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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!

I believe that he was being sincere about acting upset and angry whenever we came at him. I feel like his laying down and dying spiel was bullshit. That said though, and there's more of it in these last few posts above me, I have to choose what I think is scummier, Blarg or Launch. I think it is Blarg, there is no way we can't re-visit Launch when we get to day 4 but I legitimately believe that Blarg is the more dangerous player to leave around, this ordinary kid claim reeks of bullshit to me now.

Man, i don't know about Blarg right now. That claim seemed sincere. At least the second part. I'll move my vote, but convince me this is a solid lynch.


Man, i don't know about Blarg right now. That claim seemed sincere. At least the second part. I'll move my vote, but convince me this is a solid lynch.

I don't have anything concrete but if you think his ordinary claim and reasoning behind it are what sounded sincere then my argument is that his neutral claim and the vagueness surrounding it sounded more sincere of Blarg. Past that, I can't put my finger on it, the soft claim of being a neutral was the most trustworthy sounding thing he has said the whole game to me and if it was just that then I had no issue with him but then he also claimed an x-shot power with it and a limited use power from a neutral isn't good news to me. The fact that he flip-flopped so quickly to defend himself also gives me small hints of scum needing to get in that last defense and from that angle you could say he said something neutral oriented to get on my good side but that's a lower odds scenario to me, I just thing the lowest odds are that he is going to just flip ordinary.
I'm not convinced of either scenario. Like, I can see how all his claims sound like bullshit, but that ordinary claim sounds like the most legitimate thing he's said. He's dropped all pretense. That's how I'm seeing this right now.

However, I'll let you guys decide. I'll be here if anyone wants to change my mind, but I don't think I want to commit to anything.



Timeaisis [m] - ????
roytheone [m] - ????
Darryl [-] - ????

Special Roles
cabbeh [m] - Miller
batsnacks [m] - Jailor
Karkador [m] - Investigator
Burbeting [m] - Watcher
LaunchpadMcQ [m] - Urinary Tract Infection Guy
Incontinence Guy
Lone_Prodigy [m] - hey Becky, you so fine

SalvaPot [m] - Ordinary Kid
Ourobolus [m] - Ordinary Kid
Blargonaut [m] - Ordinary Kid
squidyj [m] - Ordinary Kid

Sorian [m] - Rich Kid with eccentric “tastes”

Fireblend [m] - Recently Divorced Dad

Here's a list of some stuff. Now, ordinarily in game design, we recommend that mods put more Ordinaries than PRs or equal amounts. You'll notice, that probably isn't going to line up. Instinctually, you'll doubt my role first, but hear me out. As my role is anti-town as hell, I think Tim kind of wrote this off as a non-PR, so we're looking at maybe equal or one less ordinary kid. I don't think there are any PRs left if this is the case.

Meaning, I think it will be worth scrutinizing the remaining players with no claims and the two alive Ordinaries. I'm pretty sure I'll survive the night; my grave is half-dug already, but in case I don't, you guys should seriously consider squidy. He's really standing out to me when I line up the roles like this; that coupled with him phoning in this game, which is very uncharacteristic of him, is giving me pause.

Isn't Cabot his miller role the same deal? Judging from this list, we have 4 ordinary kids, 4 power roles (of which one was only one shot and notorious for being used against town even if it is technically a town role, and one was three shot) and 2 negative town roles that actually work AGAINST town. I don't know how Tim has balanced the game with those two negative town roles in mind. I wouldn't be surprised if we still have one town PR left.


Timeaisis [m] - ????
roytheone [m] - ????
Darryl [-] - ????

Special Roles
cabbeh [m] - Miller
batsnacks [m] - Jailor
Karkador [m] - Investigator
Burbeting [m] - Watcher
LaunchpadMcQ [m] - Urinary Tract Infection Guy
Incontinence Guy
Lone_Prodigy [m] - hey Becky, you so fine

SalvaPot [m] - Ordinary Kid
Ourobolus [m] - Ordinary Kid
Blargonaut [m] - Ordinary Kid
squidyj [m] - Ordinary Kid

Sorian [m] - Rich Kid with eccentric “tastes”

Fireblend [m] - Recently Divorced Dad

Here's a list of some stuff. Now, ordinarily in game design, we recommend that mods put more Ordinaries than PRs or equal amounts. You'll notice, that probably isn't going to line up. Instinctually, you'll doubt my role first, but hear me out. As my role is anti-town as hell, I think Tim kind of wrote this off as a non-PR, so we're looking at maybe equal or one less ordinary kid. I don't think there are any PRs left if this is the case.

