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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


I won't forget it if you guys lynch me on this. I won't.

Throughout the game, you've gotten pretty aggressive whenever the matter of lynching you comes up, taking everything at face value, I'm not sure why a town sleepwalker would get (or act) so angry at the thought of being lynched. Your attitude when I presented the idea of you being bait if Blarg was actually a lightning rod especially seemed very over the top when you would have been, theoretically, protecting a verified strong town PR while being a a PR meant to confuse town yourself. Thinking on it now, you seemed to care more about your own self-preservation than town's objective. It doesn't sit well now that I'm thinking on it more.


So now is the time I want to flip the script from the reads I gave earlier. I was wrong about salvapot therefore I must have been wrong about everything, Launch is town and steve is scum.

Vote: Steve
Vote: Cabot

Also, I wish I knew what the vote tallies were on day 1 and day 2.


You should know by now that I like to play conservatively, Sorian. I'm not too keen on losing two town today and then another one at night. Sure, Blarg might be a good bet still, but like I said earlier, my suspicion of Blarg was way less than my suspicion of Salva. And Salva was town, so...yeah.

As for agreeing with your worst case, I mean, you were right. It was the worst case. I didn't feel the need to enumerate it again, so I just mentioned it as "Sorian's worst case scenario". I think you're reading way too much into that.

For today, if I absolutely HAD to pick someone to lynch it'd be Blarg, currently. But like I said, I'm not really willing to take the risk of killing another townie today. Unless some big revelation comes out later. We obviously should continue discussing stuff as we are now, but I'm going to pass on taking part in the vote.

Also, your logic as to why I'm suspicious for not voting Blarg after the Salva flip doesn't make a lot of sense. If I were scum, wouldn't I want to kill another townie? Unless Blarg is scum too, in which case why would I have wanted to vote for him before? You're basically theorizing that both Blarg and I are scum and we're doing some big deflection dance. I can tell you right now I'm not that clever. I don't think I have enough sway to get everyone for not voting for Blarg tonight anyway, so why would I theoretically stick my neck out to lynch him before the Blarg vs Salva game of chance? That wouldn't make any sense.

To be fair, I've only played one game with you and we know how that turned out :p

In regards to your big point later on, yes, you're right, scum would love two kills today but I'd think a good scum would want to play the long game. Vote on a no lynch and look town, gain some of that trust to use later. We're getting into trying to read minds at this point, but it's just my feeling. Like I said, I don't think today is a good day for you regardless, there isn't nearly enough in the thread from you for me to feel good one way or the other.


To be fair, I've only played one game with you and we know how that turned out :p

In regards to your big point later on, yes, you're right, scum would love two kills today but I'd think a good scum would want to play the long game. Vote on a no lynch and look town, gain some of that trust to use later. We're getting into trying to read minds at this point, but it's just my feeling. Like I said, I don't think today is a good day for you regardless, there isn't nearly enough in the thread from you for me to feel good one way or the other.
Heh good point.

Fair enough for the rest of your points. I guess you'll figure out I'm town, eventually, one way or another. ;)
Throughout the game, you've gotten pretty aggressive whenever the matter of lynching you comes up, taking everything at face value, I'm not sure why a town sleepwalker would get (or act) so angry at the thought of being lynched. Your attitude when I presented the idea of you being bait if Blarg was actually a lightning rod especially seemed very over the top when you would have been, theoretically, protecting a verified strong town PR while being a a PR meant to confuse town yourself. Thinking on it now, you seemed to care more about your own self-preservation than town's objective. It doesn't sit well now that I'm thinking on it more.

You're boiling down everything I've done into a few sentences. I'm a real human being here and I feel different emotions and think different things, sometimes a whole lot at the same time. I've been playing as transparently as possible - I don't want to die. Blarg was NFA trying to turn into FA in that scenario - why would I want that to happen? The guy that's been relentlessly hounding me for no real reason gets to live, and I die for what?

