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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


Just so everyone is aware I am mostly unavailable between 7am-12pm on weedays except Friday, weekends I am here all day. My school made a new building for my career and they haven´t setup the Wi-Fi yet, it doesn´t help that I don´t have a smartphone.


It sort of makes sense if he thinks he's pretty much guaranteed to get lynched today.

It's hard for me to gauge this. Salva brought this whole game up and it seems like such a weak scum move. Sure, he could be trying to take town down with him but if he loses then we get a free scum and still get to vote today. I don't know what to make of it, I want to see the results before I start judging all these scenarios.


It's hard for me to gauge this. Salva brought this whole game up and it seems like such a weak scum move. Sure, he could be trying to take town down with him but if he loses then we get a free scum and still get to vote today. I don't know what to make of it, I want to see the results before I start judging all these scenarios.

Come on now, I have made it clear before that I have school in the morning and I was not expecting the game to start before waiting for me to confirm I was here, is the reason why I missed Karkador´s lynch and why I had to skip classes to attend ONUW 4 last hour.

But to he honest I am happy you guys were waiting for me to show up instead of discussing stuff over and over again, I value the attention.


Come on now, I have made it clear before that I have school in the morning and I was not expecting the game to start before waiting for me to confirm I was here, is the reason why I missed Karkador´s lynch and why I had to skip classes to attend ONUW 4 last hour.

But to he honest I am happy you guys were waiting for me to show up instead of discussing stuff over and over again, I value the attention.

This was the one time I was watching last activity time on your account, I knew you hadn't logged in, I wanted to do more talking while we waited but no one else was going for it apparently.



Best movie scene ever. I love this movie so much.

Could not agree more!!!!


God damnit, worst scenario. I'll post when I get home a real write up.

Eh, I'm actually going to be on mobile awhile longer so I'll do what I can do. Alright, so yes, this was my personal worst case scenario but I can't say it's actually a bad scenario. We were heading towards a world where Salva was going out the door anyway. We've saved a lynch and can now pursue other topics. The ones I'm most interested in are Blarg, Launch, and Timeasis.


Alright, I guess I'll talk to myself some more until people get in. I list Blarg, Launch, and Time as my main suspects right now. Here are my thoughts on Blarg:

I shouldn't be surprised that you are uncooperative. Ok, so this excerpt below is from the post where you highlighted your reasoning:

I believe your reasoning. You came clean before the day ended and it was clear as day that a lightning rod lie was to the benefit of town in most scenarios, you'd either prevent a kill entirely or possibly get NFA to kill you instead of an important role like Burb. As you even said and as I pointed out in my plan, the one weakness in your claim was that you said the rod wouldn't activate if you targeted NFA which means there was no scenario where you could get NFA to mistakenly kill one of their own. I was purposely vague when I went over this part of my plan and even said something like "I don't remember one way or another if it still activates and I don't care" because I was hoping you'd keep the lie up and NFA would have to re-read your original claim a few times and hope they understood it before pulling the trigger on Burb (and maybe it would have even scared them away from a kill still) but it's too late for that now.

The reason I kept this excerpt and bolded a couple parts is because I have a hunch. The best lies are usually built with some truth to them. Take Fireblend for example. He didn't really lie yesterday, he said he was a switcher and allowed us to assume that switcher was a town role, I don't think he ever directly claimed to be town. The reason I mention it is because one of the cruxes of Blarg's lie was that he was an NFA teammate cut off from their chat that could be "recruited" to the fun team. Why did he include this in his lie? It had no bearing on the claim at all, he could have just said he was a 2-shot lightning rod assigner and that was that, still a ridiculous claim but why add the extra layer of complexity about the team switch mechanic? It obviously made him more suspicious, Salva and Launch were pushing for Blarg for awhile only because he was currently NFA per his claim so it didn't do him any favors. Could he have been trying to signal that he was actually a lost partner that could be recruited by NFA? Is he purposely being vague and unhelpful today because they saw it and recruited him? I figured I'd ask for his explanation again and he'd, at the very least, link me to the post above but instead he's given me two non-answers to my questions. Blarg is Blarg but he seemed a lot more helpful yesterday than he has today. As for the bolded above, your very vague about your faction and your person goals and about how those can be different at times. It seemed like your choice of words was very precise throughout the post.

