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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


worldrevolution said:
Level 55... 5 more levels and I'm making the switch to Raven. I've loved my time on SVER, as a whole the players are infinitely better than Valor. However, playing on the SVER maps suck because they're so CHEAP.. I'll be gone on vacation for the next 2 weeks though so I'll be playing again in May.

fixed for undeniable accuracy
I wish I could punch the zipper map design team in the face, you guys suck.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Violater said:
fixed for undeniable accuracy

I've only played Valor and SVER, but I would say SVER has the hardest Sabotage map to defend by far. At least when it gets to C. Valor's being the easiest. Raven's seems the most balanced. Domination, SVER's map is definitely superior. I think I've only lost one Dom match on SVER. Acqui..I play very little because it sucks. I was there for the whole 'SVER = unfair' thing the first time around, so I don't want to start it all over again. Still, I definitely don't feel any ridiculously unfair advantage when I get a SVER map, and actually prefer Valor's maps a lot more.


worldrevolution said:
I've only played Valor and SVER, but I would say SVER has the hardest Sabotage map to defend by far. At least when it gets to C. Valor's being the easiest. Raven's seems the most balanced. Domination, SVER's map is definitely superior. I think I've only lost one Dom match on SVER. Acqui..I play very little because it sucks. I was there for the whole 'SVER = unfair' thing the first time around, so I don't want to start it all over again. Still, I definitely don't feel any ridiculously unfair advantage when I get a SVER map, and actually prefer Valor's maps a lot more.

If that is what you believe then I fear there is no use me trying to convince you of otherwise as you couldn't be further from the truth.
worldrevolution said:
I've only played Valor and SVER, but I would say SVER has the hardest Sabotage map to defend by far. At least when it gets to C. Valor's being the easiest. Raven's seems the most balanced. Domination, SVER's map is definitely superior. I think I've only lost one Dom match on SVER. Acqui..I play very little because it sucks. I was there for the whole 'SVER = unfair' thing the first time around, so I don't want to start it all over again. Still, I definitely don't feel any ridiculously unfair advantage when I get a SVER map, and actually prefer Valor's maps a lot more.

No, just... no.

In both attacking and defending Ravens sabo I've seen them win maybe 3 times when C has been unlocked. It's nearly immposible to defend at that point. Raven even spawns further away then either Sver or Valor.

My vote would go towards Raven. I find their Dom map a lot more fun to defend then Svers.


weekend_warrior said:
No, just... no.

In both attacking and defending Ravens sabo I've seen them win maybe 3 times when C has been unlocked. It's nearly immposible to defend at that point. Raven even spawns further away then either Sver or Valor.

My vote would go towards Raven. I find their Dom map a lot more fun to defend then Svers.

yep, the reason i switched back to Raven after i 60ed all three factions was because defending the Raven DOM map was alot of fun. Seems every game goes to the letters at least and goes down to the final minute to see who wins. Defending A/B or E/F is crazy, and also a bit frustrating when the enemy gets hold of the letters and has guys in the corridors.

Whereas the SVER DOM map ends up being like a sorta WWI simulator. I probably lost the last 15 matches or so in a row attacking SVER. Last night was particularly infuriating...my ENTIRE SQUAD ended up getting purple heart badges on one fight ..hahah


weekend_warrior said:
My vote would go towards Raven. I find their Dom map a lot more fun to defend then Svers.

you know what Click, Rick, Violater, FFO and the others who play every night think when we're defending our base (Raven)? "this is the best way to end the night in frustration" :lol


OK, relax guys.
It's worldrevolution's OPINION that SVER has the hardest Sabo. map to defend.
And he did say "At least when it gets to C."

Like I've said before, SVER's Sabo A is incredibly hard to take over.
Doesn't mean it's impossible, but it takes at least an entire squad of good players rushing the same area. Even if you can get a squad or two to rush the same way, there will still be lots of casualties because there are only 2 entrances going into A. Valor's A and B are wide open, while Raven's has the top platform as a third entrance.

Now with the new walls Zipper put around SVER's A, it's even tougher to breach A. I've already talked about this last page so I won't go into it again.

I do kind of agree with worldrevolution about SVER's C. It's not as easy to take over compared to Raven's C. But because the attacking team parachutes in so close to SVER's C, it falls quite often. It's just that A and B are so hard to take over (unless the SVER team sucks), the attacking team is left with very little time when C opens up.

Lince said:
you know what Click, Rick, Violater, FFO and the others who play every night think when we're defending our base (Raven)? "this is the best way to end the night in frustration" :lol

"You want to be frustrated? Play Domination as Raven."

