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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


Neo Member
Got a chance to play the new patch a little before I had to go to work this morning. I spec'ed assault rifle and LMG for Valor. Only had a chance to try the assault rifle this morning. I have to say, I'm kind of disappointed. I was hoping for more of a damage bump than what seems to have been given. I'll have to try the LMG when I get home to see how much it's been toned down before I decide which route to take.
commish said:
if you ever want to see valor gaf mad, PLEASE take our apc and drive somewhere retarded with it. it's an instant "what the FUCK are you doing?!" I love it.
Ha, this is so true, nothing gets people madder.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Okay I just did a round of sabotage before work to test the LMG out. There's definitely more spread when hip firing and firing at a long distance; it's clearly not as easy to kill snipers (I might not even bother to try anymore with this gun), but I didn't have much problem taking out people from 60 or 70 feet. I don't think most folks will switch guns or anything over it. What's interesting is that I was the victim of a 30 foot one-shot kill from a shotgun more often than I have ever before. It's only one game, so probably just a coincidence.


Good games last night guys, sorry i was swearing so much but in the end my voice gave out.
We had a good strategy but it was pointless it seems since the other squds quit out before the game even began.
Played a few rounds so heres my impressions of the patch:

1. They totally gimped the LMG. Not a bad thing in terms of game balance but it feels completely different now. Nearly impossible to kill anyone over 75 feet, and even within shotgun range the amount of hip fire spread is insane. At times it felt futile using it.

2. The AR's feel no different, no damage boost, no accuracy boost. While the AR's never needed an accuracy boost the low amount of damage they inflict still makes them frustrating for close range kills.

3. Still had a couple of ~20 foot shotgun deaths. Love the shotgun so I wouldn't want them to gimp it anyway.

4. Knifing is bad as ever. With the lower respec requirements I decided to try some perks I haven't used before, including the 2 knifing perks. I was still missing easy kills, and still getting knifed from 15 feet away at times.
weekend_warrior said:
Played a few rounds so heres my impressions of the patch:

1. They totally gimped the LMG. Not a bad thing in terms of game balance but it feels completely different now. Nearly impossible to kill anyone over 75 feet, and even within shotgun range the amount of hip fire spread is insane. At times it felt futile using it.

2. The AR's feel no different, no damage boost, no accuracy boost. While the AR's never needed an accuracy boost the low amount of damage they inflict still makes them frustrating for close range kills.

3. Still had a couple of ~20 foot shotgun deaths. Love the shotgun so I wouldn't want them to gimp it anyway.

4. Knifing is bad as ever. With the lower respec requirements I decided to try some perks I haven't used before, including the 2 knifing perks. I was still missing easy kills, and still getting knifed from 15 feet away at times.

Is the spread on the LMG bad with foregrips?
Can't wait to try the patch after work...probably won't be online tonight until late due to a board meeting as well....lol

I wonder how the 1.03 SMG handles. The MAG forums are saying that at range, the accuracy is worse, but apparently more damage in close range?


Anyone used the 'battle rifle' yet post patch?? They specifically said that it would be improved, so Im thinking the T1 and T2 AR's may not be altered much.


Been playing Heavy Rain the past 2 days so I haven't been on to rip it up with Valor. I'll be on later tonight to test out the patch.


smulzie said:
I tried it with the T4 (Valor) assault rifle. I wasn't impressed with the damage boost.

Well, I guess over time we'll figure out what changed...it really just seems that they made each weapon much more specifically tuned for its application, no more multi-taskers...which is proper in my mind, so I expect the patch to work out well.

The increased rocket effectiveness should make defending Acq. and Dom. much harder, turrets are gonna be dropped a lot faster...but its also gonna be harder to get the vehicles out too.

I'd like to think that there will be LMG's laying out covering fire, while AR's and SMGs infiltrate, just like a good proper war should.
The frequent disconnects can really piss me off. Still trying to get a feel for the game. However, I think BFBC2 will be out before I can. Fun so far!


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
weekend_warrior said:
Played a few rounds so heres my impressions of the patch:

1. They totally gimped the LMG. Not a bad thing in terms of game balance but it feels completely different now. Nearly impossible to kill anyone over 75 feet, and even within shotgun range the amount of hip fire spread is insane. At times it felt futile using it.

2. The AR's feel no different, no damage boost, no accuracy boost. While the AR's never needed an accuracy boost the low amount of damage they inflict still makes them frustrating for close range kills.

3. Still had a couple of ~20 foot shotgun deaths. Love the shotgun so I wouldn't want them to gimp it anyway.

4. Knifing is bad as ever. With the lower respec requirements I decided to try some perks I haven't used before, including the 2 knifing perks. I was still missing easy kills, and still getting knifed from 15 feet away at times.

