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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


MrPliskin said:
I think you guy's are just using the AR's like freaking LMG's, going rambo and trying to spray for kills.

my problem with the AR's is the clip size, lag makes you waste a lot of bullets on already dead enemies so I find myself having to reload almost every time after taking an enemy down, to make things worse Valor assault rifles lack a lot of stopping power compared with those of SVER (pre-patch), I believe they're a bit more accurate though.

Anyway, if you play Sabo/Acquisition then ARs magically become more efficient thanks to the reduced lag.


jorma said:
And i do see people not turning up on my radar when i carry the motion sensor. It's just not that common. Probably because i never spot them at all due to them being stealthy =)

lol that would make sense, but seriously I can't live without my jamming device either (specially since these SVER spawn-camping bastards love their motion sensor too much, I know it because when I was SVER I would just rush to the enemy spawn, camp around with my motion sensor and knife everyone)


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
jorma said:
I'm pretty sure the jammer works against the motion sensor. Not that i've experimented or anything but i do feel a lot more invisible when carrying the jammer and improved stealth rather than when i carry the motion sensor. All my loadouts contain either device (or both) except the repairman loadout.

And i do see people not turning up on my radar when i carry the motion sensor. It's just not that common. Probably because i never spot them at all due to them being stealthy =)
And also because the jammer might be quite uncommon in loadouts because the sensor is so awesome.

Someone tested these things on the mag boards...


For the record, I've played over 100 hours, and I'm pretty sure I never had improved stealth (though I did take it yesterday).


commish said:

Sensor Jammers: All testing showed Sensor Jammers did nothing with respect to motion sensors or keeping you off the radar for movement. I repeat, Sensor Jammers will not hide you from Motion Sensors. It's been brought to my attention Sensor Jammers should do something vs Motion Sensors. I'll look into this again the next time we can test and I'll update the thread with the new information.

interesting, so basically jammers are worthless?

edit: I'll answer myself

No one knows, because Zipper remains silent on defining these skills. Ridiculous.



is now taking requests


I wouldn't trust that guy 100% since he also says the opposite of what we're seeing regarding improved stealth, but I do feel that the jammer does nothing vs. motion sensor. I'm pretty sure that right now, any and all movement -- within range -- is picked up by the sensor.


I used the battle rifle during the beta and didn't notice the HUGE muzzle flash I saw last night when I was trying out the 4x scope. Was that always there? This for Valor.
jorma said:
Noticing players who dont show up on radar is so rare i always assume they are among the few to carry the sensor jammer with them. I always figured nearly everyone had improved stealth seeing as it's pretty much a free upgrade if you are looking to get increased health.

Also, now that more and more people carry the motion sensor, the sensor jammer is becoming more and more awesome since people are starting to rely very much on their radar.

But the improved stealth working against the motion sensor when walking is interesting, i have never heard of it before - are you 100% positive this is the case?

Well I have definitely noticed people not showing up on my radar. In particular one game I couldn't detect most of the enemy squad. I assumed it was because one guy had a jammer, but in light of that testing thing, maybe they all had improved stealth. Which is certainly a reasonable possibility.

In regards to stealth being a free upgrade, I agree BUT there is also a sprint boost in the same tier for 2 points. I would not be surprised if most of your average jobbers out there took that and never bothered to pick up stealth as well. But again, I highly recommend stealth to people. A guy with a motion sensor can carry a blinged out tier 1 LMG, medium armor, and a medkit, so he's not giving too much too be able to kill you. No versatility though.


Oh and grenades are kinda goofy since before you get explosive resistance, they're deadly, then afterwards it's just like lol who gives a crap.


