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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim

I started playing a bit more a few days ago (as a Raven), and I'm up to level 18 or 19. Sometimes I think half of my EXP has come from sitting at the FRAGO with the Med Kit out. I get a good number of kills, minimize my deaths, and try to take objectives, but healing folks beats it all. And it's easy!


Neo Member
The past couple weeks it's taken a while to get into games. The number of people online are half of what they used to be. Could be because of BC2 or because of the patch. I haven't been playing because of the latter.


Billen said:
Some of us are playing BC2 at the moment, but MAG is not forgotten.

Same here, just wanted to know, I am about 5 levels away from being able to switch from Valor. It should happen in about a month or so after I get tired of BC2.


Rahxephon91 said:
So yeah Nite Valor Gaf seems dead. Shucks
lol, Everyone is battliefielding at the moment. I came on last night after some BC2 matches and there wasn't a single soul on there. What the hell happened to click anyway ? and man Lince, you deleted me off your friends list ? :(


I haven't payed for around 2 weeks. After a couple of weeks not being able to finish a game due to lag, game disconnects or the endless spawn loop I gave up. I havent got round to trying it since the update mainly due to myself picking up inFamous cheap and getting Heavy Rain.

Did the patch get rid of the bulk of errors people were getting? I may give it a go again this weekend.


I'm still keeping the torch burning for MAG. Battlefield doesn't have the command structure and tight focus on teamwork that drew me to MAG in the first place.

I've found a glitch though.

The player stats don't track 120M kills properly. It says I have 0 kills over 120M, yet I've earned the Longshot ribbon (3x 120m kills in 1 round) 3 times. Doesn't it follow that I have at least 9 kills over 120m, and probably more?


TelemachusD said:
Did all of Raven GAF quit MAG? Out of 100+ people there's all of 3 on (including me).

Im still there....just passed out tired every evening the last couple weeks...

I do find getting in a group to be difficult, you don't see the invite unless you are in the main screen (right?, or am I crazy), and with long games, that makes its kinda tough.

Be nice if you joined a clan member in game, it auto-grouped you.


Junior Member
GodofWine said:
Be nice if you joined a clan member in game, it auto-grouped you.

That should be a given in these sorts of games.

I just got the game for this weekend...depressing to hear that people aren't playing now. Maybe it was Heavy Rain. What will happen with GoW3 is out...

Maybe this is a good thing. Weeds out the non-team players and those who aren't serious about the game.
TelemachusD said:
Did all of Raven GAF quit MAG? Out of 100+ people there's all of 3 on (including me).
I've just been really busy recently + Heavy Rain and MLB The Show just came out. I plan on getting back in in April and buying any type of DLC which comes out.


TelemachusD said:
Did all of Raven GAF quit MAG? Out of 100+ people there's all of 3 on (including me).

Busy, tired, and trying to finish Heavy Rain before the 15th

Also, what happened to Bishop? what was he banned for?


theBishop said:
I've found a glitch though.

The player stats don't track 120M kills properly. It says I have 0 kills over 120M, yet I've earned the Longshot ribbon (3x 120m kills in 1 round) 3 times. Doesn't it follow that I have at least 9 kills over 120m, and probably more?

I believe this is happening to me as well.

i've taking ppl out across the bloody map a number of times and yet my stats still say I have no 120M kills.

ETA: I guess its a known issue
templeusox said:
I've just been really busy recently + Heavy Rain and MLB The Show just came out. I plan on getting back in in April and buying any type of DLC which comes out.

Doesn't help BFBC2 just came out too. Wonder what will happen when SOCOM4 is released :(


TelemachusD said:
Did all of Raven GAF quit MAG? Out of 100+ people there's all of 3 on (including me).

I play 2-4 games of Domination most days, so does my brother, in GMT evenings. Usually 1 or 2 other GAFers on but no more than that, and it was the same before BFBC2 was released.


Lagspike_exe said:
I switched to VALOR and would like an invite to GAF clan.

PSN same as GAF.

Enjoy your time in HELL!

:p I still need to get to lvl 60 with Valor, I may play some tonight. Havn't tried this infamous new patch yet either.


God, grinding to 60 takes sooo long. Funny to see only me & Lince online from Valor GAF. Level 59 now, should get to lvl 60 2moro and switch over to Raven.

First time playing since the patch. At first I didn't really notice much difference using the Assualt Rifle but after testing, yeah bullets have some random innacuracy now. Definitely harder to take down snipers at long range, in fact much harder. Medium range a few shots were missing when they used to hit. Close combat felt the same really, overall after weeks out I came back pretty much the same as before and it didn't really affect my performance so I wont complain too much.