Meaning, I think it will be worth scrutinizing the remaining players with no claims and the two alive Ordinaries. I'm pretty sure I'll survive the night; my grave is half-dug already, but in case I don't, you guys should seriously consider squidy. He's really standing out to me when I line up the roles like this; that coupled with him phoning in this game, which is very uncharacteristic of him, is giving me pause.

I guess I should respond to this. Out of all of the ordinaries and ????s, I predict one more town PR (the useful kind), 2 scum, and 1 more neutral. I base that on mostly gut feeling but the 1 more neutral is coming from what I think of Blarg, I actually thought I was the only neutral until he said something.
Isn't Cabot his miller role the same deal? Judging from this list, we have 4 ordinary kids, 4 power roles (of which one was only one shot and notorious for being used against town even if it is technically a town role, and one was three shot) and 2 negative town roles that actually work AGAINST town. I don't know how Tim has balanced the game with those two negative town roles in mind. I wouldn't be surprised if we still have one town PR left.

Conceivably true, but then I'd be even more inclined to believe one of the ordinaries is lying; by process of elimination, if Blarg is pushed out now, that leaves squidy.


God my head.

- I don't believe Blarg's claim.
- NFA recruiter part is still sticking out to me
- He's been truly useless today
- Second fake role claim planned?
- I still think his unclaim at the end of D2 was the most honest he's been.
I guess I should respond to this. Out of all of the ordinaries and ????s, I predict one more town PR (the useful kind), 2 scum, and 1 more neutral. I base that on mostly gut feeling but the 1 more neutral is coming from what I think of Blarg, I actually thought I was the only neutral until he said something.

I honestly feel like he was pulling your leg with that, just throwing a bunch of malarkey out to mess with us. 33% of the game being non-town is a ridiculous number to me.

I really think we're spent on PRs, but I suppose that remains to be seen.


I honestly feel like he was pulling your leg with that, just throwing a bunch of malarkey out to mess with us. 33% of the game being non-town is a ridiculous number to me.

I really think we're spent on PRs, but I suppose that remains to be seen.

Maybe he is just scum then, I just know I'd be extremely surprised if he flipped town at this point and with the way this has been going, he's probably the safest pick considering how little help he has been overall. If we take it all at face value, all of his plans have involved confusing everyone in the thread in hopes that it also confuses NFA at night but so far, all that has really panned out to do is confuse town without doing anything to NFA. Don't take this to think that I'm trying to convince you in particular of following this vote, you do what you want but I'm just responding as posts come up.
Well, you should take it as convincing me. I'm here, I'm malleable, I want to be convinced.

Crap I can't argue against you that he's been a walking clusterfuck. I don't know what the NFA are thinking, but at the point when Blarg came off the lightning rod claim, I expect they stopped wiping the sweat off their brow.


I feel like that's a lot of PRs. I'm wary of Blarg's role claim because he has fakeclaimed before and even admitted he was brewing up another fakeclaim before he "really claimed" ordinary kid.

Well, I might as well get this out of the way now. Doesn't really hurt anything if I reveal my role. I'm also an Ordinary Kid.


Squidy and me over Blarg? Alright, then.

It is funny how all three of us are claiming ordinary. That's why I'm claiming it now. If I waited I'd probably look like I'm just doing it as an out or something, just like Blarg is doing right now. So, I'm being transparent about it. And no, I don't believe everyone who has claimed ordinary is actually town.


I do want to say something a little different because I notice that Blarg is tied with the No Remove option. I don't want to just convince people to go with Blarg because I'm not 100% sure that he is the best choice and I might be swayed somewhere else. What I do want to convince people of is that no remove is a bad choice today. As ridiculous as it sounds, I could probably come up with an argument on why we should remove Blarg, Launch, Darryl, Squidy, roy, or Time. I'm sure others could come up with why I should be removed and cabot and L_P both read as town for sure to me at this time but I've seen mention of both of them as well. See anything in there? That's every single player. Usually by now, there is more of a core group that you just know in your gut is town but that hasn't developed in this game. Everyone is suspicious in their own way and, as such, we have a lot of ground to cover to try to figure this mess out. I don't think a no lynch is going to get us where we want to be.
Squidy and me over Blarg? Alright, then.

It is funny how all three of us are claiming ordinary. That's why I'm claiming it now. If I waited I'd probably look like I'm just doing it as an out or something, just like Blarg is doing right now. So, I'm being transparent about it. And no, I don't believe everyone who has claimed ordinary is actually town.

I'm more unsure of squidy right now. I am leaning that he will flip ordinary.
I'm still reading the thread but my opinion hasn't really changed. The unclaimed are going to claim ordinary because a PR isn't going to help the town nail scum the way Burb's did. We're just going to have to do this by process of elimination.

