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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


Rahxephon91 said:
What is with the spawn issues in this game?

Yeah, now that I'm an electronics junkie I've been in the spawns tonight a bit. Ha. Just loving pyjamas, SMG (Vipera 2) with suppressor and all the fixin's, med kit, jammer, and motion sensor. I've finally semi-mastered the "shoot from the hip technique" and now mixed with some reflex scoping I have managed to become pretty deadly. The downside is my XP is going to shit because now I'm more into the kills versus the res'. Oh well. Level 56 now after tonight.

Anyway...really sad to see the GAF community for the game (well, S.V.E.R., at least) decline so quickly. It hasn't even been out for a month and in the four+ hours I played tonight there were only 2-4 S.V.E.R. GAF folks online (including myself). I shudder to think how we're going to do when BFBC2 releases in a couple of weeks!

I just don't understand what's going on...this game is so awesome. I have played 55 hours and probably 50 of those have been pure Sabotage and I'm still not nearly sick of this. Maybe I'm just f'd in the head? Haha. Maybe you guys have lives on weekends...but it is my time to game.


Not pure anymore!
GodofWine said:
Can 'friends of GAF' get in a Gaf clan?? I got two buddies (real life friends) who just bought it, and I'd hate to ignore group invites from my GAF clan cause Im playing with them. Both have mics, one of the isn't afraid to use it :)

Why? It looks like the way to go 'on paper'....so far someone has said "i hate 'every weapon'"...thank god for respec.
Not much of an improvement over ATAC (second tier AR). I prefer ATAC myself because it has a higher rate of fire which sometimes help drop people faster. But that can be considered a negative as well because you run out of ammo a lot quicker compared with other AR's and certainly bad compared LMG's :lol but don't take my word for it. Try it yourself, who knows, you might actually like it better than ATAC2000.


Sonic handles my blue balls
sk3tch said:
Anyway...really sad to see the GAF community for the game (well, S.V.E.R., at least) decline so quickly. It hasn't even been out for a month and in the four+ hours I played tonight there were only 2-4 S.V.E.R. GAF folks online (including myself). I shudder to think how we're going to do when BFBC2 releases in a couple of weeks!

I just don't understand what's going on...this game is so awesome. I have played 55 hours and probably 50 of those have been pure Sabotage and I'm still not nearly sick of this. Maybe I'm just f'd in the head? Haha. Maybe you guys have lives on weekends...but it is my time to game.
I joined Valor GAF last night and the "who's online" looked exactly like SVER's 2 weeks ago. :lol

So basically, a bunch of people migrated. In addition, I imagine, all that playing burnt out some people. On top of that, the fractured SVER community which led to a decline in grouping probably resulted in some players losing interest.


commish said:
I get my face melted if I try to fire a rocket closer up - too many angles to shoot me. From before you drop off the ledge, you can get 3 rockets on the turret without much risk. I killed the turret about 3 or 4 times from that very spot that game.

Anyways, when (if) I hit 60 with Valor, there is NO FUCKING WAY I'm doing it again with Raven. No way. If a new map pack isn't on the horizon, I'll probably just quit. Too many good games in March to keep playing Mag, unfortunately. Hey, I got about 100 hours out of it, so I can't complain too much.

Less risk for you, more risk for the people that actually leave the spawn to go to the FRAGO. There's no problem taking out the turret after you leave the spawn. Everyone staying back and leaving only two people to actually go for the objective is ridiculous. I dropped down killed 2 guys, hit the turret with a rocket, died, was revived (thank you whoever was there with me) killed one more then died again. I then lay there for the entire time limit watching the other six people still in the spawn. smh One guy was firing rockets at the Bunker that wasn't FRAGO'd, a couple were shooting at the Burnoff towers. Dunno what the other two were doing.

Took like 10 minutes before we all actually moved together went after what was FRAGO'd. Th only reason we took the bunkers was because another squad took the AAA. Then when I FRAGO'd the next bunker a few who'd spawned in the helicopter had gone off towards the cooling towers :lol

Bunkers are spawn points, if you leave any up, they'll just respawn and repair the AAA. Then we're respawning right back at the beginning again. You take one of the far side bunkers, then the next one along. Then the AAA, then sweep across and take the rest of the bunkers if the other squads havn't. Which is usually the case as they're normally useless. Luckily this time they were decent.


sk3tch said:
Anyway...really sad to see the GAF community for the game (well, S.V.E.R., at least) decline so quickly. It hasn't even been out for a month and in the four+ hours I played tonight there were only 2-4 S.V.E.R. GAF folks online (including myself). I shudder to think how we're going to do when BFBC2 releases in a couple of weeks!

