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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


guys, guys... it's Raven, definitely Raven. I'm pretty confident we don't have many active players on Valor and those playing for SVER sure they want in for a real challenge don't you? Click suggested going back to SVER though, the easy-mode bastard :p maybe we can convince him and J-Rzez if we all go Raven.

come on let get this sorted ASAP, who's switching over to the one and only GAF clan and when. Let's try to schedule some games and make it serious, like we want to win those contracts for real. If it doesn't work... well, plenty of games out there BFBC2, MW2, Uncharted, KZ2, Halo... but let's give MAG a last try at least.
I'll switch to GAF's Raven clan after I finish Valor.

At level 49 currently, but since I'm getting SL/PL all the time it should go speedy enough for me to complete this in around 10 days. :p


Rahxephon91 said:
If everyone is going to Raven. I guess I'd be up for starting over on Raven's side.

which PMC and level are you now? if you're above level 35-40 then maybe you should stay for the trophy and then switch, getting to level 30 is a 2-days business specially with a good squad working as a team.
I'm only about level 26 in Valor. Does the trophy unlock anything or is it just a regular old trophy. It its the latter, I'm not that concerned.


Rahxephon91 said:
I'm only about level 26 in Valor. Does the trophy unlock anything or is it just a regular old trophy. It its the latter, I'm not that concerned.

regular trophy (gold), but if you decide to go Veteran after getting the trophy there's a small XP bonus for every match you play (10%). It's up to you, don't do anything stupid until we reach a consensus here though. We know the GAF ways, 250 people show up initially and then we end up like 4-5 guys playing the actual game :lol

Violater said:
I'll be on tonight after work around 6:EST

be there with you bro, that's midnight here, both Rick and I always play around that time.


Lince said:
guys, guys... it's Raven, definitely Raven. I'm pretty confident we don't have many active players on Valor and those playing for SVER sure they want in for a real challenge don't you? Click suggested going back to SVER though, the easy-mode bastard :p maybe we can convince him and J-Rzez if we all go Raven.

Viete a la mierda! Pendejo! :lol

The reason why I want to play as SVER is because that's where we all started and it's been the faction that I've always wanted to be, regardless of the "easy mode" factor. Plus, it has the most amount of players that actually know how to play the game... although Raven has been catching up as of late. Too bad Domination will never be fixed and everyone who plays against SVER in Dom. will always be shorthanded and have a map disadvantage. Also, Raven's Dom. map is just poorly designed.

Honestly though, I couldn't care less what faction we play as. I'd stay in Raven if you're all there. Heck, I'd even go back to Valor again even though the only game mode they know how to play is Sabotage. :D

Lince said:
regular trophy (gold), but if you decide to go Veteran after getting the trophy there's a small XP bonus for every match you play (10%). It's up to you, don't do anything stupid until we reach a consensus here though. We know the GAF ways, 250 people show up initially and then we end up like 4-5 guys playing the actual game :lol

It's GAF. Where people get hyped up, talk (write) about a game to death, play a few times, then quit. I've been saying this would happen since before MAG launched.

There are only a handful of "true" gamers.


Here's what I've experienced so far with the LMG after the patch...

It's still the best gun in the game, simply because of its ammo capacity. You can still kill a lot of people with it. However, Zipper has nerfed it in one major way: It's nearly impossible to kill people while moving (strafing), especially in close range situations. Oh yeah, burst / single firing is also highly recommended now for LMGs.

Not sure if anyone's noticed, but when you move around / strafe with the LMGs now (again, especially in close range), you fire "blanks." You're shooting but it seems like no bullets are coming out and hitting your target, no matter how good your aim is. Basically, Zipper made LMGs stationary guns, the way they were meant to be. But instead of adding recoil, they made LMGs shoot blanks.

These nerfs has changed my style of play. I usually run and gun and can out-strafe an entire squad at times. Now, I just pick a good spot, crouch or prone, kill a few people, then move to a new location so they can't zero in on me. It's not nearly as fun, but at least it's better than the random bullet spread bullshit we've had to deal with prior to yesterday's patch.