Also, what I meant just now is that I wouldn't let you guys live it down. lol

Besides all that, Karkniki lives on in my heart. I have to survive and carry on his will.



You're boiling down everything I've done into a few sentences. I'm a real human being here and I feel different emotions and think different things, sometimes a whole lot at the same time. I've been playing as transparently as possible - I don't want to die. Blarg was NFA trying to turn into FA in that scenario - why would I want that to happen? The guy that's been relentlessly hounding me for no real reason gets to live, and I die for what?

Also, what I meant just now is that I wouldn't let you guys live it down. lol

Besides all that, Karkniki lives on in my heart. I have to survive and carry on his will.


Well, in regards to the bolded, town would have lost one sleepwalker, gained an ordinary townie, and saved a watcher for one more night. That's a net gain over the real life scenario of losing one town who is the watcher. Obviously Blarg's claim was garbage so none of this means much now but at the time, it was a real possibility and you were putting self-preservation over a better town move. Sure, you have a lot of emotions at the same time but I like to think that logic is king for most in these games.

Guys what if LMQ and Sorian are both scum and this is just a long con.

Hey, maybe, I'd have thrown Fireblend in front of that bus really quick though, way sooner than I realistically needed to and there was enough support that I could have gotten Blarg killed first instead of a jack of all trades teammate. I'm ballsy but I don't think I'd bus a strong player so early in the game.
Well, in regards to the bolded, town would have lost one sleepwalker, gained an ordinary townie, and saved a watcher for one more night. That's a net gain over the real life scenario of losing one town who is the watcher. Obviously Blarg's claim was garbage so none of this means much now but at the time, it was a real possibility and you were putting self-preservation over a better town move.

Err, ok. I was initially upset because, honestly, who wants to die? I don't care what the greater goal is, as an individual, I want to stay in the game; that's how I can best service town. There were a lot of things going on when that discussion was going on that wasn't directly related to how I felt about dying that kept me from falling on the sword (something you've very adamantly spoken out against, especially when I got hit hard by my role confusion, don't think I've forgotten). I eventually came around and I agreed to Fireblend, then I started having second thoughts because if Blarg's claim was true, both lynches would be beneficial in different ways. Obviously, when Blarg's claim came up as bullshit, then I went full-on Fireblend. Take that as you will, but I was on Fireblend even when Blarg had roleclaimed because I thought I was covered. It was only after I realized my role mistake that I wanted to go for Blarg.

Sure, you have a lot of emotions at the same time but I like to think that logic is king for most in these games.

Yes and no. I've been transparent. I haven't played any games with ya'll. I've said what I meant, and I've said it with confidence. That includes whatever I may be feeling at the time. Especially in the scenario where I come in here with a stupid ass role, I need to bring something to the table, and that is my transparency and trustworthiness. Yet, I've still used logic to support town.
If I could offer an alternate scenario for today...

Here we are, you and I arguing. Obviously, neither of us know which alignment we are, yet the mafia know that we're not mafia. So, why should they care, right? We tear each other to pieces, whoever loses, they win. Yet, obviously, this isn't the first time this has happened. There have been bigger arguments, and people have just been sitting on the sideline, watching to see how they'll benefit from it. People like

VOTE: roytheone

who I don't even have a read on. Day 3 and he's effectively a ghost to me.


If I could offer an alternate scenario for today...

Here we are, you and I arguing. Obviously, neither of us know which alignment we are, yet the mafia know that we're not mafia. So, why should they care, right? We tear each other to pieces, whoever loses, they win. Yet, obviously, this isn't the first time this has happened. There have been bigger arguments, and people have just been sitting on the sideline, watching to see how they'll benefit from it. People like

VOTE: roytheone

who I don't even have a read on. Day 3 and he's effectively a ghost to me.

