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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


Click said:
I'm torn in what I think about the runnning / walking speed enhancements. In a way, it makes the game much, much faster, more fun and adrenaline-inducing. However, it takes away a lot of the tactical aspects of the retail game that I've grown accustomed to and enjoyed. People are just running around like acid-crazed, 'roided out Rambos, knifing and/or shooting everyone they see. If you stay still in the beta, you're most likely going to die if you're playing against good players that exploits the overpowered run speed + 1-hit knife kill + Sensor Jammer combo.


Uhm..not sure that i like it.
I think that this setting is going to hurt the teamplay, and mag is all about cooperation.


Wow, another beta patch is out.
1.04 is 276 MB. These patches are coming out really fast but they take up so much space.
Wonder what they changed in this version...


Jew Gamer
Sorc3r3r said:
Uhm..not sure that i like it.
I think that this setting is going to hurt the teamplay, and mag is all about cooperation.

People haven't team played in a long time; this is just going to make it possible for the game to be played since people ruined its key point right off the bat.

Its sad; but proof that gamers aren't ready for massive scale co-op :/


Supposedly, they slowed down the run speed and nerfed the shotty.
Knife is still 1-hit kill.

Gonna test it out soon.
@ 50% download.
Finished my second tour with Sver and vetted back over to Valor. This should be interesting... Been a while since I put in any real time with them, they were my first faction. Their first sniper is fucking Godly.


Beta patch 1.04 does slow down the run speed slightly, but with all upgrades, you can still run really fast and for a really long distance before having to "rest" / walk.

The knife is still overpowered since they didn't get rid of the 1-hit kill. I really hope Zipper fixes this before it goes live. They just need to make it so it's 1-hit kill ONLY from behind or at the head, even with all of the upgrades. I think they should completely remove the knife damage skills. Those skills don't belong in MAG.

They also need to fix the Sensor Jammer. It's been overpowered for almost 3 months. People running at full speed for the entire game, without being detected on the radar, takes a lot away from the tactical aspects of the game. It allows lesser-skilled players that can't aim for shit, a means to get lots of kills. MAG is supposed to be a FPS, with an emphases on SHOOTER. It's not a first person melee game but a lot of players are treating like it is, because the SJ has been so overpowered with nothing to counter its function.


Going to have to test this out since I didn't play in a while as I got back from vacation not too long ago.

The sensor jammer issue is annoying. I'm going to slap myself, but they should do what MW2 does, and "fuzzy out" your mini-map. You won't see them show up on your mini-map on the hud, but, you'll know they're near you.

Still didn't remedy the knife garbage yet huh? That's a shame. I've said for a while now it should be a close behind OHK, and that's all. None of this CoD shit.


MrPliskin said:
Any idea why I'm stuck @ Character Management?

You gotta be more specific.
What do you mean by "stuck?"

The only problem I have is getting disconnected from MAG servers sometimes when I try to log in. It only happens when I have to share bandwidth because everyone's downloading shit in my apartment complex.


OK, I gotta go on a small rant here because MAG is starting to wear on my patience recently. The lag has gotten really bad, especially in Domination. More than half of the Dom. games I join and try to play are basically unplayable. Even Sabotage games lag sometimes. I understand the main reason is because so many international players are playing MAG. However, there was 1 game the other day, where EVERYBODY was skipping around for 30 minutes and this wasn't during international peak hours.

On top of the unbearable lag, Domination just isn't fun to play anymore. Valor and SVER maps still have roadblocks and gates that can easily be bypassed, allowing APCs to drive through without blowing anything up. These exploits has existed in MAG SINCE LAUNCH and still hasn't been fixed. The damage bar is still broken (sorry Das-J, despite what you claim, it's still not fixed). It's pointless to queue for Dom. when you can predict the outcome...

The helicopter can still be blown up with 2 RPG shots. Raven's Dom. map allows them to sit on top of their center spawn and fire rockets at the helos. I've seen people camp up there and fire rockets, literally doing nothing but shooting the helos down for the entire match. It's no fun having to run for 1 minute everytime you die at the letters because you have no forward spawn to spawn at.