The laggy gameplay when facing americans, I'm european, and the sad state of the game when playing with randoms is making me long for Bad Company 2 actually :D


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I'll be 60 with Valor soon, before Bad Company 2, so when BC2 hits, I think I'm gonna migrate over to that...I know some of valor gaf is going to Raven, but I'll wait for a new map or something before I go through my last pmc.
PedroLumpy said:
A guy with a motion sensor can carry a blinged out tier 1 LMG, medium armor, and a medkit, so he's not giving too much too be able to kill you.
You nailed my favorite [pre-patch] loadout right on the head.

PedroLumpy said:
Oh and grenades are kinda goofy since before you get explosive resistance, they're deadly, then afterwards it's just like lol who gives a crap.
What? Explosive resistance is almost worthless in my opinion. So much so that next respec I'm getting chemical resistance instead.


after some games today where I tested every weapon post-patch I'm so disappointed with Zipper's way of "balancing" weapons. Every weapon now except sniper rifles show randomized bullet spray, you can see it by aiming down the irons your favorite AR, SMG or LMG standing still or crouching, shoot a single shot and you'll see that only 1 out of 6 times the weapon will be 100% accurate and hit where you're aiming, most times your shots are just randomized in a weird "circle" pattern and will miss the target.

I agree weapons shouldn't be accurate when you're just holding the trigger or running around with them, but if I'm still, crouching and aiming down the irons, shooting a single shot should be 100% accurate and not random, as it is now close encounter no longer are won by those who aim quicker to the head, now the one who gets lucky with the randomizer algorithm will win, I guess this is for stopping AR/SMG/LMG from killing snipers at long range? why not just nerfing damage at long range then? it's so frustrating trying to play efficiently with your weapon while the game wants your skill to become random, the satisfaction of playing a FPS comes from this well-aimed single shot or burst you learn to do with practice, but now it's all just a fucking lottery where my bullet could end either nailing th¡s camping enemy's head (where I'm aiming) or his elbow as Zipper's algorithm decided it wasn't my lucky day. FAIL


Lince said:

I read this elsewhere, but having played a handful of games last night post-patch, the game itself seemed to play better in all aspects, and I noticed no issues with playing as an LMG toting slug.

Yea, I couldn't hit that sniper across the map to save my life, but I really shouldn't have been able to.

I'll play with the weapons tonight some like you and others have, but to me, it seems that in game, nothing detrimental occurred.

I still got sniped by snipers....still got killed at distance from AR's, no longer got headshotted from an SMG at distance (which was a common occurence), didn't get any shot gun deaths from too far out...and had to use my LMG to attack someones 'personal space' vs. 'a persons head'.

One point to consider, in real life (and I know this is a game) when you fire a gun you do not end up pointing back at the same exact spot, you fire, re aim, fire..etc. You will not put 3 rounds into a 5 inch cirlce at 50m in 3 seconds, ever... EDIT - I do understand your complaint that you should be able to put your first shot on target though, and shots after that, which have ample time to be aimed.

This might also discourage 'head aiming' which is not taught by any gunnery instructor. Aim for center mass, and these mid range issues probably aren't an issue. (not applied to snipers, they can aim for a freckle on the head in real life). Head shots in FPS are fairly stupid, if I shoot you in the stomach first in real life with an AR/LMG/Pistol, you will never..ever...be able to shoot me in the head after having you guts explode... So Im all for encouraging aiming for center mass.

/rant :D (this was more general comments inspired by your comment than directed in opposition of your comments)


I'm not bothered at all... I'm still having a lot of fun with MAG, but if I take my time to aim and prepare a shot I want this single bullet to be 99% accurate at least for close-medium range, it's only fair but in the heat of the battle all is forgotten anyway.


Lince said:
I'm not bothered at all... I'm still having a lot of fun with MAG, but if I take my time to aim and prepare a shot I want this single bullet to be 99% accurate at least for close-medium range, it's only fair but in the heat of the battle all is forgotten anyway.

I just mucked about with the raven T2 LMG and T1 AR. I just went into a warehouse in suppression and got in the corner...firing at the closer wall (25m maybe?) the LMG put a series of single fired shots, about 2 per second all within the circle of the reflex site, and the AR put them all in immediate proximity to the iron sights.

