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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!

Now, about me being a mafia tracker and not a town tracker: Judging from launch his post, the main argument is that if I am mafia, we would have let Fire do the kill and me track, purposely putting a very powerful mafia PR at risk so that I could gather information? Sorry to say, but that is quite a stretch. The only scenarios where that would make sense, is if:

- Me and Fire are the only two mafia members. That means a mafia team with 1 guy with a track ability and 1 guy with 3 one shot abilities. In my eyes that is weak as fuck, if you look at what town confirmed has. I doubt Tim sucks this much at game balancing.

- The third mafia member is super strong with an even better PR. Now, some of you have already mentioned that we haven't seen any results from other mafia PR. If the third member would really be so powerful, don't you think we would have seen his super power in effect already? We didn't, so which power could he have that is so important that we are willing to risk Fire for it, but yet it hasn't shown up yet? I don't think there is a mafia member with an even better PR than fire because we would have seen something already.

Also, I want to ask: if I were a mafia tracker that tracked Squidyj during N2 and didn't get any results, why would we target him during N3? Not only would we have known he wasn't a PR, we would purposely make my eventual role claim harder. Targeting Squidyj would make no sense.

- I don't buy this as an explanation of anything. Mafia is a game that naturally favors town. If Tim wanted to make this game interesting, adding somewhat ridiculous roles is one way to do it. He didn't get much approval on the design, either, so nobody really knows what state it's in.

- No, the third member has been carrying out the kills. Whatever that third mafia's abilities are, I'm not sure it really matters. It's enough that it made you throw Fireblend out first for the kill.

- As for the last point...

In regards to the last point, squidy is just a strong player in general and it's becoming increasingly obvious that town has no more PRs (except maybe you). In terms of one mafia member left vs. 2. I don't know, maybe the last guy has something ridiculous like a double vote or double kill or something. I really don't know anymore. After everything we've talked about, it's really come full circle for me and the biggest offender of this whole game is that mafia should have killed you last night and they didn't.

Took the words out of my mouth - why wouldn't the mafia target Roy or Darryl? Everyone else is a known quantity already, wouldn't it be more crucial to figure out what these two people who haven't roleclaimed are?

It's because you already knew what those unknowns were. You needed to focus on the strong players, and you were thinking that getting squidy would make me look pretty bad, so you were hoping to get away with an domino kill.
That too I guess but I can't believe that someone actually thought we'd go for the obvious bait. Queue the debate on how that's what the mafia WANTS us to think because it was actually Launch all along or its not or it was etc. etc.

That's why debating over mafia kill intent is so difficult. You basically have to read their mind.

I'm actually glad we didn't go into that and I didn't have to point out the uselessness of looking for mindfucks.


You guys keep on saying that speculating about Mafia kill choices is hard and dangerous, yet the fact that they didn't kill me is the main argument against me? What?

I am not mafia so I don't know why they didn't target me. Maybe they didn't believe my soft role claim? Maybe they knew that if I survived, that would make me suspicious. Maybe they didn't believe squidyj his ordinary kid claim? I don't know, I can't read their minds, I can only speculate.


Another thing that bothers me, and I know roy said it already, was the he investigated Sorian for the express purpose of proving he was town. That's it.

Think about that for a minute.


You guys keep on saying that speculating about Mafia kill choices is hard and dangerous, yet the fact that they didn't kill me is the main argument against me? What?

I am not mafia so I don't know why they didn't target me. Maybe they didn't believe my soft role claim? Maybe they knew that if I survived, that would make me suspicious. Maybe they didn't believe squidyj his ordinary kid claim? I don't know, I can't read their minds, I can only speculate.

In this game voting for town is pro town. The only way to win is to lose. Are you surprised


Another thing that bothers me, and I know roy said it already, was the he investigated Sorian for the express purpose of proving he was town. That's it.

Think about that for a minute.

Like I said already: I knew that if I came out with three no results, scum would have a field day with implicating me. I also knew that in this phase of the game and with the PR discussion at the end of day 3, the chance of being forced to role claim was high, and I was right. So I made a choice, with the risk of a ninja killer running around and probysbly two scums left, the chance of me tracking the killer N3 was relatively low. I rather go for sorian who could confirm me as the tracker, preventing scum from implicating me. I guess that failed because that is exactly what scum is successfully doing right now, and you are falling for it.


Like I said already: I knew that if I came out with three no results, scum would have a field day with implicating me. I also knew that in this phase of the game and with the PR discussion at the end of day 3, the chance of being forced to role claim was high, and I was right. So I made a choice, with the risk of a ninja killer running around and probysbly two scums left, the chance of me tracking the killer N3 was relatively low. I rather go for sorian who could confirm me as the tracker, preventing scum from implicating me. I guess that failed because that is exactly what scum is successfully doing right now, and you are falling for it.

