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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!

Ok, let me get out in front of this, before everybody jumps down my throat. I’m writing this right after the day end, so I’m still stuck in how hilarious it was to watch you guys.

Alright, so, get it out of the way - no, I’m not mafia.

“well what was that shit at the end there?”

It all started when Timeaisis said:

Timeaisis said:
Oh my god but what if we all fakeclaim scum tomorrow. Holy shit think about it.

which I got really excited about because that would be hilarious. However, I was thinking of how to make my claim believable enough to fool Sorian. So, I decided to do it at the end of the day phase. I honestly thought it up in about 5 mins, and actually because I was watching the vote on me fluctuating, my heart was beating fast as hell even though I was still just writing it. Anyway, the vote came down on Roy and as soon as I saw the day end, I

“that sounds pretty fucking convenient Launch”

lol yes, but why the hell would I come out in front of something I wouldn’t need to? I needed some extra cred to throw Sorian off. My plan was to gamble and claim that the towniest survivor left in the next day phase was actually my partner, and pray that he went along with it. It was a huge gamble, but if Roy was a mislynch, we would be in a tight spot. I figured, even if Roy flipped mafia, I could write it off because obviously I wouldn’t be claiming to be mafia if one of my own got caught. Also, by a stroke of luck, Roy made some posts that suggest that he knew what I was trying to pull:

roytheone said:
wtf is going on.

roytheone said:

roytheone said:
Fuck you launch, you fucking bastard. If this is what I think it is..........

Thankfully, it didn’t come to that, but man that was a hilarious 15 mins of refreshing to see if we’d gotten a mafia or not. I still wasn’t convinced about Roy, but apparently my role was indeed connected to his.

So there we go, all cards on the table. I had a bit of a laugh at you guy’s expense, but worst-case scenario, I would have had to claim to be a mafia to get to avoid getting majority’d in the next day phase. I would say sorry, but I wouldn’t mean it - it was hilarious. Ok, sorry that I think it’s hilarious. lol



also something something I'm posting from my sweet microsoft surface today.


And yes, I knew what you were doing Launch, I don't know why you bothered though, I didn't care who claimed scum, I was just going to hammer the first vote that got to 2 people, not like that matters now.
Well, I thought I would bite it instead of cabot, but I think his last-minute vote switch to Launchpad made him a better target. Would Launchpad kill cabot to throw suspicion off him? A painfully obvious play if true, but you never know.

So we're down to 5. 3 town, 1 scum, 1 neutral.

Scenario 1: We lynch town. Town dies tonight, 1 town, 1 scum, 1 neutral. Who wins?

Scenario 2: We lynch scum. Town and neutral win.

Scenario 3: We lynch neutral. Town dies tonight, 2 town, 1 scum. One more day?
And yes, I knew what you were doing Launch, I don't know why you bothered though, I didn't care who claimed scum, I was just going to hammer the first vote that got to 2 people, not like that matters now.

That's funny, I was going to throw out a vote at the start of the day without even saying anything.


Yeah, I figured out what you were doing last night in my sleep. It clicked once I realized you did it before roy's flip.

Anyway, too bad we won't all be able to fakeclaim now lol. Could've been fun.

On a final note, let's be very careful with voting. 3 votes majority but it might as well be 2 because Sorian is just gonna hammer immediately to win.
Screw you Launchpad. The hat eating still stands.

Can someone look at my scenarios and determine who wins in each case? It looks the best case might be to lynch Sorian?


Well, I thought I would bite it instead of cabot, but I think his last-minute vote switch to Launchpad made him a better target. Would Launchpad kill cabot to throw suspicion off him? A painfully obvious play if true, but you never know.

So we're down to 5. 3 town, 1 scum, 1 neutral.

Scenario 1: We lynch town. Town dies tonight, 1 town, 1 scum, 1 neutral. Who wins?

Scenario 2: We lynch scum. Town and neutral win.