Valor's Acquisition map is broken. The map makes no sense and with a half-decent team, you can easily get the transport vehicles out with more than 10 minutes to spare. I'm not going to talk about the overpowered side of SVER's Acqui. map, because it's been nerfed in the beta...

The knife is the most overpowered weapon in the game for the past 3 or 4 months. Extended Reach + broken Sensor Jammer has made MAG into more of a melee game than a shooter. If you don't have the Jammer and all the knife upgrades, you stand no chance against the good players in this game. There are seriously people who do nothing but run around knifing people all game.

Almost all of these complaints I just wrote about has been broken for many months and Zipper has done nothing even though people have been bitching about it on the forums. I understand "MAG 2.0" is coming out in a few weeks and many things will be changing / fixed, but as of now, I'm getting really frustrated with the game. It's sucks being restricted to playing 6 maps over and over for so long, since Domination is broken, unfair to play, and lags like a motherfucker while nobody plays Interdiction because it sucks so bad.


Click said:
Valor's Acquisition map is broken. The map makes no sense and with a half-decent team, you can easily get the transport vehicles out with more than 10 minutes to spare. I'm not going to talk about the overpowered side of SVER's Acqui. map, because it's been nerfed in the beta...

Thank you, thank you, thank you, i have been bitching about this since mag came out and no one has agreed with me, i think i must have won it once or twice will doing my 60 level’s as valour, Though all 60 levels with sver and now that i just starting a raven char i have yet to lose a game on that map.

All the other point you have made are excellent as well.
SolidusDave said:
Walmart lists "MAG 2" for January 25th next year.
I guess if there is any truth to it, it just will be a MAG re-release with Move, DLC etc.? No way they'll release a second game after just one year

Didn't someone say something about MAG 2.0 listed somewhere? I could see them releasing the final version of the game with the dlc and new stuff like move support on a cheap rerelease down the line.


Just because I borrowed it from a friend and have been playign it with some buddies:


Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:14 am Post subject:


Good stuff:

- PlayStation Move support
- An increased level cap that goes to level 70
- A revamped Skill Tree that allows for the deepest character customization and specialization ever found in a first-person shooter
- A brand-new in-game economy that lets you earn credits to spend on weapons and items from the also-new “Supply Depot”
- Our useful “Clan Deploy” feature that enables clan leaders and officers to queue up to 128 of their fellow clan members into a single game
- A “MAG News” page that brings players up to date on all the latest happenings the moment they log in
- A multitude of updates that refine existing weapons, maps, and vehicles
- Important bug fixes and other enhancements that streamline the overall experience


XPE said:
Thank you, thank you, thank you, i have been bitching about this since mag came out and no one has agreed with me, i think i must have won it once or twice will doing my 60 level’s as valour, Though all 60 levels with sver and now that i just starting a raven char i have yet to lose a game on that map.

All the other point you have made are excellent as well.

I've won defending Valor Acqui. several times, but it takes a good team that knows what they're doing to even stand a chance. For the most part, Valor doesn't even queue up for Acquisition anymore because they know there's an 80% chance they'll lose.

The gates are so far up from the bunkers, nobody can nor care to defend them. The bunkers are all spread out, often sitting alone on a hilltop out in the middle of nowhere. It makes no sense for there to be 2 entrance / exit gates when the other 2 PMCs' maps only has 1 entry / exit gate. The exit point (cargo crate that carries the vehicle out) is much closer compared to SVER and especially Raven's exit point. You gotta drive through so much shit just to get out of Raven's Acqui. map but it's pretty much a straight-shot to get out of Valor's map.

The only good thing about Valor's Acqui. map is the fact that it has a good defense setup around the transport area. However, it's too easy to sweep their bunkers and AA. By the time a defense is setup around the transport area, you've got the entire attacking team bombarding it with airstrikes and covering the spawn points. Because Valor is less talented than the other 2 factions, they usually get too demoralized and flustered to care about defending the transport vehicles, allowing the attacking team to drive out without much of a fight.


Man said:
Since this thread is already bumped now, I posted some MAG 1.04 PS Move impressions in the other thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=23440529&postcount=2609

It's superb!