I don't think the LMG is that bad at all. Granted I only played 1 game before I had to leave, but other than long distance sniping, I was still able to get the kills I was normally able to get. It's noticeably different, though. If someone relies on spray and pray a lot, I imagine the change will have a more significant effect. I'm not saying I never sprayed and prayed - I did/do often, but even with the increased spread, I ended up on top of those battles. The other guns are still inferior...
SMG has been FUCKED! Can't kill shit with it anymore. Thank God I only needed 30 more kills for the medal when the patch went live. :lol

BTW, what do you guys use for the AR - reflex sight or 4x zoom?

I'm at level 54 atm... Gonna grind the rest with AR. :p
Haven't played with it since the beta.


Neo Member
Lagspike_exe said:
BTW, what do you guys use for the AR - reflex sight or 4x zoom?

I go reflex scope because I have no use for the foregrip. I also find I have a harder time aiming with 4x zoom, that's just personal preference though.
I like that the patch lowered the most needed to respec to 3000 every time. I don't feel like I'm taking huge risks spending points from time to time on new equipment only to screw something up.

Especially when I almost always play on my friend's account rather than my own!
duracell017 said:
Is the spread on the LMG bad with foregrips?

didn't have room in my loadout for a foregrip but with a reflex sight and the stability perk it was frustrating to say the least. Get used to going prone to kill anything with it now. I might actually try the bipod again. It was totally useless before.


Lagspike_exe said:
SMG has been FUCKED! Can't kill shit with it anymore.

Just great. Now what do we use?

LMG nerfed.
SMG nerfed.
AR fixed but still ain't shit.

Looks like the shotty is all that's left and I hate that thing.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
weekend_warrior said:
didn't have room in my loadout for a foregrip but with a reflex sight and the stability perk it was frustrating to say the least. Get used to going prone to kill anything with it now. I might actually try the bipod again. It was totally useless before.

You weren't even using the foregrip? No wonder you think the LMG is gimped... it makes a big difference...
commish said:
You weren't even using the foregrip? No wonder you think the LMG is gimped... it makes a big difference...

I haven't used a foregrip for the LMG since I was a level 15. 3000+ kills with reflex+stability tell me the new LMG is gimped.
Not that I'm complaining.


weekend_warrior said:
I haven't used a foregrip for the LMG since I was a level 15. 3000+ kills with reflex+stability tell me the new LMG is gimped.
Not that I'm complaining.

i think its great if its gimped w/o attachments. Now bipods and foregrips are actually necessary and make more sense in the build (before it was really only necessary for snipers to use these attachments)


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
weekend_warrior said:
I haven't used a foregrip for the LMG since I was a level 15. 3000+ kills with reflex+stability tell me the new LMG is gimped.
Not that I'm complaining.

So... you don't use an item that is designed to address the very same problem you are having, and then you complain about the problem... right...

True, before the patch, the LMG was amazing (or op) as it was, and the foregrip probably wasn't needed. Now, it is needed, and even then, it's not as good. It's not "gimped" and it's still better than any other weapon. I think some people are definitely overreacting to the LMG change. Like I said before, with the exception of sniper kills, I was getting pretty much all of the same kills I got pre-patch.


I told everyone for weeks to ride the LMG gravy train while it lasted.

Now the train ride is over and it's back to reality. That reality is simply this -- if you want an LMG as effective as you had before you're going to have to drop all the toys and add the attachments to it.

It's either that or go AR + toys. I'm thinking I'll respec to battle rifle + grenade launcher

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Is the machine pistol gimped? Currently using that with stealth/knife combo. Thinking of just respecing to AR with suppressor though.
God fucking dammit, I'm cool with making guns all inaccurate and stuff, but for fucks sake MAKE SURE IT'S REFLECTED IN HOW MUCH THE SIGHTS BOUNCE AROUND. I'm not a fucking mind reader, if the guns sights don't bounce around I assume I'm accurate, if they do bounce around, I know to take it easy on the trigger.

Seriously if there is one fucking thing games could copy from COD, I'd be nice if they took that.

Also, much lag all of the sudden playing tonight.


Shotgun is a bit weird now. Very unpredictable. There are times I can walk into a room and clear it out alone still, but I can also shoot at a single guy 5 times and not kill him. I don't think the change was fair, considering how much you're sacrificing to use it.

Also, my knife animation isn't going off. Happened a lot tonight. I still get the kill, but I don't see my knife swiping. Really weird =/
Wow, I just tried the shotgun. It is UNBELIEVABLY bad. That's got to be a joke or a bug. It's like a one shot kill at knife range. Seriously if you get the chance, just fire it at a nearby wall and check the spread.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Can anyone give me a rundown on the sensor jammer as well as improved stealth? Does the sensor jammer only work against UAVs? You simply have to have it in your loadout to work right? I want to try out the whole 'sneak behind enemy lines and knife/pdw it up' thing but I'm not sure if it's the jammer or imp stealth I want..either way I know I wanna play around with the motion sensor.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
So, what is the deal with squad leader kicks? I was FRAGOing the hell out of stuff, keeping on top of the AA and Arty, making sure it was constantly under attack, and as soon as it blew I was FRAGOing either the enemy truck or gates or roadblocks. Basically kicking ass.