As for Launch, I am giving him a lot of trust and I know Darryl didn't like the way he shut down bats after the jailer claim or how he tunneled Kark on day 1 which stifled conversation but none of that made me read him as scum. Launch can be aggressive and headstrong at times, that's not scum play. What does smell scummy and what keeps coming up is his role claim. We are supposed to believe that there was some issue between the understanding/description of the role between day 1 and day 2. This is where things keep getting murky though. Sometimes the excuse is that Tim forgot to let Launch know that there was a change:

The flavor role name stayed the same between the two. He says he (and Palmer? whoever helped him, he refers to themselves as "we") changed it after the fact and he forgot.

But then we also get cases where Launch says that he received a new role PM, failed to read it, and then only realized his own error when he PM'd Tim and got a response he wasn't expecting:

Anyway, this day phase started and I'm feeling pretty good about it. Thinking I'm the Commuter, I want mafia to target me, so I start soft claiming and trying to poke people. Blarg makes his spectacular ruse known, so I start pretending like I've got something to lose. Then I PMed Tim to make sure that I was covered, which is when he told me "your role is like AB". I'm like "lol ok what does that mean, so I ask" and he says "nope all actions work on you normal". Confused, I went to the second role PM and saw I'd been changed to a Sleepwalker. My heart sank, so I started freaking the hell out. I roleclaimed immediately after that because that's what someone with my role should have done Minute 1.

Now, I'm sorry Launch, I'm more prone to believe the second scenario where you got an updated role PM and didn't read it right but the fact that you've been trying to sell two different stories here is where something has started to stink. I was going to let it sit while we dealt with Blarg and Salva but now that one of them is down, I'm ok moving on and updating my suspect list.

Finally with Time, this is just my own hunch. This is the pick that I want to throw out as the NFA that has been coasting. I know he replaced Retro so I won't hold anything during the retro time against him but since Time has joined, I've noticed things I didn't like.


I'm gonna vote no lynch if we hit town...I was gonna vote for one of those two, anyway

First person to bring up the idea of a no lynch if we hit town. Not scummy by itself because i can see the no lynch angle today seeming attractive to town but it seems odd in the context of this sentence. Voting no lynch because he was going to vote for either Blarg or Salva anyway. This should be perfect then, sure we just lost a town Salva but a town Salva doesn't suddenly mean Blarg is town too, actually a town Salva tells us NOTHING about Blarg from what I can see. Why drop the thread on Blarg for the day just because Salva died? I'd want to (and do) still followup on that lead to maybe get closer to figuring out whats going on. This one also rubbed me the wrong way:

Damn. RIP Salva. Sorian's worst case scenario, too. Fuck me.

I don't know how to explain this one too well. Maybe it's like Launch says every once in awhile about how he doesn't trust people that agree with him too much. It just seems like a different tone than the earlier post I quoted from him. This time he seems to think the outcome was bad because I thought it was a bad scenario, as opposed to it being a townie that flipped. I know that he may have just read my post earlier and just agreed with it and I can't fault him for that but like I said, I brought this all up as a hunch. I don't think Time is our man for today but I thought I should bring up my thoughts.

Out of the other lower activity people i talked about earlier, I'll order them from most scummy to least but with no real evidence because I don't have a case I'm ready to present on any of them:


I moved Squidy up my list a little bit because his sole contribution so far has been offering up Salva which didn't turn up so well. Not damning in the least but I don't want to forget Squidy just because his reputation is as a brilliant hunter of scum.


You can lynch me today and we'll be down 2 ordinary kids but that sort of seems like a mistake in my position. Truth is I'm sort of winging it this game.

There's one thing that bothers me about sorian. he's claimed neutral but he's trying so hard. why? do you want to get night killed? seems like you're risking your win condition with all this.


You can lynch me today and we'll be down 2 ordinary kids but that sort of seems like a mistake in my position. Truth is I'm sort of winging it this game.

There's one thing that bothers me about sorian. he's claimed neutral but he's trying so hard. why? do you want to get night killed? seems like you're risking your win condition with all this.