I can see why Raven GAF was bitching so much 2-3 months ago.
However, I still believe that if the majority of Raven was very skilled, they can win in Domination (defend and attack) against a mediocre SVER team... regardless of the map (dis)advantages.

5 Raven
1 Valor

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I've been stopped plenty of times on Raven's C, both as Valor and SVER. But lately for me if it gets to C on SVER's map, it's over.. just these past two days I've had 2 games where we kept A and B until about 2-3 minutes left, lost them, and then lost with seconds left. Anyway, all I was trying to say is I do not give myself a self-high five when a SVER map gets picked, I just don't see that huge of an advantage. And, again, they just suck to look at. Yes, it's just my opinion, so I don't like when someone drops the whole 'that's nice, but you're wrong' argument on me. We can do that all day on the internet.

If you guys do stay SVER I'll be sad since I play a lot (as in they're the only people that log in on SVER) with Telemachus and Prez and I'll miss them. Really great players. If you guys go Raven though I get to hear Lince's scary European accent again.
I think the real difference on the domination maps is how much easier it is to support a weak squad on SVER. If my neighbor's bunker is in trouble it's only a few meters away. If the AA gets planted on, I can get there in under ten seconds even from an end bunker. The bunker spacing on the other maps makes this harder for Valor and Raven. The middle two bunkers at C/D and G/H on Raven especially can't support each other at all because of the boat, and the outer ones can't help much with the AA without abandoning their own bunkers. Basically anywhere you have a weak squad on Raven or Valor you're going to have problems quickly, whereas on SVER other players can quickly come in to help even the odds or repair a downed bunker before the enemy can press further.

Also, way too many people on all factions can't get the idea in their heads that bunkers are more important than burnoff towers. But again this hurts Valor and Raven more since their burnoffs are mostly further out.
I don't know if I should say Raven or SVER :/

I'm 53 on SVER, so either I play to 60 again on Raven or stay with SVER to keep my skillpoints which gives me the ability to change my class at will and use my equipment stuff whenever I feel the urge to play MAG. I don't know if I want to level up again, only if they provide more content (=maps) so I'm motivated to play more often

Also I like SVER much more as a PMC and their levels look visually the best IMO (actually also graphically with the exception of Valor Sab, maybe the orange/dark colours + dust hide graphical shortcomings better).

oh and shouldn't all of have spawned enough times in different positions on the maps by now, so you would know each (Dom) map has easy and hard locations for attackers as well defenders?

e.g. Raven Dom A+B is a clusterfuck, no, it's actually a slaughter of the attackers.
And on the other hand there are start positions on the SVER Dom map which WILL fall early in the match because they are harder to defend.
That's with random people btw., Squad/Platoon teamwork destroys all anyway.


BattleMonkey said:
So all the whiners from KZ2 have made this their game of choice to whine about.
Lovely contribution.

As for the question at hand.

I am staying Raven.

and so are you. :| all of you >:|


TelemachusD said:
I think the real difference on the domination maps is how much easier it is to support a weak squad on SVER. If my neighbor's bunker is in trouble it's only a few meters away. If the AA gets planted on, I can get there in under ten seconds even from an end bunker. The bunker spacing on the other maps makes this harder for Valor and Raven. The middle two bunkers at C/D and G/H on Raven especially can't support each other at all because of the boat, and the outer ones can't help much with the AA without abandoning their own bunkers. Basically anywhere you have a weak squad on Raven or Valor you're going to have problems quickly, whereas on SVER other players can quickly come in to help even the odds or repair a downed bunker before the enemy can press further.

There are just too many issues with Raven's Domination map. Aside from what you just said, which is true, there are many other reasons why that map is broken...

First of all, the gates / barricades on Raven's map is located in front of the bunkers, not behind or even with the bunkers like it is on SVER's map. Attackers have to first get past the "firing squad-like" setup of the SVER bunkers to blow up the gates / barricades. It is too easy for attackers to blow up Raven's gates and barricades because they can just hide behind the various pipes, buildings, walls, etc., and keep trying to plant charges until it does blow up. Then they can drive their APCs either right next to the bunkers (which like you said, are disjointed and separated), or drive the APC straight through and sabotage Raven's artillery, radar, AA, gates, etc.

The AA placement is quite possibly in the worst area it can be on Raven's Dom. map. Attackers don't even have to bother with the bunkers in order to blow up the AA. They can just run out of their spawn, straight onto the ship, blow up the AA, use their artillery / air strikes, defend it, parachute in, destroy the bunkers and all of Raven's assets, then open up the towers. This can be done so easily and quickly, it's pretty much game over for Raven in just a few minutes.

