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MAG |OT| 256-Player Battles, Lots of Teamwork, Not So Much Auto-Aim


Violater said:
Upon reaching the Maximum level in the game. If I choose to go into veteran mode will this allow me to switch PMC and keep the points I have earned?

Veteran mode???

i know you have to wait to be asked by one of the other PMC if you would like to join them, thus i am guessing you will get to keep your respec points. i just looked in the manual and it mentions nothing about what happens, hopefully when you get an invite it will say that you keep them.

P.S at the launch event we all started at level 60 and so i respeced(they didnt give us time for the first match) and got to experiment with most of the stuff i will be getting and the tech i didnt use last time.


Kowak said:
Veteran mode???

i know you have to wait to be asked by one of the other PMC if you would like to join them, thus i am guessing you will get to keep your respec points. i just looked in the manual and it mentions nothing about what happens, hopefully when you get an invite it will say that you keep them.

P.S at the launch event we all started at level 60 and so i respeced(they didnt give us time for the first match) and got to experiment with most of the stuff i will be getting and the tech i didnt use last time.

Which interview is this from.
I was just listening to the PSNation podcast http://www.psnation.org/2010/01/21/episode-149-magtasia/ Around the 38:08 minute mark the question comes up. But the answer does not seem absolute enough.


Law of the West
Not sure if you guys noticed but the new MAG.com went live today!


NOTE: If it takes you to the old site you might need to clear you cache.
Das-J said:
Not sure if you guys noticed but the new MAG.com went live today!


NOTE: If it takes you to the old site you might need to clear you cache.
Very cool. Just a quick tip you can pass on to Olivia Darby: news reporters don't move their heads from side to side suggestively; people who are trying to sell you something do.


is now taking requests
KGKK said:
Solid Snake and Big Boss would have chosen Valor therefore they are better:D
The Patriots are Raven
SVER is Meryl/Johny

SVER is Brock Lesnar
Valor is Arn Anderson
Raven is the Nature Boy, Ric Flair - Woooooo!


For those of you who've gone through the experience (preleminary but still), what are your impressions of the game ? All I've been reading are technical details, strategies and war approaches... (Might be the wrong thread to ask the question though...) :D

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
jorma said:
SVER is Brock Lesnar
Valor is Arn Anderson

Raven is the Nature Boy, Ric Flair - ...




I actually started watching some classic WCW nitros that i have left on my desktop(wanted to rewatch the nWo years, my gosh the horsemen sucked. Arn was the only one out of everyone not getting laid and he constantly looks frustrated about this fact. also sad that off the 96 edition of the horsemen/valets, three of them are dead.)

i played a bit of MW2 today and since playing MAG it just felt empty(only played to game with a guy from work)

Although, it did make me want to see what suppression will be like in MAG. I just that it will let you decide who you can play against. It would be nice to be able to play against the other clans every now and again for bragging rights.
KGKK said:
Solid Snake and Big Boss would have chosen Valor therefore they are better:D
The Patriots are Raven
SVER is Meryl/Johny

nah. Solidus Snake past presidency, Liquid Snake past daddy issues and Big Boss past parting with Zero would all choose SVER.
Hell, Big Boss basically founded something like SVER!

Solid Snake is the black sheep of the family.

Though maybe we are all just a part of some guys (Ocelot past
) big plan who secretly owns all big PMCs D:


SolidusDave said:
nah. Solidus Snake past presidency, Liquid Snake past daddy issues and Big Boss past parting with Zero would all choose SVER.
Hell, Big Boss basically founded something like SVER!

Solid Snake is the black sheep of the family.

Though maybe we are all just a part of some guys (Ocelot past
) big plan who secretly owns all big PMCs D:

i just thought to myself that Raiden would most likely join Raven. I am slightly ashamed by this fact
i love him really


Kowak said:
i just thought to myself that Raiden would most likely join Raven. I am slightly ashamed by this fact
i love him really

Yeah Raiden is so Raven:lol
Young Ocelot
would have chosen Valor*does hand Ocelot gesture*


Boogat said:
I gave up playing tonight because I was sick of sitting in 10+minute queues.

Really? What faction? I'm in S.V.E.R. and it's rollin' real quick. I'm level 20 so maybe that's why it is easier? I have no clue.


Damn, didn't have time to play these past few days. Oh well, I'll be resting up the old sniper trigger finger until launch day.

Das, that website is pretty nice. Ranks up there with some of the sleekest this gen. Good job! Since we're closer to launch now, care to give your GAF faithful some new info'z? :D


Johnny, the servers are still going (I just left Click)...so if you wanna play a bit quick...maybe they're not going to be as finite with the end date/time for the IGN tourney...