I just don't understand what's going on...this game is so awesome. I have played 55 hours and probably 50 of those have been pure Sabotage and I'm still not nearly sick of this. Maybe I'm just f'd in the head? Haha. Maybe you guys have lives on weekends...but it is my time to game.

Nah we don't have lives, most just switched to Valor. :p I saw 9-10 people on yesterday. Not too bad.


So I respec'd for the first time and went right for the T3 LMG (raven)...beast mode...kicks like a mule, but its a monster.

I also got my first 'MVP', somehow on Sabo...It was probably the hallway of death (Valor's Base C) where it was full of smoke, and I just laid down and ripped off 200 rounds into the hallway blindly killing 1000's of people (<---- ok, not 1000's).

RavenGaf had 11 on late last night, but I was playing sabo alone (need my points, and I dont get points in acq or dom yet, cause I have no clue.)


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
FFObsessed said:
Less risk for you, more risk for the people that actually leave the spawn to go to the FRAGO. There's no problem taking out the turret after you leave the spawn. Everyone staying back and leaving only two people to actually go for the objective is ridiculous. I dropped down killed 2 guys, hit the turret with a rocket, died, was revived (thank you whoever was there with me) killed one more then died again. I then lay there for the entire time limit watching the other six people still in the spawn. smh One guy was firing rockets at the Bunker that wasn't FRAGO'd, a couple were shooting at the Burnoff towers. Dunno what the other two were doing.

Took like 10 minutes before we all actually moved together went after what was FRAGO'd. Th only reason we took the bunkers was because another squad took the AAA. Then when I FRAGO'd the next bunker a few who'd spawned in the helicopter had gone off towards the cooling towers :lol

Bunkers are spawn points, if you leave any up, they'll just respawn and repair the AAA. Then we're respawning right back at the beginning again. You take one of the far side bunkers, then the next one along. Then the AAA, then sweep across and take the rest of the bunkers if the other squads havn't. Which is usually the case as they're normally useless. Luckily this time they were decent.

Well I agree that we didn't need 6 ppl to do it ;) I did notice we were moving in a few at a time instead of as a squad, but sver bunkers are always a pain in the ass on that map.
Everyone in the end will turn to Raven. We always knew we were the best!

Once I hit 60 I don't think I want to switch. I've been enjoying all the Raven groups I've been in so far. I do feel slow at leveling compared to other GAF players. I'm only at 36 now.
Corran Horn said:
At least the first 40-45 levels seemed to go by quickly. Felt much better than MW2 leveling.

It is going SLOWLLLLY. At least if I was on SVER I could count defending on sabotage on, now I'm stuck trying to hold Valor sabo map with a worse gun, less health, and worse gear than everyone else. The annoying thing is how much I know I could turn things around if I had my motion sensor back.

And why the fuck do so many Valor people bring repair kits to Sabotage? Ugh.
FFObsessed said:
Baah! Got f'n dc/d right at the end there so I'm done for the night. Good effort on SVER Domination. Have no idea why at the beginning we moved towards the left Bunker as an 8 man squad but only 2 of us got there because the rest decided to stay and fire rockets and shit from the spawn. Push out of the spawn before taking down the turret with rockets, you're just asking to be spawn camped if you stay back there. Which happened, albeit briefly.
You know we actually won that round, right? I didn't even realize it until the post match screen came up saying "Valor won the match". There was well under half a minute left when it ended, but it was total chaos at the pump I was at so I wasn't paying any attention to the clock/damage bar.


TelemachusD said:
You know we actually won that round, right? I didn't even realize it until the post match screen came up saying "Valor won the match". There was well under half a minute left when it ended, but it was total chaos at the pump I was at so I wasn't paying any attention to the clock/damage bar.

Awesome! I disconnected with like 2 minutes left and we were close, didn't think we'd get it tho.


Lince said:
fuck getting one thousand kills with the shotgun (Valor), what a POS gun.
It sucks? It seems like that's what I get killed with most these days. :lol Shit is the only thing that can stop my killing sprees on Sabotage usually. Someone just runs up to me and one-shot, done.


TheFallen said:
It sucks? It seems like that's what I get killed with most these days. :lol Shit is the only thing that can stop my killing sprees on Sabotage usually. Someone just runs up to me and one-shot, done.

It's that bullshit SVER machine pistol for me. So many people use it as their primary weapon. Fucking ridiculous.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Just checked my stats and they all say "INVALID"
Happened to me before, just some stat server off probably :lol

FFObsessed said:
It's that bullshit SVER machine pistol for me. So many people use it as their primary weapon. Fucking ridiculous.
Im using that as my main atm with stealth type of class. Works well but its so limited on ammo that killing people can be hard and I end up getting alot of assisted kills :lol
FFObsessed said:
It's that bullshit SVER machine pistol for me. So many people use it as their primary weapon. Fucking ridiculous.