I remember being one of the only people yesterday defending the AA. There were a few others there too but they all died so quickly, I had to take out an entire squad (rushing separately) by myself for like 5-10 minutes. In the end, they brought 2 squads to the AA simultaneously and easily overwhelmed me. Aside from the bunkers, the AA should be on the top of the list of things to defend. However, Raven defenders have too much to worry about, usually leaving the AA last on their list to defend and fix because it is out of the way. Whereas, SVER knows that attackers have to destroy the bunkers first to get to their AA. Or kill the few players that managed to sneak by.

The most frustrating and broken part about Raven's Dom. map is the fact that most of the letters have no ceilings to cover artillery strikes and strafing runs. They are extremely tough to defend and even harder to retake.

The middle respawn point is also too close to the letters, leaving it open to be bombed repeatedly and even camped by attackers, shooting into the Raven spawn from the letters. There is very little Raven can do when the letters open up. They run out of their spawn, immediately get bombed, grenaded, and/or shot at. If they're lucky enough to survive all of that, they get to run through the gauntlet of attackers already dug in at the letters. If attackers are smart, they even have claymores set up at the few entrances Raven has to run through. At this point, Raven is so demoralized, frustrated, and confused, most don't even try anymore.

If Zipper can add a bunch of walls to SVER's Sabo. map, they can surely add ceilings to the letters at Raven's Dom. map. They also need to remove all the walls covering the entrance into the letters. Allow Raven defenders to shoot out at attackers just like SVER can do on their Dom. map. The walls give attackers awesome cover and also allows their APCs to be parked in front of the entrances without much worry that it'll be blown up.

Zipper has to move the gates / barricades behind the bunkers. I don't know how they can fix the AA and separated bunkers issue, because they'd have to completely redesign the map to make it more fair. Maybe they can relocate the AA somewhere else or add a spawn point on the ship. Something has to be done about the AA issue.

7 Raven
2 Valor


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I should get back into this game. Think I left as an early 30 level Raven player. I vote..



Click said:
When you're cursing and being frustrated / angry, you can sound scary to those that haven't heard your English in beautiful Spanish accent. :D

guess I need to copy Rick's "5 o'clock tea" accent, now that's a gentleman :lol
I haven't played in a week or so but I vote Raven for consolidation. I'm 56 Valor now so I have to grind through that unfortunately but I'd rather go to Raven after that.


People are overlooking the key point here: Killstreak music.

SVER >>>>>> Valor >>>Raven.

These votes should be for SVER.


I am gonna get back into this starting from now.

If anyone from Raven is on then Kowak2007 is back in the game(need to get my gold trophy, on level 56 since the second week of release)

Just need to download the updates.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Click said:
When you're cursing and being frustrated / angry, you can sound scary to those that haven't heard your English in beautiful Spanish accent. :D

Seriously. Pretty sure every time I was with Lince he was angry and yelling at..something..even when we were winning. I'm just messin around of course.

I barely use my mic because it's usually day time for me when I'm playing with you guys and my wife and cat are around me all the time, so I don't want random talking/meows coming through. Of course Telemachus made a good point to me before, don't apply for leadership if you're not gonna use your mic, but blame the wife/cat!

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
That kill streak music is really effing annoying actually. And isn't it more of a points streak thing? I swear I get the guitar riff crap even when I just pick up a few people and don't kill anyone.


worldrevolution said:
That kill streak music is really effing annoying actually. And isn't it more of a points streak thing? I swear I get the guitar riff crap even when I just pick up a few people and don't kill anyone.

Yes, it's a "points" streak more than anything as you can get it from a kill or two and blowing something up, or rez'n a bunch of people. It's not annoying when it's SVER's music :p


We had some good games today.
A lot of good Valor Sabo. matches (a few bad ones too) and 1 particularly awesome SVER Sabo. match where we (Raven) won with (I think) less than 1 minute left.

It sucks that the majority (I'd estimate 60%+) of Raven and probably 70%+ of Valor have absolutely no clue how to play MAG.

In most games, I feel like GAF has to do the work of almost 2 Raven squads. In fact, in 1 game today, me, Lince, and Rick had more kills and points than both the squads at Raven's Sabo. B combined. I think we might've even had more kills and points than our whole team combined. It was that sad.

The other team brought 3 squads over and had control of B for most of the match. But when they went back to A, we got control back. Our team was lucky that game and won it somehow.

10 Raven
2 Valor

Should I count the people coming here just to vote and not play / play very little?