I didn't see this mentioned before...but this IGN preview just pisses me off:


It makes me worried about the kind of community this game will get, i.e. hopefully it will be large enough. But Click and I were talking during our games tonight, he was saying it'll all be word of mouth...makes sense. I know I am pimpin' this game hard with my friends.

Goodnight, y'all...GG.


sk3tch said:
Really? What faction? I'm in S.V.E.R. and it's rollin' real quick. I'm level 20 so maybe that's why it is easier? I have no clue.
S.V.E.R. as well. I think the fact that I was in a group of 6 guys wasn't helping at all.


Crystal Bearer
AranhaHunter said:
WTF is this shit?

"Amazing online game for the PS3, which that system really needs"
"They need to step up to the plate and knock a home run, if it doesn't then I"m a little worried about online on PS3"



sk3tch said:
Johnny, the servers are still going (I just left Click)...so if you wanna play a bit quick...maybe they're not going to be as finite with the end date/time for the IGN tourney...

I didn't see this mentioned before...but this IGN preview just pisses me off:


Meh, too tired, just heading to bed. I'll just wait it out.

As far as reviews go, I honestly don't believe many will catch onto how great this game is. They'll all try to compare it to MW2, which is "zomg hotness" atm, and they're all basically super-casuals.
J-Rzez said:
Meh, too tired, just heading to bed. I'll just wait it out.

As far as reviews go, I honestly don't believe many will catch onto how great this game is. They'll all try to compare it to MW2, which is "zomg hotness" atm, and they're all basically super-casuals.

I agree the only thing it has in common with mw2 is that its an fps it pretty much ends there. He moans about camping and then says it makes him appriate mw2 more, ffs mw2 has got to be one of the most campfested games ive ever played.:lol


Not pure anymore!
Kowak said:
i just thought to myself that Raiden would most likely join Raven. I am slightly ashamed by this fact
i love him really
Solid Snake from MGS1 and MGS4 would definitely go Raven. And how dare you say that? Raiden is cooler than Snake!


Man, that IGN "preview" was such a huge pile of shit, I feel the need to debunk it.

Greg Miller said:
I enjoy running and gunning as much as the next guy and taking down a room filled with enemies, but it's a pain to wait 20 seconds to respawn, then run forever to the next objective, and then get sniped by someone camping over on the horizon. Don't get me wrong, I know that happens in these types of games all the time, but you're being asked to cover a lot more ground than your usual shooter and then you have to wait upwards of 20 seconds to respawn.

He must be running off by himself like a retard and getting killed constantly like the crappy player he is. Oh noes! You gotta wait 20 seconds to respawn!?! WTF is that shit? This game sucks! Everyone should just respawn instantly right there and then where they died. Oh wait. They can! Someone can just shoot a green cloud on you from 3m out and you instantly pop right back up!

Fuck this MAG game. Why can't it be more like MW2 where if you die you have to... wait for the respawn timer and run back into action (or insta-die due to the shitty spawn points and various killstreaks).

Obviously this dude has no patience, nor does he mention the fact that the respawn timer isn't static. It's constantly counting down, so you can catch the timer when it's on 1, 2, 3, etc. seconds away from respawning you and your team. Oh yeah, and you can look at your dead teammates (if there's any) to see whether or not the timer is close to respawing (the red bar going down shows how close the respawn timer is). You can either wait for a medic to heal you or just press the respawn button.

Which brings me to the fact that you're supposed to run into battle with your team / squad, not lone-wolf like a schmuck. When you get hit, you can heal yourself. When you die, you can usually get a revive.

Sniped after running to the objective area? Well, don't run around the objective area for starters. Maybe he's too stupid to realize that if you run, people see you easier on their screen and they also see a red dot on their radar if they're close to you. How about actually taking cover and moving (walking/crouching) tactically, rather than "running and gunning" out in the open where people can snipe and shoot your ass?

Yep. The maps are huge and yeah, you do have to "cover a lot more ground than your usual shooter." Objectives usually doesn't take longer than 15 seconds to run to from your spawn point... maybe half a minute if you actually play smart, take your time, and not run all the way there. And that's to the objective areas. Usually, it takes less than 10 seconds to run to where all the action and shooting is. Heck, Acquisition and Domination even has APCs that are traveling spawn points. But hey, I suppose large maps are a bad thing these days, right?

Greg Miller said:
MAG seems to be lacking in the fun department – at least at the moment.

What an insightful 1-liner, eh? Guess he had to make this statement stand out within this bitch-fest.