I still have to test out the assault rifles and SMGs. Wonder if you can still strafe with them...
Click said:
I still have to test out the assault rifles and SMGs. Wonder if you can still strafe with them...
Can't speak for the ARs, but SMG is vastly improved, accurate pretty much to sniping range. Haven't noticed any problems hitting targets on the move either. It took me a long time to get the 1000 SMG kills pre-patch, but I've had 250+ with it in the last 2 days.


KZObsessed said:
I'll try and play this weekend. Got to level 60 with SVER and Valor, I want to do the same with Raven.

nice, I'm level 54 with Raven, just 6 more to complete the tour of duty with every PMC. The most fun was with you guys at SVER (full squads of 8 players), then with you, Violater, Click and a couple more playing for Valor... and now just Rick & Violater in Raven :(

come on guys, Raven GAF assemble tonight!


Lince said:
nice, I'm level 54 with Raven, just 6 more to complete the tour of duty with every PMC. The most fun was with you guys at SVER (full squads of 8 players), then with you, Violater, Click and a couple more playing for Valor... and now just Rick & Violater in Raven :(

come on guys, Raven GAF assemble tonight!

Put your headset on the charger, I will be home in about an hour :D


TelemachusD said:
I'd like to play with you guys, but I really don't want to go back to Lvl 1 today.

If you are already at LVL 60 I would say jump in, if not then continue to fight the good fight and we will pour out some liquor on the floor for you :lol


Click said:
Not sure if anyone's noticed, but when you move around / strafe with the LMGs now (again, especially in close range), you fire "blanks." You're shooting but it seems like no bullets are coming out and hitting your target, no matter how good your aim is. Basically, Zipper made LMGs stationary guns, the way they were meant to be. But instead of adding recoil, they made LMGs shoot blanks.

I knew something was weird but I blamed Japanese / American servers, now I have to try this, fricking Zipper... and yes SMGs own left and right now, specially SVER, gotta try the P90 myself.

Violater said:
Put your headset on the charger, I will be home in about an hour :D

sounds like some cyber sex date...


Lince said:
I knew something was weird but I blamed Japanese / American servers, now I have to try this, fricking Zipper... and yes SMGs own left and right now, specially SVER, gotta try the P90 myself.

Ahh fuck just give everyone swords and shields.

you know I would probably play that game. :lol


TelemachusD said:
Can't speak for the ARs, but SMG is vastly improved, accurate pretty much to sniping range. Haven't noticed any problems hitting targets on the move either. It took me a long time to get the 1000 SMG kills pre-patch, but I've had 250+ with it in the last 2 days.

Well, the SVER SMG is overpowered, compared to the other SMGs.
Always has been.

So much ammo and accuracy even before the patch.
It's like the SVER LMG just not as powerful but can be silenced.
The only downside to the SVER SMG is, it runs out of bullets way too quickly, due to its rate of fire.
I'll see if Prez wants to switch tonight, but it seems some people (Click and J-Rzez) are still wanting to go back to SVER. If I could get confirmation that everybody is happy going to Raven I'd be a bit more likely to change.


TelemachusD said:
I'll see if Prez wants to switch tonight, but it seems some people (Click and J-Rzez) are still wanting to go back to SVER. If I could get confirmation that everybody is happy going to Raven I'd be a bit more likely to change.

come on what's to debate here? do we want to crush SVER and steal their contracts or just lay back on our seats as the other team self-destructs against our bunkers instead? now that the numbers are so low I believe our international Raven squad of Spanish passion, British arrogance and American monster trucks can make a difference in at least some games.

guys, just let's go back to SVER and save us the bitter tears


Lince said:
now that the numbers are so low I believe our international Raven squad of Spanish passion, British arrogance and American monster trucks can make a difference in at least some games.

We're not arrogant, just better than the rest of you monkeys ;)

Hurry up and get on fellas I'm getting murdered here

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I'm totally up for switching to Raven for the GAF clan, but that's because it's the only PMC I have left. Currently level 40 on SVER so I expect I should be done in about 2 weeks. But then Super Street Figther 4 comes out...ugh.. I really hope there's a double exp weekend because 50 to 60 really sucks.