Good to hear.

Das-J was telling me and my clan about the Move last night and he said it's even better (than 1.04 beta) on the build he's been playing at work. The only downside to using the Move, according to him, is the fact that your arm / wrist gets tired after a few hours of playing. :lol

Zipper's been going crazy trying to make SOCOM 4 and MAG the best examples of what the Move can do in an online shooting game. Sony's been pushing them to make the aiming / shooting as precise and perfect as possible. Looks like they've done a great job so far, according to your and other people's impressions.

Personally, I'm too used to the DS3 to switch to Move. I've been using Playstation's various iterations of the Dual Shock controller for over a decade, so switching to a motion controller to play an online FPS would probably make me play worse, lol. But I hope to one day try out the Move for other games because I want to see just how precise it is. I play Wii almost everyday (my friends and I are addicted to Smash Bros. Brawl) but the Wiimote just isn't accurate enough for me.


Click, you're pretty legendary mp player around. You *really* should try Mag with Move controls. I would love to hear your input after you had tested it for a few hours.


Man said:
Click, you're pretty legendary mp player around. You *really* should try Mag with Move controls. I would love to hear your input after you had tested it for a few hours.

LOL, thanks. I wouldn't say I'm legendary but I am hated by 5 or 6 of the "elite clans" in MAG and respected by a few others. :D

To be honest, I just don't feel like spending $100 on the Move. If there are 2 or 3 absolutely amazing "must have" games that requires the Move to 'experience,' I might think about sinking $100 on it. I'm not going to waste $100 for a technology Sony decided to push, 4 years after they made fun of Nintendo for back in the day.


I downloaded the beta for Move support and every time I try to load it up it just goes to a black screen AFTER showing the Move warnings and a picture for the game. Any ideas on how to fix this so I can play?


Bread said:
I downloaded the beta for Move support and every time I try to load it up it just goes to a black screen AFTER showing the Move warnings and a picture for the game. Any ideas on how to fix this so I can play?

I believe the beta ends today or has already ended. I know this is the last week of the beta.

You'll just have wait a few weeks for "MAG 2.0" to come out. Not sure if they'll patch it sooner for Move support though...


Click said:
I believe the beta ends today or has already ended. I know this is the last week of the beta.

You'll just have wait a few weeks for "MAG 2.0" to come out. Not sure if they'll patch it sooner for Move support though...
UGH that's so disappointing to hear, I was really looking forward to using Move for an FPS.


Got an email from Sony tonight. MAG is a Greatest Hits title starting 9/28. The new box art has a Move logo on the Front so maybe the functionality is going live around that date.


Digital Foundry
Click said:
I believe the beta ends today or has already ended. I know this is the last week of the beta.

0_0 So close. My Move controller was due to arrive tomorrow.

I3rand0 said:
Got an email from Sony tonight. MAG is a Greatest Hits title starting 9/28. The new box art has a Move logo on the Front so maybe the functionality is going live around that date.
That's not so bad then. I'd take it as confirmation that the patch will be out within a week.

Are they considering charging for this at all? I'm only suspicious because I'd actually buckle for up to $5.


Cataferal said:
That's not so bad then. I'd take it as confirmation that the patch will be out within a week.

Are they considering charging for this at all? I'm only suspicious because I'd actually buckle for up to $5.

Zipper said "MAG 2.0" will be out in a "few weeks," so I doubt it'll be ready in less than a week. But like I said, they may or may not patch it for Move functionality prior to that huge patch goes live. Again, I doubt they'll do that but you never know...

I really don't think they'll charge people to play MAG with the Move. That would be retarded. They just want more people to buy the game, not charge extra money for Move functionality.

However, the 3 new maps / new game mode called Escalation will cost money. It's DLC so they have to charge for it. I just hope they give people who bought their previous DLC for $10 a big discount on this upcoming DLC because NOBODY plays their original DLC anymore. So many people wasted $10 for nothing.


Click said:
Zipper said "MAG 2.0" will be out in a "few weeks," so I doubt it'll be ready in less than a week. But like I said, they may or may not patch it for Move functionality prior to that huge patch goes live. Again, I doubt they'll do that but you never know...

