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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


yankeehater said:
I just picked this up 2 days ago. I am really liking it so far, even though it does feel like it is taking forever to level up.

Im sure 99.999999999% will agree, the first 4 skill points you get goes for "Gear: Medkit (2)" then "Resuscitate (2)". Otherwise your doing it wrong. once you unlock res, you level up quick(er).

Skill trees you should worry about to start are "Support" , either "Assault" or "Heavy" (not "Marksman"-its best to go down that tree later when you respec and can put a lot of points in it at once), and "Athleticism".

AceBandage said:
Well, picked it up.
Gonna start on Raven in a bit.

if you want an invite to the GAF Raven clan, let us know and im sure somebody will send you an invite.
Thanks for the tips about points, next time I get on I will respec and do that. I had been putting all my points into assault rifle and not getting anywhere.


yankeehater said:
Thanks for the tips about points, next time I get on I will respec and do that. I had been putting all my points into assault rifle and not getting anywhere.

yeah, just starting out, kills get you 5 points (10 if near FRAGO) assists get you 3 (6 if near FRAGO). If you revive someone, 10 points (20 if near FRAGO) and you can also heal ppl for anywhere from 1 to... um... alot (blah blah FRAGO).

but, dont just go blindly running out into the middle of a firefight just to get 10 points. its always best to try and play it safe. would you rather res 3 ppl and get 30 points (insert stuff about FRAGO here) or get nada and die?

and get/use a MIC! Please.


Anton668 said:
and get/use a MIC! Please.

One of the realest statements on this game... should come packed in with a Mic to be honest.

Right I am coming on for an hour or so... anyone SVER up for some games?

Patch v1.05

Available April 19, 2010 | 41MB (TPPS), 40MB (DLS)


* Improved the automatic Leadership selection criteria to make players with microphones more likely to be selected than those without them (note: this does not prevent players without microphones from being selected as leaders)
* Adjusted automatic Leadership selection criteria to include Leadership point total in preference formula.


* Repaired bug that prevented players who were incapacitated and then revived from throwing grenades until they reload.
* Fixed issue with the game lock-ups caused by “hanging” black screen following the conclusion of a gameplay round.
* Repaired crash that sometimes occurred after playing more than 15 consecutive rounds.
* Resolved issue with rare game crash that occurred during playback of intro video.
* Numerous localization changes for in-game text.


* Adjusted iron sights to give player clearer view for the following weapons: AK-103, M4A1, PKP MG, Apex 100, RTK-74, Boudini 12 Gauge, and T-195.
* Improved accuracy on all iron sights and red dot sights.
* Increased upwards-recoil to all machine guns.
* Slightly increased accuracy for pistols, PDWs, and SMGs.


Leadership FINALLY fixed. :D
No more giving leadership to n00bs unable to set FRAGO. :D


Thank fuck for that... sick of shitty Squad Leaders.

Maybe more Gaffers will play the game now, there has been an exodus of EPIC proportions of late.
Yeah, I'm returning for sure as soon as the update is live. CANNOT WAIT to play more as a Platoon Leader.

The current system was awful.

Now, if only Zipper would award our patience and dedication with more nice DLC... :p

Smash on forums says this:

We'll have details on our next DLC soon as well (sometime next week)


Every time I log in to have a bit of fun, I get stuck with a no-FRAGOing, no mic leader and it kills my will to play for another day or two.

Granted considering I never opt into leading it's partly my own fault due to a complete lack of faith in my own ability to have any good ideas when things go to shit, but at least considering that beforehand is more than most seem to do.
It seems like new players will never get leadership, because they don't have any leadership points, and never be able to earn any leadership points because they'll never be leaders.


Lagspike_exe said:

Leadership FINALLY fixed. :D
No more giving leadership to n00bs unable to set FRAGO. :D

awesome thanks for posting, now if only they would patch some type of perk for Veterans so you could buy a weapon from a different PMC... (Valor MK46 Mod0 I'm looking at you with my sexy Spanish eyes), let veterans that went through every PMC customize the skill tree, that would be sweet, the game needs some incentive for us.