Maybe not the reaction that you were expecting (unless you remember from earlier) but I am still in agreement with myself below:

This may come off suspicious later but my ass is already on the line so I figure I'll make my thoughts known. I don't find roy suspicious at this time and I will not be helping question him in fear that he reveals something important about himself.
There's time and you aren't my only interest. You must not know me if you don't know that my vote spreads like an STD.

I don't know what that means, but I'll assume you mean it doesn't.

I already have a plurality. At the very least, if you're going to railroad me by apathy, discuss other options. Don't just sit there and act like it's out of your hands.


I don't know what that means, but I'll assume you mean it doesn't.

I already have a plurality. At the very least, if you're going to railroad me by apathy, discuss other options. Don't just sit there and act like it's out of your hands.

Alright, I guess I'll talk to myself some more until people get in. I list Blarg, Launch, and Time as my main suspects right now. Here are my thoughts on Blarg:

As for Launch, I am giving him a lot of trust and I know Darryl didn't like the way he shut down bats after the jailer claim or how he tunneled Kark on day 1 which stifled conversation but none of that made me read him as scum. Launch can be aggressive and headstrong at times, that's not scum play. What does smell scummy and what keeps coming up is his role claim. We are supposed to believe that there was some issue between the understanding/description of the role between day 1 and day 2. This is where things keep getting murky though. Sometimes the excuse is that Tim forgot to let Launch know that there was a change:

But then we also get cases where Launch says that he received a new role PM, failed to read it, and then only realized his own error when he PM'd Tim and got a response he wasn't expecting:

Now, I'm sorry Launch, I'm more prone to believe the second scenario where you got an updated role PM and didn't read it right but the fact that you've been trying to sell two different stories here is where something has started to stink. I was going to let it sit while we dealt with Blarg and Salva but now that one of them is down, I'm ok moving on and updating my suspect list.

Finally with Time, this is just my own hunch. This is the pick that I want to throw out as the NFA that has been coasting. I know he replaced Retro so I won't hold anything during the retro time against him but since Time has joined, I've noticed things I didn't like.

First person to bring up the idea of a no lynch if we hit town. Not scummy by itself because i can see the no lynch angle today seeming attractive to town but it seems odd in the context of this sentence. Voting no lynch because he was going to vote for either Blarg or Salva anyway. This should be perfect then, sure we just lost a town Salva but a town Salva doesn't suddenly mean Blarg is town too, actually a town Salva tells us NOTHING about Blarg from what I can see. Why drop the thread on Blarg for the day just because Salva died? I'd want to (and do) still followup on that lead to maybe get closer to figuring out whats going on. This one also rubbed me the wrong way:

I don't know how to explain this one too well. Maybe it's like Launch says every once in awhile about how he doesn't trust people that agree with him too much. It just seems like a different tone than the earlier post I quoted from him. This time he seems to think the outcome was bad because I thought it was a bad scenario, as opposed to it being a townie that flipped. I know that he may have just read my post earlier and just agreed with it and I can't fault him for that but like I said, I brought this all up as a hunch. I don't think Time is our man for today but I thought I should bring up my thoughts.

Out of the other lower activity people i talked about earlier, I'll order them from most scummy to least but with no real evidence because I don't have a case I'm ready to present on any of them:


I moved Squidy up my list a little bit because his sole contribution so far has been offering up Salva which didn't turn up so well. Not damning in the least but I don't want to forget Squidy just because his reputation is as a brilliant hunter of scum.

I'm open to discussion obviously, it's not my fault that only you and I are talking. Time at least popped in and provided his own defense before lurking back into the shadows but I would love it if more people spoke up.

Fake edit: Squidy also popped in with a cabot theory was his only reasoning was that he was wrong the first time so he must be wrong about everything, doesn't really help the rest of us see his point though.


The last 12 posts are just a dialogue between you and I Launch. The day isn't close to being over, people have to post eventually.