Good games Raven Gaf, great to see us getting as many as 6 in the same squad at one time! I started the night well, then it all went to shit with some major lag but I'm learning to accept that. More difficult to accept is the dumbasses that populated most of the games we played - as Violater said - you can't beat stupid.


57-8 :lol strafing run heaven
The road block went down and we proceeded to take down all the mortars. Valor fell like a house of cards.
Played a few games to try out the patch. The LMG felt the same. The assault rifle felt better. I also tested the "random bullet physics".

First with the LMG, I was pleasantly surprised after a few shots, it seemed to have been reduced. But while actually playing it's still persistent. I didn't play enough games to get back into MAG Mode after some time with BC2, and I know after awhile I'd get used to it, but in the short time I played it was really frustrating.

As for the assault rifle, it felt decidedly better then what I remember. The accuracy was marginally higher then the LMG, and the random bullet spread was still there, but it did feel a little bit more powerful. Still though, Zipper needs to up the amount of rounds an AR starts with to about 240 and reduce the loadout cost for all AR's by 200 points before this thing is a viable option compared to the LMG.

All in all this patch is just like the last ones. Pretty much worthless.


Violater said:
57-8 :lol strafing run heaven
The road block went down and we proceeded to take down all the mortars. Valor fell like a house of cards.

I saw your 57-8 tonight and raised to 85-19, strafing run FTW indeed :p

MAG is fun but lag is awful, completely ruins Domination, I'd go as far as calling it unhealthy. It's just so unfair that Europeans are forced to play in such miserable conditions, they should at least make the EU server available for our prime-time. Real shame how poor both Japanese and American servers handle connections with Europe in terms of world updates, packet loss, ping spikes and jitter.

also, Lince to Das-J in the lobby: "who the fuck are you?" classic

weekend_warrior said:
All in all this patch is just like the last ones. Pretty much worthless.

exactly, they shouldn't have messed with the weapons in the first place, we had a long beta for that, it was a mistake to listen to the casual gamers that play for a couple of weeks and then leave never looking back. The sad part is once 1.03 was released not only casual gamers left after two weeks... a pretty naive mistake by Zipper, they should always stick to their vision, basically letting a forum (be it GAF or the PSN forums) patch your game is just childish.


i'd switch... but i'm on SVER lvl 49 or something, probably not going to happen for a while as this is my 4th faction and i'm not doing mad leveling marathons anymore (started on SVER). :p

although... a double xp weekend would be perfect to consolidate a clan (get on it Zipper ;)... please hehe)


Sabo. defend w/ LMG:


While the LMGs aren't as godly as they were before (Zipper nerfed movement firing), they're still the best weapons by far.

Lince said:
exactly, they shouldn't have messed with the weapons in the first place, we had a long beta for that, it was a mistake to listen to the casual gamers that play for a couple of weeks and then leave never looking back. The sad part is once 1.03 was released not only casual gamers left after two weeks... a pretty naive mistake by Zipper, they should always stick to their vision, basically letting a forum (be it GAF or the PSN forums) patch your game is just childish.

A lot of people blame "n00bs" for ruining the shooting mechanics but I don't. Something had to be done about the LMGs.

I blame Zipper for not making the proper adjustments (ie. real recoil) to the weapons that needed nerfing (LMGs). Instead, they nerfed all weapons by giving all guns random bullet spread. Then they added additional, improved LMGs when assault rifles and SMGs were the ones that needed buffing. Basically, I blame Zipper for being lazy and inept at weapon / map balancing (they actually made SVER Sabo. harder to attack for some stupid reason).

However, I did enjoy the time before all the nerfs started happening. Even though the LMGs were extremely overpowered, at least skill mattered more back then. Oh well, at least Zipper fixed the random bullet spread with this patch... at least it seems like they did.
Click said:
...they actually made SVER Sabo. harder to attack for some stupid reason
Before, defenders would get very spread out and two or three guys could sneak in and hold the letter until backup arrived; SVER can lose on that map really quickly now if they still play this way. If you're defending it properly (most of the squad at or very close to the objective), it becomes much harder. I think C has definitely become easier to attack though.