I really don't think they'll charge people to play MAG with the Move. That would be retarded. They just want more people to buy the game, not charge extra money for Move functionality.

However, the 3 new maps / new game mode called Escalation will cost money. It's DLC so they have to charge for it. I just hope they give people who bought their previous DLC for $10 a big discount on this upcoming DLC because NOBODY plays their original DLC anymore. So many people wasted $10 for nothing.

Yes, its quite sad. maybe 15 poor saps queuing up every night when i check interdiction every night, so theres no way I'll pay $10 for that. They need to make it free, or at least give it free to PSN+ or something otherwise is a complete waste for everyone.


Kogepan said:
Yes, its quite sad. maybe 15 poor saps queuing up every night when i check interdiction every night, so theres no way I'll pay $10 for that. They need to make it free, or at least give it free to PSN+ or something otherwise is a complete waste for everyone.

They need to make it free AND revamp it completely.
I've said this many times before... get rid of the APCs (or at least half of them) and allow people to spawn at the letters. Make people fight for C. Interdiction maps are too big so if they can shrink it down a bit, that'll help too.

Interdiction can be a fun game mode but it's too flawed (and expensive) for people to play. It's bullshit that Raven has had those contracts for over a month now because nobody ever plays it so they can never lose those extremely important contracts. As if they needed more help winning their now overpowered Domination map with an overpowered damage bar....

BTW, MAG is only $18 used with free shipping from Gamefly:
That is a monster patch. That has to be the single biggest patch I've ever seen for a console game. Zipper have been working hard!

How big do we reckon it will be size wise?


around 40 for the initial patch and close to 550 for the full patch.

Patch Update said:
Patch v2.0
Available September 30th, 2010 | 36MB (TPPS), 532MB (DLS)

Gameplay (General)

* Character level cap has been increased from level 60
to level 70
* Added new “Supply Depot” menu and in-game economy
system (see “Gameplay – Economy” section for details)
* Implemented new “Clan Deploy” feature that allows
Clan Leaders and Officers to deploy into group queues of up to
128 players
* Characters moving from MAG v1.XX to MAG 2.0 will
receive an immediate and automatic Respec the first time they
log in
* Repair Kits can now inflict damage on enemy soldiers,
vehicles and objectives
* XP rate for “Repair” has been increased from 1.5XP/
10pts to 3XP/ 10pts
* Players can now track all “sprinting” enemies on the
mini-map without the need for equipment
* All “Damage Bar” rates for “Domination” maps have
reverted back to their original (and identical) values
* Tuned the frequency in which a player can jump to
eliminate “bunny hopper” techniques
* Reduced helicopter settle time, widened turret
rotation and significantly increased health to strengthen their
use as a forward spawn point
* The “Silent Step” OIC Leadership ability now works as
intended by allowing nearby squadmates to move at both regular
and running speeds without detection from the motion sensor –
does not stack with any related skills or modifiers

Gameplay – (Economy)

* Added in-game currency known as “Currency Points
(CP)” that is awarded for by completing objectives, earning
ribbons, finishing missions, and killing enemies
* All gear and weapons are now located by default or
can be sold or purchased in the “Supply Depot” menu

Gameplay – Skills (Overall)

* All Skills cost only one point per unlock, allowing
players to purchase new skills with every level increase
* Removed all gear and weapon attainment from the
“Skills” menu, they now reside in the separate “Supply Depot”
* Added “Engineering, Medical, Resistances, Special
Ops,” and ‘Vehicles” meta-categories to the “Skills” menu
* Removed “Electronics, Explosives, Heavy, Personal
Defense,” and “Support” meta-categories from the “Skills” menu
* Each meta-category in the “Skills” menu now has
multi-branching paths
* The “Advanced Grenades, Improved Resuscitation,
Improved Shot Detection, Improved Stealth,” and “Knives
Expanded Reach” skills have all been eliminated or rolled into
other skills (see Skills sub-sections below for details)
* Respec Points progression has been changed from 1K,
2K, 3K, 3K-Repeat to 1K, 3K, 5K, 5K-Repeat
* Respec Points can no longer be “banked” and are
capped at the amount needed for the next Respec