VOTE: squidyj

I guess that's cool if you want to do the stupid thing. Seems like there's a lot of that going around right now.
My vote on cabot was a legitimate vote tho mate. I mean for starters I don't like his votes yesterday. and there's other stuff too, like what did he do with Cabbeh?

I've heard a couple people chime in on Launchpad's version of events but I was hoping for a little more, honestly Dude is being an erratic dick but he's not really coming off as mafia to me anymore, cutting through his bullshit and I'm not seeing the scum.

So I think I'm just gonna vote cabot till he dies.


I guess that's cool if you want to do the stupid thing. Seems like there's a lot of that going around right now.
My vote on cabot was a legitimate vote tho mate. I mean for starters I don't like his votes yesterday. and there's other stuff too, like what did he do with Cabbeh?

I've heard a couple people chime in on Launchpad's version of events but I was hoping for a little more, honestly Dude is being an erratic dick but he's not really coming off as mafia to me anymore, cutting through his bullshit and I'm not seeing the scum.

So I think I'm just gonna vote cabot till he dies.

I just chose someone at random and pulled the trigger, I was beginning to think no one else was around since I've been hoping for some discussion for awhile now and no one was really providing much. Of course, when a name gets highlighted in red, people say something. Let's do this now

VOTE: Darryl

Give me thoughts on Darryl (anyone can participate).


So now is the time I want to flip the script from the reads I gave earlier. I was wrong about salvapot therefore I must have been wrong about everything, Launch is town and steve is scum.

Vote: Steve
Vote: Cabot

Also, I wish I knew what the vote tallies were on day 1 and day 2.

Guess what, buddy?

You're wrong for a second time.


I guess that's cool if you want to do the stupid thing. Seems like there's a lot of that going around right now.
My vote on cabot was a legitimate vote tho mate. I mean for starters I don't like his votes yesterday. and there's other stuff too, like what did he do with Cabbeh?

I've heard a couple people chime in on Launchpad's version of events but I was hoping for a little more, honestly Dude is being an erratic dick but he's not really coming off as mafia to me anymore, cutting through his bullshit and I'm not seeing the scum.

So I think I'm just gonna vote cabot till he dies.

You really are winging it, aren't you?

My vote yesterday was between Blarg and Fire, in the end I didn't vote but only because I was close to triggering a turbo and I didn't want to do that without some agreement from other parties (this happened twice in Archer with me and it annoyed me greatly)

So it was between Blarg who was Blarging hard and claimed a dangerous role which was mostly anti-town, and fire who was suspected to be NFA with a really poor role claim to try and cover himself.

vote for me if you like, it might remove a bit of uncertainty and confirm the miller role, but you will lose a townie.

Classic robot turning on master story


VOTE: No Remove

Barring something major, this is where I'm going today. Sorry, guys. I will contribute nothing to the blood letting.


Launch you can go back just a day and see that I responded to your rebuttal. The thing is, I do not care for your words on it a half dozen times.

I am not arguing with you anymore. I am telling you why I think you are scum. Not going to sit here and repeat the same shit over and over. I blatantly don't have the time for a piss war and you're not dragging me into one. If you want to argue with me find someone scummier than you and talk about him (or me) instead of latching onto weak fucking blood yet again.


If I could offer an alternate scenario for today...

Here we are, you and I arguing. Obviously, neither of us know which alignment we are, yet the mafia know that we're not mafia. So, why should they care, right? We tear each other to pieces, whoever loses, they win. Yet, obviously, this isn't the first time this has happened. There have been bigger arguments, and people have just been sitting on the sideline, watching to see how they'll benefit from it. People like

VOTE: roytheone

who I don't even have a read on. Day 3 and he's effectively a ghost to me.

Oeeeeh, my first vote, I am honored! I fully understand why you are suspicious of me because it looks like I am just watching from the sidelines most of the time, I think Sorian made the same remark earlier, so I will repeat my answer to him: when a lot of the active discussions happen, I can't participate because I will be asleep. So as a result most of my posts will be reactionary posts on things that have happened when I was away. I get why that may be a bit scummy to you, but I am afraid it is a hard problem to solve.