Click said:
However, I did enjoy the time before all the nerfs started happening. Even though the LMGs were extremely overpowered, at least skill mattered more back then. Oh well, at least Zipper fixed the random bullet spread with this patch... at least it seems like they did.

that shows how insecure they are about gaming design, I mean changing the shooting mechanics (for the worse) that early in the game's life and then backpedaling after some weeks? that's just the recipe of failure, changing your game back and forth instead of letting your user base learn and adapt to it... that's the problem here, the only thing the game needed as Click says was better ARs (with extended mags and lower CC cost) to counter LMG users, I was using an AR + silencer as much as the LMG before 1.03, after that patch was released it's just silly to equip anything but LMGs.


edit: reading about the lag issues seems like it's getting worse, obviously servers are being shutting down as the number of players keeps plummeting, what we have is actually a couple of servers fully taxed and struggling with so many different latencies. If this isn't being fixed soon (by turning back on a couple more servers, don't be so cheap, it was a full price online only game after all) I'm just quitting when I hit lvl 60, the lag playing from Europe makes me dizzy, atrocious, never been this bad before, how the heck are they destroying their own game like this?


TelemachusD said:
Before, defenders would get very spread out and two or three guys could sneak in and hold the letter until backup arrived; SVER can lose on that map really quickly now if they still play this way. If you're defending it properly (most of the squad at or very close to the objective), it becomes much harder. I think C has definitely become easier to attack though.

I'm talking about A.

They added a bunch of walls everywhere on the side of A so that SVER can hide and camp that side sooo much better. Before, attacking squads would use that area to sneak up to A. I know Valor GAF has used this area / strategy on many occasions: Sneak up the railroad tracks then straight up to A. But now, this area can be heavily camped / defended... something that I've experienced last night many times.

While the opposite the is true; that if the attacking team somehow takes over and holds that area, they can essentially use it as a mini-base and hold SVER back from getting to the top of A.

However, this is extremely hard to do because it would require all the retards attacking on the other side, dying over and over again, to realize that they all need to be gathered behind the new walls in order to mount a full-on attack. Attacking squads usually get split up, allowing SVER to dig in and can camp the living shit out of A. The new walls only exacerbates the situation.

I've always thought that Valor's Sabo. C is the hardest to attack and Raven's Sabo. C the easiest to take over. SVER's C is rather balanced compared to the other factions, but that's only because of the fact that the attacking team lands so close to it while parachuting in. It can actually be really hard to penetrate if SVER defends it well. I didn't see any new additions that made SVER's C easier to attack.

The problem on SVER's Sabo map has always been A, not B or C. For some strange reason, Zipper decided to make it harder, not easier, to attack A. It just shows that whomever is making the decisions on how to balance weapons and maps, is completely inept and should be replaced. I know it sounds harsh, but there's been too many examples that prove my point.


Lince said:
that shows how insecure they are about gaming design, I mean changing the shooting mechanics (for the worse) that early in the game's life and then backpedaling after some weeks? that's just the recipe of failure, changing your game back and forth instead of letting your user base learn and adapt to it... that's the problem here, the only thing the game needed as Click says was better ARs (with extended mags and lower CC cost) to counter LMG users, I was using an AR + silencer as much as the LMG before 1.03, after that patch was released it's just silly to equip anything but LMGs.

The problem isn't the fact that they changed the shooting mechanics, because I honestly believed the game needed it. The problem is that they changed it way too late (should've been done it either during the numerous betas or immediately right after the game came out). They also changed everything all ass-backwards and implemented everything all wrong.

They didn't make LMGs have A LOT more recoil, even with grip and Improved Stability, as well as increasing the CC required to carry them. They didn't buff assault rifles and SMGs (more ammo LOAD & less CC). Instead, Zipper decided to make an across-the-board nerf to all weapons. Worst part is, they were too lazy and/or inept and decided to add random bullet spread to all weapons.

What Zipper has done is quite possibly one of the most retarded nerf I've ever experienced in a modern-day online game. I don't want to be all doom and gloom about this situation, because it seems that Zipper has realized the mistakes they've made and are doing something to fix the problems they've caused. In fact, I appreciate Zipper for at least trying and caring enough to make MAG a better game.