I already lost my first lick and trying to predict people who are going to stay alive until end game is a pretty hard goal so I'm operating under the assumption that I win when the game ends and no sooner. What's the best way to end the game ASAP? Side with town and put in that strong work to kill all the scum ASAP. A game where scum wins is has to drag on for awhile but a game where town wins could drag on for awhile or it could end in its prime like how the Archer game did. Am I opening myself to night kills? Yes but it's a give and take, the more the night team wants to kill me, hopefully that makes me a less likely lynch target during the day because I'm seen as valuable. I've put myself in a decent position though. People during the day are going to continuously question me, scum doesn't want to kill me at night because then they lose a discussion point - me - that will naturally come up at different times. It's the same reason a night team would never kill Blarg, why bother? He does great work for them even when he is town-aligned. I'm also useless, why would scum target me at night when there are probably still PRs out and about, killing me won't do anything but clear up mysteries for town.
Just a quick response to Sorian. I'm sorry, but you guys are rewarding this playstyle by not picking this shit apart. He hasn't stated a single argument against me that holds weight and just drops a vote on me randomly. And you guys consider yourself pro-town? Smh.

Vote: LaunchpadMcQ
ow, I'm sorry Launch, I'm more prone to believe the second scenario where you got an updated role PM and didn't read it right but the fact that you've been trying to sell two different stories here is where something has started to stink. I was going to let it sit while we dealt with Blarg and Salva but now that one of them is down, I'm ok moving on and updating my suspect list.

Finally with Time, this is just my own hunch. This is the pick that I want to throw out as the NFA that has been coasting. I know he replaced Retro so I won't hold anything during the retro time against him but since Time has joined, I've noticed things I didn't like.

I want to call you on the phone to yell at you. what the bloody hell are you talking about? What second story??


Just a quick response to Sorian. I'm sorry, but you guys are rewarding this playstyle by not picking this shit apart. He hasn't stated a single argument against me that holds weight and just drops a vote on me randomly. And you guys consider yourself pro-town? Smh.

Darryl always posts his reasoning long before his votes, not my favorite style but it's always there:

Launch on paper is scummy as hell. After snacks elaborated on his role he was the first person to just shut him down. He focused Kark so hard he derailed most discussion and had people so convinced one of them had to die that not even a role claim could save him, on day fucking 1. Blarg had to come out with some fake role claim to get people to look at him. Top it off with a weird role claim. My mind is blown that me and Blarg are the only two who are taking a hard look at him. The only reason not to is because he is suckering everyone in and making them share his guilt for the stupid shit he has done (I'll take responsibility!!). It's either very clever or very stupid but people need to acknowledge this is happening.

I want to call you on the phone to yell at you. what the bloody hell are you talking about? What second story??

I think I made it clear, you've gone back and forth a few times now. Sometimes you say that Tim forgot to tell you the changes to your role and sometimes you say that he did tell you the changes but you misunderstood them or ignored them. The blame keeps shifting between yourself and Tim and it almost reads like that shift is occurring because you are saying what is more likely to be believable at the time.
Darryl always posts his reasoning long before his votes, not my favorite style but it's always there:

And I respond to every single one, point by point, why they are wrong. And he never responds. Are you paying attention here man? I say this every time he makes a post about me.

All he is doing is driving by, making a quick post, not sticking around for the answers. And it's working. You guys are actually buying this.

I think I made it clear, you've gone back and forth a few times now. Sometimes you say that Tim forgot to tell you the changes to your role and sometimes you say that he did tell you the changes but you misunderstood them or ignored them. The blame keeps shifting between yourself and Tim and it almost reads like that shift is occurring because you are saying what is more likely to be believable at the time.

Sorian, I believe there is a miscommunication going on here. I've never, ever said Tim forgot to tell me the changes. I said he forgot that he made changes, which is why I got the first Commuter PM at all. He said it was because he was half-asleep. I received another PM, in which he says "I'm an idiot", but I thought he was pulling my leg. I have not lied about this. I was upset and pinned some of the blame on Tim (and rightfully so, because he completely misread one of my roles and somehow though this was a good idea), yet I didn't believe it was real. I thought he was salty about AB's role, and honestly, at the time I didn't even know AB had roleclaimed as a Sleepwalker. That was just what Tim referred to him in the mafia chat for DR, even before that.