Near the end of the round, I get 2/5 votes to kick me. Why would people do this? I asked what the deal was, but they either weren't mic-ed or weren't responding.

Is there some kind of exploit where if you kick the SL near the end of the round and become SL yourself, you get the command points or something?

I can't imagine why anyone let alone two people in my squad would want to kick me. I didn't TK anyone, and we won the round handily. I was also top scorer in the squad. No one said a word the whole time, but I was calling out targets and generally keeping people updated.

Maybe people are just dicks? I noticed that two people in my squad were in the same clan...


Unconfirmed Member
I've noticed an increased number of attempts to kick the squads points leader close to a few minutes from the end of a round, an attempt to get MVP I guess, but not seen SL kicks that were not from terrible FRAGO'ing and lack of leadership.

Lamers will be lamers, luckily the closest I've come to such a kickvote was 4/5 after one round of really kicking ass, As the timer ran down and they ran out of time I must admit I loudly mocked them, gloated monstrously at their failure to kick me and beat me in points for the round with a verbal assault an 11 year old on XBL would have been proud of... :p


sk3tch said:
Just great. Now what do we use?

LMG nerfed.
SMG nerfed.
AR fixed but still ain't shit.

Looks like the shotty is all that's left and I hate that thing.

Hahaha... if everything is nerfed doesn't it balance things out?

I played with the SVER LMG last night and yeh, the insanely good accuracy is gone is it plays more realistically now. I'm not winning 80+ meter shootouts with snipers anymore.

However, i am getting approximately the same number of kills. Over medium range distances ( 10-25 meters, defending the letters in domination for example) its much more effective that the other gun types.


commish said:
You weren't even using the foregrip? No wonder you think the LMG is gimped... it makes a big difference...


All these complaints about accuracy and the guy never even equiped the foregrip. OMG.


Does anyone know if improved stealth will prevent your name from appearing over your head?

I'm trying to decide between that and Sensor jammer. Thing is, improved stealth is solo, but doesn't cost anything, so I'm thinking that may be a better bet for right now.
Uhh, you ALL should have improved stealth. Everyone. Motion sensors will fuck you up, and being able to move at walking speed through tight areas and not pop up is awesome. I fucking hate it when I'm using the sensor. Seriously it's two points.

And I really don't like the changes. Seems like there isn't really a gun that kills in any respectable amount of time. I wouldn't have minded them buffing some of the other weapons up, but nerfing them all means I just have the selection of choosing how to shoot little BB's at people.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I walked up behind someone and did TWO point blank shotgun blasts to the dude, and he just started running. The third took him down, but wtf.... this is my first time using the shotgun, and while I do have fun with it (change of pace), it's so whacky with the kills. Sometimes I mow down 3 guys in a row. Other times, I hit a guy at least 5 times and he seems unscathed.
I believe most of the squad leader kicks come from groups of players or clans who basically want one of their own to be in charge instead of you. Seen it done once before with a clan all basically going gtfo noob, let such and such in charge at the start of game. I would imagine it happens alot.


Not pure anymore!
smulzie said:
I go reflex scope because I have no use for the foregrip. I also find I have a harder time aiming with 4x zoom, that's just personal preference though.
Foregrip for AR is very useful, just as much as stability ability.

BattleMonkey said:
I believe most of the squad leader kicks come from groups of players or clans who basically want one of their own to be in charge instead of you. Seen it done once before with a clan all basically going gtfo noob, let such and such in charge at the start of game. I would imagine it happens alot.
Even Gaffers do it. :p
Re-spec'd post patch and tried out the fully loaded Valor tier 3 assault rifle… and it's still worthless. They really should have given the ARs a damage boost, their relatively small clips would have prevented them from being too dominant. The only possible way I think they'd be fun as is, is if you went stealth class with it + a silencer, but that's basically a worthless class in MAG. We need squad members and close support, not single solo snake-eaters behind enemy lines.

The fully loaded Valor tier 2 LMG is basically the same with a little more distance spread. I can't quite snipe down that long straightaway on the right side of Valor's 'A' sabotage base anymore (which admittedly I shouldn't have been able to in the first place, but was fucking fun while it lasted!) but I can still hold it down.

So I guess it's still LMG for me. :/


PedroLumpy said:
Uhh, you ALL should have improved stealth. Everyone. Motion sensors will fuck you up, and being able to move at walking speed through tight areas and not pop up is awesome. I fucking hate it when I'm using the sensor. Seriously it's two points.

