You really think it's Darryl?
I believe it more than I believe it's Time. I know it's one or the other, but damnit, I feel very strongly about Darryl.
You really think it's Darryl?
I believe it more than I believe it's Time. I know it's one or the other, but damnit, I feel very strongly about Darryl.
I believe it more than I believe it's Time. I know it's one or the other, but damnit, I feel very strongly about Darryl.
I still think the lot of you are scum
What has Darryl done for town? Tell me that.
I still think the lot of you are scum
I made it a few hours after my campaign against Roy started. It's after roy posted he investigated Sorian so he could claim town. That's when I got pretty damn confident roy was our guy.
Another thing that bothers me, and I know roy said it already, was the he investigated Sorian for the express purpose of proving he was town. That's it.
Think about that for a minute.
Saying Launch is our guy and roy's roleclaim isn't that weird, you guys.The writing is on the fucking wall and has been all game. Launch needs to go. He is a hangman waiting for people to crack so we can vote people off over trifle shit. Roy's roleclaim isn't that out of the ordinary.
Also, he raised the idea of mafia tracker earlier, just so you know. Y'know, just in case roy does get lynched and flips scum and Darryl he needs an out for this very post.Darryl said:I raised the idea of a mafia tracker earlier in the game and it was shut down. The story has changed not out of evidence but the players of the game and their need for easy targets.
Also, he raised the idea of mafia tracker earlier, just so you know. Y'know, just in case roy does get lynched and flips scum and Darryl he needs an out for this very post.
I just don't find Timeaisis to be that scummy. He's being up front and genuine. Launch just called my role claim horrible and I bet he can not explain why, he is just doing it because he knows any minute now Lone Prodigy is going to pop into the thread, see his words first, and believe it. All scum needs is a few swing votes at this point in the game.
Launch and Time
He's doing a piss poor job of it then, he hasn't tried to use this out a single time.
Let's not forget Darryl's rant about Launch right in the middle of us discussing whether or not we had enough to lynch roy.
Saying Launch is our guy and roy's roleclaim isn't that weird, you guys.
Also, he raised the idea of mafia tracker earlier, just so you know. Y'know, just in case roy does get lynched and flips scum and Darryl he needs an out for this very post.
His role claim wasn't weird. Just because we know he is mafia now doesn't change that. Roy was going down at that point, why didn't I just bus him?
Answer Time's next post about your flip flop.
I already did once before when Launch called it out.
I knew the contradiction. I wasn't scared to make it. I was eager to make it.
I knew the contradiction. I wasn't scared to make it. I was eager to make it.
His role claim wasn't weird. Just because we know he is mafia now doesn't change that. Roy was going down at that point, why didn't I just bus him?
Roy was still not a sure thing at that point. People were hesitating. Launch and myself were the only ones that were pretty dead set at that point. You waited because he still had a chance.
And why were you eager to make it?
Talking about what your or my motivations are is a pointless exercise, anyway, Darryl. Why did you do x and not y. Why did I do x and not y, etc. etc.
I'm focusing on what actually happened yesterday and you are the one that stands out. Simple as that.
If I am scum, than me not bussing him and instead trying to swing and save him was a thing that actually happened.
Here's an updated list, for your viewing pleasure.
Top scum
cabot: Timeaisis, LaunchpadMcQ
Sorian: roytheone, Timeaisis
LaunchpadMcQ: roytheone, Darryl
Darryl: LaunchpadMcQ, Timeaisis
roytheone: Darryl, Timeaisis
Lone_Prodigy: Roy, Darryl, and Time.
Timeaisis: roytheone, Darryl
So either some serious bussing is going on or I'm not scum.![]()
Yes, my comment was in response to you asking why you didn't just bus him. And I'm saying I can't speak to your motivations, if you were scum. I can just examine what you did.
Then you're a fool, Sorian. You're mistake is that you believe scum are doing some crazy footwork here to stay alive when all they have to do is play under the radar. I pushed harder for roy yesterday than anyone and we got it. If you lynch me you're all going to kick yourself when you realize I have been playing in town's best interest the entire game.
I've voted two scum off. I made the swing for roy and knocked it out of the park. Do you really think this was some elaborate set-up plan to make me look good? You're argument is based on what you think the motivations of for scum and how you'd do it if you were really clever. My argument for roy and Darryl is that if it quacks like a duck and it looks like a duck it probably is a damn duck.
I just wanted to address this.
Batsnacks played like scum. He was town.
Karkador played like scum. He was town.
Blarg played like Blarg. He was town.
squidy didn't play like squidy. He was town.
Fireblend... he didn't really play like scum. Burb handed him to us on a silver platter.
I think roy could've flipped town.
Darryl... he's done some scummy things. His roleclaim is fishy. His voting behaviour, his reads on Sorian, etc. But he could just be misguided town.
You know who else was misguided town? Me, who Beckied batsnacks. Launch, who pressured Kark.
The single most obvious argument against Time is that he is just... there. He hasn't been noticeable all game until yesterday, when he went hard against roy. Is that town behaviour, seeing the endgame so close so they might as well YOLO, or scum trying to ingratiate himself with the town?
Hmm no. Darryl has a presence because he's abrasive and he says some crazy shit, but nothing has come of any of his pushes. Time went in hard against Roy yesterday; Darryl barely laid a solid opinion out. I think you've got them backwards.
I still genuinely think the answer is Time but, of course, you all choose to put this on me when I'm driving home. I needed to be the hammer and this game is now done for me. If we don't hit scum, then grats scum team, you won. Kill L_P tonight and I will exit the game by morning because I will have kicked all living players. L_P if you were actually the scum, then super grats on that day 1 maneuver, kill anyone but me tonight and I'll vote with you tomorrow.
If Time is it, then grats town. Except for yesterday, I was truly trying to scum hunt this whole time but this has been a rough scum team to hunt down. I hope you all understand that I did what I had to do. Also, if the final answer is Launch then lolol, pro work man.
VOTE: Timeaisis
This is entirely anecdotal, but scum tend to take fewer risks, lest they say something that's jumped on. Darryl has been abrasive, aggressive, and wrong at times, like a meaner version of you.
Time, you've made your case, and I've made mine. Let's just see where the cards fall. You can flip town, and you can flip scum. I wouldn't be surprised either way. Until then, there's no sense in dancing around the same tree.
In fairness to L_P, he correctly pointed out you guys should have lynched sorian today lol
geez what an asshole, kicking everyone like that
Sure, I'm still a survivor role, it's not like he was going to give me an out where I could win night 2 suddenly. I would assume I can win by having all alive players licked so that I'm not a deciding vote at the very end of the game. If I was just pure survivor and I happened to make it to the last 3, me, a fun-aligned, and a no-fun-aligned, then I would straight up be allowed to just decide the winning team on a whim because it wouldn't matter to me. As funny as that scenario is, it's not very fair from a game balance perspective.