I wonder how long he actually played the game for before writing this crap up. Hopefully longer than the half an hour Hilary (lol, always found this to be a hilarious male name), their Editor in Chief, and Jim has played before bashing MAG.

Fun factor is such a subjective term...

Greg Miller said:
........That's where the beta isn't really getting the point. I've played and had a number of editors play at my desk today, and it's pretty rare to find a group of kids rocking headsets. I know a lot of people don't talk when they play online titles, but the cornerstone of this game is communicating with each other as a cohesive army. Usually, I'm only finding one or two people in my eight-person platoon who can audibly communicate with me. Without that avenue, everyone runs around doing their own thing.

That's funny. Most of the games I've played has had at least half the squad with headsets. Even playing with randoms, people still have headsets. Clans, obviously everyone has headsets.

Sometimes people just don't want to talk. Sometimes, players are lazy and don't want to call out enemy positions, call for revives, have a conversation on the phone through their headsets, scream obscenities like they do on XBL, etc. Let's blame MAG for that and say the game "isn't really getting the point."

"Everyone runs around doing their own thing?" Sounds to me like these IGN douchebags were guilty of this.

Greg Miller said:
I mean, people are bleeding out all over the place – you can choose to respawn when shot to death or wait a while hoping someone comes along to revive you – and no one is helping each other. It was super-rare for there to be coordinated attacks on targets.

Here we go again. More bitching about dying and respawning....

"No one is helping each other?" "Super-rare for there to be coordinated attacks on targets?" Again, I wonder how many games Greg has played. Because either he's unlucky and played a few games with shitty / newbie players (it is a BETA for crying out loud), or he's only played a few games and didn't experience good teamwork like I have in most of my games.

Maybe once people learn that reviving and healing other players give you crazy XP and is actually worth the hassle, they'll start doing it... AFTER the game actually comes out for a month or so. I know he's basing all these retarded comments off of beta phase 5.0, but their own "tournament" had almost everyone helping each other out all the time (due to point-whoring/exploiting for the prizes). If you didn't get healed, it was usually because you're out in bumblefuck where teammates can't get to or don't want to run out to; or they don't have a med kit on them.

Greg Miller said:
When you start the beta, you only have access to 64-player matches, so you'll have to level up to get to the point where you can have 256 people just running all over the place.

See, I wouldn't have gotten so upset at reading this terrible article if it wasn't full of bullshit remarks like this. Fine, inform people that you start out on smaller maps / player counts, but was it really necessary to add that last line?

Yeah, Zipper purposely starts people out slow so they learn about the game mechanics. By the time you reach Domination, you're not supposed to be "just running all over the place." But I guess Greg here is still "just running all over the place" like a jackass, getting sniped over and over, eh?

Greg Miller said:
Of course, this is still a beta; things are probably going to change between now and the game's January 26th release date, but right now, MAG isn't doing it for me. I feel like I spawn, run for a really long time, maybe pop a couple of guys, and then get waxed. Next, I have to wait to respawn and do it all over again.

Thanks for reminding people this is still a beta, Greg. I was starting to think this was a review of a 4 out of 10 game. Whew.

Man, it must suck not to be able to kill 2 squads by yourself. So you run around a bit, maybe kill a few people and... don't die? OK, so you want to be in Godmode? WTF?

I guess actually accomplishing objectives (setting/defusing charges, defending/attacking objective areas, reviving/healing teammates, repairing vehicles/destroyed objectives, driving/shooting in an APC, etc. etc.) is such a new concept to these IGN asshats, all Greg can do is just "pop a couple of guys," die, and respawn.

No wonder MAG isn't "doing it" for him. He has absolutely no clue how to play the game, nor has he given the game enough time to "grow" on him.

Greg Miller said:
The guns are cool and leveling-up to earn skill points to spend on modifications is a fine idea, but the experience of snagging those rewards is so bland and at times frustrating – why can't I stop reloading to do a quick knife attack? I look like an idiot running up on a guy, starting a reload, and having to dance around while I finish that animation so that I can have the ability to stab again. Why isn't there one button that handles throwing a grenade instead of having to cycle to it and then pull a trigger? Why do RPGs pack no punch?

Wow, he actually said something nice about MAG... followed by a "but" and a paragraph full of more bashing and complaints.

Not really a surprise he bitched about not being able to stop reloading to knife someone. Sure, it'd be nice to do such a thing and be like every other shooter, but realistically, when you reload a weapon, can you instantly put away your gun and magazine, pull your knife out, and kill someone in front of you? Umm... no. That's why the bayonet was invented. Because it's impossible to do this in real life. OK, so it's also impossible to do a lot of other things in MAG as well, but you get my point. Maybe Zipper wanted to be different from all other shooters and require players to find cover first or make sure everyone in front of you is dead before reloading.