I wouldn't be opposed to voting out squidyj but he's a replacement and would a scum player want to be replaced? Weak reasoning but there you go.


I'm still reading the thread but my opinion hasn't really changed. The unclaimed are going to claim ordinary because a PR isn't going to help the town nail scum the way Burb's did. We're just going to have to do this by process of elimination.

I wouldn't be opposed to voting out squidyj but he's a replacement and would a scum player want to be replaced? Weak reasoning but there you go.

Archer has proven the answer to this to be yes.


I do want to say something a little different because I notice that Blarg is tied with the No Remove option. I don't want to just convince people to go with Blarg because I'm not 100% sure that he is the best choice and I might be swayed somewhere else. What I do want to convince people of is that no remove is a bad choice today. As ridiculous as it sounds, I could probably come up with an argument on why we should remove Blarg, Launch, Darryl, Squidy, roy, or Time. I'm sure others could come up with why I should be removed and cabot and L_P both read as town for sure to me at this time but I've seen mention of both of them as well. See anything in there? That's every single player. Usually by now, there is more of a core group that you just know in your gut is town but that hasn't developed in this game. Everyone is suspicious in their own way and, as such, we have a lot of ground to cover to try to figure this mess out. I don't think a no lynch is going to get us where we want to be.

As I said before, if I had to vote, I'm going with Blarg. I'd like to hear some arguments against the rest of your list, though. Which is like everyone left it seems haha.


I'm still reading the thread but my opinion hasn't really changed. The unclaimed are going to claim ordinary because a PR isn't going to help the town nail scum the way Burb's did. We're just going to have to do this by process of elimination.

I wouldn't be opposed to voting out squidyj but he's a replacement and would a scum player want to be replaced? Weak reasoning but there you go.

Sorry, but that is terrible reasoning. Retro bowed out because of personal, real life reasons which made it impossible for him to play in two games. I doubt the role he got had anything to do with that whatsoever.


I mean expanding on my point I actually see Mafia being pretty tough if you don't have the time. You're effectively overseeing how to play and win the game and keeping on top of a whole separate group chat.

Absolutely don't think that's a good reason why someone wouldn't be scum.
I do want to say something a little different because I notice that Blarg is tied with the No Remove option. I don't want to just convince people to go with Blarg because I'm not 100% sure that he is the best choice and I might be swayed somewhere else. What I do want to convince people of is that no remove is a bad choice today. As ridiculous as it sounds, I could probably come up with an argument on why we should remove Blarg, Launch, Darryl, Squidy, roy, or Time. I'm sure others could come up with why I should be removed and cabot and L_P both read as town for sure to me at this time but I've seen mention of both of them as well. See anything in there? That's every single player. Usually by now, there is more of a core group that you just know in your gut is town but that hasn't developed in this game. Everyone is suspicious in their own way and, as such, we have a lot of ground to cover to try to figure this mess out. I don't think a no lynch is going to get us where we want to be.

It's because of how this game has gone.

The two players who died D1 were town PR's.
I Beckied one of them.
Our most active player is a claimed neutral.
Our second-most active player led a D1 vote and has been under suspicion all game.
cabot claimed a classically safe role.
The only player who delivered us scum is dead.
Almost all PR's were revealed early, leaving the rest to be "conveniently" ordinary.
Okay okay I said it was weak reasoning and bringing up real life is fourth-wall stuff. I'll drop it.

We have three claimed Ordinary:


Let's vote out one. But don't vote no lynch.
It's not that easy. We would need to line up valid arguments for the latter two.

Time has been coasting. squidy isn't posting the way he usually does (I wouldn't know I haven't played with him before).

I'll vote Blarg if I have to since we don't have a lot of time and people rarely do last-minute flips. Again, no lynch is not an option.
Time has been coasting. squidy isn't posting the way he usually does (I wouldn't know I haven't played with him before).

I'll vote Blarg if I have to since we don't have a lot of time and people rarely do last-minute flips. Again, no lynch is not an option.

Squidy has absolutely not been playing the same. He isn't paying attention to the thread, can't be bothered to read the past material, etc.

VOTE: squidyj

Last minute trains, anyone?


squidys made this difficult because he said this morning he wont be around for deadline, so do you be a dick and just vote him without any chance of rebuttal, or move him to the next day?


As I said before, if I had to vote, I'm going with Blarg. I'd like to hear some arguments against the rest of your list, though. Which is like everyone left it seems haha.

Blarg and Launch speak for themselves I think so alright if I skip them? Take my thoughts the past few pages for Blarg and Squidy's thoughts on Launch and there you go.