It's just sad that MAG could have been a great, classic shooter, adding more and more players every month. But because of the terrible nerfs, weapon / map imbalances, lack of DLC, lack of in-depth tutorial, and many other reasons, MAG's population has been on a steady decline since their amazing launch. I just hope Zipper can do enough with DLC and patches, to bring back some of the 700,000+ players that have already purchased the game.


so for the 3 guys that still read this thread...

Click said:
It's just sad that MAG could have been a great, classic shooter, adding more and more players every month. But because of the terrible nerfs, weapon / map imbalances, lack of DLC, lack of in-depth tutorial, and many other reasons, MAG's population has been on a steady decline since their amazing launch. I just hope Zipper can do enough with DLC and patches, to bring back some of the 700,000+ players that have already purchased the game.

well said Click

- the lack of tutorials on how to play each mode and specific leadership roles tutorials... just inexcusable, not even a link to a web page? how hard is that to patch into the game?
never forget: enemy AA took out our bomber! lol, how many times do we still hear this? hilarious.

- lack of explanation of how certain passive abilities and electronics devices work and interact with each other... 3 months after the game was released no one knows if the improved stealth ability counters the motion sensors or if the sensor jammers counter enemy UAVs, not to mention different combination of this equipment, not a word from Zipper about this, I wonder if most of them are just placebo.

- weapon imbalances, how in the world a fully buffed LMG is cheaper than a maxed out AR when the LMG is equally accurate and has a tremendous clip advantage?

- random bullet patch, I don't want to comment again on this amateurish move, but pretty much 40% of the user base hated it and the sudden change had such a terrible negative impact, they're trying to backpedal a bit but the harm is already done. Basically you don't get hundred of thousands of players hooked on a certain shooting mechanics and radically change it overnight to protect unskilled snipers. Things don't work that way.

- map imbalances, well, somewhat addressed with the way the damage bar fills now (Domination), but when you read Click's take on SVER Sab A... yes, some Zipper designer must be fired or reallocated in other position, it's just that bad.

- LAG, LAG and more LAG, playing from 14:00 to 23:59 GMT always got me in the European UK server, not anymore, just incredibly annoying lag-fests where I'm at a huge ping disadvantage. I wonder if they have the balls to admit the European server has been shut down for a while now, selling the game at full price in Europe is such a bitch move, and they're doing it with a straight face.

- incentives for Veterans? 10%XP? really? can't you try harder? have a look at the skill tree and see if maybe veterans can rearrange or customize it, come with new ideas to make going vet something interesting and not a depressing level 1 start, specially if you switch over to a different PMC.

- game modes, 2 PMCs vs 1, all vs all, whatever, something new and exciting?

- DLC? special edition LMGs and flash nades? lol...

I really loved this game during the betas and the first 3 weeks after launch, I was expecting it to get even better, maybe the PS3 flagship shooter with a PSN release and a lot of stuff going on with the Shadow War (they completely forgot about the Shadow War concept, why? never developed, never changed, never looked or hinted at). Let's face it, the Zipper team in charge of this one had some good ideas with MAG but they have proven themselves unable of delivering, simple as that. Shame, this could have sold quite a bit more in the right hands.
Well said Lince and Click. I agree with everything said except the lag part. I live in America so that's probably more of a European issue.

I'm certainly not trading in my copy of MAG though. I'll still play it from time to time during the summer. Maybe they'll release that awesome new patch that fixes all the problems and adds DLC, it'll probably be called Socom 4 though.


I'm thinking about playing some tonight. Anyone in Raven GAF going to be on?
This is providing that I don't get sucked into my new addiction again, Left 4 Dead 2 on PC


Had some good games today, and some rough ones. Had fun. sorry had to bail, but had to go play plumber. And yesterday had to bail to watch the Penguins win.

speaking of...... hey Click, how are your Rangers doing in the playoffs? ;)


Lince said:
so for the 3 guys that still read this thread...

Yeah, I wish the launch crew was here, still posting and playing.
Even though we argued a good amount, it was fun discussing the game and share experiences with more fans of MAG.