The sidearm MP (standard pistol kill icon) or the primary SMG (SMG kill icon)?

I have the the MP to run&gun as a sniper and I don't think it's powerful at all (Do I use it wrong? ^^).

LMG users still kill me the most, even when I'm sniping as the thing can be ridiculously accurate and being prone it's often an instant headshot for me :(

Miss the full SVER squads btw, I can't level that fast/play that much to switch teams (level 41)...


Just remembered why I hate playing during afternoons (EST). Losing matches because the GAF squad is the only squad doing objectives.
I can't believe it. This morning we played Domination against SVER and we somehow actually won. I don't know if SVER was playing with their feet but it was tremendous.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Playing with non-gaf members makes me want to stab myself in the shin with 3 rusty knives.

Protips, Valor players:

1. You don't need a repair gun for Sabotage.

2. Nor do you need rockets.

3. When the enemy is capturing our letter in Sabotage, please stop sniping and help recapture. I'm begging you.

4. It's okay to bleed out. Really, it is. I know we all love to be revived, but when there's no teammates near you, just bleed out. Unreal how many people are on the ground dead outside of their bunker while the other team is planting, all the while they are yelling into their mics "Sver is planting on our bunker. Someone clear that c4." How about you bleed the fuck out and recapture?

5. There's no need to tell us every single thing you see on your screen into your mic. Some players don't say shit; other players say so much information that it just clogs the airwaves and I can't hear the important information that we need to hear. "There's one enemy going far side of the map. One enemy to the left. Three enemies in the middle, I think I saw. Oh, I got shot, I'm going to heal up. That hurt. I think I might respawn with a repair gun and try for the mortars. Maybe not. I think I saw an enemy sniping behind that wall. I'm gonna shoot a rocket at that apc." STFU. There was one guy in particular yesterday I almost wanted to teamkill until he logged off.

6. Squad leaders: If you frago a target, and some/all of the team goes to that target, please don't fucking whine about it. That's the point of frago'ing things. This is happening more and more in Sabotage and Domination. We capture A, then the squad leader himself wants to go help B, so he fragos B. When some of our team goes to B as well, squad leader yells "omfg why are guys going to B?" Blows my mind every time. If you want to go do something else, there's no reason to frago it, unless you just want extra points. A lot of players don't seem to understand what's going on in the overall game, so they look to the frago'd targets for guidance and often whatever you say over chat isn't heard.

Anyway, does anyone snipe anymore? I haven't sniped since the first day, but I'm thinking of respeccing and trying it out. Mowing people down with my LMG is getting a little old.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
BruceLeeRoy said:
I can't believe it. This morning we played Domination against SVER and we somehow actually won. I don't know if SVER was playing with their feet but it was tremendous.

Sometimes it's a complete SVER steamroll as usual, but Valor seems to be doing better in domination. It's still frustrating to see that only my team's letters are not unlocked (often the case with a gaf squad).


venison crêpe
Cellbomber said:
Everyone in the end will turn to Raven. We always knew we were the best!

Once I hit 60 I don't think I want to switch. I've been enjoying all the Raven groups I've been in so far. I do feel slow at leveling compared to other GAF players. I'm only at 36 now.

I'll be repeating back into Raven eventually. Trophies and achievements in general don't mean that much to me so I don't have the impulse to joing the other two factions for that reason. I would like to see how the other sides play but I haven't been playing at all much really so I'll just stick with Raven.

Much respect for the guys who have already gone through two of the factions already. You're made of sterner stuff than me.

A question for you guys too, the 10% XP points bonus (or however much it is) you get for going veteran, does that contribute towards your respec points too?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Wes said:
I'll be repeating back into Raven eventually. Trophies and achievements in general don't mean that much to me so I don't have the impulse to joing the other two factions for that reason. I would like to see how the other sides play but I haven't been playing at all much really so I'll just stick with Raven.

Much respect for the guys who have already gone through two of the factions already. You're made of sterner stuff than me.

A question for you guys too, the 10% XP points bonus (or however much it is) you get for going veteran, does that contribute towards your respec points too?

Oh shit, you get a 10% XP bonus? That explains so much... I went to 60 with SVER, switched to Raven (I thought svergaf was going raven next), then I deleted my character to go with everyone else to Valor. No wonder people are burning through it faster than I am, hahaha.


You know in all my time with MAG, not ONCE have I ever been given the role of Platoon leader. Not once. The only times I usually get squad leader is when someone quits or gets kicked as well. The system sucks.