Kowak said:
WOW, I am just as shit I remembered. Click and Lince are amazing. Sorry I couldnt be of more assistance

It's OK man.
Polish off that rust and you'll be good again, especially with more GAF'fers in our squad.

You had a good revive on me during the Valor Sabo. game.
If you didn't revive me the moment you did, we would've lost that match.


Cheers Click, I will try and improve. I have always been someone who needs to be playing fps for a bit before I get into a groove. Hopefully a few more games and I will have a better grasp.

I vote for SVER.


Lince said:
oh Click looks like we're staying in Raven :lol

Either way, I don't care too much where we decide to stay.
It's been a close poll so far. I just hope those that lost the vote (looks like Valor isn't going to win) will switch over and be willing to level up again. It can be tough getting to 60 for most players...

Kowak said:
Cheers Click, I will try and improve. I have always been someone who needs to be playing fps for a bit before I get into a groove. Hopefully a few more games and I will have a better grasp.

I vote for SVER.

I hear ya. I'm the same way. It also takes me a while to get back into the "zone" or "groove."

Hopefully we'll have more players the next time you play. It's more fun that way and the pressure to perform well isn't as high as it is when only 2 or 3 of us are in a squad.

10 Raven
2 Valor
Click said:
10 Raven
2 Valor

ok, just to make in interesting I decided to vote for SVER :p

But if it comes to Raven I will use GAF as an excuse to level up go veteran ^^ been so lonely in SVER since the first weeks.


Doubt I'll play too much after I get to level 60 with RAVEN, but SVER is what I'll be switching to.


Never going back to Valor :lol


KZObsessed said:
Doubt I'll play too much after I get to level 60 with RAVEN, but SVER is what I'll be switching to.


Never going back to Valor :lol

Raven is even worse, guys running around with repair kits on Sabo, come on. I believe if we switch over to SVER we're winning every game/ spawn-camping every time... fun?


double XP weekend confirmed


MAG Double XP Weekend Starts April 29
posted by Jeremy Dunham, April 27, 2010 10:30 am

With our free “Fast Attack” Gear Pack headed to the PlayStation Store on April 29, it seems like the perfect window to bring back a favorite event of ours here at Zipper Interactive, the Double XP weekend!

Starting at 12am Pacific/3am Eastern/ 8am GMT on April 29, any player who logs onto MAG and plays as they normally do will receive Double XP. Of course, this bonus also extends to Veterans who already have an XP bonus of their own (go percentile stacking!), so if you’ve been around for awhile the rewards are even higher! Just be sure to complete every game you play, as the bonus is not applied until the end of a match – quit early, and the bonus will not activate.

Our MAG Fast Attack Gear Pack Double XP promotion will run until 11:59pm Pacific Time on Sunday, May 2.

Note: Though the Double XP promotion begins at 12am PDT, access to the free DLC pack itself will vary by region and will not necessarily be available at the same time as the extra experience points.

nice timing for GAF-united


TelemachusD said:
Maybe we should weight votes by hours played.

I think I'll just count everybody's vote.
It'll get confusing and complicated if I have to check the playtime of everyone who voted.

Violater said:
Done with this game.

You're crazy man.
Guess I'm going to subtract your vote now...

Lince said:
double XP weekend confirmed

nice timing for GAF-united

Sweet! However, I might not be on too much this weekend. ; ;
Gonna be busy drinking and partying.

But yeah, it is good timing. The poll ends on the 29th at around the time of this post. Those of us that are going to switch factions and/or trying to get to 60 in their current faction will benefit. I missed out on the last double XP weekend, so hopefully I'll be able to play a bit this time around.

9 Raven
2 Valor


Violater said:
Switching to SVER easy mode is in no way appealing to me Click.

So you say you're quitting because the poll had SVER behind by a few votes, now ahead by 1 vote because you no longer want to play MAG? Makes sense.

I've already stated why I want to go over to SVER many times so I'm not going to repeat myself again. You can try and make fun of my tag all you want or say that SVER is easy or boring. In the end, however the poll turns out will be where I will end up staying / moving to. If I wanted to be selfish, I would have already switched back to SVER a long time ago.

All I wanted to accomplish with this poll was what most of the remaining GAF MAG players have wanted for a while: To consolidate the clan so that we can all play together again. If you want to be a baby about it, then quit or stay in Raven. It really doesn't matter what you decide to do and won't bother me at all. Seriously...

By the way, just for your information, I "rage quit" Valor (and MAG) partially because you annoyed the shit out of me that day. The other reasons being, the majority of Valor sucks at the game, just like Raven, and also because of the random bullet patch.
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