Turning to the far wall, I took aim at a support beam about 35-40m away, and again the LMG put a series of shots inside the circle of the reflex, and the AR, I fired 20 shots fairly quick, and all but one hit the beam, which is probably 8 inches wide...AR has no foregrip either.

I'll need to draw aim on a further target but so far in mid range shooting, Im thinking one can still aim effectively in bursts.

Long range accuracy of the LMG is reduced, more so on auto firing, but I still found it effective.
weekend_warrior said:
What? Explosive resistance is almost worthless in my opinion. So much so that next respec I'm getting chemical resistance instead.

Seriously? My grenade deaths went WAY WAY WAY down. Like I wouldn't be surprised if my post explosive resistance grenade deaths were less than 10, heck maybe even 5. Also I'm pretty sure I've been hit square in the face with an RPG and survived. But if you didn't notice a difference when you played it's not for you I suppose.


I'm really not liking this post patch, I've gone through pretty much every gun now, even resorting to carrying a sniper rifle (invisible geometry sucks big time) and I pretty much hate everything. It would have been cool with me to buff everything but the LMG, but now I have the choice between varying options of crap, shit, and poop. People were already kinda bullet sponges before, but now with bullets going all over the place and the damage tuning it's just painful. This isn't really the sort of balance I'm personally interested in.

And I'm with Lince, if you want a gun to have recoil, fine. But for gods sake have the sight jump around to reflect that. Not just lol bullet goes in some random direction when you fire. Bullets go where they're aimed, they don't leave the barrel, then suddenly decide to turn 10 degrees in some random direction then go.


PedroLumpy said:
Bullets go where they're aimed, they don't leave the barrel, then suddenly decide to turn 10 degrees in some random direction then go.

exactly, of course we don't want laser guns like the ones in MW2 but come on, tonight, playing with Violater and The_Prez, I'm crouching and aiming at this guy, fire a well aimed shot to his head and magically the bullet decides to take a sharp turn to the right, ok maybe it was my hands trembling, so I wait a couple of seconds and try again, now the bullet decides to go left... ok, I forgot to say that guy was a sniper, he saved his life, I moved onto other things as I couldn't waste more time dealing with him, but I left with frustration. Down the road this stuff will make me stop playing MAG, I still find it fun, but the shooting mechanics are way worse now, when I put my time and (wtf why shouldn't I say it) "skill" to get a nice shot I want my reward, I don't wanna see how my assault rifle, LMG or whatever fucks with my brain.

video: bullets dodging heads in MAG 1.03 (laying prone, close range, single shots, no recoil, bullets randomly decide to circle around the target instead of hitting it, which can happen, randomly of course, twice in a row, it's fucking embarrassing.)

Zipper, was this really the best option? did you consider nerfing damage at long range so you could give snipers their chance to take cover? maybe adding more recoil to the overpowered LMG? don't know, anything but seeing how bullets leave the barrel at a fucking angle, that is simply retarded and totally uncalled for.

edit: and for the love of God, fix your servers, my router has a net-status feature and I can have a look at the logs, guess what? there's a ton of downloaded packet loss when I play Domination (with downloading speed fluctuating all the time), looking at the stats it shows I never have these issues surfing the web, streaming HD content or playing online with the PC, 360 or other PS3 games, just with MAG Domination. Connection is wired and not shared, my NAT type is "open", what is going on? are the servers being taxed?


wow SMG is pretty useless to me now...

SOo inaccurate... PLUS its weak... :(

LMG is only usefull at VERY close range or crouched and aimed... or Prone and aimed..

My avg kills have dropped dramatically... my deaths from guns has dropped and deaths from grenades has increased...

