PedroLumpy said:
Bullets go where they're aimed, they don't leave the barrel, then suddenly decide to turn 10 degrees in some random direction then go.
exactly, of course we don't want laser guns like the ones in MW2 but come on, tonight, playing with Violater and The_Prez, I'm crouching and aiming at this guy, fire a well aimed shot to his head and magically the bullet decides to take a sharp turn to the right, ok maybe it was my hands trembling, so I wait a couple of seconds and try again, now the bullet decides to go left... ok, I forgot to say that guy was a sniper, he saved his life, I moved onto other things as I couldn't waste more time dealing with him, but I left with frustration. Down the road this stuff will make me stop playing MAG, I still find it fun, but the shooting mechanics are way worse now, when I put my time and (wtf why shouldn't I say it) "skill" to get a nice shot I want my reward, I don't wanna see how my assault rifle, LMG or whatever fucks with my brain.
video: bullets dodging heads in MAG 1.03 (laying prone, close range, single shots, no recoil, bullets randomly decide to circle around the target instead of hitting it, which can happen, randomly of course, twice in a row, it's fucking embarrassing.)
Zipper, was this really the best option? did you consider nerfing damage at long range so you could give snipers their chance to take cover? maybe adding more recoil to the overpowered LMG? don't know, anything but seeing how bullets leave the barrel at a fucking angle, that is simply retarded and totally uncalled for.
edit: and for the love of God, fix your servers, my router has a net-status feature and I can have a look at the logs, guess what? there's a ton of downloaded packet loss when I play Domination (with downloading speed fluctuating all the time), looking at the stats it shows I never have these issues surfing the web, streaming HD content or playing online with the PC, 360 or other PS3 games, just with MAG Domination. Connection is wired and not shared, my NAT type is "open", what is going on? are the servers being taxed?