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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


FFObsessed said:
God dammit. With 4 Clan members in a squad all of which are level 30-50, why nearly every fucking time is the squad leader (the most important role in the fucking game) given to a level 16 joker, who requires 5 PSN messages with detailed instruction of exactly how to FRAGO, along with 20 minutes to digest the info, before he figures out how to FRAGO a mother fucking bunker.

It's like they want your play experience to be a complete piece of shit which it is the majority of the time.

I would hear you talking to yourself all game about how the SL was a asshole and you wanted them kick. I think we kicked like 3 guys in 1 game(no tk) for not moving the frago at all.

Great games earlier tho guys I had fun. I'll be on again soon.


oneHeero said:

I would hear you talking to yourself all game about how the SL was a asshole and you wanted them kick. I think we kicked like 3 guys in 1 game(no tk) for not moving the frago at all.

Great games earlier tho guys I had fun. I'll be on again soon.

God I hate them all! :lol

Yeah, good games man.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Guessing something is wrong with the servers tonight. Havnt been able to log for the last 1-2 hours :(

Now not even getting past the update checker :lol


Yea I was just gonna say... I joined a game with FFO and Lince it finished and now I'm kicked off the game and unable to connect. Just constant errors. Tried retarting ps3 too..


:lol I decided to give this game a second chance today. I'm guessing they are having server issues. I think I am going to trade this game in tomorrow.


Neo Member
avatar299 said:
hopefully they are doing something major, like fixing the respawn glitch.

Not sure about that, but I finally got in. I saw 3 people on RavenGAF but now I am the only one on.. :\


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
FFObsessed said:
I just re-speced to Sniper! Go to hell assholes!

Yeah, I bled out at your feet, literally, on the last domination I played as you just sniped away :p


FFObsessed said:
I just re-speced to Sniper! Go to hell assholes!

welcome to my world of "with this state-of-the-art sniper rifle and this seemingly powerful shotgun I can't kill half the shit I used to kill with the LMG"

edit:503 more sniper rifle kills to get the medal... ugh, and 450 more shotgun kills, ughhhhhhh


commish said:
Yeah, I bled out at your feet, literally, on the last domination I played as you just sniped away :p

As I said, go to hell assholes!

After trying the sniping for the first time, I wasn't a big fan to be honest. Found it quite boring to say the least. Only highlight was taking out 6 guys as the tried to take back the burnoff tower. Still, *shrug* I prefer being at the front taking the objectives, I guess. Plus it doesn't help me escape this hell by getting to level 60 with the lower xp you get from it.

Only game I've enjoyed sniping in is KZ2 where it's almost an orgasmic experience :p

Lince said:
welcome to my world of "with this state-of-the-art sniper rifle and this seemingly powerful shotgun I can't kill half the shit I killed with the LMG"

Yep, it was lame. Gonna respec again but switch to the Assault Rifles with silencer. There's no way I can be arsed to get the 1000 kills with the sniper rifle so screw it. I'll go for the AR medal instead while climbing my way to the level 60 escape.


TheFatOne said:
:lol I decided to give this game a second chance today. I'm guessing they are having server issues. I think I am going to trade this game in tomorrow.

so now we know the reason behind this sudden mess, American Dial-up Lag King tried to play today, just stay away from the fucking game! don't even think about it :lol


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
FFObsessed said:
As I said, go to hell assholes!

After trying the sniping for the first time, I wasn't a big fan to be honest. Found it quite boring to say the least. Only highlight was taking out 6 guys as the tried to take back the burnoff tower. Still, *shrug* I prefer being at the front taking the objectives, I guess. Plus it doesn't help me escape this hell by getting to level 60 with the lower xp you get from it.

Only game I've enjoyed sniping in is KZ2 where it's almost an orgasmic experience :p

I tried sniping for a few maps myself today, and I just don't understand why people do it. The point total sucks, I felt like I wasn't really helping my team since I couldn't grab the objective or disarm or revive teammates. I did find a pretty good spot to cover B on Copper Relay... i'm not sure how the enemy would ever plant if a good sniper plants himself where I was. There was no threat from a counter sniper, and you'd have to run up and stand on my body to kill me. Or I guess they could use smoke.


edsPREZ said:
Yep, Sirbutterstick became our fearless leader.