J-Rzez, Cagen, and a bunch of other people need to log on more (or at all) to MAG and also this thread. Telemachus and Prez needs to switch over to Raven again, because it was great having them in our squad everyday.

Actually, I just wish that everyone would come back because Raven GAF could be a very interesting experience with a lot of Valor and SVER GAF switched over.

Lince said:
- lack of explanation of how certain passive abilities and electronics devices work and interact with each other... 3 months after the game was released no one knows if the improved stealth ability counters the motion sensors or if the sensor jammers counter enemy UAVs, not to mention different combination of this equipment, not a word from Zipper about this, I wonder if most of them are just placebo.

Read this:

Lince said:
- random bullet patch, I don't want to comment again on this amateurish move, but pretty much 40% of the user base hated it and the sudden change had such a terrible negative impact, they're trying to backpedal a bit but the harm is already done. Basically you don't get hundred of thousands of players hooked on a certain shooting mechanics and radically change it overnight to protect unskilled snipers. Things don't work that way.

Totally agree man.
Fuck the snipers (not J-Rzez, lol)... at least the shitty ones that bitched and moaned so much.

Lince said:
- LAG, LAG and more LAG, playing from 14:00 to 23:59 GMT always got me in the European UK server, not anymore, just incredibly annoying lag-fests where I'm at a huge ping disadvantage. I wonder if they have the balls to admit the European server has been shut down for a while now, selling the game at full price in Europe is such a bitch move, and they're doing it with a straight face.

weekend_warrior said:
I agree with everything said except the lag part. I live in America so that's probably more of a European issue.

Personally, I don't experience too much lag either here in NY. However, I do experience the 'die behind a wall' bullet lag. Domination can get bad when everything's unlocked, with a billion things going off on the top of your head and around you, as well as 60+ players shooting and throwing 'nades within your vicinity. Combined with framerate issues, it can sometime make certain Domination games barely playable.

I do feel bad for Lince and other non-NA players. Bad lag really sucks in online games, especially shooters.

Just wondering Lince, do you get bad lag even in Sabotage games? Part of the reason why I like Sabotage so much is because it's the least laggy game mode. Said this in-game today to RavenGAF: I would be happy if the DLC included more Sabotage maps and also fixed the existing Domination maps. If Raven and SVER Dom. maps were more balanced like Valor's is, I think it would be enough to satisfy most people who need that massive war-scale experience.

Lince said:
- incentives for Veterans? 10%XP? really? can't you try harder? have a look at the skill tree and see if maybe veterans can rearrange or customize it, come with new ideas to make going vet something interesting and not a depressing level 1 start, specially if you switch over to a different PMC.

Yeah, I do get so discouraged when I switch to a new faction. The first 30 levels can be unbearable at times, especially without a clan to back you up. This is where Zipper can take a page out of Infinity Ward's book. Encourage your veteran players and reward them for sticking with the game, keeping the online community populated, competitive, and healthy.

As it is now, the only benefits we get for switching factions are either the trophies (which not many people even care that much about), the fact that 'your' clan (if 'you' even have one) is in another faction and you want to play with them, and/or out of sheer boredom after achieving level 60.

All those ribbons and medals are no good to us in-game. I mean, it doesn't even matter that I've gotten the Grim Reaper ribbon (killing 35 enemies in 1 battle) 222 times... nor the fact that I have 196 1st Place MVPs. If there's not much incentive to keep playing, especially with existing issues in the game, people are going to stop playing.

At least Zipper has finally made Leadership Points matter now. 1 step in the right direction, I suppose...

Lince said:
I really loved this game during the betas and the first 3 weeks after launch, I was expecting it to get even better, maybe the PS3 flagship shooter with a PSN release and a lot of stuff going on with the Shadow War (they completely forgot about the Shadow War concept, why? never developed, never changed, never looked or hinted at). Let's face it, the Zipper team in charge of this one had some good ideas with MAG but they have proven themselves unable of delivering, simple as that. Shame, this could have sold quite a bit more in the right hands.

I had high hopes for this game. Still kinda do, but it's hard when we're not seeing good results. Maybe the DLC announcement, and more importantly, the actual content of said DLC will make us more optimistic about this game's future. It's not too late for Zipper to get their act together and prove they can be trusted in delivering on what they promised fans of their company and games.


andycapps said:
I'm thinking about playing some tonight. Anyone in Raven GAF going to be on?