Anyway, I actually do agree with the first part of your post. I have both you and Sorian high on my "probably town" list, so you two going against each other is very bad for town in my eyes. It will just take attention away from players that are much more likely to be scum, give them a discussion to hide behind, and if it escalates it could even lead to a lynch of one of the two most pro-town people in this game. I don't like it.

I guess that's cool if you want to do the stupid thing. Seems like there's a lot of that going around right now.
My vote on cabot was a legitimate vote tho mate. I mean for starters I don't like his votes yesterday. and there's other stuff too, like what did he do with Cabbeh?

I've heard a couple people chime in on Launchpad's version of events but I was hoping for a little more, honestly Dude is being an erratic dick but he's not really coming off as mafia to me anymore, cutting through his bullshit and I'm not seeing the scum.

So I think I'm just gonna vote cabot till he dies.

I don't like this post of Squidyj. He votes for Cabot, one of the persons that I see as most probably town, and he doesn't explain shit. Sorian had to call him out before he gave a reason, and even then the reason was: "I don't really like how he voted." No explanation about what he exactly not liked about Cabot his voting, no other reasons even though he does say he has them. Squidyj is currently in my neutral group, so I am still making up my mind about him, but this kind of stuff doesn't work in his favor.

I just chose someone at random and pulled the trigger, I was beginning to think no one else was around since I've been hoping for some discussion for awhile now and no one was really providing much. Of course, when a name gets highlighted in red, people say something. Let's do this now

VOTE: Darryl

Give me thoughts on Darryl (anyone can participate).

Yeah, Darryl is high up my scum list. I don't care for his post style of popping in, dropping some thoughts about people like Launch that he knows will create some questions for him, and then popping out again without addressing those questions. I also don't like how he keeps posting his votes and then we ourselves need to look back at his earlier remarks to piece together why he voted on that person. Is it really so hard to just add a quote of your earlier post for convenience? It doesn't help I disagree with his focus on Launch and blaming him for the Kark and Bats fiasco. Yes, they turned out to be PR, but the way they played and put suspicion on themselves was just bizarre, I am very hesitant to blame anyone for going after them.

sorry if I've been a bit absent lately, I was busy winning

Is it time to get Lightning McQueen racing again?

Throw books at me pls

I also want to refocus on Blarg a bit. At the beginning of the day, he completely ignored some direct questions from people about his weird ass plan during day 2. He said he would get back to them later in the day, but then the Salva game happened and now we are halfway through the day and he still hasn't addressed those questions.

I forgot, what did Blarg lie about? The lightning rod, or his entire flavour text (only girl in the world, etc.)?

I also find these people suspicious:


I also want to point out that Prodigy here has only given this list of suspicious people with no explanation whatsoever, made some brownie jokes, gave a list of all our outed PR and.....that's it for today. I know a lot of people see him as town because of his Becky power, and I agree that it is likely a town power, but he has been very low key today, giving virtually no opinions whatsoever. If he is actually scum that has managed to get into a blind spot with almost everybody and he now can just sit in the background laughing, that would be very bad for town. Not saying that is the case, but it is worth it to keep an eye on him.

This may come off suspicious later but my ass is already on the line so I figure I'll make my thoughts known. I don't find roy suspicious at this time and I will not be helping question him in fear that he reveals something important about himself.

If you are thinking what I think you are thinking: don't worry, I will keep quite unless I am in danger of being lynched. The only thing I will say is that I fully support your plan to not reveal the people you have licked.


I just chose someone at random and pulled the trigger, I was beginning to think no one else was around since I've been hoping for some discussion for awhile now and no one was really providing much. Of course, when a name gets highlighted in red, people say something. Let's do this now

VOTE: Darryl

Give me thoughts on Darryl (anyone can participate).