Darryl - I know how Darryl plays and I know that taking aggression to mean Darryl is scum is silly but he's seemed fairly single-tracked on Launch for awhile now, he did turn around go for Blarg when he got tired of his shit which was more up town Darryl's alley so that had me mentally back off a bit but my main qualm was that he has tried to make me sound terrible a few times throughout. Now this isn't me saying he is scum because he is casting doubt on me but his reasoning has usually been that I'm just a stupid neutral and why should anyone care what I have to say. It came off as scum trying cast doubt on the speaker himself when his ideas were right.

Squidy - This one is fairly obvious, when I think Squidy, I think of someone giving 110% but this version of squidy has been at a solid 50% for most of the game.

Roy - The argument that roy has just been skating by and trying to fly under the radar kind of speaks for itself. I'm aware of his time zone and why he has to be more reactionary but he pops in, posts, and then disappears, it's a complaint I brought up early day 2 or late day 1 if I recall.

Time - Same idea of flying under the radar, as opposed to being reactionary like roy, Time is more inquisitive in his staying in the background. He posts but a lot of the posts are posing questions to the group, it makes him seem like he is more involved with the game than he actually is.

So yeah, if I had to build arguments against any of these people, that's where I would start, do I believe they are all scum? No but if any of them did more to seem like scum, this is the type of things I would look back at for each person.
He's usually the town crier too, which is bizarre compared to how he's been playing.

squidys made this difficult because he said this morning he wont be around for deadline, so do you be a dick and just vote him without any chance of rebuttal, or move him to the next day?

I think I buy the read on squidy than I do Blarg being scum right now.
RE: squidy's thoughts on me, I was still waiting for him to line up his arguments against me. He said I didn't respond adequately but ignored me when I asked what he wanted me to clarify.


Squidy has absolutely not been playing the same. He isn't paying attention to the thread, can't be bothered to read the past material, etc.

VOTE: squidyj

Last minute trains, anyone?

Last minute trains aren't my cup of tea. I'll watch the vote count and make sure there isn't a tie but the reasoning is still too weak for me to jump off of Blarg.


He's usually the town crier too, which is bizarre compared to how he's been playing.

I think I buy the read on squidy than I do Blarg being scum right now.

Maybe but I was going to pull a last minute vote on Blarg before making this point but we're close enough to deadline to raise it.

Blargonaut is claiming ordinary townie. Whats your function as an ordinary townie? Voting. Whats he done today with his power of voting?

sweet fuck all. As a townie he's completely wasted this day and for that I'm verging on policy lynch.

Do I suspect squidy? absolutely. He didn't really answer my points I made about him voting for me. This morning's post felt like the squidy I recognise but it was only one post and now he's ruled himself out for deadline, and I'm now thinking making the move on him like this is fucking wank.

So you see my conundrum, I'm caught between lynching a possibly townie who's been mostly anti-town in the current day phase and debatably more so in the past phases. His fake claim may have had good intentions but the bottom line is he fucked the small print and it had town chasing their tails for half a day phase.

Or I go for the possible townie but appearing as scummy squidy, in a way that is a bit disrespectful and doesn't allow any sort of response back from him.

This shit is awful and I'm really quite annoyed by how it's played out.


I will be keeping my vote on Blarg.

He has been very disruptive during day 2 with his lighting rod fake claim, but he said he was sorry and knew it was a mistake.
Yet, here we are, in day 3, and he AGAIN made a fake role claim, very vague this time, only to come back from it sometime later. He even admitted that he was contemplating ANOTHER fake role claim for today, but decided against it.
How can we be sure that he wouldn't do the exact same thing again during day 4 and disrupt the conversation for a third time? I am not willing to take that risk.

Also, about Squidyj: I don't agree with him on a lot of points, like his suspicion of Cabot and Launch, but I do actually believe he is just an ordinary kid with no night action.



5 votes needed for a majority.



I've said my peace, I'm hunkering down and putting my money where my mouth is unlike last day phase.

VOTE: Blargonaut


I'd like to urge people to vote for scum not policy lynching. I am voting for Blarg because I truly believe that he is scum or scum-aligned neutral, I think a small part of me is still caught on that NFA -> fun aligned clause from his fake lightning rod claim which still doesn't sit right. Regardless though, if you're only reason to vote for Blarg is because you think he is disruptive then I'd rather you pursue a lead of who you think is scum during this last half hour. We are down to a small pool of players and town needs to be looking at targeting scum not policy lynching.
squidys made this difficult because he said this morning he wont be around for deadline, so do you be a dick and just vote him without any chance of rebuttal, or move him to the next day?

Yeah, that's why I said I'll vote Blarg if necessary.

Looks like Blarg has 5 anyway.
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