Gameplay – Skills (Assault)

* Added the following skills to the “Assault” menu:
“Assault Swap Speed” and “Rocket Launcher Reload Speed”
* Added three upgrade tiers to the following “Assault”
skills: “Assault Reload Speed, Assault Rifle Steady Aim,
Assault Swap Speed, Grenade Launcher Reload Speed,” and “Rocket
Launcher Reload Speed”
* “Assault Reload Speed” skill has changed and now
decreases the reload time for all assault rifles and machine
* “Assault Rifle Improved Stability” skill has been
renamed to “Assault Recoil Stability” and has been changed to
reduce the recoil on all assault rifles and machine guns
* “Assault Swap Speed” skill has been changed and now
decreases the amount of time it takes to swap assault rifles,
machine guns, rocket launchers and grenade launchers

Gameplay – Skills (Marksman)

* Added the following skills to the “Marksman” menu:
“Increased Scope Magnification, Marksman Fire Rate, Marksman
Recoil Stability” and “Marksman Swap Speed”
* Added three upgrade tiers to the following “Marksman”
skills: “Increased Scope Magnification, Marksman Fire Rate,
Marksman Reload Speed, Marksman Recoil Stability, Marksman
Steady Aim,” and “Marksman Swap Speed”
* New “Increased Scope Magnification” skill increases
the level of zoom when using a scope on a sniper rifle
* New “Marksman Fire Rate” skill increases the rate of
fire for all sniper rifles
* New “Marksman Recoil Stability” skill reduces the
amount of recoil on sniper rifles
* New “Marksman Swap Speed” skill decreases the amount
of time it takes to swap sniper rifles

Gameplay – Skills (Close Quarters)

* Added the following skills to the “Close Quarters”
menu: “Close Quarters Fire Rate, Close Quarters Swap Speed,
Improved Knife Damage,” and “Knife Frequency”
* Added three upgrade tiers to the following “Close
Quarters” skills: “Close Quarters Fire Rate, Close Quarters
Recoil Stability, Close Quarters Reload Speed, Close Quarters
Swap Speed, Improved Knife Damage,” and “Knife Frequency”
* “Close Quarters Improved Stability” skill has been
renamed to “Close Quarters Recoil” stability and has been
changed to reduced recoil on all pistols, personal defense
weapons, submachine guns and shotguns
* New “Close Quarters Fire Rate” skill increases the
fire rate of all pistols, personal defense weapons, submachine
guns and shotguns
* New “Close Quarters Swap Speed” skill decreases the
amount of time it takes to swap all pistols, personal defense
weapons, submachine guns and shotguns
* New “Improved Knife Damage” skill increases the
amount of damage knife attacks do to enemy soldiers
* “Knives Improved Swipe Speed” Skill has been renamed
to Knife Frequency” skill, which decreases the time between
knife attacks

Gameplay – Skills (Special Ops)

* Added the following skills, all with three-tiered
upgrades, to the “Special Ops” menu: “Extended Tracking
Duration, Improved Acoustic Locator, Improved Explosive
Detector, Improved Motion Tracker, Improved Sensor Jammer” and
“Improved Suppressors”
* New “Extended Tracking Duration” skill increases the
amount of time a detected enemy is tracked on the mini-map and
* New “Improved Acoustic Locator” skill increases the
effective range of an equipped Acoustic Locator gear item
* New “Improved Explosive Detector” skill allows a
soldier with an Explosives Detector gear item equipped to
approach enemy mines while prone without triggering them
* New “Improved Motion Tracker” skill increases the
range an equipped Motion Tracker gear item detects enemy
* New “Improved Sensor Jammer” skill allows a soldier
with Sensor Jammer gear items to move at a faster rate before
being spotted by enemy Motion Trackers, as well as masking
nearby squadmates
* New “Improved Suppressors” skill increases the
effectiveness of any suppressor when mounted on a weapon

Gameplay – Skills (Medical)