TelemachusD said:
It seems like new players will never get leadership, because they don't have any leadership points, and never be able to earn any leadership points because they'll never be leaders.

I guess if you're a noob but have a mic the algorithm will still give you a high chance to be a leader.

* Improved accuracy on all iron sights and red dot sights.
* Increased upwards-recoil to all machine guns.
* Slightly increased accuracy for pistols, PDWs, and SMGs.

seems like they're backing off a bit from the random bullet spread, increasing recoil for the LMGs was the way to go in the first place, nerfing every weapon was just silly. Interesting, can't wait to try this out.


Glad to see the patch, it'll be welcome for sure.

Now... get some maps out there for us Zipper. The game really needs some maps at this time, throw in a double xp weekend here and there, couple weapons, and it'll totally rejuvenate the game for everyone.


TelemachusD said:
It seems like new players will never get leadership, because they don't have any leadership points, and never be able to earn any leadership points because they'll never be leaders.

Read the notes carefully:

Adjusted automatic Leadership selection criteria to include Leadership point total in preference formula.

They are going to ADD this criteria to the existing formula, not excluding / replacing the previous formula.

What that means is, new players will still have a small chance to grab a leadership position. Just that now, people with headsets, high level, and a lot of leadership points will most likely be given preference over those that don't fit those criteria.

This was the most logical thing Zipper could've done. I wanted them to do this sooner but now's better than never (or later), I guess.

Plus, it benefits the newbies. They don't have to worry about having to learn how to play the game, memorize the maps, AND how to be an effective leader at the same time.... with frustrated vets (like certain GAF'fers) yelling at them and voting them out of games. Vets are also happier because with this new system, there will hopefully be less inept players in leadership positions. Win / win if you ask me.


Lince said:
awesome thanks for posting, now if only they would patch some type of perk for Veterans so you could buy a weapon from a different PMC... (Valor MK46 Mod0 I'm looking at you with my sexy Spanish eyes), let veterans that went through every PMC customize the skill tree, that would be sweet, the game needs some incentive for us.

It would be nice for vets that grinded through all 3 PMCs, to get something more than just a small increase in XP and a retarded number next to our player card that nobody ever looks at.

Something like this idea would be nice, Zipper.

Different colored names in-game, symbols / insignias showcasing the fact that we're not some ineffective lvl 20 newb in a new faction, weapon (selection) perks like Lince said, ANYTHING. Just throw us a bone for being loyal players of MAG!

Lince said:
seems like they're backing off a bit from the random bullet spread, increasing recoil for the LMGs was the way to go in the first place, nerfing every weapon was just silly. Interesting, can't wait to try this out.

When I realized how bad their LMG "nerf," which turned out to be an across-the-board randomized bullet spread nerf, I stopped playing MAG. I tried out the Assault rifles and SMGs but LMGs was still the better option due to the terrible random bullet spread. Even so, the LMGs were much shittier than they were before the patch.

When Zipper added MORE, improved LMGs, I just shook my head, laughed a bit, and continued to stay away from MAG. Tried coming back a week ago but was put off again due to the fact that I put my red dot directly on a player, shot him, missed somehow, then died because he turned around and headshotted me. This crap never happened prior to the random bullet nerf. Totally kills the fun for me.

Hopefully they finally get it right this time. I really want to be able to destroy other players again, relying on my skills, instead of relying on dumb luck / random bullet spread.
Uh, I got all hyped up for it today and decided to play again.

Aside from a disturbingly low amount of players, I FUCKING HATE VALOR!

Jesus Christ, it's like every brainless retarded in the game joined this faction.

And I'm like only level 46... Need around that much more XP to get 60 and to swtich to Raven. :|


well the servers just went down....

patch is being uploaded!

ETA: the severs are up! now to go see how bad it is...

ETA: ppl are still going to bitch about the LMG as I didn't notice any more recoil than before. haven't really had a chance to try out the other weapons yet.


accuracy has been improved a bit, recoil? didn't notice any to be honest... maybe with iron sights, my first 1.05 game was a Raven domination defend match in progress, I went 1-13 in a Japanese server full of Japanese SVER players, nice, I was this close to smash my controller... it's fricking hilarious that I have to decide whether to play in Japanese servers in Europe's prime time or wait for American ones way late at night, nobody playing in Europe? really?


