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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


it was between squidy and Blarg and I'm not comfortable voting for squidy when he isn't here.

Dems the breaks for me, I'm afraid.


The day has ended.

Blarg was an Ordinary Kid.

It is now night three, you have 48 hours to submit those actions.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Ordinary kids have no flavor, that's what makes them ordinary.


The manager doesn't come out this morning because he is sick.

squidyj was removed from the list

squidyj was an ordinary kid!

It is now day four.


4 votes for a majority.


Huh, I'm surprised that they took squidy, I figured he'd be a hot topic today. I can confirm that I licked someone and I have not received an action failed notice. It's up to the person if they want to reveal themselves or not, I'm going to go look over squidy's posts.


The manager doesn't come out this morning because he is sick.

squidyj was removed from the list

squidyj was an ordinary kid!

It is now day four.


5 votes for a majority.

This game is strict majority right, not Kark majority? So 4 votes needed since there are 7 of us left?
1. cabbeh [m] - Miller
2. Timeaisis [m] - Ordinary
3. roytheone [m] - ????
4. Darryl [-] - ????
5. Sorian [m] - Rick Kid
12. LaunchpadMcQ [m] - Incontinence Guy
13. Lone_Prodigy [m] - Becky


Looks like mafia want us to jump on LMQ, huh.

Or LMQ thought the only way to survive another day was to kill squidyj before he actually started talking and making sense. Launch had no traction till Squidy got on him, it was only stopped by Blarg.

Or maybe the mafia are really going under the radar, L_P, Timeaisis, Roy, and this was a policy lynch to get rid of the only one who would dig deep enough to get them.


So if we take everything that we've seen at face value, we have the following:

cabot: claims Miller role; probable town based on when he claimed

Timeaisis: claims ordinary kid

roytheone: Has soft claimed a PR

Darryl: no claim, I believe?

Sorian: claims neutral survivor

LaunchpadMcQ: claims sleep walker (effectively claiming ordinary now without a watcher)

Lone_Prodigy: day vig'd someone day 1, claims one shot, probable town based on power and probable truth to it being a one shot based on strength of ability

After Salva went out, Squidy's only two targets were cabot and Launch. cabot seemed to be based on nothing more than Squidy was trying to re-evaluate the situation after the Salva guess came up bad and Launch was squidy's real strong hunch. From that, all we can do is try to guess at the mafia motive, I can see two motives. Mafia kills squidy which makes us think that Launch is the killer and he wanted to silence his biggest detractor and because he was on the wrong track and with few accusations out there, we can't read much else from his death. The Launch angle is too obvious to me, scum wants us to continue with the vote from yesterday to waste another day on Launch. I "protected" roy in discussions yesterday because of his soft claim as a PR but I'm not seeing obvious results from night actions and I've been skeptical that there was even anymore PRs left so today is the day I want answers from you roy. My hunch is that the scum is somewhere within Time, roy, and/or Darryl and out of the 3, you are the only one who I've let skate by without questioning.

VOTE: roytheone

What have you been doing each night?
This shit is coming down to the wire. Wasting a phase now could be catastrophic.

Ok, you guys know the score against me. If you want to discuss something about me, I'll do so, but I'm not going to waste my time just defending myself.

So, I think now is as good a time as any to talk about Roy.

VOTE: roytheone

Good morning Roy. What are you thinking about?



My other suspicion on roy, just so you'd don't think I'm just questioning randomly is that roy has been the player to leave the smallest impression on me in terms of who he has accused and why and I can't be the only one who noticed that he soft claimed a PR and yet, he keeps living throughout the night. If I were scum, I would have killed him already. Something is wrong here.
My other suspicion on roy, just so you'd don't think I'm just questioning randomly is that roy has been the player to leave the smallest impression on me in terms of who he has accused and why and I can't be the only one who noticed that he soft claimed a PR and yet, he keeps living throughout the night. If I were scum, I would have killed him already. Something is wrong here.