* Added the following skills, all with three-tiered
upgrades, to the “Medical” menu: “Heal Recharge Rate, Improved
Healing, Improved Resupply Rate, Medical Kit Heal Range, Self
Heal Speed,” and “Resuscitation”
* New “Heal Recharge Rate” skill reduces the time
between medical kit and first aid kit applications
* New “Improved Resupply Rate” skill reduces the time
it takes to refill your gear and ammo at supply points
* New “Medical Kit Heal Range” skill increases the
range a medical kit can heal wounded teammates
* New “Self Heal Speed” skill decreases the time it
takes to apply a first aid kit or medical kit when self-healing

Gameplay – Skills (Engineering)

* Added the following skills, all with three-tiered
upgrades, to the “Engineering” menu: “Advanced Electronics,
Advanced Explosives, Improved Repair Kit Damage, Improved
Repairing,” and “Mine Deploy Speed”
* New “Advanced Electronics” skill decreases the amount
of time it takes to take control of battlefield
electronics-based objectives
* New “Improved Repair Kit Damage” skill increases the
amount of damage the repair kit does to enemy soldiers,
vehicles and objective assets
* New “Mine Deploy Speed” skill reduces the amount of
time it takes to deploy anti-personnel and anti-tank mines

Gameplay – Skills (Athleticism)

* Added the following skills to the “Athleticism” menu:
“Increased Launcher Move Speed, Increased Move Speed,” and
“Improved Sprint Speed”
* Added three upgrade tiers to the following
“Athleticism” skills: “Advanced Paratrooper, Increased
Endurance, Increased Launcher Move Speed, Increased Move Speed,
Improved Sprint Recovery,” and “Improved Sprint Speed”
* New “Increased Launcher Move Speed” skill increases
the top speed a soldier moves and aims while holding a rocket
* New “Increased Move Speed” skill increases the top
speed a soldier moves normally
* New “Improved Sprint Speed” skill increases the top
speed a soldier moves while sprinting

Gameplay – Skills (Vehicles)

* Added the following skills, all with three-tiered
upgrades, to the “Vehicles” menu: “Improved Smoke Screen Rate,
Improved Turret Cooldown, Improved Vehicle Awareness, Improved
Vehicle Impact Damage, Increased Vehicle Speed,” and “Vehicle
Mine Resistance”
* New “Improved Smoke Screen Rate” skill reduces the
amount of time between smoke screens activated by the driver of
the vehicle
* New “Improved Turret Cooldown” skill reduces the time
it takes for the soldier’s turret weapon to cool down after it
has overheated
* New “Improved Vehicle Awareness” skill makes the
mini-map visible while a soldier is manning a vehicle or bunker
turret and can be upgraded to add base Acoustic Locator and
Motion Tracker functionality
* New “Improved Vehicle Impact Damage” skill increases
the amount of damage inflicted on enemy soldiers when impacted
by the driver’s vehicle
* New “Increased Vehicle Speed” skill increases the top
speed of the vehicle the soldier is driving
* New “Vehicle Mine Resistance” skill decreases the
amount of damage a vehicle the soldier is driving takes from
enemy anti-vehicle mines

Gameplay – Skills (Resistances)

* Added the following skills, all with three-tiered
upgrades, to the “Resistances” menu: “Chemical Damage
Resistance, Extended Bleedout, Explosive Damage Resistance
Flashbang Resistance, Impact Damage Resistance,” and “Increased
* New “Extended Bleedout” skill increases the time a
soldier can remain incapacitated before he bleeds out
* New “Flashbang Resistance” skill decreases the
duration a soldier is affected by flashbang grenades


* Increased base damage on most automatic weapons by an
average of 15%
* Improved the spread rate of Assault Rifles and
Submachine guns when auto-firing so that they remain accurate
* All suppressors now reduce shooting detection range
by half of their old default value
* Knife tuning: Reduced range by roughly 30 centimeters
and decreased default “facing” damage bonuses
* Knife tuning: Changed knife attack angle so that a
hit requires target to be closer to the center of the screen
* Shotgun tuning: Corrected issue that prevented all
shotguns from reloading when the player was still holding the
“fire” button
* Explosive tuning: Anti-personnel Mines now have a
“line of sight” check for detonation and have been given a more
realistic damage cone
* Explosive tuning: Increased “Anti-tank Mine” damage
to vehicles by 50%

