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[Mafia] NX Launch Night |OT| Back of the Line!


“Ha! I got it!” roytheone yelled from his small, poorly ventilated booth. The security guard had been working tirelessly to gather enough evidence on these trouble makers to call this whole horrid affair off. Wearing his ‘Make America Great Again’ cap and putting aside the latest issue of Penthouse, roy gleefully extracted the VHS Tape he had been using to record the “shenanigans.”

His manager was not impressed though. “You recorded these people without permission? You’re supposed to be protecting them, roy.”

“But they’re animals. All of them!”

“You’re fired.”

“Oh, are you a Trump supporter too?” roy asked, pointing to his hat.

“No, I’m saying pack your things and get out.”

This was not the reaction roy was expecting. He slunk away, headed for a life of welfare and government handouts.

roytheone was removed from the list.

roytheone said:
Security Guard
These damn kids and their video game. Acting like war is a game. Try going to real war. Sure you got kicked out of basic training after your psych eval “raised far too many red flags to list,” but that’s only because you love this country so much you’ll stop at nothing to protect it. Now your job is to protect one small part of it. And you do a damn fine job of it. These kids think they own the place. Smudging up windows, running around screaming, leaving trash everywhere. These kids want to have fun? You’ll show them fun. Real fun. Personal responsibility fun. This is your castle and nothing gets past you. All you need is enough evidence on these brats to convince their parents to take them home. Luckily you brought your trusty drone along with you. Your boss may think it’s a violation of privacy, but sometimes to uphold the law you must break the law.

Then you can finally get back to a peaceful evening of taking naps, commenting on Fox News Facebook posts, and dreaming of the day Donald Trump becomes President

You are a No-Fun-Allowed-aligned (Mafia) tracker. Your teammates are x and the messageboard is here

Each night you may spy on one player by sending me the night action DRONE: <player name>. You will see who that player visits (if anyone) but not what action is performed.

You may also perform your faction’s night kill by sending me the night action REMOVE: <player name>

You may only perform one night action per night

You win if No-Fun-Allowed-aligned players hold a majority vote.

It is now night four, you have 24ish hours to submit those actions.



The manager, no longer vomiting, has returned to the line. Surely enough people have been removed from the list. Surely they have at least five NXs.

"Well, uh, so. Listen. I, uh, know, I know you have, uh, narrowed it down a good bit, but uh, hope you can, uh..." He trailed off and gazed out at the parking lot before gathering himself and returning inside.

At this point there isn't a single person in line who isn't positive that the manager is an idiot.

Cabot was removed from the list

cabot said:
Call of Duty Kid
Chugging your fifth Mountain Dew today and opening a new bag of Doritos, you look over the rest of these losers waiting in line. Nintendo? Pift they make games for babies. You’re a real gamer. Hardcore. Gamertag: xXxH34D$H07xXx - clan tag [W33D]. You no scope from across the map all day every day (after homework and before bedtime of course).

I mean, you play other games too. But only cool games, like GTA and Madden and... I guess Pokemon is pretty cool. Smash is fun. Mario Kart is awesome... okay, okay. Maybe Nintendo isn’t that bad. But you are NOT a baby. Not like these casuals.

You are a Fun-aligned (Town) Miller.

If investigated by a cop, you will appear to be No-Fun-Allowed-aligned.

You win if all No-Fun-Allowed-aligned players are removed from the list.

It is now day five

Three votes make a majority.

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