On another note, I had no idea I was already a member of GAF since 07


Go figure you were already a member.

I'll be on a bit on monday I'm guessing.


Hey! I asked in the PMC thread but it seams dead.
Can someone invite me to gaf SVER clan? My PSN is Mello42 and my timezone is GMT +1
Thank you, I love this game but I suck at it and I would like to have some competent players teaching me what to do.
Station42 said:
Hey! I asked in the PMC thread but it seams dead.
Can someone invite me to gaf SVER clan? My PSN is Mello42 and my timezone is GMT +1
Thank you, I love this game but I suck at it and I would like to have some competent players teaching me what to do.

added you as well as others, see the PMC thread.

Currently there are 60 members in the SVER GAF clan (former now veteran members are not listed), 68 with the new members but for me (GMT) I almost never see more than 4 people online since the most active ones went veteran and others stopped playing (for the moment? I want at least to be level60, dunno if I go veteran after that) :(
yeah... I (w/o GAF clan) just had the worst defending SVER Domination match so far, Raven beat us in about 10min or even less.

I started on side of G/H, in most cases I prone near the first cooling tower to snipe or stay it the destroyed house a bit further. I do this because they will come, jump down and I can shoot them like sitting ducks while they try to get the cooling tower (to their defence it's a bit harder here to get to the bunkers than on the other sides).

But not this time.
No enemy came other than two guys a bit later on. They managed to destroy the bunkers on the left side, used the APC spawn and had the AAA down in maybe 2min. After that every bunker fell. But not only on our side, every letter objective was opened and they took them as fast as they took the other objectives.
I don't know if we started with less people (makes no sense for SVER defending) but right after that I noticed I was in an half empty squad with no team leader, no platoon leader and no OIC.

In the last minutes they actually pinned us down in our central spawn! WTF, you couldn't even stick your nose out w/o being shot because they flanked us from every single letter objective.

Of course I was best in squad second in platoon with glorious 123exp :lol

btw. I actually liked it, it gives you a bit of a war feeling when you are overwhelmed by this much force, enemies everywhere, your team is just panicking like chickens with their heads chopped of - which was literally the case with to command line (and it was quickly over anyway...).
It was a beauty to see the enemy acting so organized, of course the game is most fun if both teams are and switch having the upper hand.

end of the game:
116 Raven players vs. 88 SVER players (new players joined though).

53 SVER players with a clan tag, but mostly singles and only two clans with 6+ members (6 and 7 members)
74 Raven players with a clan tag, but less singles and most of all they had a clan with 11, a clan with 12 and another clan with unbelievable 22 members in the same match.
The games getting better as more clans form, should be even better once the 'trying it out' people fade out back where they came from - land of no mics apparently.


Chriswok said:
The games getting better as more clans form, should be even better once the 'trying it out' people fade out back where they came from - land of no mics apparently.
Joke? I go through matches constantly with teammates killing each other over who gets to plant a bomb, TKing for no reason at all but to grief, fighting over squad leadership with vote kicks and TKs. Just because they're in a clan, doesn't mean they're automatically better. In fact, I'd say sometimes they're more of an issue. They're more likely to go off on their own and disobey fragos or even band together to kick someone that's squad leader but not in their clan.

In fact, I'd say today was the last straw of this BS. The first match I did today I was immediately knifed after spawning by a teammate and then run over by a teammate APC following that within 30 secs. After that, I was playing with Lince and FFO. Unfortunately, nobody in our squad followed Lince's FRAGOs. To make matters worse, I was killed 3 times trying to plant on objectives by teammates trying to get the ribbons. After that it was a total waste of time as SVER defused bombs through doors stopping us from getting into the pumps. Sure, there's ways around, but those are chokepoints that lead to quick deaths. In the end, I'd say I was TK'd probably 8 times.

Really, the game is just a grind when you can't enjoy it. The bugs, exploits, stupid players, and map balancing issues have completely killed it for me. I may play on and off, but I'm not going to be jumping over to Raven any time soon with the rest of the clan.