But not preventing them from killing you once you out yourself as the tracker. This plan makes no sense.


Like I said already: I knew that if I came out with three no results, scum would have a field day with implicating me. I also knew that in this phase of the game and with the PR discussion at the end of day 3, the chance of being forced to role claim was high, and I was right. So I made a choice, with the risk of a ninja killer running around and probysbly two scums left, the chance of me tracking the killer N3 was relatively low. I rather go for sorian who could confirm me as the tracker, preventing scum from implicating me. I guess that failed because that is exactly what scum is successfully doing right now, and you are falling for it.

Why is this a risk?


The writing is on the fucking wall and has been all game. Launch needs to go. He is a hangman waiting for people to crack so we can vote people off over trifle shit. Roy's roleclaim isn't that out of the ordinary. I raised the idea of a mafia tracker earlier in the game and it was shut down. The story has changed not out of evidence but the players of the game and their need for easy targets.


"Instead of getting implicated by scum tomorrow, I'll instead track Sorian and roleclaim so scum will probably nightkill me."

That's the logic you'd have to use if you were town.

If you're going to roleclaim, you would have had to realize that puts you at great risk. So why not investigate someone useful?


"Instead of getting implicated by scum tomorrow, I'll instead track Sorian and roleclaim so scum will probably nightkill me."

That's the logic you'd have to use if you were town.

If you're going to roleclaim, you would have had to realize that puts you at great risk. So why not investigate someone useful?

It lowers the pool of targets by 1 for a day. This game is almost over. I was forced to come out as BP. He was going to have to claim anyways.


It lowers the pool of targets by 1 for a day. This game is almost over. I was forced to come out as BP. He was going to have to claim anyways.

Yeah, and Sorian gives us jack shit. We already know Sorian has a power. If he's gonna claim anyway and put himself at risk why not investigate someone people would actually like to know about? Like myself, or you, or Launch?

My point is this: he investigated Sorian to save his ass today. However, just the act of roleclaiming puts him at a huge risk since he's probably the last power role town has got left. So if he's gonna have to do it and he is probably going to die anyway (lynch or nightkill), why the hell not investigate someone useful?

He's just upping the odds of him surviving. Nothing more.


We've moved to roy so fast I'm not really with the consensus that he's scum yet.

I'm going to bed now. More tomorrow


I need to go to bed soon so this is my last post for tonight, or else I will keep checking the thread and I will oversleep tomorrow. I will not confirm or deny that this has already happened once :)

-the existence of a ninja is puur speculation, but in a game with only 15 players and two activity watcher PR, would it be so weird if they have one? Fucking with activity reads seems to be a theme in this game.

- a miss lynch in this phase of the game with still two scum in play would be terrible. So I wanted to prevent scum from using my bad luck in picking track targets to get you to miss lynch me when I am forced to role claim. Sure, I would probably get killed tonight, but at least the chance of lynching scum today would be bigger. Of course this has backfired completely and scum will probably get their wish and be incredible close to a win.


I need to go to bed soon so this is my last post for tonight, or else I will keep checking the thread and I will oversleep tomorrow. I will not confirm or deny that this has already happened once :)

-the existence of a ninja is puur speculation, but in a game with only 15 players and two activity watcher PR, would it be so weird if they have one? Fucking with activity reads seems to be a theme in this game.

- a miss lynch in this phase of the game with still two scum in play would be terrible. So I wanted to prevent scum from using my bad luck in picking track targets to get you to miss lynch me when I am forced to role claim. Sure, I would probably get killed tonight, but at least the chance of lynching scum today would be bigger. Of course this has backfired completely and scum will probably get their wish and be incredible close to a win.

I have a hard time believing there is a ninja or they would have used that ninja for the night 1 kill, I don't see any reason why they wouldn't have unless it's only an even night ninja or something but if that were the case, you would have been able to track them last night. I'm prone to agree with Time here, your move was to save yourself, now it's just a matter of figuring out whether the intentions were good or not because there are good intentions for this. roy knows a mislynch today will basically bury you guys so he wanted someone to verify that he was a tracker.


I just don't see it, though.

Roy could've investigated someone else and got nothing. So what? Would that be enough to lynch him? No, but maybe. Would he even roleclaim at that point? Probably not. He investigated Sorian to prove he's town so he can have a higher chance of staying alive.

The motives don't add up to me. I guess it boils down to a matter of if you think roy's motivations are sound or not.


For the sake of some discussion since it's stagnated. If there are two scum left, who does everyone think they are? With reasoning of course.
For the sake of some discussion since it's stagnated. If there are two scum left, who does everyone think they are? With reasoning of course.