Gear and Apparel

* Explosives Detector no longer beeps when in proximity
of a teammate’s mines — only when near an enemy’s; beep
frequency has also been adjusted
* Motion Tracker has been updated so that it is no
longer based on an enemy’s speed and is now based on an enemy’s
stance, detecting movement for all un-jammed players
* The Sensor Jammer had been updated so that all prone
movement by the equipped player is masked; can be enhanced with
“Improved Sensor Jammer” skill to mask crouched movement at
level 1, walking at level 2 and sprinting at level 3
* Light/ Improved Light Armor base speed has been
reduced by nearly 3%
* Heavy/ Improved Heavy Armor base speed has been
increased by nearly 3%
* Light and Heavy Armor types have been given “bonus”
modifiers when used in conjunction with “Speed” skills so that
Light Armors receive greater benefits and Heavy Armors receive
lesser benefits


* Added “Community News” page to better inform players
in-game of all MAG-related events or promotions
* Different grenade types now show specific in-game
icons when thrown
* Repaired bug that would sometimes result in the
post-game results screen displaying the incorrect amount of
earned XP
* Added “Total Awarded Currency Points” to “Bonuses”
section of the character “Stats” page

Audio/ Visual

* Thrown or launched grenades now have a “trail” effect
as well as an updated overall appearance to make them more
visible on the battlefield
* Solved issue that prevented equipped grenades to
appear in the player’s hand prior to throwing them
* An assortment of camera and animation optimizations
for various scenarios including but not limited to iron sight/
laser sight zoom, ladder climbing, mine placement,
self-healing, and weapon swapping
* Improved presentation of the character “jump”
* Updated various pieces of artwork with newer versions
for better performance
* Fixed issue that sometimes prevented medical device
appearance and/ or animations from displaying properly
* Increased the Sensor Array’s animation time to match
the duration of its usage
* Repaired bug that prevented the “Alarm” audio from
being played when charges were planted at “Objective C” in the
“Syr Daria Uplink” and “Darrien Network” maps
* Slightly lowered the amount of camera shake from air
strikes, explosions, and when firing weapons
* Repaired camera “pop” problem that would sometimes
occur when sprinting out of a parachute drop
* Removed “shiny” graphics that would randomly appear
on bridges for all maps in which a bridge is present
* Fixed issue that prevented win/ loss voice-over from
being played when game clock expires in “Interdiction” mode
* Improved visual appearance of the Ribbon awards


* MAG now fully supports the PlayStation Move
* Fixed “Spooning Elevator” bug that allowed players
who revived downed teammates while laying on top of them to
float upwards and reach areas not intended to be accessed
* “MVP” criteria no longer considers bonus XP modifiers
in its equation
* Repaired issue that disconnected some members of
large-sized clans from the MAG game environment when logging in
* Fixed issue that would sometimes halt the patching
process at 99% of the install period
* Resupply Depots have been optimized so that the meter
accurately reflects what is being resupplied and the resupply
process itself is more efficient
* Players can no longer take the driver’s seat in
vehicles that are not their squad’s “spawn” APC, but can take
any other seat in the vehicle regardless if their squad “owns”
the APC or not
* Repaired issue with “Happy Hour” timer that would
sometimes shave a few minutes off the correct total
* Solved problem that sometimes caused incapacitated
players to rotate and move around
* Players are now prevented from spawning inside a
helicopter that is headed out of the map
* Mended problem that caused the “Primary Objectives
Completed” stat to sometimes double for various game types
* Made additional fixes for rare “game crash” scenarios
* Various localization updates and changes
Incredible patch. The only thing I don't like is the fact that respect points now don't go beyond 5k, but I understand why this change was made.