I got TK'd bout 5 or 6 times in that game. 3 of them were just being run over by people who think it's funny. The others were when I was planting, especially at the motorpool. I just got machine gunned in the back so he could plant the charge. I saw people standing over my corpse, allowing someone to diffuse then shooting them and planting themselves.

Oh and I switched to the AR (silenced) and playing with anything other than an LMG is worthless.

edit: and now our OIC is singing about mother fucking unicorns the entire game.


FFObsessed said:
Oh and I switched to the AR (silenced) and playing with anything other than an LMG is worthless.

This is true to a point...but it's an apples and oranges comparison, really. If you're playing as a killing machine then, of course, you should stick with the heavy class and max out that LMG. I like the AR + all upgrades since it allows for more stealthy play (suppressor). Same goes for the SMG, but a bit less powerful.

I'll probably be going back to the heavy class soon. I've re-spec'd from heavy to assault and now to close quarters. Almost to level 59. It's quite the grind as you get close to 60. :-/


After trying 5 matches I stopped playing for now, all but jokers and TKs and people who don't know how to follow orders and go wandering around aimlessly looking for cheap kills =/

I really LOVE MAG, but I really really hate the users sometimes.

Also, I wish I could join your SVER clan but I'm in a clan with my group of friends, my PSN is Danny-kun for anyone who may wanna duke it out with me sometime ;D


FFObsessed said:
I got TK'd bout 5 or 6 times in that game. 3 of them were just being run over by people who think it's funny. The others were when I was planting, especially at the motorpool. I just got machine gunned in the back so he could plant the charge. I saw people standing over my corpse, allowing someone to diffuse then shooting them and planting themselves.

Oh and I switched to the AR (silenced) and playing with anything other than an LMG is worthless.

edit: and now our OIC is singing about mother fucking unicorns the entire game.

I get your pain, I dunno if it's some sort of fad or something but lately in most matches there's always some asshole who's either singing some crap or mocking the game's VA, I end up muting them.


sick of Domination lag... I see a bad guy, I shoot him in the head, he doesn't die, I take cover behind a wall, I die. Repeat


I finally switched to the LMG from the AR as well as I was tired of getting smoked in open one on one situations. The change is dramatic. I'm now able to gun down hordes of the opposition by just using the old spray and pray technique. I don't even wait to see people anymore, I see a red dot around a corner and I just run around it with the trigger pulled and people end up dead. Something needs to be done, the LMG is just far too potent not to use.


Malvolio said:
I finally switched to the LMG from the AR as well as I was tired of getting smoked in open one on one situations. The change is dramatic. I'm now able to gun down hordes of the opposition by just using the old spray and pray technique. I don't even wait to see people anymore, I see a red dot around a corner and I just run around it with the trigger pulled and people end up dead. Something needs to be done, the LMG is just far too potent not to use.

I do the same lol
Malvolio said:
I finally switched to the LMG from the AR as well as I was tired of getting smoked in open one on one situations. The change is dramatic. I'm now able to gun down hordes of the opposition by just using the old spray and pray technique. I don't even wait to see people anymore, I see a red dot around a corner and I just run around it with the trigger pulled and people end up dead. Something needs to be done, the LMG is just far too potent not to use.
I'd agree the LMG isn't balanced enough against something like the AR, but I will say you're not being cheap doing what you're doing imo.

The whole point of having all that ammo is to lay down suppression fire. Its not always necessary to shoot AT a specific something. You can lay down a base of fire to pin or deny the enemy a route. If they then walk into that base of fire and get toasted, well, that was the point. On both offense and defense it can be worth it just to plant yourself along a good angle and keep the fire on em, and the LMG excels at this.

Point fire on the other hand, where you're literally trying to take down specific targets is what the Assault Rifles were built to achieve. The fact that LMGs don't have much of a weakness in this area (because of accuracy/recoil/lack of mobility restriction and reload speed) is the problem here.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Lince said:
sick of Domination lag... I see a bad guy, I shoot him in the head, he doesn't die, I take cover behind a wall, I die. Repeat

I've been dealing with that lag since I started.. see shots coming, get into prone position, 2 seconds later I'm dead behind a wall. I figured it's cause I'm in Japan, but it's comforting (I guess) hearing other people in the world see the same thing.