Scenario 3: We lynch neutral. Town dies tonight, 2 town, 1 scum. One more day?

In scenario one, day begins and the first person who votes wins because Sorian just hammers immediately. It's hilarious, but true.


Well, I thought I would bite it instead of cabot, but I think his last-minute vote switch to Launchpad made him a better target. Would Launchpad kill cabot to throw suspicion off him? A painfully obvious play if true, but you never know.

So we're down to 5. 3 town, 1 scum, 1 neutral.

Scenario 1: We lynch town. Town dies tonight, 1 town, 1 scum, 1 neutral. Who wins?

Scenario 2: We lynch scum. Town and neutral win.

Scenario 3: We lynch neutral. Town dies tonight, 2 town, 1 scum. One more day?

Scenario 1 means we go to one last day phase and basically I get to choose the winning team.

I like scenario 2 for obvious reasons. I have faith we can hit the scum today.

Scenario 3, don't do this. I'm putting in hard work for this neutral win. Throw me a bone here.

That's funny, I was going to throw out a vote at the start of the day without even saying anything.

Wouldn't have mattered to me, heart of the cards.




Yeah, I figured out what you were doing last night in my sleep. It clicked once I realized you did it before roy's flip.

Anyway, too bad we won't all be able to fakeclaim now lol. Could've been fun.

On a final note, let's be very careful with voting. 3 votes majority but it might as well be 2 because Sorian is just gonna hammer immediately to win.

Nope, I have to hit scum today if I want to win. Plus they killed one of my licked people so I have an even lower shot at getting out early.

Btw, Launch, will you confirm that I have the ability to choose my lick target?


Fuck I got licked.

(I'm on mobile, didn't see it till you mentioned)

I said you would, so no more being annoying about it Darryl, I've literally done everything I can to prove that I am the one licking each night and I have control over it. Also, I do believe we can now operate under the impression that scum can only do ONE of their own actions each night which means we need to discuss whether roy tracked or killed the night that squidy died.


I said you would, so no more being annoying about it Darryl, I've literally done everything I can to prove that I am the one licking each night and I have control over it. Also, I do believe we can now operate under the impression that scum can only do ONE of their own actions each night which means we need to discuss whether roy tracked or killed the night that squidy died.

I wasn't annoyed about it I was just discussing it. Trying to find some kinda weak link here


I wasn't annoyed about it I was just discussing it. Trying to find some kinda weak link here

I understand, it was just annoying from my perspective since I've been swimming upstream since day 2 of this game. I'm getting tired and now my best position to win is finding scum today so I'd rather not re-tread old ground.

Does anyone want to check out my awesome Microsoft surface? It's way better than that NX in there.


But does it play Mario?

A quick bing search tells me that the fabulous Microsoft surface is capable of supporting SNES emulators so you'll be able to play any of the good Mario games!


Though Darryl's plan is probably more beneficial to me, I have very little confidence that I will survive another night kill. So, I'll pass.


So who's left...


Is that it?

Yes, that would be everyone.

I'm the neutral.

L_P had a verified daytime action that would seem to be town-aligned on the surface but I don't want to take anything for granted today.

Darryl, Launch, and Time are all ?s as far as verified information goes.

(The above is from my own perspective but if you all don't believe that I'm a neutral at this point then idk what to tell you)


Just so everyone knows where I stand.

Darryl is my #1 today. I know I defended him yesterday, but that's because I thought Roy was a better scum pick (and I was right!). But with all that remain, Darryl stands out as our best option, imo. Not voting yet but that's where I stand.


I'm not actually sold on Launch anymore. I think scum kept him alive to bait me and waste time. Timeaisis ready to capitalize. This is the best lead I'm gonna get cuz I doubt it is L-P.

If Launch is actually scum he deserves MVP. I just don't have that much faith in him.
I'm not actually sold on Launch anymore. I think scum kept him alive to bait me and waste time. Timeaisis ready to capitalize. This is the best lead I'm gonna get cuz I doubt it is L-P.