Also in my last game tonite... I was attacking A in Raven Domination... and i rushed inside the box... and a guy with a lmg was standing and started firing DIRECTLY at me... i ran straight up to him and knifed him... my life went down to like 70... Alittle bit ridiculous to say the least.

video: bullets dodging heads in MAG 1.03 (laying prone, close range, single shots, no recoil, bullets randomly decide to circle around the target instead of hitting it, which can happen, randomly of course, twice in a row, it's fucking embarrassing.)

LOL Do i see a tracer heading straight for the guys head and then taking a sharp right?!! lol right around 0:25-0:26


methane47 said:
LMG is only usefull at VERY close range or crouched and aimed... or Prone and aimed..

I understand people's frustrations considering most ppl are used to whoring the LMG, but isn't the above quote actually a GOOD THING? LMG not very accurately unless prone or bipod out, and holding spray down won't work too well even when its really close just sounds like KZ2 weapons :p Random bullet spread I agree sucks and they should definitely fix it for AR, but I think the machine guns are fine as they are. Heck I still keep a load out of machine gun handy when I am repairing things and the kills still come the same, I just have to crouch or prone now like anyone really would have to when holding friggin heavy firepower.


So, sucks I haven't been able to play lately. My trusty super-fine pitch tv died on me. Only other available set I have is a junky old 19" monitor, and I can't be bothered to play on it. : /

Oh well, at least I have reason to get a newer, bigger set now I guess.


I played some games this morning and I can't believe they changed the shooting mechanics so radically after 3 betas and almost 2 months since release. I still kill a lot and all is good in the world, but I can't trust my weapons anymore, I tried to be stealthy with the AR+silencer and thanks to the random pattern I was wasting more bullets and time than ever, no more 3 headshots and plant c4, aiming means nothing now no matter the weapon, I'm back to KZ2.
Lince said:
I played some games this morning and I can't believe they changed the shooting mechanics so radically after 3 betas and almost 2 months since release. I still kill a lot and all is good in the world, but I can't trust my weapons anymore, I tried to be stealthy with the AR+silencer and thanks to the random pattern I was wasting more bullets and time than ever, no more 3 headshots and plant c4, aiming means nothing now no matter the weapon, I'm back to KZ2.

well, the sniper still hits w/o random misses ;)

I actually now moved closer with my sniper to a more mid to long range position, moving around and not prone+bipod very far away because now the lucky shots by some LMG user 500m away are almost gone :p

Also I first thought the skillpoints for the health upgrade are a waste, but now it seems I can survive a shot by the .50 sniper to the torso with the medium armor (17HP left) which makes the sniper hunt even more fun :D


SolidusDave said:
I actually now moved closer with my sniper to a more mid to long range position, moving around and not prone+bipod very far away because now the lucky shots by some LMG user 500m away are almost gone :p

for sure the patch will appeal to both run & gunners and snipers, MAG has been noobified to the extreme, I can see shotguns and snipers taking over and then a wasteland. And if I can spot a sniper "500m" away it's only the sniper's fault that I place a "lucky" shot between his eyes, not the weapon.


Sorry guys but all this whining about the LMG makes me a very happy person.

Before the patch the LMG was the best weapon in the game, close, mid and long range.

Why on earth would you want a one weapon game?

The LMG works exactly as it should now...........

No more whoring, yay! :lol


CozMick said:
Sorry guys but all this whining about the LMG makes me a very happy person.

Before the patch the LMG was the best weapon in the game, close, mid and long range.

Why on earth would you want a one weapon game?

The LMG works exactly as it should now...........

No more whoring, yay! :lol

can't believe you're so fucking clueless. Every weapon has been nerfed except snipers, there's a random bullet pattern for every weapon except snipers, LMG is still the best weapon to whore since the game is all about spray & pray now, so larger clip size + extra damage = win. Try playing/testing the patch yourself before coming here with your "lol LMG " bullshit.