NullPointer said:
I'd agree the LMG isn't balanced enough against something like the AR, but I will say you're not being cheap doing what you're doing imo.

The whole point of having all that ammo is to lay down suppression fire. Its not always necessary to shoot AT a specific something. You can lay down a base of fire to pin or deny the enemy a route. If they then walk into that base of fire and get toasted, well, that was the point. On both offense and defense it can be worth it just to plant yourself along a good angle and keep the fire on em, and the LMG excels at this.

Point fire on the other hand, where you're literally trying to take down specific targets is what the Assault Rifles were built to achieve. The fact that LMGs don't have much of a weakness in this area (because of accuracy/recoil/lack of mobility restriction and reload speed) is the problem here.

I totally agree, in fact my initial post on the subject mentioned that Zipper had similar issues in SOCOM with the LMG being the best run and gun in the game and that a nerf to its mobile accuracy brought it back down to earth. I don't want the LMG neutered, I love equipping a bipod and laying prone in a hot spot and racking up the kills. But to just run around with my finger holding one button down and watching the kills rack up is already getting old. I want to get back to using the AR and not feel like I'm gimping myself in most situations.
Malvolio said:
I totally agree, in fact my initial post on the subject mentioned that Zipper had similar issues in SOCOM with the LMG being the best run and gun in the game and that a nerf to its mobile accuracy brought it back down to earth. I don't want the LMG neutered, I love equipping a bipod and laying prone in a hot spot and racking up the kills. But to just run around with my finger holding one button down and watching the kills rack up is already getting old. I want to get back to using the AR and not feel like I'm gimping myself in most situations.
Same here, and apologies if I came across patronizing. Definitely not intended.

I just can't bring myself to put points into the AR either. The LMG is just universally effective with my (non-run&gun, positional) playstyle. I wouldn't have a problem with the LMG getting some very needed and very realistic limitations though. Make that thing heavy, make it harder to hip fire and increase the recoil when fired that way, slow down the reload speed. Keep its power though.

And BTW, Malvolio is one of my favorite names ever. ;P


TheFallen said:
Joke? I go through matches constantly with teammates killing each other over who gets to plant a bomb, TKing for no reason at all but to grief, fighting over squad leadership with vote kicks and TKs. Just because they're in a clan, doesn't mean they're automatically better. In fact, I'd say sometimes they're more of an issue. They're more likely to go off on their own and disobey fragos or even band together to kick someone that's squad leader but not in their clan.

In fact, I'd say today was the last straw of this BS. The first match I did today I was immediately knifed after spawning by a teammate and then run over by a teammate APC following that within 30 secs. After that, I was playing with Lince and FFO. Unfortunately, nobody in our squad followed Lince's FRAGOs. To make matters worse, I was killed 3 times trying to plant on objectives by teammates trying to get the ribbons. After that it was a total waste of time as SVER defused bombs through doors stopping us from getting into the pumps. Sure, there's ways around, but those are chokepoints that lead to quick deaths. In the end, I'd say I was TK'd probably 8 times.

Really, the game is just a grind when you can't enjoy it. The bugs, exploits, stupid players, and map balancing issues have completely killed it for me. I may play on and off, but I'm not going to be jumping over to Raven any time soon with the rest of the clan.

This seems highly unlikely. Or maybe you're just exaggerating? DEEP inside enemy terrority with lots of gates/sensors/arty around and FIVE or SIX people stand around ONE target TKing each other? I suppose the enemy saw this and decided not to get 5-6 EASY kills and just watch the fun right?

Srsly...1 put in 50-60 hours and never had any of these issues you mentioned. Sure alot of the time the SL doesn't move the FRAGO and I miss out on some bonus points but hey, is that a reason to RAGE out and go back to COD??

Note: I've been TK LESS in this game than any other in recent memory (KZ/MW2). Just some anecdoctal evidence to suggest that this is NOT the TK FEST this guy is making this game out to be.

PSN: KOGE (SVER level 51)


Kogepan said:
This seems highly unlikely. Or maybe you're just exaggerating? DEEP inside enemy terrority with lots of gates/sensors/arty around and FIVE or SIX people stand around ONE target TKing each other? I suppose the enemy saw this and decided not to get 5-6 EASY kills and just watch the fun right?