Huh? I spend 90% of my playtime with someone who carries a motion sensor 100% of the time, and improved stealth doesn't help against it at all. That, or in the last ~20 hours of playing, I haven't encountered a single enemy who has improved stealth.

Seriously. Motion sensor can see everything. EVERYTHING.

Still, improved stealth is an amazing skill.


these SVER guys were pretty good, a full platoon coordinated to defend the burn-off towers at all cost so we couldn't open the "letters", Valor GAF did well but we needed backup, 16 v 5 wasn't precisely cutting it. The LMG is still the best weapon for Valor, the larger clip size and extra damage compared to those of the AR/SMG are worth every bit of the added recoil/inaccuracy.
roxya said:
Huh? I spend 90% of my playtime with someone who carries a motion sensor 100% of the time, and improved stealth doesn't help against it at all. That, or in the last ~20 hours of playing, I haven't encountered a single enemy who has improved stealth.

Seriously. Motion sensor can see everything. EVERYTHING.

Still, improved stealth is an amazing skill.

So are you agreeing with me? Improved stealth does keep you off motion sensors if you're walking. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't encounter a single guy with the skill. After all it's fairly hard to definitively say if someone has it or not, but I've run into players who use it.


PedroLumpy said:
So are you agreeing with me? Improved stealth does keep you off motion sensors if you're walking. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't encounter a single guy with the skill. After all it's fairly hard to definitively say if someone has it or not, but I've run into players who use it.

I'm agreeing that the skill is worthwhile, but I'm fairly certain that the motion sensor doesn't care if you have it or not.


roxya said:
I'm agreeing that the skill is worthwhile, but I'm fairly certain that the motion sensor doesn't care if you have it or not.

true, Zipper guys have never come clean and explain how all these skills and devices work against each other... I'm pretty sure motion sensor picks even those with jamming devices and improved stealth due to a bug/glitch. I've played 120+ hours and never noticed an enemy that wasn't picked on my radar while he was walking (and not shooting), certainly I refuse to believe I've never faced someone with either a jamming device/improved stealth or a combination of both.


is now taking requests
PedroLumpy said:
So are you agreeing with me? Improved stealth does keep you off motion sensors if you're walking. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't encounter a single guy with the skill. After all it's fairly hard to definitively say if someone has it or not, but I've run into players who use it.

Noticing players who dont show up on radar is so rare i always assume they are among the few to carry the sensor jammer with them. I always figured nearly everyone had improved stealth seeing as it's pretty much a free upgrade if you are looking to get increased health.

Also, now that more and more people carry the motion sensor, the sensor jammer is becoming more and more awesome since people are starting to rely very much on their radar.

But the improved stealth working against the motion sensor when walking is interesting, i have never heard of it before - are you 100% positive this is the case?


Neo Member
blazinglazers said:
Re-spec'd post patch and tried out the fully loaded Valor tier 3 assault rifle… and it's still worthless. They really should have given the ARs a damage boost, their relatively small clips would have prevented them from being too dominant.

Couldn't agree with you more. The damage for the AR should be the same as the LMG. Hell, maybe even the tier 3 ARs should do <i>more</i> damage than the tier 2 LMG, considering the amount of points you have to dump into it. Then they each have their respective benefits. AR-> suppressed weapons, LMG -> large mags.

I'm sticking mostly to the LMG in 1.03. But the post patch Tier 2 AR seems to be worth the cost for having a stealth weapon. Plus, it has 5 more bullets than the Tier 4 AR (Valor), which is huge in my eyes.


I see all these people saying the AR's are "worthless" but I'm not confident you're all actually using them like they should be used. You cannot HOLD the fire on an AR, foregrip and stability be damned.

I can take down an enemy easily with an AR, and if I get the jump on them, 2 enemies is extremely easy.

I think you guy's are just using the AR's like freaking LMG's, going rambo and trying to spray for kills.


is now taking requests
Lince said:
true, Zipper guys have never come clean and explain how all these skills and devices work against each other... I'm pretty sure motion sensor picks even those with jamming devices and improved stealth due to a bug/glitch. I've played 120+ hours and never noticed an enemy that wasn't picked on my radar while he was walking (and not shooting), certainly I refuse to believe I've never faced someone with either a jamming device/improved stealth or a combination of both.

I'm pretty sure the jammer works against the motion sensor. Not that i've experimented or anything but i do feel a lot more invisible when carrying the jammer and improved stealth rather than when i carry the motion sensor. All my loadouts contain either device (or both) except the repairman loadout.

And i do see people not turning up on my radar when i carry the motion sensor. It's just not that common. Probably because i never spot them at all due to them being stealthy =)
And also because the jammer might be quite uncommon in loadouts because the sensor is so awesome.
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