I can understand making the wepons less accurate when moving or holding down the trigger but just aiming at the wall, crouched or prone the bullets do go off to the side even when firing single shots. Shouldn't it always be the most accurate when firing single shots? Then as you hold down the trigger the recoil increases, you lose full control over the gun and the spread increases? Just firing single shots while prone and completely stationary seem to deviate far too much, and completely randomly. And that's just with the Assault Rifle, I picked up a SVER SMG and even though yeah it should have a larger spread than the AR, firing a single bullet, with the reflex sight, they were flying off to the side. It didn't even look like the bullets were leaving the barrel it was such strange angles. It's like they've tried to simulate the guns having a larger spread but yet the guns don't have any significant recoil to cause it. It just looks and feels off.

I also don't really see why they've added it to the AR. Ok sure, it was probably too easy to take down snipers from long range with all the guns, but this change doesn't in any way alleviate the main balance issue with the game. The fact the LMGs are much more powerful, have much larger clips and aren't significantly less accurate at medium-long range than the Assault Rifles. It still feels like I'm using a pea shooter compared to a guy with an LMG. They can still headshot you at medium range no problem with great accuracy. There's still no reason to choose an AR over an LMG. The only people that really benefit from the changes are the snipers. And I don't really see why they needed any extra advantage.


gg's FFO, weird to see only the two of us online tho, so much for Valor GAF clan...

oh and 88-17 baby ! :lol

since I can't rely on quick headshots anymore (random bullet spread) I just spray my LMG the way is meant to be used since the patch and kill even more laughing about how overpowered it is. If they wanted something along the lines of "lol LMG noob what are you goona do now" with this patch they failed miserably, as I stated before the LMG is now the best weapon again and all weapons got nerfed for no real reason (except saving snipers' ass more often)
Could someone tell me what the fucks up the the rocket launchers/ bunkers. Pre-patch it was easy to take bunker turrets down; 3 rockets + half clip of LMG. The patch was supposed to increase the power of the rockets but lately, while using the lock-on launcher, I've not been able to take them down in 3 shots. I'm willing to accept that someone might be up there recharging it, but a few times there has definitely not been someone up there. Does the lock-on launcher just have less power?
Anyone else having connection issues? I finally gave up after 30 minutes of trying to connect to a game and repeatedly getting 5:4, 3:4, and 13:5 errors.

archnemesis said:
Anyone else having connection issues? I finally gave up after 30 minutes of trying to connect to a game and repeatedly getting 5:4, 3:4, and 13:5 errors.


No but my PS3 locked up twice in the middle of matches, and I had one game where it glitched and wouldn't let me out of a Humvee. The vehicle was about to explode so I tried to get out but it wouldn't let me. Then it blow up with me in it and I died but I couldn't respawn. I sat there for a minute until the Humvee respawned at the base, with me in it. I still couldn't get out, but I could control the turret and shoot bullets. Fake bullets that couldn't actually kill anybody. At one point someone jumped in and drove around while someone else was shooting the real turret and I was shooting my fake turret. It was like being a ghost, I could see everyone else but they couldn't see me. Sucks too because I was doing good, 50-13 and at the top of my squad, so I just sat there for the last 4 minutes until the game ended and did nothing. :-\


YESSS! I am freeeee of my sweaty redneck shackles! FUUUUUUUUUU VALOR!!!

Switched to Raven. Dunno know when I'll play though. FFXIII should be arriving 2moro.

Oh, has anyone actually gone back and played a supression game? I needed only 35 xp to finish so I joined one and I went 28-2 and got like 20 kinife kills :lol :lol They didn't know what hit them! Good stuff.
FFObsessed said:
Enjoy your time in HELL!

:p I still need to get to lvl 60 with Valor, I may play some tonight. Havn't tried this infamous new patch yet either.

First game as Valor (level 1) - 2nd place in platoon (acqi)
Second game as Valor (level 3 or 4 I believe) - Platoon MPV (acqi)



I am still playing on SVER (lvl 49) but went away to play Heavy Rain, think I am going to miss Final Fantasy XIII it just hasn't grabbed me yet like the others used to.

I will be back on tomorrow probably about 20:00 (GMT London). Come on GAF, sick of playing with shit players.
FFObsessed said:
Oh, has anyone actually gone back and played a supression game? I needed only 35 xp to finish so I joined one and I went 28-2 and got like 20 kinife kills :lol :lol They didn't know what hit them! Good stuff.

I typically do this since the patch. Been goofing around with weapons trying to find something fun, but yeah it's pretty easy pickings. I assume most players there are low level and thus are massively gimped. On the upside I got my 1st place Platoon MVP medal in very short order in there.