Should we make a new OT? The changes from launch to 2.0 are extreme. Probably the biggest tuning of a console game I've seen in my life. I don't think many people visit this OT anymore that aren't hardcore MAG players, so many people are missing out on checking these new featrues.
That's an impressive patch. I haven't played since the original beta but picked up a used copy for £10 the other day and it seems like I made a good choice. I thought the only thing coming in the patch was Move support :lol


Oh wow can't believe the patch goes live today. Awesome. I jumped back into MAG lastnight after playing Halo:Reach everyday since release....not an easy adjustment haha. Amazing how different the guns feel (not in a good or bad way, just different). Looks like I will be playing MAG again tonight. If anyones looking to play I will be on 8pm est PSN: KiKaLs


Hmm, I thought 2.0 patch was 36MB but my PS3 is downloading another 520MB after downloading the 36MB patch. :( My MAG is PAL , I downloaded 36MB patch from US PSN, maybe it's related I don't know.

I canceled the 520MB download, switched to EU account , launched the game, MOVE instructions appeared, but resumed to download that 520MB again. :( Boothisupdate.gif


JardeL said:
Hmm, I thought 2.0 patch was 36MB but my PS3 is downloading another 520MB after downloading the 36MB patch. :( My MAG is PAL , I downloaded 36MB patch from US PSN, maybe it's related I don't know.

I canceled the 520MB download, switched to EU account , launched the game, MOVE instructions appeared, but resumed to download that 520MB again. :( Boothisupdate.gif

That's how MAG updates work. See the original post on EU. You first download a small patch then it goes online in the game and downloads the rest of the patch.


JardeL said:
That sux. :(

Are they going to repress greatest hits discs with all of the insane patching they've done on their game. I can't imagine anyone wanting to play this game after hours of downloading patches. On an 18M down connection the first couple updates took hours. Thanks Zipper you guys are so awesome for supporting your game!!


Lagspike_exe said:
Incredible patch. The only thing I don't like is the fact that respect points now don't go beyond 5k, but I understand why this change was made.

Should we make a new OT? The changes from launch to 2.0 are extreme. Probably the biggest tuning of a console game I've seen in my life. I don't think many people visit this OT anymore that aren't hardcore MAG players, so many people are missing out on checking these new featrues.

I'm probably going to put a little bit of info in the OP, with a link to all the info on the patch as it's too much.

DL'n now. Not too large of a patch. Sucks I went vet again though, I thought I'd get a heads up on the launch of this.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Hmm, I sold my Mag off but now I think I want to buy it again. Gah, maybe I'll buy on the way home.

Edit: is there still a gaf clan?


Sonic handles my blue balls
If you don't mind buying it used, Gamefly is selling the game for $17.99 with free shipping. Gamefly purchases are usually in good quality and come with a case+manual that look untouched.


When the game first came out playing with GAF Sver was amazing. We were kind of unstoppable. But as soon as we hit 50 and half the team switched factions it all fell apart. :-(


IPoopStandingUp said:
If you don't mind buying it used, Gamefly is selling the game for $17.99 with free shipping. Gamefly purchases are usually in good quality and come with a case+manual that look untouched.


When the game first came out playing with GAF Sver was amazing. We were kind of unstoppable. But as soon as we hit 50 and half the team switched factions it all fell apart. :-(

Seems like now could be the perfect time to try and set it back up, especially since you can have multiple characters in different factions now.


IPoopStandingUp said:
If you don't mind buying it used, Gamefly is selling the game for $17.99 with free shipping. Gamefly purchases are usually in good quality and come with a case+manual that look untouched.


When the game first came out playing with GAF Sver was amazing. We were kind of unstoppable. But as soon as we hit 50 and half the team switched factions it all fell apart. :-(



As for setting up a new GAF clan, we gotta pick a faction that everyone can agree to STAY on this time. I've got characters in all 3 PMCs (3 alts in Valor alone, lol) but I won't be leaving my clan in SVER so if we decide to make the clan in SVER, I'd have to make another alt. I also can't play MAG too often anymore except early afternoon and late at night (EST).

Even with MAG 2.0 out, I'm not sure there'll be enough GAF'fers to have a legit clan going for a prolonged period of time. GAF usually plays something new(ish) for a few weeks at most, then most of them quit. Plus, Medal of Honor, BC: Viet., and Black Ops are all coming out soon...

What do you all want to do?

fixuis said:
Definitely make a new OP for this awesomeness lagspike.

Definitely don't.
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