Lince said:
for sure the patch will appeal to both run & gunners and snipers, MAG has been noobified to the extreme, I can see shotguns and snipers taking over and then a wasteland. And if I can spot a sniper "500m" away it's only the sniper's fault that I place a "lucky" shot between his eyes, not the weapon.

Jesus man, it's not that bad. This is getting as bad as the Uncharted 2 thread :lol

1. You shouldn't hit SHIT from 500m with anything BUT a sniper rifle.

2. 500m is damn near impossible to hit without a scope and a LOT of experience, I can't imagine the fun in someone being able to just do that with LMG/SMG (even an AR). Hitting a point target with an M4 @ 300m is difficult enough, why would you want the weapons to be effective further?

3. Read your post on nerfing damage over long range, and that's stupid. That's not how things work.

Now the PROPER solution is to fix the recoil and barrel movement, and correct the travel of the bullet to reflect that. This was a QUICK fix that the community asked for. Who knows, things may change down the line.

For the record: The LMG random bullets really isn't a huge deal. With the rate of fire the LMG has, you should be firing in bursts at long range targets, not single fire. The game moves too fast for that to even be freaking effective against anything BUT a sniper.

While it is SILLY without a doubt, they did it for a reason, and thy may fix it to accurately work like a real weapon in the future. If anything though, MAG has certainly got HARDER to kill enemies with these weapons, and I don't understand how that equates to it being noob friendly :lol Bizzaro GAF is bizzare?


MrPliskin said:
:lol Bizzaro GAF is bizzare?

whatever dude, if you like your bullets flying from your assault rifle in a different direction than the one you're aiming, then fine, enjoy! to me it's just the game asking for spraying until you the kill instead of taking the time to aim. If you fail to understand how a shooter becomes mindless when aiming isn't a priority anymore then well, bizarre some users are bizarre.

read your post on nerfing damage over long range, and that's stupid. That's not how things work.

stupid? dude you fail at physics, the bullet carries less speed as it travels further in space due to friction and gravity (resistance, opposed forces) so less speed impact = less damage, "that's how things work" and that's not stupid by any means. Anyway I'm not here to explain the obvious.


Lince said:
whatever dude, if you like your bullets flying from your assault rifle in a different direction than the one you're aiming, then fine, enjoy! to me it's just the game asking for spraying until you the kill instead of taking the time to aim. If you fail to understand how a shooter becomes mindless when aiming isn't a priority anymore then well, bizarre some users are bizarre.
Right...except that spray and pray still has random bullet movement...so now you've got bad aim and random bullet movement combined with the lowered accuracy from moving. Which means it's still less accurate then aiming and still less likely to get a kill...


MrPliskin said:
Right...except that spray and pray still has random bullet movement...so now you've got bad aim and random bullet movement combined with the lowered accuracy from moving. Which means it's still less accurate then aiming and still less likely to get a kill...

and? the LMG is still better than the other guns even while moving and spraying, where do you want to go with this? :lol

the point was to nerf the LMG and I supported that from day one, 1.03 not only nerfed every weapon but sniper rifles, it altered shooting mechanics in the most retarded way possible. Now that's silly. I've played 130 hours (and the 3 betas), my stats read 5k kills with assault rifles and 7k kilsl with the LMG pre-patch so I know what I'm talking about when I say the patch has noobified the game, it's not a random comment or a "sad LMG user" lament.


Lince said:
can't believe you're so fucking clueless. Every weapon has been nerfed except snipers, there's a random bullet pattern for every weapon except snipers, LMG is still the best weapon to whore since the game is all about spray & pray now, so larger clip size + extra damage = win. Try playing/testing the patch yourself before coming here with your "lol LMG " bullshit.

But the LMG got nerfed the most right?

Which was the reason I posted.

Before the patch LMG > Every weapon in the game at any distance.

Post 1.5 this isn't the case which makes me happy .

I don't need to playtest to see this in-game


CozMick said:
But the LMG got nerfed the most right?

Which was the reason I posted.