Srsly...1 put in 50-60 hours and never had any of these issues you mentioned. Sure alot of the time the SL doesn't move the FRAGO and I miss out on some bonus points but hey, is that a reason to RAGE out and go back to COD??

Note: I've been TK LESS in this game than any other in recent memory (KZ/MW2). Just some anecdoctal evidence to suggest that this is NOT the TK FEST this guy is making this game out to be.

PSN: KOGE (SVER level 51)
If you bothered to read the post under mine by FFO, you'd have seen that this was not exaggerating. And by two players (I'm sure Lince could also provide backup here) who have more than 50-60 hours invested. Anyway, I don't even own MW2 so I'm not sure if that rage out and go back to COD comment was directed at me or a generalization.

MotorbreathX said:
So the backlash begins? I have it coming in the mail. Hope it's at least decent.
There's really no backlash going on. Almost all of us have acknowledged issues with the community, glitches, and balancing issues from the start. The game is excellent in the right circumstances (players who don't tk, exploit, etc).


TheFallen said:
If you bothered to read the post under mine by FFO, you'd have seen that this was not exaggerating. And by two players (I'm sure Lince could also provide backup here) who have more than 50-60 hours invested. Anyway, I don't even own MW2 so I'm not sure if that rage out and go back to COD comment was directed at me or a generalization.

I did read post and took exception to it because you are throwing a hissy fit over 1 game out of 'more than 50-60 hours' of gaming that turned to crap because of a couple of douchebags. So basically 99.99% of your games don't turn out to be TK fests then?

Srsly...wtf with all the whining about randoms not setting fragos? Its the INTERNET..+ 256 players. There will be some idiots from time to time...RELAX.


lol the game IS a TK fest, I've never been team-killed so many times and for no apparent reason in any other game

- spawn TKs, idiot stabbing you in the back as you spawn
- objective TKs, idiot killing you for planting/disarming C4
- Run-over TKs, because driving an APC around killing team-mates is funny
- laying-prone TKs, laying prone near your spawn having a look at the map? TK incoming

and 50% of the random games I've played the Squad Leader never set a FRAGO, never.
PSN: Lince_SPAIN (SVER lvl 60, Valor lvl 60)

Koge-pan just join Valor or Raven and come back to this thread, ok thk bye <3 c u

edit: the worst "random" players I've ever played with are in Valor, SVER was awesome.
Getting sick of the game after playing a bunch today and realizing that the game is basically spent 80% of the time basically fighting over bunkers.

Game really is only fun once you get past bunkers and you are fighting to defend or attack actual objectives.


Kogepan said:
I did read post and took exception to it because you are throwing a hissy fit over 1 game out of 'more than 50-60 hours' of gaming that turned to crap because of a couple of douchebags. So basically 99.99% of your games don't turn out to be TK fests then?

Srsly...wtf with all the whining about randoms not setting fragos? Its the INTERNET..+ 256 players. There will be some idiots from time to time...RELAX.
I'm with you on this. Its ridiculous since this happens in every single game, the same EXACT complaints of every new shooter that comes out. Its so common, especially amongst Gaf. I enjoy the game and have rarely run into the problem, I havent played 60 hrs, more like 40 or so, only problem I have is getting raped by another team from time to time.
Do we not remember Lyulf when playing Kz2? :lol :lol Great times. Man we should all just fucken jump back on Kz2 for some Gaf games non stop. I miss those days. I'm having fun on MAG though, I only hate the lag that happens when you are getting shot at, hide behind a rock yet still being hit and die. That sucks major fucken balls and happens often.


Lince said:
lol the game IS a TK fest, I've never been team-killed so many times and for no apparent reason in any other game

- spawn TKs, idiot stabbing you in the back as you spawn
- objective TKs, idiot killing you for planting/disarming C4
- Run-over TKs, because drive an APC around killing team-mates is funny
- laying-prone TKs, laying prone near your spawn having a look at the map? TK incoming

and 50% of the random games I've played the Squad Leader never set a FRAGO, never.
PSN: Lince_SPAIN (SVER lvl 60, Valor lvl 60)

Koge-pan just join Valor or Raven and come back to this thread, ok thk bye <3 c u

Well, thats not my experience. TK for 5 XP to set a C4? TK to DISARM C4? so they guys KNOW they have enough time to disarm? HAHA Whats the point? Trophy whores?