I agree wholeheartedly with Lince and Click. I think people should get more rewards for going through veteran modes. I think like say if you hit veteran mode you get points to put into a "Veteran" skill tree with different forms of buffs, or different weapons, weapon mods, etc. And the XP bonus should stack up or increase as well.

Also, it's time for some new maps I think here. The game is in dire need for them now I firmly believe. Needs some new weapons too.

I'll be on later tonight to check out the patch though. Can't wait to see how this changes gameplay. Sounds like the AR's will benefit from this, and while they were more accurate along with faster firing, they just couldn't stand to the LMGs toe to toe. Especially in a game like this where there are a ton of people and mag capacity really comes into play.


Lince said:
accuracy has been improved a bit, recoil? didn't notice any to be honest... maybe with iron sights, my first 1.05 game was a Raven domination defend match in progress, I went 1-13 in a Japanese server full of Japanese SVER players, nice, I was this close to smash my controller... it's fricking hilarious that I have to decide whether to play in Japanese servers in Europe's prime time or wait for American ones way late at night, nobody playing in Europe? really?

i will be returning to MAG now that i have a month of no working before I start my new job in Korea, so will be playing european time.


J-Rzez said:
Can't wait to see how this changes gameplay. Sounds like the AR's will benefit from this, and while they were more accurate along with faster firing, they just couldn't stand to the LMGs toe to toe. Especially in a game like this where there are a ton of people and mag capacity really comes into play.

1.05 is still LMG paradise, recoil isn't an issue (I didn't notice any?) and accuracy is better compared to 1.03, gotta check ARs though.

edit: checked, ARs are a bit more accurate but nothing compared to LMGs, so LMG paradise confirmed.


Lince said:
1.05 is still LMG paradise, recoil isn't an issue (I didn't notice any?) and accuracy is better compared to 1.03, gotta check ARs though.

edit: checked, ARs are a bit more accurate but nothing compared to LMGs, so LMG paradise confirmed.

Well that's a shame then. Would be nice to see AR's make a comeback. I guess people who still like the silenced variety will still use them, and maybe a bit more effectively then with the accuracy bump.


I was a silenced AR guy with my SVER chara.
No way i'm going back to AR with these settings.
All advantages are for the LMGs.
Stop power,fire rate, bullet capacity, stability (maxed out, and coming from the AK-103 the mk mod is sooo stable :p ).

I love this game, but there is really something wrong with the weapon balance, i mean if want to try out just for fun smgs, ars, sniper rifles even shootguns is really just for fun.
To succeed u have to go with LMG.


Sorc3r3r said:
Played some matchs with the new patch.

I've got the best k/d ratios with my valor LMG ever.
Feel the same to me.

yep every time I face Valor I scavenge corpses looking for their LMGs, they're godly (and with the 1.05 accuracy bump they're even better) no other weapon comes close IMO.

J-Rzez said:
Well that's a shame then. Would be nice to see AR's make a comeback. I guess people who still like the silenced variety will still use them, and maybe a bit more effectively then with the accuracy bump.

accuracy is much better with a silencer than before, so I think you'll enjoy 1.05


Lagspike_exe said:
Click, how many leadership points do you have?

Not sure. Haven't checked recently.
Roughly 3,600+?

Funny thing is, I've had over 3,000 leadership points since before I switched out of SVER.
Switching to Valor then Raven made my leadership points stay stagnant.

Edit: Yeah, this was what I had the day before I switched over to Valor (2-3 months ago):


I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Man I feel bad for writing this game off a few weeks back. Been having a blast the last few days and the numbers seem a bit better..for whatever reason. Trying to plow through SVER so I can get over to Raven for the final grind. My first few games with the new patch were fine, except the non-throwable grenade bug kept popping up A LOT, even after switching weapons and even dying and being rezzed..


worldrevolution said:
Man I feel bad for writing this game off a few weeks back. Been having a blast the last few days and the numbers seem a bit better..for whatever reason. Trying to plow through SVER so I can get over to Raven for the final grind. My first few games with the new patch were fine, except the non-throwable grenade bug kept popping up A LOT, even after switching weapons and even dying and being rezzed..