If I just give up on my level 30 Valor dude and go Raven, will I keep my veteran bonus? I'm never gonna hit 60.
PedroLumpy said:
If I just give up on my level 30 Valor dude and go Raven, will I keep my veteran bonus? I'm never gonna hit 60.
You lose everything: all stats, medals, and ribbons. The only thing you keep is trophies you've already earned.


Was bored and didn't really feel like playing anything else so I played a few games with Raven.

Had a few Supression/Sabotage games to warm up and tried Domination.

First game Domination attack against Valor. We won fairly comfortably despite having a level 50 SL who still hasn't figured out how to FRAGO. At least no one took the APC and went for a joyride.

Second game, Domination defend against Valor. Easy victory. Only one issue was when we were defending the AA Battery and everyone left except for me, to go for the letters (despite the fact no one was attacking them and never would get anywhere with the AA up) it was then quickly destroyed. Grrr. Still, we defended the letters fine and managed to get the AA Back up as well as the odd bunker. The Valor team were quite poor.

*T-bags Valor*

Also you don't realise how poor the new random bullet firing effect they added is until you start from scratch with no upgrades. If anything it widens the advantage that higher level players have over lower level especially when said high level players have a fully upgraded LMG. Still don't get the point of that addition, or why your first shot while crouched/prone is just as random as each of the following shots. Still I managed to go 40-20 in the Domination defend with just the starting crap. Would probably have been frustratingly destroyed if I was playing against a decent team of players tho. Don't like it at all.


Yeah guys sorry i haven't been online... i've been busy trying to get back into KZ2 (it is CRAZY) and playing the Just Cause 2 demo lol


FFObsessed said:
Was bored and didn't really feel like playing anything else so I played a few games with Raven.

Had a few Supression/Sabotage games to warm up and tried Domination.

First game Domination attack against Valor. We won fairly comfortably despite having a level 50 SL who still hasn't figured out how to FRAGO. At least no one took the APC and went for a joyride.

Second game, Domination defend against Valor. Easy victory. Only one issue was when we were defending the AA Battery and everyone left except for me, to go for the letters (despite the fact no one was attacking them and never would get anywhere with the AA up) it was then quickly destroyed. Grrr. Still, we defended the letters fine and managed to get the AA Back up as well as the odd bunker. The Valor team were quite poor.

*T-bags Valor*

Also you don't realise how poor the new random bullet firing effect they added is until you start from scratch with no upgrades. If anything it widens the advantage that higher level players have over lower level especially when said high level players have a fully upgraded LMG. Still don't get the point of that addition, or why your first shot while crouched/prone is just as random as each of the following shots. Still I managed to go 40-20 in the Domination defend with just the starting crap. Would probably have been frustratingly destroyed if I was playing against a decent team of players tho. Don't like it at all.

yeh, i HATE how the game punishes lower level player. Low accuracy guns, less health, no gadgets. This is one of the few faults I find with the game.

As for LMGs, i still feel the need to increase the bullet spread/drop unless the player is prone or has a bipod attached. Larger guns should have much more recoil versus a AR.


FFObsessed said:
First game Domination attack against Valor. We won fairly comfortably despite having a level 50 SL who still hasn't figured out how to FRAGO. At least no one took the APC and went for a joyride.

Second game, Domination defend against Valor. Easy victory. Only one issue was when we were defending the AA Battery and everyone left except for me, to go for the letters (despite the fact no one was attacking them and never would get anywhere with the AA up) it was then quickly destroyed. Grrr. Still, we defended the letters fine and managed to get the AA Back up as well as the odd bunker. The Valor team were quite poor.

Sounds like you had a couple of "decent" games, it's so random with Raven. One day you'll win a few and feel like your PMC is actually half competent, but the next day, every single squad/platoon will be full of useless children.
roxya said:
Sounds like you had a couple of "decent" games, it's so random with Raven. One day you'll win a few and feel like your PMC is actually half competent, but the next day, every single squad/platoon will be full of useless children.
The last game I played yesterday, attacking SVER on sabotage with randoms, I had as many kills as the rest of the squad combined through the first 10 minutes of the match. There were 4 people with zero kills in the first five minutes. Amazingly we finally opened C, and then this sniper guy on my squad starts complaining that the smoke grenades I'm telling everyone to throw in front of C are obscuring his scope. After I responded to him ("Try attacking.", "That's the point of smoke."), another sniper starts complaining that people don't appreciate snipers. Needless to say we never took C.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
TelemachusD said:
The last game I played yesterday, attacking SVER on sabotage with randoms, I had as many kills as the rest of the squad combined through the first 10 minutes of the match. There were 4 people with zero kills in the first five minutes. Amazingly we finally opened C, and then this sniper guy on my squad starts complaining that the smoke grenades I'm telling everyone to throw in front of C are obscuring his scope. After I responded to him ("Try attacking.", "That's the point of smoke."), another sniper starts complaining that people don't appreciate snipers. Needless to say we never took C.