FFObsessed said:
You know in all my time with MAG, not ONCE have I ever been given the role of Platoon leader. Not once. The only times I usually get squad leader is when someone quits or gets kicked as well. The system sucks.

No, it doesn't. There are good reasons why you shouldn't be squad leader.


Wes said:
A question for you guys too, the 10% XP points bonus (or however much it is) you get for going veteran, does that contribute towards your respec points too?
I don't know the specific answer to this. As I haven't even noticed. However, you should know that the cost to respec resets every Veteran mode. Going back down to 3000. I'm sitting at like 70,000/3,000. I can respec like crazy. :lol


FFObsessed said:
We need you man.

3 games in a row where we've had only a 5 man squad. :lol

Just had a 20 second game... -_-

I've had the same problem myself tonight, only 4of us on and half full squads. (BTW, GG's vicious,sketch and erm forgivemeIcan'tremember, was a pleasure squading with you)
I'm going to wait until you and Lince join Raven before moving on as I don't want to get stuck on my own in the next pmc- I feel my next PMC move may be my last.


venison crêpe
TheFallen said:
I don't know the specific answer to this. As I haven't even noticed. However, you should know that the cost to respec resets every Veteran mode. Going back down to 3000. I'm sitting at like 70,000/3,000. I can respec like crazy. :lol

Ah good to know, thanks.
Corran Horn said:
Quick question from a friend. If the Clan leader Veteran modes to a different PMC, what happens to the clan.
Well, Click did that from our SVER GAF clan when he switched to Valor. SVER GAF is still around so I presume it just assigned leadership to another officer.


TelemachusD said:
Well, Click did that from our SVER GAF clan when he switched to Valor. SVER GAF is still around so I presume it just assigned leadership to another officer.

Yep, Sirbutterstick became our fearless leader.

On another note, I had no idea I was already a member of GAF since 07


God dammit. With 4 Clan members in a squad all of which are level 30-50, why nearly every fucking time is the squad leader (the most important role in the fucking game) given to a level 16 joker, who requires 5 PSN messages with detailed instruction of exactly how to FRAGO, along with 20 minutes to digest the info, before he figures out how to FRAGO a mother fucking bunker.

It's like they want your play experience to be a complete piece of shit which it is the majority of the time.


FFObsessed said:
God dammit. With 4 Clan members in a squad all of which are level 30-50, why nearly every fucking time is the squad leader (the most important role in the fucking game) given to a level 16 joker, who requires 5 PSN messages with detailed instruction of exactly how to FRAGO, along with 20 minutes to digest the info, before he figures out how to FRAGO a mother fucking bunker.

It's like they want your play experience to be a complete piece of shit which it is the majority of the time.

a few days ago, we had a "leader" that wasn't doing anything, and was placing the FRAGO in weird places...he wasn't communicating or anything, so then bishop says to kick him out, and we were all trying. All of a sudden, the dude starts bitching about it, calling us nerds and shit, and complaining as to why we were kicking him out. :lol


Been playing a fair bit of late, with nary an Aussie in sight :(

I have, however, come across quiet a few [GAF]fers, which always brightens my game!


FFObsessed said:
God dammit. With 4 Clan members in a squad all of which are level 30-50, why nearly every fucking time is the squad leader (the most important role in the fucking game) given to a level 16 joker, who requires 5 PSN messages with detailed instruction of exactly how to FRAGO, along with 20 minutes to digest the info, before he figures out how to FRAGO a mother fucking bunker.

the game is trying to give a fair chance to everyone, if squad/platoon/team leadership would always be handed to the players with more leadership points or those with the highest ranking/most time played then how could the n00bs get their ribbons and trophies related to leadership positions?

that's fair for the random dude ok, but it's ruining the experience for the dedicated player (*hint* Das-J, dedicated players are the ones that would eventually buy your DLC and other stuff *hint*), it needs to be addressed NOW, I'm fucking tired of this shit. FFO you owe me 20 pounds.


Lince said:
the game is trying to give a fair chance to everyone, if squad/platoon/team leadership would always be handed to the players with more leadership points or those with the highest ranking/most time played then how could the n00bs get their ribbons and trophies related to leadership positions?

that's fair for the random dude ok, but it's ruining the experience for the dedicated player (*hint* Das-J, dedicated players are the ones that would eventually buy your DLC and other stuff *hint*), it needs to be addressed NOW, I'm fucking tired of this shit. FFO you owe me 20 pounds.

I'm feeling lucky! Double or nothing!! I will get my first Platoon Leader role next time!

Thrakier said:



U know what to do. Otherwise, it'll never stop.

ok you win (as always!) I'll download it.
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