If Launch is actually scum he deserves MVP. I just don't have that much faith in him.

You kept me alive to bait yourself? Neat.
The reason I'm leaning towards Darryl instead of Time is due to Darryl's role-claim. Confused Grandma could be a scum role. Bulletproof is a good pro-town ability since we have no vig outside of one Becky. But bulletproof also sounds like a mafia godfather type of ability.

Naturally, this is unfair to Darryl since Time claimed Ordinary Kid which can't be scrutinized in any way. Time would also be the fifth Ordinary Kid in the game, which makes sense for a game of this size.

Darryl's tunneling on Launchpad deserves a look as well. Blarg was also set on Launchpad and he was town, so it's a "safe" play to be naturally aggressive towards Launchpad.

Time has coasted and done his fair share of deflecting, but this game hasn't had much in terms of verifiable, solid information, so he can't be really faulted for that.
Is Sorian just waiting to hammer? I thought he knew who the last scum was?

I'm not actually sold on Launch anymore. I think scum kept him alive to bait me and waste time. Timeaisis ready to capitalize. This is the best lead I'm gonna get cuz I doubt it is L-P.

If Launch is actually scum he deserves MVP. I just don't have that much faith in him.

Interesting reversal. Last-ditch gambit or sudden epiphany?


So I'll ask again, thoughts?

Fire could only kill or do one of his nighttime actions.

Roy could only kill or track.

Last player could kill or? Well I think the last player is a ninja killer who has been doing the killing each night.

I think it's time I came clean about something that I lied about back on day 2. I lied because I wanted to implicate Fire as quickly as possible because it was obvious to me at the time that Fire was the killer but after clarifying something with Tim, I found that my assumption was incorrect but I had already lied so I just doubled down on the lie and hammered it in on Fire. Obviously that worked out well but now that we are here with one scum left, I might as well put it all out there and see if anyone else can make use of the information.

So, first off, I can lick myself, only once in the game. It does not help me meet my win condition and I assume it was put there so that if I wanted to lie and say that I wasn't the one doing the licking then I could lick myself at night, claim that it was me that was licked and no one could counter claim. I have not used this action because since it does not help me win and I claimed this role early on, there was no point. Again, this does not meet my win condition, I exit the game if everyone living, except myself, is licked.

Well I did lick Ouro night 1 and I did receive a message in the morning saying my action failed. I thought that the action failed because, duh, Ouro was dead and I thought of it more as a snide comment from Tim than anything else and moved on. Then Fire brought up the switcher claim. I figured it was bullshit because if he had switched Ouro and myself then whatever, the lick got re-directed to me and I was allowed one self lick so I figured that wasted it. So I pushed it all in on Fire, once the votes started swinging his way, I decided to PM Tim and verify that the action wouldn't have failed because of switcher hijinks. My exact question was what would happen if someone did something that redirected my lick back to myself and I was told that it would fail. Well shit, Fire's switcher story suddenly didn't seem like such bullshit anymore.

I didn't want to be outed as a liar so early on though or I would have been lynched awhile ago so I decided to double down, someone had already asked me if I could lick myself and I had said no because I had no intention of ever doing it so you all didn't need to know the option was on the table and, again, I was trying to sell the Fire lynch at the time. Someone then asked me why I didn't think Fire could have been a switcher because of the failed action (you all were under the pretense that I couldn't lick myself so a switch would have equaled failed action to you guys) so I said what I had to say and threw in that I was also told that if my target died during the night I would also receive a failed action message. This is FALSE and I have verified this is false.

So, why mention all of this? Well, I have no idea why he did it but I'm pretty sure Fire's claim that he switched Ouro and myself during night 1 was true. I obviously wasn't role blocked or then Burb shouldn't have seen me perform action (I think?) and from what has flipped so far, I can't see how anyone else would have re-directed my lick back to myself and the only way my action could have failed the first night is if it came back on myself since I hadn't licked anyone else yet so every other player was free game. So what happened night one?