Not sure if they keep track of 'times TKed', i'd love to see how many times you've been 'stabbed' in the back in the couple hundred hours of gaming? Sounds like you've been TKed hundreds to thousands of times.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Kogepan said:
Well, thats not my experience. TK for 5 XP to set a C4? TK to DISARM C4? so they guys KNOW they have enough time to disarm? HAHA Whats the point? Trophy whores?

Not sure if they keep track of 'times TKed', i'd love to see how many times you've been 'stabbed' in the back in the couple hundred hours of gaming? Sounds like you've been TKed hundreds to thousands of times.

First, it's more than 5 experience points. Second, lot of people are going for the trophies.

I'm gonna have to agree with Lince... I've never had so many senseless TKs against me. When I was on SVER, I can't remember even one. As soon as I joined Raven, I was stabbed numerous times in my own spawn. I then switched to Valor, and Valor is just sad all around. Easily worst PMC.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
MotorbreathX said:
So the backlash begins? I have it coming in the mail. Hope it's at least decent.

I've put in so many hours in the game, it's really hard to complain too much. Overall I love the game (as evidence by my playtime), but there are definitely some frustrating things about it. When it works, though, it can be the most fun I've had in an online FPS in a long time.


BattleMonkey said:
Game really is only fun once you get past bunkers and you are fighting to defend or attack actual objectives.

playing on SVER Domination map the incentive is destroying their bunkers, once you're past them with the AA battery down and the burn-off towers destroyed then you notice half your team left the game ages ago most of them during the briefing screen... then it's pointless trying to capture the letters, 60 guys camping around/inside the stations against a brave army of 15-20 men... so dull.

Silent Death

lemme get one or two licks
Quick question. When you get to 60, does your old character gets erased or can you go back and play with your old equipment and stats, if you so choose?


A lot of folks get TK'd simply running into objectives with grenades going ape shit. It happens.

Don't play with random's. I mean, how difficult is it to plan out your play time? Seriously, my clan plays twice a week, and there's almost always enough people online for one or two squads, at which point you stop worrying about bad SL's and TK's. Sure, random other folks from other squads may do it, but it's so rare in those instances it won't bother you much.

Sure, you'll die from friendly mortar, grenades, and the occasional spray and pray (or even mixups in chaotic situations), but let's be honest: MAG is fucking chaos. You can't expect to go into the game and NEVER get team killed. It happens. There's a shit load of people out there, and you'll run into special ed folks from time to time. They'll be gone in a few months, THEIR kind of fun doesn't last. Stick with it.


Not pure anymore!
Kogepan said:
Well, thats not my experience. TK for 5 XP to set a C4? TK to DISARM C4? so they guys KNOW they have enough time to disarm? HAHA Whats the point? Trophy whores?

Not sure if they keep track of 'times TKed', i'd love to see how many times you've been 'stabbed' in the back in the couple hundred hours of gaming? Sounds like you've been TKed hundreds to thousands of times.
I've rarely encountered TK'ers myself, I'm Raven btw. I do get a few weird TK'ers here and there but it's mostly randoms that don't know wtf is going on. But then again I hardly play with randoms because I'm with another non-gaf Raven clan. They have 200+ people and we always have at least 15+ people online. Most of the time my clan fills up the entire platoon, so maybe that's why. :D

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Inanna said:
I've rarely encountered TK'ers myself, I'm Raven btw. I do get a few weird TK'ers here and there but it's mostly randoms that don't know wtf is going on. But then again I hardly play with randoms because I'm with another non-gaf Raven clan. They have 200+ people and we always have at least 15+ people online. Most of the time my clan fills up the entire platoon, so maybe that's why. :D
Ya I rarely get TK'ed on Raven. Random times when I accidentally get in the line of fire or an explosion goes boom on my face is the most cases.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I get at least 3 or 4 TKs myself on every Domination map from teammates standing near a bunker or whatnot as it explodes. Happens every game.
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