We actually had 3-6 players on almost the entire day in Raven GAF.

Had a great time playing and chatting with the clan recently. We just need a few more people to log on or switch over. Wish I had more time to play...

weekend_warrior said:
I'm certainly not trading in my copy of MAG though. I'll still play it from time to time during the summer. Maybe they'll release that awesome new patch that fixes all the problems and adds DLC, it'll probably be called Socom 4 though.


Yeah, like I've said before, there will be a summer drought in games.
Hopefully people will remember how much fun this game can be and come back.

Anton668 said:
speaking of...... hey Click, how are your Rangers doing in the playoffs? ;)

Yeah yeah, whatever man.
The Pens can suck my left testicle.

I feel bad for Lundqvist. Dude deserves a Cup. Too bad the Rangers couldn't play like they did the first and last 10 games, all season long.
Click said:
Yeah, I wish the launch crew was here, still posting and playing.
Even though we argued a good amount, it was fun discussing the game and share experiences with more fans of MAG.

J-Rzez, Cagen, and a bunch of other people need to log on more (or at all) to MAG and also this thread. Telemachus and Prez needs to switch over to Raven again, because it was great having them in our squad everyday.
I'm pretty sure me and Prez have more time played in MAG than anyone else here (300+ hrs each). I'm willing to switch, but are you guys actually going to stick with it? Also there's a few active people in SVER who need to get to 60 (icechai, worldrevolution, thebishop), I'd hate to ditch those guys.


Click said:
Just wondering Lince, do you get bad lag even in Sabotage games? Part of the reason why I like Sabotage so much is because it's the least laggy game mode.

both Sabotage and Acquisition games run quite smooth, there's no packet loss or ping spikes, there's just this unfair ping disadvantage but as you've seen I can manage that at least on Sabo games. But the picture has changed a lot for Domination games, I've been checking my connection log from time to time after Domination games and it's full of packet loss instances, extreme fluctuation in downloading speeds and ping spikes (from 120ms to 3000!), checking some forums over here sadly I'm not alone and somewhat the server performance is terrible handling long distance connections for Domination games, like it has some upload bandwidth limit or bug going on.

It wasn't anywhere this bad during the first weeks after they sorted out the rubber-banding. And of course it was so good in the afternoon and evening playing in the UK server, that beloved IP has never shown again, only US or Japanese ones...


TelemachusD said:
I'm pretty sure me and Prez have more time played in MAG than anyone else here (300+ hrs each). I'm willing to switch, but are you guys actually going to stick with it?

Rick, Violator, Click and I play a couple of hours together every day. I'm almost 300 hours here.
More DLC...

New armor (400 credits for "Improved Light Armor") and 3 modified sniper rifles (basically, the same stuff as before, just this time there are loadout changes instead of cosmetic changes to armor). Releases next Thursday.


Mark April 29 on your calendars now, because it’s the day you’re going to see our next 100% Free MAG DLC add-on! Known as the “Fast Attack” Gear Pack, our latest downloadable extra will likely cause marksmen to swoon.

Why? Two big reasons — First, we’re adding three brand new Special Edition Sniper Rifles (Raven’s HM 90 SE, SVER’s SASR M, and Valor’s MK 14 Mod 1 EBR) that include a number of performance adjustments and visual variations to our already-popular long-range weapons. Second, you can expect to get your hands on a collection of new armor types! All three factions can now choose to equip Improved Light Armor in their loadouts for the bargain price of just 400 in-game credits.

Oh, and did we mention that the “Fast Attack” Gear Pack is free? Yes, we did, but we’re saying it again anyway. Look for it to appear in the PlayStation Store the afternoon of April 29, alongside all other scheduled PSN updates.



yep, repainted armor and sniper rifle, exactly the DLC the game needs now... I don't know if these Zipper guys are being serious at all.
Last time it was a 100kb unlock key. The content was already on the disc, it seems, they're just unlocking it progressively. Unless, of course, it was included in the patches...
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