I missed the soft claim, actually, but a basic mafia strategy is to target the unknowns to out them.


I missed the soft claim, actually, but a basic mafia strategy is to target the unknowns to out them.

This conversation below right after Blarg claimed lightning rod person:

This is one of the most crazy ass role claims I have seen yet, I have to give you credit for that! Anyway, I don't believe a word you are saying here. Basically, if you indeed gave a lightning rod to someone, and Burbeting is really the watcher, he would have seen you visit that person. Not only that, he would have seen EVERYONE THAT DID A NIGHT ACTION visit that person. He will not just have seen Sorian and Fire, but at least also you and probably some more people judging from how many PR we have. Yet he didn't.

I don't think the watcher would have seen Blarg. Blarg's action was on me and would have obviously been before the watcher started watching me. That being said, I'd be surprised if Fire and I are the only night actions left so I do have issue believing this claim.

I also would be EXTREMELY surprised if that is the case. That is all I am going to say on that for now, but if Burb is speaking the truth, Blarg is lying.

roy would be EXTREMELY surprised if a watcher only saw me and the killer? Why would he be so surprised and why would he act coy about it? "That is all I am going to say on that for now" He did an action and if a lightning rod pulled everyone then they would have seen him too. roy never believed Blarg's claim and here is why.

Don't take too long to converse with your cohorts about this backfire. I'm getting antsy.

Keep in mind, we aren't going to see roy for awhile, time zones and all of that.


For that matter, what is your role, Darryl?

And where's your role? It's too late for this coy bullshit. We've got 3 phases before we lose. Get your act together.

I second these questions. We've moved into end game, our cop is dead and I've yet to see anyone do anything to stop a night kill. If there is a roleblocker then I'd much rather know who they've been blocking because at this point, that list might be a stronger help than the actual blocking and I doubt there is a doctor or they just felt like missing the obvious on protecting Burb a few nights ago. I doubt we have either waiting in the wings though because bat was our duel roleblocker/doctor. So I think we need claims out in the open now.
Where's your real role, Launch? Because I don't buy yours at all.

Don't buy it, I don't care. It's the truth.

Let me put it to you straight, you scummy fuck. You've been hounding me down endlessly since the beginning of the game. You know I'm town, yet you don't stop.

You claim to have a role that you need to keep to yourself. The only role that could possibly fit that bill is a roleblocker or doctor, and if that is the case, you've been doing a piss poor job of using said ability. In which case, the most utility that you could give us right now is who you've used your ability on.

If neither of those are your role, then you have absolutely no reason not to share it with us. We are 3 phases away from losing, and you want to withhold more information? How dense do you want us to believe you are?


I second these questions. We've moved into end game, our cop is dead and I've yet to see anyone do anything to stop a night kill. If there is a roleblocker then I'd much rather know who they've been blocking because at this point, that list might be a stronger help than the actual blocking and I doubt there is a doctor or they just felt like missing the obvious on protecting Burb a few nights ago. I doubt we have either waiting in the wings though because bat was our duel roleblocker/doctor. So I think we need claims out in the open now.

I'm the Confused Grandma. I want to get my grandson a new nintendo but I forgot to preorder. One shot bulletproof.


I can't tell you

If you can't tell us then I have to assume you aren't ordinary either, there would be no reason to hide that at this juncture.

cabbeh - PR
Time - ordinary
roy - PR
Darryl - PR
Sorian - PR (neutral)
batsnacks - PR
Fire - PR (scum)
Kark - PR
Burb - PR
Salva - ordinary
Ouro - ordinary
Launch - PR
L_P - PR
Blarg - ordinary
squidy - ordinary

5 out of 15 (4 confirmed, 1 claimed) are ordinary? That seems a little low so someone with a PR is full of shit.

Fake Edit: I see you've claimed Confused Grandma, can you explain how the flavor makes it so you are oneshot bulletproof?
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