Before the patch LMG > Every weapon in the game at any distance.

Post 1.5 this isn't the case which makes me happy .

I don't need to playtest to see this in-game

you're seeing shit dude, every weapon but snipers got nerfed, LMG is still king, only snipers get the accuracy bonus at any distance now. I didn't know the game was about LMG vs Snipers? if it was then why nerfing the assault rifles and SMG? you make no sense. And it's 1.03, no 1.5...

well time to get some fresh air
PedroLumpy said:
Bullets go where they're aimed, they don't leave the barrel, then suddenly decide to turn 10 degrees in some random direction then go.

Actually I thought if you fire bullets at high rates they will not go where it's aimed, due to the heat of the barrel and such throwing it off. I don't know I'm not a gun nut but that is what i've heard about high fire rate guns after constant use.

I don't see the single shot video being a good example. For all we know they have something in place to help reduce the amount of teamkills. I know I've accidently fired and hit teammates pre-patch and they would stay up to my surprise.

I look forward to playing with the new patch. Usually when I hear a few complaints then play with patches it's not as bad or crazy as people make it out to be. I'm just glad the SMG is less powerful and they are making the attachments more valuable. SMG's where getting kills at ridiculous distances.


Lince said:
and? the LMG is still better than the other guns even while moving and spraying, where do you want to go with this? :lol

the point was to nerf the LMG and I supported that from day one, 1.03 not only nerfed every weapon but sniper rifles, it altered shooting mechanics in the most retarded way possible. Now that's silly. I've played 130 hours (and the 3 betas), my stats read 5k kills with assault rifles and 7k kilsl with the LMG pre-patch so I know what I'm talking about when I say the patch has noobified the game, it's not a random comment or a "sad LMG user" lament.

Well you go on thinking that then :) Glad you had so much time to invest. I suppose that makes you an expert? Best wishes.

What you're asking for though, will fundamentally re-break the game. The only way they're going to accurately represent "real life" with an LMG from long range is to add wind, barrel movement, simulate breathing and trigger squeeze. The problem is, as a game, they have to keep things "playable". As a result, the barrel movement is minimal, there is no trigger squeeze, your sight picture is always exactly the same, and there is no wind / distance taken into account for bullet travel. So they have to do silly things within the confines of this silly unrealistic universe to compensate for problems that come with these conditions.

Frankly, it's a videogame, and they are doing these things as quick fixes to community complaints. They'll certainly fix this later, at which point you'll already be gone playing something else (complaining about that). Either way, the "tests" are not really realistic since there aren't many situations where you'll be in the prone with an LMG doing single fire shots, because it doesn't do enough damage to kill anyone fast enough like that. You'll be spraying a lot of bullets. The purpose of this fix was to "simulate" bullet spray without having to do the heavy coding necessary to change how the firing mechanics work (which they may do in the future, who knows).

Either way, I still feel this has little to no impact on how you play the game, and when (if?) they fix it, it'll still feel the same, you just won't see the bullets going in random directions.

Pro-tip: I fire weapons just like these at least twice a month, and knowing what they do in "real life" makes it entertaining to see what people on the 'interwebs" (rather, "experts with 7K kills) think it "should do". Honestly, if they started to do things they way they SHOULD then you would cry your pretty little eyes out because it would be so hard to get any kills with any weapon.
Cellbomber said:
I don't see the single shot video being a good example. For all we know they have something in place to help reduce the amount of teamkills. I know I've accidently fired and hit teammates pre-patch and they would stay up to my surprise.

Seriously man, you're really reaching here. I'm pretty sure teammates recieve reduced damage, but the game doesn't make you aim away from them.

The thing about pre and post this patch, is that, yes the LMG was overpowered pre patch. So they had two choices (simplifying a bit here). Nerf the LMG or buff everything else. They went with the unforseen third choice of nerfing everything. This leaves the LMG as still the best choice, just everything sucks even more at killing things.