There is no shift going on here. I've just been telling the story in pieces as the details have seemed relevant.


And I respond to every single one, point by point, why they are wrong. And he never responds. Are you paying attention here man? I say this every time he makes a post about me.

All he is doing is driving by, making a quick post, not sticking around for the answers. And it's working. You guys are actually buying this.

Sorian, I believe there is a miscommunication going on here. I've never, ever said Tim forgot to tell me the changes. I said he forgot that he made changes, which is why I got the first Commuter PM at all. He said it was because he was half-asleep. I received another PM, in which he says "I'm an idiot", but I thought he was pulling my leg. I have not lied about this. I was upset and pinned some of the blame on Tim (and rightfully so, because he completely misread one of my roles and somehow though this was a good idea), yet I didn't believe it was real. I thought he was salty about AB's role, and honestly, at the time I didn't even know AB had roleclaimed as a Sleepwalker. That was just what Tim referred to him in the mafia chat for DR, even before that.

There is no shift going on here. I've just been telling the story in pieces as the details have seemed relevant.

Don't worry, Darryl is quite high on my possible scum list too. As a matter of fact, your alignment might shed some light on him and vice-versa. I'm actually going to do this right now just to see what happens.

VOTE: LaunchpadMcQ


First person to bring up the idea of a no lynch if we hit town. Not scummy by itself because i can see the no lynch angle today seeming attractive to town but it seems odd in the context of this sentence. Voting no lynch because he was going to vote for either Blarg or Salva anyway. This should be perfect then, sure we just lost a town Salva but a town Salva doesn't suddenly mean Blarg is town too, actually a town Salva tells us NOTHING about Blarg from what I can see. Why drop the thread on Blarg for the day just because Salva died? I'd want to (and do) still followup on that lead to maybe get closer to figuring out whats going on. This one also rubbed me the wrong way:

I don't know how to explain this one too well. Maybe it's like Launch says every once in awhile about how he doesn't trust people that agree with him too much. It just seems like a different tone than the earlier post I quoted from him. This time he seems to think the outcome was bad because I thought it was a bad scenario, as opposed to it being a townie that flipped. I know that he may have just read my post earlier and just agreed with it and I can't fault him for that but like I said, I brought this all up as a hunch. I don't think Time is our man for today but I thought I should bring up my thoughts.

Out of the other lower activity people i talked about earlier, I'll order them from most scummy to least but with no real evidence because I don't have a case I'm ready to present on any of them:


I moved Squidy up my list a little bit because his sole contribution so far has been offering up Salva which didn't turn up so well. Not damning in the least but I don't want to forget Squidy just because his reputation is as a brilliant hunter of scum.

You should know by now that I like to play conservatively, Sorian. I'm not too keen on losing two town today and then another one at night. Sure, Blarg might be a good bet still, but like I said earlier, my suspicion of Blarg was way less than my suspicion of Salva. And Salva was town, so...yeah.

As for agreeing with your worst case, I mean, you were right. It was the worst case. I didn't feel the need to enumerate it again, so I just mentioned it as "Sorian's worst case scenario". I think you're reading way too much into that.

For today, if I absolutely HAD to pick someone to lynch it'd be Blarg, currently. But like I said, I'm not really willing to take the risk of killing another townie today. Unless some big revelation comes out later. We obviously should continue discussing stuff as we are now, but I'm going to pass on taking part in the vote.

Also, your logic as to why I'm suspicious for not voting Blarg after the Salva flip doesn't make a lot of sense. If I were scum, wouldn't I want to kill another townie? Unless Blarg is scum too, in which case why would I have wanted to vote for him before? You're basically theorizing that both Blarg and I are scum and we're doing some big deflection dance. I can tell you right now I'm not that clever. I don't think I have enough sway to get everyone for not voting for Blarg tonight anyway, so why would I theoretically stick my neck out to lynch him before the Blarg vs Salva game of chance? That wouldn't make any sense.
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