About not being able to switch to grenades instantly... umm, you can do that if you set grenades to your first optional equipment slot. I don't, but that's because I prefer having my med kit as my first L2 button press. Sure, cycling through 1, 2, or 3 items does kind of suck and I do hope the retail version will have a fully customizable control function. But bitching about something you failed to realize you can actually do is just silly.

RPGs sucking? Not really. They're just not an overpowered "I win" weapon like in most FPSs. They're really meant for destroying vehicles, turrets, and respawn helicopters, but they can also insta-kill infantry.... with a direct hit or if the target is already hurt. Maybe Greg didn't know how to shoot the RPGs and would rather just bitch about it sucking. I'm glad RPGs aren't an insta-kill within a 5m radius like in most other games. They eventually get nerfed anyway so I prefer them to be exactly the way they are now.

Greg Miller said:
MAG isn't a lost cause or anything. The game looks pretty at points, there's a deep leveling system, and if you get a bunch of hardcore players together, the army dynamic might workout. However, I wasn't having that great of an experience today, and neither were the other IGN editors who picked up the controller. Here's what they had to say…

You're right. MAG isn't a lost cause. It's actually a fuck-awesome game... after playing it for more than the 2 or 3 hours, which it seems these IGN "editors" didn't even give the game before writing this piece of shit "preview." With a "bunch of hardcore players together, the army dynamic DOES work out." Not might. It does and much, much more. But you don't even need "hardcore" players for this game to be fun. You just need some knowledge of the game mechanics, the maps, and good teamwork.

I won't even bother responding to the other 2 numbnuts below Greg's bash-a-thon. They obviously had even less playtime than he did and their shit-talking is even worse.

I usually trust IGN's reviews and scores more than other sites. But this was just a pathetic article or "preview." Hopefully, their review is much more informed with more playtime, less cynicism, and less bashing.

I might even write up my own "preview" soon because I saw quite a few people here ask for a first impression write-up.


Most journos won't bother giving MAG the time investment that it deserves. It will be a love/hate kind of game for just about everyone. I think it was BruceLeeRoy who posted his own analysis of the first 10 hours of gameplay that were pretty spot on for a lot of players. I suspect press members like those at IGN will give up before hitting the point of no return in MAG. The point where you experience a stream of matches with your squadmates working together for a major victory, the point where everything clicks and you're sold on the experience.

Anyway, how was the last day of the IGN tourney for SVER GAF, Click? I was out for the evening and when I got home late I figured I may as well hold off on it till release Tuesday.


Nice post Click. And fuck Greg Miller. It sounds like he played half of a match and based his opinions on that. What a dumbass.
Hey GAF! Just wondered if any other EU journo types had gotten their review code and if they knew the dealio with servers and the like. I got my code on Thursday but am unable to create a character.

Do any journos know when they're switching the servers on for us?

In other news, absolutely stoked for the game here. Loved the beta. Hope other reviewers put the time in, as you definitely need to invest into MAG to get anything out.


lol at ign.

i seriouslyb have not played a shooter before where there is as much help and comunication going on than in mag.

if i get shot there is seriously like 2 or 3 people fighting over who gets to revive me 1st .. and with frago bonues to be had i'm usually near a group of other people ..ie .. near an objective.

= people doing what they are meant to

= people helping each other

you don't even need heatsets to see it happen either, it's that good and basic enough a system.

the US gaming press really makes me sad some times.


Lol Greg Miller is the biggest Sony fanboy at IGN, but FPS is not his thing.
I wouldn't put much stock into his comments, he is just telling it how he in his limited time with the game sees it.


I don't Greg's article doesn't sound tha tunreasonable to me and reflects some of my experiences with the Beta. I really did not enjoy this game and quit playing it after a day.


Xater said:
I don't Greg's article doesn't sound tha tunreasonable to me and reflects some of my experiences with the Beta. I really did not enjoy this game and quit playing it after a day.
I see your problem. How many hours did you even put in on that one day?


Greg Miller didn't play the same game that we did. He also shows his inexperience in games like this by saying he was sniped by someone camping over the horizon. Obviously just another scrub that doesn't understand proper terminology.

Anyone who say that don't like "campers", and want to go back to MW2 is completely lost. It makes you question if they even play these games. I seriously doubt it anymore.


TheFallen said:
I see your problem. How many hours did you even put in on that one day?