And that your first bullet doesn't come out even remotely straight is bonkers, I can't even do quick semi-auto like shots to pick off someone behind cover or at range, and no I'm not referring to sniper range.

Before patch I could make the SMG work to some degree by going for headshots to make up for the lack of punch, but now it just sprays so wildly that aiming at the head isn't going to help you.

The comment about all the Betas was interesting, I was only in the last one, but the idea that they went through all that testing only to end up with this is crazy.

MAG, no auto assist! The real deal! Live or die by your leet skillz! Now with nerfed aiming!

It's too bad.
methane47 said:
video: bullets dodging heads in MAG 1.03 (laying prone, close range, single shots, no recoil, bullets randomly decide to circle around the target instead of hitting it, which can happen, randomly of course, twice in a row, it's fucking embarrassing.)

I can't say my own experiences with the game is reflected in that video. Laying prone firing single shot the bullets have always gone straight (with an AR) for me. The biggest problem I have using an AR is running out of ammo after 2 minutes. They need to increase it to 30/220 instead of 30/120.

The explosions and knifing in MAG is just awful though. Sometimes you'll die standing 50 feet away from an exploding bunker. And knifing is always a crap-shoot. Is it going to take 2 swipes? Will it even connect? Should I just shoot them and get the sure kill?


Neo Member
So, yeah... that's not really what I hoped for with the patch. I was all for nerfing the LMG, it was definitely making the other weapons useless in comparison. But to randomize where "controlled" fire will hit (even in reasonably close range)? Surely, nobody wanted that? It didn't fix the weapon balance in my eyes at least, LMG still owns medium to close range.


Harry_Manback said:
So, yeah... that's not really what I hoped for with the patch. I was all for nerfing the LMG, it was definitely making the other weapons useless in comparison. But to randomize where "controlled" fire will hit (even in reasonably close range)? Surely, nobody wanted that? It didn't fix the weapon balance in my eyes at least, LMG still owns medium to close range.

How did the acronym "LMG" stick? In every other game, and on Raven's barracks page, it's called an "SMG".

When people say "LMG", are they mistakenly referring to the machine pistol sidearm? Or is the SMG called LMG on SVER?
theBishop said:
How did the acronym "LMG" stick? In every other game, and on Raven's barracks page, it's called an "SMG".

When people say "LMG", are they mistakenly referring to the machine pistol sidearm? Or is the SMG called LMG on SVER?

LMG= Light Machine Gun (Valors MK46, Svers RTK-74)
SMG= Sub Machine Gun (Valors KP5, Svers Vispera-2)
Man I got a good 5 hours of play today and I have to say the changes for the most part all seemed for the better. I don't get all the complaints about the LMG. I use that gun exclusively and even though I can take down a sniper if he is far enough away anymore I still dominate with that gun. What I wanted to say though is the game as far as the maps and factions are concerned seems to be balancing out. I don't know if that's because more people are understanding how to play the game or if its part of the tweaks on Zippers part but today I played Domination attacking SVER 3 times. We won twice and lost once and even though we lost one time we still managed to get the damage meter about 80% of the way unlike the normal 10% you would see the whole game.

Anyways amidst all the bitching and moaning I am having some of the best games ever so keep it up Zipper.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
MrPliskin said:
Pro-tip: I fire weapons just like these at least twice a month, and knowing what they do in "real life" makes it entertaining to see what people on the 'interwebs" (rather, "experts with 7K kills) think it "should do". Honestly, if they started to do things they way they SHOULD then you would cry your pretty little eyes out because it would be so hard to get any kills with any weapon.

Wait, you mean it's not realistic as it currently stands???? Next thing I know, you're going to tell me in real life I can't bring back people from the brink of death by spraying hairspray on them.

Btw, I'm quickly learning that Mag players HATE the shotgun. I haven't received any hate messages on PSN since Warhawk, but ppl sure are bitching when I shotgun them in the face.