It's gotta be between Roy, Darryl, and Time, unless we've made some huge mistakes in which case, I think we're already dead. However, no mafia game I've seen has ever worked out that well, so I really don't think that's the case.

Roy and Darryl are my top two. I was hot on Time this morning, but I feel stronger about Roy now.
Fuck it, I'm bored.

I just don't find Timeaisis to be that scummy. He's being up front and genuine. Launch just called my role claim horrible and I bet he can not explain why, he is just doing it because he knows any minute now Lone Prodigy is going to pop into the thread, see his words first, and believe it. All scum needs is a few swing votes at this point in the game.

You serious m8?


Everyone is scummy ATM so opinions change in seconds. No reasoning at all in arguments, just personality standoffs. Besides he didn't ask for people ranked by individual scum behavior, just who is acting like a scum duo.


Everyone is scummy ATM so opinions change in seconds. No reasoning at all in arguments, just personality standoffs. Besides he didn't ask for people ranked by individual scum behavior, just who is acting like a scum duo.

That was my question, yeah. It's a bit more specific because I do think there are two people working together now and it would probably be easiest if we targeted someone who was close to or on everyone's list.


I'm a little busy tonight so I'm going to


not that it's definitive evidence one way or another but roy sat at hammer status for awhile now and no one took the bait. I don't want my vote to be on a turbo while I'm away so I feel it's safer that way, I'll probably check in once more before I go to bed but then I'll be back in the morning then all throughout the day until time.


Neither of you even want to answer the question. Just dance around it. Disassociate yourselves. I bet I'm right on that nail.


I still don't buy Time's defense, he baited and attempted to throw the bus on me, to middling results.

The fact roy was at turbo point and no one jumped:

1) Mafia are super patient and not attempting to gather any suspicion whatsoever
2) Mafia had already voted on roy and were waiting for a remaining townie to jump
3) All the townies voted correctly for a mafia and the remaining mafia didn't want to jump on it.

This is the worst kind of mexican stand off.


I'm prone to agree with Time here, your move was to save yourself, now it's just a matter of figuring out whether the intentions were good or not because there are good intentions for this. roy knows a mislynch today will basically bury you guys so he wanted someone to verify that he was a tracker.

My intentions where 100 % with the best for town in mind. A misslynch today will put us in a terrible position. We currently are with 7 players, and I think it is safe to presume that there are still 2 scum. Now, if we miss lynch today, and scum successfully kills someone tonight, that would put us tomorrow at 5 players, 2 scum, and 3 votes needed for a majority. That would mean that a single, A SINGLE vote from a town player on another town player tomorrow could end the game. The two scum players would immediately seize the opportunity, also vote for that person and get him lynched. They kill somebody the following night and it is GG, scum wins. Even if they miss their kill that night, it would be a 2 VS 2 situation and unless one of the remaining town has a double vote or a override, we would still lose. So yeah, I think that preventing a miss lynch today is extremely important.

I just don't see it, though.

Roy could've investigated someone else and got nothing. So what? Would that be enough to lynch him? No, but maybe. Would he even roleclaim at that point? Probably not. He investigated Sorian to prove he's town so he can have a higher chance of staying alive.

The motives don't add up to me. I guess it boils down to a matter of if you think roy's motivations are sound or not.

Did you miss that Sorian voted for me and basically forced me to role claim immediately at the start of the day?? If I had refused to role claim back then, I would probably already be lynched now and town would be fucked. If I had tracked somebody else and again got no results, and said that in my role claim, I also would probably already be lynched now and town would be fucked. Only if I got lucky and hit a scum player that did something at night (which was a 1/5 shot, if you presume the other scum doesn't have a night action, which seems likely right now) I would be in a better position, but even then I had nothing to confirm myself with and you guys would have just had to believe me on good faith that I was speaking the truth and vote for the one I saw doing the kill, while the 2 scum players would do anything to discredit me. Honest question: if I came out today with my role claim and said I saw somebody do the night kill during N3, but had nothing to prove I was the tracker, would you just go with it? Knowing that a miss lynch would be a huge problem for town? With 2 scums actively trying to discredit me?


Honest question: if I came out today with my role claim and said I saw somebody do the night kill during N3, but had nothing to prove I was the tracker, would you just go with it? Knowing that a miss lynch would be a huge problem for town? With 2 scums actively trying to discredit me?

I'm not sure what I would have believed in all honesty but today was the day to role claim because even if we called you on it and ended up lynching you, we still would have had tomorrow to act on any information you gathered.