Its cuz youre no longer in valor, every bad review comes from people playing in valor :p


so this LB clan sent me a group invite after a Domination game and played with them for 5 hours, a couple of these guys lurk GAF and when I told them no one here was playing MAG except for 2-3 guys one of them replied "of course you prefer talking sales than playing games" :lol


Lince said:
accuracy has been improved a bit, recoil? didn't notice any to be honest... maybe with iron sights, my first 1.05 game was a Raven domination defend match in progress, I went 1-13 in a Japanese server full of Japanese SVER players, nice, I was this close to smash my controller... it's fricking hilarious that I have to decide whether to play in Japanese servers in Europe's prime time or wait for American ones way late at night, nobody playing in Europe? really?

How can you tell whether its japanese/euro/american? Or you're getting this from the latency from the logs on your router?


icechai said:
Its cuz youre no longer in valor, every bad review comes from people playing in valor :p

I dunno...i've had a pretty rough couple nights playing DOM for Raven. Lost defending in less that 14 minutes at least 2-3 times, and in many attacks versus Val/SVER NONE of the letters get unlocked at all. Luck of the draw I guess, since this game severely punishes crappy teamwork.
Lince said:
so this LB clan sent me a group invite after a Domination game and played with them for 5 hours, a couple of these guys lurk GAF and when I told them no one here was playing MAG except for 2-3 guys one of them replied "of course you prefer talking sales than playing games" :lol
:lol :lol :lol


Lince said:
so this LB clan sent me a group invite after a Domination game and played with them for 5 hours, a couple of these guys lurk GAF and when I told them no one here was playing MAG except for 2-3 guys one of them replied "of course you prefer talking sales than playing games" :lol


Ain't it the damned truth!
I'm still playing, and we had a group of five on SVER GAF tonight.

The SMG is sooo much better now, highly accurate even with the suppressor. For some reason almost every match I played was defending; it gets old for me, and I'm sure it gets old for the people throwing themselves against SVER's bunkers over and over.


OK, so I just got done "trying" to play a match. But for some reason, it seemed like my controls were....... "floaty"? it was weird, I thought I was playing LittleMagPlanet or something.

ever happen to anybody else?


Kogepan said:
How can you tell whether its japanese/euro/american? Or you're getting this from the latency from the logs on your router?

son, after years of playing online shooters I can guess that stuff after a couple of kills... not really, checking the log helps though :p (no more European IPs when playing MAG, just Japanese servers from 15:00 GMT to 20:00 GMT and American servers from that time onwards, I feel like the only Euro playing these days).

by the way these LB guys refer to SVER as "easy mode pussies", it's so nice to see a large group of people playing MAG together from day one up to this date... when are we going to merge every GAF clan into one PMC ? and please let's not be SVER, I want a challenge not 30 mins boring games to inflate my K/D ratio, I'd say Raven or even Valor would be nice (their LMG is the best weapon).
Lince said:
son, after years of playing online shooters I can guess that stuff after a couple of kills... not really, checking the log helps though :p (no more European IPs when playing MAG, just Japanese servers from 15:00 GMT to 20:00 GMT and American servers from that time onwards, I feel like the only Euro playing these days).

by the way these LB guys refer to SVER as "easy mode pussies", it's so nice to see a large group of people playing MAG together from day one up to this date... when are we going to merge every GAF clan into one PMC ? and please let's not be SVER, I want a challenge not 30 mins boring games to inflate my K/D ratio, I'd say Raven or even Valor would be nice (their LMG is the best weapon).

Not Valor, please. :(


About the only thing that would get me to change from Raven would be the clan changing, though granted I'm still in my 30s so I probably should see how things are on the other side of the fence one day.

Not today though.


so Raven it is then? when are you guys coming? I can send invites left and right, I feel we can have some great games together before kissing this game goodbye.


Let's go valor! i want to use the mk mod.
And the raven's weapons are so toyshy(dunno if this word exists :p),i can't stand them.
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