his insights and I noticed this quote crop up a few times through Launch:

To be honest, I'm more suspicious of those that ganged up on Kark right now. I'm convinced that between Kark, Launch, and batsnacks there is at least one scum. My view is that Kark's claim was a bait to see who would jump on him, thinking it's an easy target.

I could totally be wrong and it could be as simple as it may seem, but that's my thought for now.

As for Salva, I know my vote is still on him, but again, that's just a gut feeling more than anything. I don't have anything concrete just yet other than his desire to no-lynch Day 1.

We've eliminated two of his three suspects and they were both PRs. Do we go for that final one? There's evidence for it. It's Salva for me today but it's something to think about.


I should say 'remained on him in principle' because I didn't actually end up voting on him, apologies.

I wanted to pull that turbo trigger!


I think it is fair for me to ask, does anyone think I am scum? Be real with me.

I don't think you are scum, but I do have a feeling that you aren't being completely upfront with us and that you are hiding part of your role. Maybe your death would give us some kind of benefit (like the Lovecraft role in Squid monster island), maybe you are actually the one that can be recruited to NFA, maybe it is something else weird, and maybe you are just telling the truth and there is nothing else. Unfortunately, the only way to be 100% certain of your role is if you died and we read your role PM, and I think you are currently acting in favor of town, so I don't want to lose you :)

About Launch:

I don't suspect him currently. Sure, he went after Kark and Bats HARD, but both played incredibly weird and suspicious, so I don't put that against him. He may tunnel to much on one player when he thinks they behave like scum, and then proceed to confirm his own assumptions, but that is not necessarily a scum tell for me. His role claim business is super weird, but I don't think a scum player would create such a weird narrative, I think scum would keep a fake role claim a little more basic and simpler, less risk of making a mistake and getting caught that way. He reacted quite aggressively to suspicion from Darryl/Blarg/Squidyj/Sorian, but that could just be him being really frustrated that he fucked up by not reading his correction role PM good enough, so he lashed out a bit. If there is one point I disagreed with him, it would be his focus on targeting Sorian at the beginning of day 2 instead of giving him the chance to prove his licking ability, but he backed off that idea when the whole Fire/Blarg situation started, and now seems to agree with me that Sorian is behaving like a pro-town player for now.


Blarg being so quiet after that mess of a confession is extremely suspicious.

guys is it ok if i say that? I'll await CzarTim confirming.

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