Just started playing this and having a blast. Been doing good with the AR, but man the pistol seems worthless. I shot a guy what seems like 5 times in a row and he turned around and killed me with one shotgun blast =[


NIGHT- said:
Just started playing this and having a blast. Been doing good with the AR, but man the pistol seems worthless. I shot a guy what seems like 5 times in a row and he turned around and killed me with one shotgun blast =[

i usually aim for the head if using pistols or just knife the guy if that close

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Man, I had some of the best games ever yesterday on Mag with Maxxmurdoch, Icechai, Rahxenphone etc. Sad that some people are reaching 60 and swapping to Raven sine I'm a little behind.

I get more points when Click isn't in the game hogging them all. :lol

I kid, I kid. :D


was playing this for a long time yesterday. is it normal for everyone with headset to ignore you when you are talking all the time?

the best ones were the Germans and they couldn't speak English.


I don't understand how they "noobified" the game if they made weapon spray patterns wilder. The weapons in this game, while not nearly as accurate as other games, was still a little forgiving at times. If they made it so you have to place your shots even better, than that's fine with me. Of course Sniper's shouldn't have to deal with a "spray" problem, it only makes sense.


Pro-tip: I fire weapons just like these at least twice a month, and knowing what they do in "real life" makes it entertaining to see what people on the 'interwebs" (rather, "experts with 7K kills) think it "should do". Honestly, if they started to do things they way they SHOULD then you would cry your pretty little eyes out because it would be so hard to get any kills with any weapon.

I don't care if you're a marine and your hobby is firing real weapons, we're discussing a videogame here so my time with MAG and the number of kills still count much more than your experience hunting bears, in a videogame shooter it's simply unacceptable that I fire 4 single shots without moving the sights while I stand still/crouching/laying prone the 4 shots go in 4 different directions. That's simply silly and unnecessarily frustrating.

Accuracy is key for defining the skill of each player, that's why the game looks and feels noobified now, skilled players are forced to shoot for center mass and hope for the random bullets to hit the head, less skilled players will just shoot at you anyway without trying too much and a bad aimed bullet could end in your head thanks to the random directions they take.

I still own at this game though, but simply I don't believe it anymore, for sure going wild with the weapons you won't notice the changes but I prefer picking my enemies from a certain distance one at a time with precision as fast as possible and clean the area / provide support for my squad mates to complete an objective, as it is now the randomness of the bullets forces me to shoot more than I needed, if your head its in the center of my scope and I'm crouching and not moving then fire a single shot that's a headshot in a videogame, no matter the shooter.

I'll say it again, 3 betas (months of testing), 2 months since the game launched and now they fucking changed the core shooting mechanics? really? for what? to protect snipers? I don't but it, Zipper guys have been developing shooters for years and this is the best they can do? I was hoping for some recoil increase for the LMG even when scoped so you couldn't go full-auto and accurate at the same time, but we ended with EVERYTHING nerfed except the sniper rifle, I don't really think you can defend that. The fun is there though (huge maps, vehicles, teamwork...) but to me shooting mechanics mean everything in a shooter, and this last patch just killed it.


J-Rzez said:
If they made it so you have to place your shots even better, than that's fine with me. Of course Sniper's shouldn't have to deal with a "spray" problem, it only makes sense.

so how do you place your shots better if you don't know which random directions the bullets will take? logic says you should aim for mass center then as it will guarantee at least a couple of hits out of a 3-shots burst, but that's basically what noobs do as soon as they spot/encounter an enemy shoot anywhere and quick, where's my reward for aiming to the head? nowhere, nothing, nada... check that video I linked.


All I can say is fuck this game.
How the fuck is my bullet going in a direction different from the cursor it makes no sense whatsoever. I could understand if the gun was recoiling and I had to compensate but they seem to just burst out the chamber in "random" directions.

/drunken meltdown
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