If we can answer what happened night 1 then I think we might be able to find our last person.

And yeah, sorry for lying, I know I doubled down on Fire after losing the biggest piece of evidence that he was the killer and I'll be honest, whether he flipped town or scum was of no concern to me in the short term but I did know that if I didn't help deliver scum on day 2, I was going to be in trouble everyday from then on. The way Fire defended himself still reeked of scum and I took a gamble that my read was right. Lucky me that it was.


Is Sorian just waiting to hammer? I thought he knew who the last scum was?

Before Roy flipped, I was actually under the impression that Darryl and Launch were the last two scum. Sorry, one of those two might be right, but my read wasn't spot on obviously. I've been crafting up the post above lately (also was driving home from work and chuckling at election game from my phone).


Before Roy flipped, I was actually under the impression that Darryl and Launch were the last two scum. Sorry, one of those two might be right, but my read wasn't spot on obviously. I've been crafting up the post above lately (also was driving home from work and chuckling at election game from my phone).

Please let me modkill him, Czar.


Thanks for the clarification, Sorian.

One thing I'm still confused about. How does knowing what exactly happened with your lick on N1 help us at all, though? If Fire did just switch you with Ouro then that's that. It seems like the most obvious answer. Unless I'm missing something obvious.


Thanks for the clarification, Sorian.

One thing I'm still confused about. How does knowing what exactly happened with your lick on N1 help us at all, though? If Fire did just switch you with Ouro then that's that. It seems like the most obvious answer. Unless I'm missing something obvious.

Well, the obvious question is why would they waste a one time switch on that? What did they do, have Fire switch Ouro and I and then the actual killer targeted me to kill Ouro? Why in the world would they do that? Especially with a one shot power? I also have a hard time wrapping my head around Burb's claim. My action failed, he said he put in his command to watch Ouro and he received back a list saying that Fire and Myself visited his target. So who did he end up watching? Me? I don't even know how I ended up on a visit report when my action failed much less if the visit report was a for a watcher watching me. Yeah, Fire switching Ouro and I seems like the simple answer but assuming Burb wasn't lying and he had no reason to be lying, that doesn't even sound like it's the right answer either but that's why I wanted to come clean and maybe someone else could figure out if there is something I'm missing here.

Past that, if Fire did switch myself and Ouro, well, scum team knew that Fire didn't do the kill presumably, so they would have tried to guide us to the logical conclusion that Fire did perform a switch because it was the truth. For Fire to be telling the truth, I had to be lying, was there anyone who kept prodding me during all of Fire's claims about how my power worked and all of it's fail conditions hoping to get me to say something that would allow them to prove that Fire made a switch?


Well, the obvious question is why would they waste a one time switch on that? What did they do, have Fire switch Ouro and I and then the actual killer targeted me to kill Ouro? Why in the world would they do that? Especially with a one shot power? I also have a hard time wrapping my head around Burb's claim. My action failed, he said he put in his command to watch Ouro and he received back a list saying that Fire and Myself visited his target. So who did he end up watching? Me? I don't even know how I ended up on a visit report when my action failed much less if the visit report was a for a watcher watching me. Yeah, Fire switching Ouro and I seems like the simple answer but assuming Burb wasn't lying and he had no reason to be lying, that doesn't even sound like it's the right answer either but that's why I wanted to come clean and maybe someone else could figure out if there is something I'm missing here.

Past that, if Fire did switch myself and Ouro, well, scum team knew that Fire didn't do the kill presumably, so they would have tried to guide us to the logical conclusion that Fire did perform a switch because it was the truth. For Fire to be telling the truth, I had to be lying, was there anyone who kept prodding me during all of Fire's claims about how my power worked and all of it's fail conditions hoping to get me to say something that would allow them to prove that Fire made a switch?

Hmm..that's an interesting point. I'll see if I can dig up anything.
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