I would argue it really only takes 2-3 hours of play (with a decent group) to make a determination of whether you like this game or not. For anyone reading this, just join a GAF clan and give it a go. Play with GAFfers and it is way more fun...even though you don't really "know" them...it's nice to have that sense of community.

I played beta 5 for like 10 minutes and threw my controller away. I think I rolled Raven and I just got destroyed. I'm glad I signed up for the IGN tourney because 20+ hours of gameplay during that time period later and I'm hooked!


TheFallen said:
Most journos won't bother giving MAG the time investment that it deserves. It will be a love/hate kind of game for just about everyone. I think it was BruceLeeRoy who posted his own analysis of the first 10 hours of gameplay that were pretty spot on for a lot of players. I suspect press members like those at IGN will give up before hitting the point of no return in MAG. The point where you experience a stream of matches with your squadmates working together for a major victory, the point where everything clicks and you're sold on the experience.

Anyway, how was the last day of the IGN tourney for SVER GAF, Click? I was out for the evening and when I got home late I figured I may as well hold off on it till release Tuesday.

Yeah, the reviews coming out for this game on Monday are going to suck ass. I just don't see how any review is going to be fair or accurate if they're coming out before the game's release. Hopefully sites will do re-reviews afterwards, but usually by then, it's already too late for most "mainstream" gamers because they already saw the numerical score and dismissed the game.

Reviewing any online-only game is tough and requires A LOT of playtime and knowledge of the game before passing judgment... something most reviewers just won't have. Reviewing MAG is similar to trying to review a MMO even though it's not really a MMO at all.

Like I told sketch (I think), MAG will do well, but only because of word of mouth. It will not attract casual players that play MW2. Which is actually a good thing if you think about it...

Anyway, last night was a bit weird. We won most of the last few matches we played (attacking as SVER) within 5-10 minutes. Extremely fast wins.

Then there was 1 SVER defense game where almost everyone (including myself because I re-spec'd and didn't have time to re-do my loadout) had our repair kits out, running around with sparkles everywhere, lol. At the time, I was cracking up and didn't know what was going on. I found out on the official forums that they were celebrating the end of the tourny with sparklers. We lost so bad that game but it was hilarious.

Only sketch and Anton (he didn't join my party but we still got grouped together once or twice) was on last night. Would've been nice to have more on, but oh well.


get2sammyb said:
Hey GAF! Just wondered if any other EU journo types had gotten their review code and if they knew the dealio with servers and the like. I got my code on Thursday but am unable to create a character.

Do any journos know when they're switching the servers on for us?

In other news, absolutely stoked for the game here. Loved the beta. Hope other reviewers put the time in, as you definitely need to invest into MAG to get anything out.

i doubt they will switch them on just for journalists as it would be almost impossible to have a game.

Click, your the man. Seems MAG GAF unites against IGN. I couldnt believe it when i reqad that article, it was so obvious that had a biased towards the game before they played it and were never going to give it the time it deserved. Its not a game that can be judged just on a few hours of play. I think the whole of GAF would have given up on it based on the first two or three hours.


I totally agree. This game just won't get the respect it deserves because the reviewers are just ultra-casuals who won't put the time into the game it needs. They also won't like the depth and the lack of instant gratification. They'll run with message board non-sense of people not playing together, lack of headsets, no one rez'n (as previously shown, but we all know that's solid bullshit as people will run from the other side of the map for the pts), that they get killed by snipers "camping" (not defending) the objectives, and that they won't get that many kills due to the lack of over-done auto aim.

"This game may appeal to the hardcore, as it'll need lots of time to level up. It takes 10 minutes to run to an objective as the maps are too large. If you have 100 friends to play with the game may work, but be honest, who has that many friends! It's confusing you don't know what to do, even with the directives set before the mission and the squad leader frago'n objectives, and the big markings on the screen and map." Something along the lines of that. They'll also disregard certain factors like "omg running maps so big!" with other reviews too, like BC2 will some how be immune to.

I predict since this is so far off from the way MW2 plays, I'd expect 7's due to the lack of knowledge and skill these reviewers have shown in the past. They'll also gripe about the lack of a SP campaign, disregarding the merits of the game having the most depth of any shooter launched this gen on consoles, and that it rivals the best PC shooters in said depth and gameplay. This game deserves a 9 from what i've played of it. Not a bit lower.

It's a shame too, because this is the best shooter to hit a console, and we need more like this to break away from the mold of the same old shit every time. Then again, they "may" treat it like SOCOM, where they don't understand those things, but understand how it can appeal to gamers that do like it and score it properly. Guess we'll see.
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