I'll be back on tonight. Been into Borderlands the last few days. When a noob sniper whines like this, that's when you knife him. Seriously, the only time I can enjoy Mag is when I'm in a squad with 4-5 other GAF peeps. Randoms drive me insane.
I just got MAG from a friend as payment for some other stuff I bought him. We're playing SEVR, and I just hit level 8 and had my first game of Domination. This game rocks!

A few questions from a noob:

Why does the assualt rifle suck so much? I go on streaks with the LMG and just get wasted when I use the AK.

Are "close quarters" weapons equipped in place of your sidearm, or in addition to it?

If I respec for 1000 points, does the next respec cost more?

What did I miss by not playing before the 1.3 patch?
Blast Processing said:
I just got MAG from a friend as payment for some other stuff I bought him. We're playing SEVR, and I just hit level 8 and had my first game of Domination. This game rocks!

A few questions from a noob:

Why does the assualt rifle suck so much? I go on streaks with the LMG and just get wasted when I use the AK.

i just does. Avoid it until you've built up a decent amount of skill points and can respec into it with the stability perks and silencer.

Are "close quarters" weapons equipped in place of your sidearm, or in addition to it?

replaces your primary gun.

If I respec for 1000 points, does the next respec cost more?

yes. it goes- 1000, 2000, 3000, 3000 repeating.

What did I miss by not playing before the 1.3 patch?

a good assault rifle and SMG (svers SMG was great), considerably higher respec costs ( the peak was 26,000 repeating). thats about it.



krioto said:
Played some awesome games last night - Raven are finally getting it together.:D

Sometimes it seems that way :D I won 3 out of 4 domination games last night, never played SVER though.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Raven does less stupid shit than Valor. That's a fact and cannot be debated. Valor is the dumbest PMC by far.


commish said:
Raven does less stupid shit than Valor. That's a fact and cannot be debated. Valor is the dumbest PMC by far.

agreed, almost lvl 60 and its so painful playing with other valor randoms. One tip though, always try to join the squad that has majority clan members, at least they usually know what they're doing.

weekend_warrior said:
Could someone tell me what the fucks up the the rocket launchers/ bunkers. Pre-patch it was easy to take bunker turrets down; 3 rockets + half clip of LMG. The patch was supposed to increase the power of the rockets but lately, while using the lock-on launcher, I've not been able to take them down in 3 shots. I'm willing to accept that someone might be up there recharging it, but a few times there has definitely not been someone up there. Does the lock-on launcher just have less power?

Nope, much easier to kill things now. I get lots of vehicle kills w/ regular rocket launchers. If a platoon leader is sitting in the turret, it will auto repair. So maybe just bad luck for you in a string of games.


icechai said:
agreed, almost lvl 60 and its so painful playing with other valor randoms. One tip though, always try to join the squad that has majority clan members, at least they usually know what they're doing.

This is what I assumed when I first started playing, but no. At least not on Raven. Big clan groups are often the stupidest people around. Once, attacking Valor sabotage, a whole clan group switched from B to A at the start, leaving only one squad to attack B. We had no chance, and they still couldn't even take A with 3 squads ¬_¬


Mag Update! Pre-order bonuses are now available for free to those of us who didn't pre-order... and close range weapons are better. Sniper rifles slightly worse, probably too many people complaining of us using the light sniper rifle and killing machine gunners in med/close range :p Oh well got my 1000+ kills already with it hehe.

Patch v1.04

Available March 12, 2010 | 40MB (TPPS), 30MB (DLS)


* Fixed bug that made it possible for incapacitated players to be revived inside geometry (objectives, vehicles, walls, bridges, etc.).
* Corrected “Kills at 120m” stat display bug.


* Sniper rifles have been tuned to be less effective when they’re not scoped.
* Slightly pushed out “effective” range of all short-ranged weapons (pistols, PDWs, shotguns, SMGs).


* Fixed error text “undefined Unnamed” and the appearance of a blue APC icon that appeared when a Squad Leader FRAGO’d an APC objective.


* Significant anti-cheat improvement that minimizes and blocks several “lag pedal” device exploits.
* Enhanced all queues to accept Zipper-activated “Directives” game states.
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