Always find it difficult to read Darryl because of his behaviour.

Reasons for town aligned:

1) Didn't vote for either PR in D1
2) Hasn't done anything suspicious in posts made

Reasons against:

1) Erratic Posting
2) Darryl attitude

Yeah. All four of those reasons are weak, so he's in the neutral cloud where I don't know what the hell he is
Launch you can go back just a day and see that I responded to your rebuttal. The thing is, I do not care for your words on it a half dozen times.

I am not arguing with you anymore. I am telling you why I think you are scum. Not going to sit here and repeat the same shit over and over. I blatantly don't have the time for a piss war and you're not dragging me into one. If you want to argue with me find someone scummier than you and talk about him (or me) instead of latching onto weak fucking blood yet again.

The bolded is a lie. You're a joke.

I found someone scummier than me.

VOTE: Darryl


Wow, what a mess. We've got like 7 candidates today, if I'm counting correctly.


We're throwing like everyone out there it seems. I guess I'll just go through the list. I haven't made much of a read post in a while, so I'm due.

LMQ - I said it before, I think he's just stubborn. Aggressive, went after batsnacks pretty hard. He also had that weird roleclaim. Other than that he's just opinionated about stuff. Blarg wants him dead for whatever reason.

Sorian - It appears like Sorian is getting heat simply because he talks so much. I went back through his posts and I don't see anything overly suspicious or contradictory in what he is saying. However, he was in Blarg's list of "the three" and also has claimed a PR, which I'm not sure how much I believe. Although someone confirmed he did lick them, IIRC.

Timeaisis - Obviously, this guy is as town as they come. Seriously, though. I made it clear I was going to vote either Salva or Blarg earlier today until the game played out. Before that, I had a vote for Sorian based on him being involved in the Ouro death fiasco. I'm now seen suspicious because of my apparent coasting, which is understandable.

Cabbeh - Claimed miller. His NX has been put in jeopardy many times over and instead of defending himself he's been continuing to play pro-town. He accepts he's probably going to have to be removed at some point, but continues to try to move the game forward. I think Cabbeh is town.

Roy - I don't have a very good read on Roy, and am not sure why some of you are voting him. He doesn't talk too much, I guess?

Darryl - The only reason people are voting for Darryl is because he's being an ass. He really hasn't done anything suspicious.

squidyj - I think this was just for a prod? I don't see anything weird about squidy.

Blargonaut - NF, but recruitable by town. I still don't get the mechanics of this. How does he get recruited? I'm confused after his gambit reveal. He made up the lightning rod for some asinine reason, which confused everyone to hell and then decided to play the Blarg vs Salva game, killing off one of our town in the process. I think he's lying about something, but I don't know if that means he's scum or not.

But, as promised, I'm voting for no removal today because, as enumerated above, I don't think we have anything substantial about anyone at the present moment and we've already killed a town for today.

VOTE: No removal
I'm voting for Darryl because, even if he isn't honest to goodness NFA, he's effectively playing for the other team by assaulting me with no evidence and without being able to change his mind. He doesn't care what I have to say. Before you say it, I gave Kark every chance to prove me wrong.


I'm voting for Darryl because, even if he isn't honest to goodness NFA, he's effectively playing for the other team by assaulting me with no evidence and without being able to change his mind. He doesn't care what I have to say. Before you say it, I gave Kark every chance to prove me wrong.

Well, we could say the same thing about Blarg as well, yesterday, anyway. Apart from the being an ass part.

Everyone is so fixated on you. I wonder what that means.
Well, we could say the same thing about Blarg as well, yesterday, anyway. Apart from the being an ass part.

Everyone is so fixated on you. I wonder what that means.

Blarg has stopped trying to push me, for some reason. I'm more inclined to believe Darryl is scum, or like I said, just being anti-town as fuck.

I talk a lot, it's not so surprising.
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