Top 2 most suspicious from what I read over the last pages.

cabot: Timeaisis, LaunchpadMcQ
Sorian: roytheone, Timeaisis
LaunchpadMcQ: roytheone, Darryl
Darryl: LaunchpadMcQ, Timeaisis ??
roytheone: Darryl, Timeaisis
Lone_Prodigy: ??
Timeaisis: roytheone, Darryl/cabot ??

?? means uncertainty.

damn you LP


Top 2 most suspicious from what I read over the last pages.

Sorian: roytheone, Timeaisis

I hadn't actually answered my own question yet because I was still debating with myself but yes, I think this is where I stand. Just wanted to confirm.


You know, I'd really love to hear from L_P before time is up. Also, roy, you aren't usually around when time ends I think? Is Time your last vote?


You know, I'd really love to hear from L_P before time is up. Also, roy, you aren't usually around when time ends I think? Is Time your last vote?

Kinda depends if I need to work or not. Today I will be present. I am pretty convinced both Time and Darryl are our last two scum, so I could vote for both of them. When I made my vote, my preference was Time because some of the posts they made, made me think him and darryl were more OK with a Darryl lynch than a Time lynch. I actually get the feeling Darryl is on purpose behaving more scummy/irrational to make sure that if it goes between Time and him, he would go and not Time. Maybe Time has a better PR than darryl, which they plan to use during the next night? That is the feeling I get, so that is why my preference is on time. If however it ends up between Darryl VS someone else (including me), I would not have a problem with switching my vote to Darryl. But I will vote for one of those two.



I secretly hope that the DR game goes down to the wire so that I can post appropriate music all day.

Kinda depends if I need to work or not. Today I will be present. I am pretty convinced both Time and Darryl are our last two scum, so I could vote for both of them. When I made my vote, my preference was Time because some of the posts they made, made me think him and darryl were more OK with a Darryl lynch than a Time lynch. I actually get the feeling Darryl is on purpose behaving more scummy/irrational to make sure that if it goes between Time and him, he would go and not Time. Maybe Time has a better PR than darryl, which they plan to use during the next night? That is the feeling I get, so that is why my preference is on time. If however it ends up between Darryl VS someone else (including me), I would not have a problem with switching my vote to Darryl. But I will vote for one of those two.

I'm thinking Time might be our guy today. He seems to be a partner in near everyone's list. I'd still love some of that final input from L_P though.


Top 2 most suspicious from what I read over the last pages.

cabot: Timeaisis, LaunchpadMcQ
Sorian: roytheone, Timeaisis
LaunchpadMcQ: roytheone, Darryl
Darryl: LaunchpadMcQ, Timeaisis ??
roytheone: Darryl, Timeaisis
Lone_Prodigy: ??
Timeaisis: roytheone, Darryl/cabot ??

?? means uncertainty.

damn you LP

For me it's:

Why LP? He hasn't said much and he's generally just going along with the bandwagon. Read his posts for yourself.


I secretly hope that the DR game goes down to the wire so that I can post appropriate music all day.

I'm thinking Time might be our guy today. He seems to be a partner in near everyone's list. I'd still love some of that final input from L_P though.
Or I'm just on everyone' list because 2 of those people are mafia and they want me dead.

What's the worst that could happen if we go for the obvious guy?
I flip town, and you have to re-examine the whole "I'm a partner with ___" or whatever the hell you guys were on about yesterday.

I'm ok with dying if it gives you something to go on, just know that you better damn hit scum tomorrow. The game depends on it.

I'm a safe player, you know that. But now is not the time to play it safe. I really am the obvious choice for today, because so many people have inklings of me being scummy. But 2 of those people are scum. Remember that.
Roy, Darryl, and Time.

Roy for surviving this long and tracking Sorian of all people.

Darryl for tunnelling on Launch and being conveniently bulletproof.

Time for coasting and deflecting, but I'm starting to come around on him.


I still don't buy Time's defense, he baited and attempted to throw the bus on me, to middling results.

The fact roy was at turbo point and no one jumped:

1) Mafia are super patient and not attempting to gather any suspicion whatsoever
2) Mafia had already voted on roy and were waiting for a remaining townie to jump
3) All the townies voted correctly for a mafia and the remaining mafia didn't want to jump on it.

This is the worst kind of mexican stand off.

Oh, Cabot. When will you figure out I was just making an observation. You're like 4th down on my list right now. Out of 7.

As for the roy turbo thing...I'm going to wager it's 3. Or 2 if we're wrong about Roy. I very much doubt if roy is town that a mafia is going to hammer him. They'd wait for a town to do it or the day to end. But you never know. We only have 4 votes needed for majority at this point, and that's not a lot of room to hide in votes.


I have slowly lost confidence in my opinion of Darryl as the day has went on.

I'm also thinking his flip could help me better determine Launch going into the endgame.

I hate myself.
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